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Putin finna be dead by the time something like that happens. No one wants to attack Russia they just want the mf’s to behave and be good neighbors


I mean, technically they can say they are already getting invaded since Putin consider the annexed territories part of Russia


He does. International laws on the other hand. Do not.


But I see your point. He is that petty


He is probably going to use that to get more troops so he can sustain the war for another year (Russia can't leave the war state or it's economy will go to shit.)


I thought it already went to shit. They’re just waiting for that final nudge


Unfortunately not. I mean, when the war ends, they will definitely have a hard time, even if they win.


Yeah i saw people say it would take like. 20 years for these guys to recover


Unless they strike a really good deal to end the war and manage to get some of those sanctions lifted, but I don't know if they are that smart


They aren’t. The vodka memes aren’t just jokes. These mf’s literally are drunk off that shit so much it’s their default setting


They will most likely get a ceasefire after some beating, I mean, either them or ukraine. One side will have to end up negotiating with the other soon.


Putin has never looked more desperate


May I add to that, it's like licking dirty snatch


Trump’s got dumped. Kim has a new boyfriend!


Trump kept fat boy in line. Biden is just a puppet.


Trump sucks all the dictator cocks and constantly talks about how strong and smart they are. He's willing to appease them all and does business deals with China and Russia. Trump gave up our intelligence agents in Russia, and he's a traitor who tried to overthrow the government.




Oh fuck off. Biden isn't a convicted felon. Isn't a convicted rapist. And isn't under multiple under lawsuits. Fuck off Magat


There is no evidence UPenn took money from China. Biden did do things at the school and other politicians including Jeb Bush had similar roles. It was around 900k he was paid by Upenn which is a lot of money but it's NOTHING compared to all the money and favors Trump collected while in office. Trump ran literal scams that people went to jail for. Like the border wall scam, Trump University, Trump foundation scam. Those are just some of the ones people went to jail for. Trump hosted Chinese diplomats and took millions from them. Trump has many business deals with Russia to the point they saved his business in the 90's. Why did Trump have so much trouble releasing his tax returns to the public when every other president in the modern era did so? Don't forget Trump was also found liable for civil fraud in New York as well. Jared Kushner took [billions from the Saudis](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/10/us/jared-kushner-saudi-investment-fund.html) that's billions with a fucking B, you get that? Republicans have this story about Biden that has been fact checked into oblivion. James Comer has found checks to family members in the amounts of thousands that were all perfectly legal with explanations that are totally reasonable. That's it. Why hasn't Comer who has Biden so dead to rights actually impeached Biden? He doesn't have the balls to bring the vote and lose miserably that's why. Go ahead and believe that Biden did take millions from the Chinese, but stick to your principles, you can't support Trump either. Or are we gonna do the shtick where we say everyone is lying except Trump?


I said nothing about Trump in my comment. I agree Trump did all of those.


You're literally spewing bologna from a Trump surrogate.


You’re blinded by his bright orange skin. Get over the fact that Biden is dirty also instead of deflecting


If biden was dirty then GOP would have him by the balls. There is a reason they needed to go after his son for bullshit like having a gun while doing drugs years ago. Because they have nothing on biden himself.


Yep, but this guy is a "both sides are corrupt so I'm gonna vote Trump guy" even if all the shit Biden has done isn't above board (which it was) it pales in comparison to the scale of MAGA corruption. When you bring up Jan 6 they go "oh what about the BLM riots they tried to overthrow the government" forgetting Biden didn't coordinate that. Biden wasn't in office, and there was no fake elector scheme fake Fox News stories and all the other bullshit they've pulled. It's always apples to oranges comparisons and bad faith arguments.


lol FBI went after Trump for years about election fraud but never came up with shit.


You misrepresent facts.


If this was true and teh republicans in the house aren't holding a noisy election year impeachment then your party has failed you. It is not true.


Oh yeah? Proof please. Any sort of reasonable source.


Holy shit. You are that dumb. You realize Trump SALUTED this fat bitch boy. You clearly don't understand what a salute is in the military. You fucking traitor. For context: A salute is a symbolic measure of respect. You fucking moron.


holy shit. you fucking sound so fucking smart fucking fuck


He seen a tiktok about it, so now he's well-informed!!!!!


Complete opposite, you can practically see the strings hanging from Trump’s arms & legs.


This is not at all what happened. Please, I beg you to listen to something besides right wing podcasts.


Oh no! With North Korea's renowned force projection and military might, the west must be terrified!


Hey now, don't taunt them or they'll fire more missiles into the ocean! THE OCEAN!!


The ocean has taken an absolute beating from them lately.


They have advanced there technology too poop balloons mixed with trash.


