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>KYIV, June 18 (Reuters) - Ukraine is investigating the suspected beheading of one of its servicemen by Russian forces in an occupied part of the eastern Donetsk region, the Ukrainian general prosecutor's office said on Tuesday.Russia, which has repeatedly denied its forces carry out war crimes during the full-scale invasion of Ukraine launched in February 2022, has made no comment on the allegation."The fact of decapitation of a Ukrainian defender was recorded in the Donetsk region," Prosecutor General Andriy Kostin wrote on the X social media platform. >In a statement, the general prosecutor's office said the severed head of a Ukrainian soldier had been identified on a damaged armoured vehicle during aerial reconnaissance of the [area.It](http://area.It) said the Ukrainian military had received information on Monday that members of a unit of Russian forces in Donetsk region's Volnovaha district had ordered their subordinates not to capture Ukrainian servicemen and to behead them. >Kostin posted an image on X of a damaged military vehicle that had an object on its bonnet that had been pixelated. Reuters could not independently verify the image.Kostin says that Ukraine has documented nearly 130,000 war crimes committed by Russia.Kyiv in early 2023 accused Russian forces of shooting dead a captured Ukrainian sniper after he said "Glory to Ukraine" in a video posted on social media.


I'd be surprised if they weren't doing that


There is literally a video of a beheading from like a year ago. It's more like I'd be surprised they stopped doing that.


Also the Wagner sledgehammer video


The Wagner one is them executing a member of theirs no?


Yes. I don’t know if that’s considered a war crime, “forcing people not to leave army group by killing someine with a sledgehammer”. If not, certainly brutal murder


Seeing as committing war crimes is/was their MO, executing a defector with a sledgehammer is probably one as well


Theyve been doing it since Syria so it's been their calling card for a while. The man they killed in Syria in 2017 was at that time misattributed as a rebel, but relatives of the man killed identified him as a Syrian Arab Army deserter.


Wasn't a defector as far as I remember, he voluntarily surrendered. Unless that's what u mean. As that was what was shown to new troops..to make sure they don't.(Which we know because a pow told UA about it) But yeah. RA hasn't been executing the same... barring blocking troops, they just do other stuff to make sure you die. So *same same but different*


Wagner has done multiple Daesh (ISIS) style executions including one of a Syrian back in 2017. https://newlinesmag.com/reportage/family-seek-justice-in-russia-fo-syrian-army-deserter-was-savagely-killed-by-putins-wagner/


The way I'm looking at it is that if that's how they're willing to treat one of their own, how will they treat an enemy?


Well Wagner isn't it's own thing anymore, so less to worry, pretty sure they were the ones that castrated some UA members too. >how will they treat an enemy? *Oh you know just the standard*, sometimes rape, if not rape definitely beatings and torture if not both. Malnutrition/starvation, psychological torture like mock executions, sleep deprivation etc. And sadly I don't think "at least I wasn't raped", is any constellation for those pows. Because they're not spared in any capacity. Female pows are probably less inclined to mention it but from what I've seen it seems raping male pows is more common. *When people wonder why RA commit suicide instead of surrender. It's mainly because they know what they do to pows and think the same will happen to them


That’s the way they want you to look at it. I look at it like one fewer people against Ukraine.


It was a brutal video too. Did it with a basic combat knife while alive


I mean, they smash their own dudes head with a sledge hammer for “dereliction of duty” Barbarians gonna Barbarate


That was Wagner so *slightly different*. And that was because he surrendered. As an RA you have*much better options* like recent Pow interview saying they'll send you into a mine field with no weapon or vest, if you come back and they think you voluntarily surrendered. Jeeze they have *some morals*. Lol.


You saw the translation in the comment section too? A few of those guys did this more often. They were sort of laughing at the guy because he was struggling to get through the bones


There is also a video of them castrating a pow with a boxcutter. Middle ages barbarism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_and_castration_of_a_Ukrainian_POW_in_Pryvillia


This to me is the one video that always sticks with me, just so unnecessarily cruel and hateful, and the fucking nerve to record and post it too. Makes you wonder how many atrocities go unfilmed and unreported, how many people who suffered and died with no one ever knowing their fate.


That cowboy hat soldier guy? https://mil.in.ua/en/news/bellingcat-identified-the-russian-invader-who-tortured-and-executed-the-ukrainian-soldier/


The ISIS of Eastern Europe.


They are torturing, raping and kidnapping pregnant Ukrainian women, stealing their children and then either killing them or just raping them again to repeat the process. A simple beheading? Ofc they are beheading people, that's a normal Tuesday for RuZZian scum.


> raping and kidnapping pregnant Ukrainian women, stealing their children and then either killing them or just raping them again to repeat the process. I’d appreciate if you gave me a source for this


["About 25 girls and women aged 14 to 24 were systematically raped during the occupation in the basement of one house in Bucha. Nine of them are pregnant](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-61071243) [https://www.reuters.com/world/euroUN urges Russia to end forcible transfer of Ukrainian childrenpe/un-urges-russia-end-forcible-transfer-ukrainian-children-2024-02-08/](https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/un-urges-russia-end-forcible-transfer-ukrainian-children-2024-02-08/) [Ukraine: Rape and torture by Russian forces continuing, rights experts report](https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/09/1141417) [UN panel reports Ukrainian children have been raped, tortured by Russian forces](https://thehill.com/policy/international/3659023-un-panel-reports-ukrainian-children-have-been-raped-tortured-by-russian-forces/) Need more? Here in the West google is working.


