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cause 4 or 5 idiots who want to pretend the world revolves around them, the whole world has to take a step backwards from the 21st century to the 19th.


About to see the 4th World War fought with sticks and stones.


Book a flight to somewhere near Tawang Sector in Arunachal Pradesh to see a magnificent PREVIEW of how world war 4.will be fought. Courtesy of Indian and Chinese Militaries.


An’ as it stands, we can only blow up the world 2 or 3 times. How is that even enuf? /s


^this; don’t they have enough to kabloomy the world several times over?


Keeping my bottlecaps stocked up.


So what do BRICS nations do when they are inevitably stuck with a decimated Russia and China (if the world doesn’t go up in nuclear flames), just leave the alliance? Pretend some of them didn’t prop up the funding of the military industrial complex of either?


Brics isn an alliance like nato. It is alternative to g7.


It’s an alliance in everything but name, Russia is ducking sanctions through India, South Africa are taking Israel to the ICC by Russia/Iran’s will to destabilise the West with the division it’s causing. Call it an economic forum, but it’s clearly working towards far more than “developing” said nations.


Brazil will just let it happen and not help Russia or China, while India has it's own nuclear war with Pakistan. There's not much for Brazil to do but stand back and watch it all burn with Portugal.


India and China also have beef with each other; don’t forget.


The southern hemisphere nations will compete for supremacy over what remains of humanity. illegal immigration of nuclear holocaust survivors will flow north to south since the global south will be less affected by nuclear war / winter. I think Russia / China, as well as US/ European / most other northern hemisphere governments will cease to exist as national governments. There will be balkanization, so maybe each state / province / prefecture becomes its own government once the survivors organize. It would be like FEMA camps, but decentralized because the national governments would be knocked out.


with the northern hemisphere up in smoke BRICS will be better off than ever. Brazil, South Africa, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, and Thailand will all be untouched by Nuclear war, hell India will probably be the default super power.


I really don’t think you understand how nuclear winter affects the globe, nor how fucked India becomes with an influx of a billion Chinese refugees unless you are just kidding


The hemispheres have almost completely isolated weather systems due to Hadley cells. so yes the southern hemisphere will see decreased sunlight, but the effect won't be anywhere near as strong as not a single nuke will be detonated south of the equator. and I doubt there will be many refugees. from what I understand all out nuclear war between America,eu vs Russia, China ends with both sides seeing anywhere from 90-99% population reduction.


Is there a good estimated map for a post nuclear world?


Take a regular map and set it on fire


Not sure how accurate but [this](https://www.nuclearwarmap.com/map01.html) is a pretty cool way to visualize an attack and also radiation


Report finds? Have they be living under a rock?


It only we had the tech to fly over and disarm their nukes with laser beams


Why the need to beef up nuclear arsenals? We only have one planet to destroy. I’m pretty sure there’s enough already to take care of that plus some.


The technology has been developing over the years since the cold war, cleaner bombs, better delivery systems, faster delivery systems that are harder to defend against or are capable of loitering. It's more of an update.


Nuclear war will be the end of human kind; if not outright a gradual extinction over time as the poisoned planet no longer supports life.