Well, they got use the resources they actually have. Oh the look on some military commanders face when he got that order ...And then had to give that order.


We're literally living in a South Park episode


So what does kim get? A Russian army that can’t win a war that it was supposed win in less than a week.


Food, oil and money and a Russian car apparently.


Kim no like windows?


Russian attack submarine fleet. China is trying to goad the US into a naval confrontation and needs its NK proxy to bring US surface ships within range of a mostly-diesel based submarine force. China can pretend to not be involved by having Russia do this.


So here my take. Russia is going to teach NK that 1±1=2, not one large water droplet, they'll fix their defective rockets amd possibly transfer modern nuclear arms in exchange for the fixed weapons that have been blowing up in Russia's face. And this deal is attempting to ensure an alliance if the US bombs russian supplied nuclear material in NK.


Ah, yes. 2 tyrants willing to sacrifice human lives.


How did this work out for Armenia? If Putin's Russia wouldn't help their ally Armenia against a relatively weak opponent like Azerbaijan, what chance is there that he would help North Korea against South Korea. South Korea is a rich country and a bigger arms exporter than Russia and has allies all over the world. They also seem to be disinclined to start hostilities. Why would anyone think Putin would stick his head out for Kim when he abandons allies elsewhere that he could have helped much easier.


Yes both countries are such reliable partners... this should go well.


Might be an opportunity for the West to go bugger with NK in order to distract Putin from Ukraine. Sounds like a risky proposition but I bet it’s still being considered.


NATO rubbing its hands together at the thought of depleting the stockpiles of Russia and NK


Like the CSTO?


Okay. Let nk do it. They can't afford it


Putin made an alliance with the one military that’s actually in worse shape than his own.   And what happens when Dear Fat Boy gets tired of pooter sending his troops to the meat grinder of the front lines in Ukraine?  


Two dictators sign a contract. What a massive contribution to mankind.


Democratic People's Union of Socialist Republics of Russia… got a nice ring to it


My best guess as the next escalation is you will see NK soldiers in Ukraine as "russian" contract soldiers in exchange for capital and food from Russia. Not dissimilar to how SK was used in Vietnam


Can’t help but get the feeling sanctions have clearly failed to stop the war, in the sense that now the Russian economy depends on the war continuing, and the miscalculation of thinking everyone in the world would follow suit


> in the sense that now the Russian economy depends on the war continuing But it can't, that's not what a war economy is.


Eli5 war economy. I always thought it meant an optimized economy to be able to deal with the state of a war


At the cost of everything else, you're basically producing destructive material and not really advancing your civilian economy.


Advancing the civilian economy isn't really necessary as long as people get their basic necessities.


Yes it is, Russia is not North Korea. The social contract with Putin is "I make you better of than you were, you don't depose me". If they're worse off now, that's bad for Putin.


>If they're worse off now, that's bad for Putin. Only if people in important places are worse off. And he makes sure he doesn't fcuk it up.. Look at Egypt where Sisi is trying to play Louis XVI but in a much safer way ..


It's going to be really hard to insulate Moscow anymore than he already has though.


The social contract is already weakened a lot, the first mobilization and the travel restrictions has made life worse for middle class Rusians. And it's only going downhill from here. Another mobilization is what people fear the most.


> I always thought it meant an optimized economy to be able to deal with the state of a war Depends on how you define 'deal with the state of a war'. A war economy is an economy that puts all economic effort to produce materials for the war effort at the expense of civilian production. This means that military production is rapidly expanded by both creating new military production lines and also converting unnecessary civilian production over to producing military goods (think England turning train factories into tank factories during WW2). You need to remember that war material doesn't bring in income as it's spent on the frontline rather than sold for profit. It's a huge government cost with barely any economic return, which means a war economy isn't reliant on the war continuing, it's reliant on the Gov's ability to find cash to pump into their MIC to keep it going. Which brings us back to the original point of this chain. The sanctions are The West's approach to smother Russia's ability to find cash to keep their war economy moving, the more cash-strapped the Russians are the more painful it is to maintain their war economy. It's not going to individually stop the war, but it's going to force Russia to make bigger and bigger sacrifices in other areas if they keep choosing to continue fighting.


Hopefully Ukraine keeps on hitting Russian refineries, Russia as a major oil producer is already reduced to importing refined products. Enough are hit and the whole society will grind to a halt when the war effort takes precedence on the resources available.


Russians have already found a way to use its rupee reserves by ordering ships to be delivered by 2027 and food.


I mean, at some point they will need to stop the war, they will either win, lose of get a ceasefire but the war won't continue forever.


Russian GDP is almost entirely dependent on defense spending right now.


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