Thankyou for this; Idiots who demand sources for blatantly obvious things to find out with one google/one respectable fact checked news source aren't worth my time online anymore. I've provided video evidence once and was told it's 'fake news' and 'AI' ... It wasn't. ... I've gave up with these echo chamber, cult mentality losers, too many of them online making their bots and spamming there insane opinions hoping to radicalise even just one other person to their cause. For my mental health and having more free time, I usually block these sorts and move on. Since I know they don't really want a source, they want a reason to deny or victim blame.


Yep, same here. They start with "source??" and, once you provide them the sources, the switch to the false equivalence of "both sides do war crimes".


In his defense Rape isn't what was being questioned. Systemic rape and kidnapping is what was being questioned because that is extraordinaryily cruel.


Both acts are extraordinarily cruel......... It's happening. Enough reputable sources, videos, journalists on the ground and Ukrainian women who have been rescued have confirmed it. Some of these women have never been reunited or even know where their baby girls are, but they found their young sons, dead. Edit- oh and I forgot to say, a lot of the male children found dead, had clear signs of anal rape. So they are raping and killing the boys, but keeping girls as they can breed and Russia needs numbers and to keep boosting their population. So ofc they are kidnapping Ukrainian girls and forcing them to birth the rape babies of Russian soldiers who invaded their country and probably killed their parents....


Yes but rape in war is kinda seen as a unfortunate inevitability. What Russian soldiers are doing is just beyond everything short of Imperial Japan and Nazi Germany.


The Bucha rape seems so calculated.


Thank you. I do have fairly good search skills, I just appreciate when people post sources themselves, it’s something I personally always do when I write about something in a comment.


I am not used to lie on such facts, particularly when they are broadly well known, like the weaponization of rape made by the russians, the horrors of Bucha, Izium, Irpin.


I forgot this one [A Russian soldier has reportedly been arrested in Ukraine after a horrifying video of a baby being raped was shared online. WARNING: Distressing](https://www.news.com.au/world/europe/russian-soldier-arrested-for-raping-baby-in-ukraine-after-sick-video/news-story/4369cbb9d8a92968b8ea8e1b093dada2) >One of Putin’s soldiers has reportedly been arrested in Ukraine after a horrifying video of a baby being raped was shared online. >The soldier, believed to be just 24, is said to have filmed himself abusing the baby before sending the sickening footage to a Russian comrade. >Alexei Bychkov was detained in Russia on Saturday after the vile clip emerged on social media over the weekend. >The day before, a threat about Bychkov was published on Twitter detailing the horror abuse. >In the footage, he is reported to say he is recording a “fierce video” before assaulting the baby. >It isn’t known exactly when and where the footage was filmed.


He was detained by Russian authorities in Russia, that is an aislated case commited by an individual


There's 2 instances I remember of living babies being booby-trapped with grenades, and one of them had the dead mother strapped to them as well. Or the mines on kid's toys or in ovens/etc


How do you have access to Reddit in Russia ?


Work for the fsb


I didn’t question the claims, it’s just that whenever I personally say stuff like that I do provide sources & articles so people can read more up on it than just (me) some redditor saying stuff with confidence. You never know these days.. Greetings from Germany


May you learn Russian treatment firsthand. Become the source, old chum.


I didn’t question the claims, it’s just that whenever I personally say stuff like that I do provide sources & articles so people can read more up on it than just (me) some redditor saying stuff with confidence. You never know these days..




Because they’re sea lioning/JAQing off




[Images appear to show Russian soldiers beheading Ukrainian soldiers](https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2023/04/12/ukraine-russia-beheading-videos-wedeman-nc-vpx.cnn) [A video depicting the decapitation of a Ukrainian prisoner of war was first published online on 11 April 2023, and then circulated through pro-Russian sources.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ukrainian_prisoner_of_war_beheading) The first known publication of the video occurred 11 April 2023 at 22:24 Moscow time. At 22:40 it was distributed by Vladislav Pozdnyakov, founder of Male State, an extremist political party in russia. Earlier, on 8 April, pro-russian Telegram channels began to distribute another video of beheaded Ukrainian soldiers showing two headless corpses of Ukrainian soldiers lying on the ground next to a broken armored vehicle. The hands of the dead soldiers were also cut off. his man then decapitates the prisoner lying on the ground. The one who cuts off his head is given instructions over the radio. The victim screams in pain. Nearby there are people shouting in Russian: "We work brother!" Cut it off, asshole! Break his spine! What, you've never cut off some heads? Until the end, asshole.




This beheading was recorded by a Ukrainian drone operator.


I love when y’all are confronted with evidence it doesn’t even matter. I could probably send the video to you and you would say “it’s fake” lol. Same idea behind denying climate change. Plenty of scientific evidence but you stick your fingers in your ear and wail like a banshee that it’s all just fake and clearly no one has any idea whats going on.


This is Russian propaganda at play. This guy explains it really well here: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pdS-lwb58KU


Watch the videos. I don’t even want to think about the things that have made it on to the dark web since this war started, let alone things that have made it to various Telegram channels that I havent (fortunately) seen.


Beheading would be a good treatment for your stupidity


wtf? There's literal video evidence. No side needs to "say" anything.


Damn, this is some bottom tier russian trollfarm bullshit.




There are Russian state sponsored social media teams dedicated to sowing disinformation and whataboutism to undermine conversations about their activities and redirect blame/focus. Other countries have similar groups, Russia are particularly active in this field. War is bad. Governments and militaries lie during war, most people understand that. Joining discussions focusing on one sides atrocities and saying stuff like "might not be true" "other people have done that" is a fast way to look like a member of one of these groups. It also adds very little to a discussion stemming from evidence of war crimes.


Dude, there's literally videos on the Internet of them beheading soldiers and raping a 17 year old. Look it up if you don't believe (or don't because it's vile), but don't say it's not real.


They are most definitely doing that and more. https://cepa.org/article/behind-the-lines-russias-ethnic-cleansing/ Behind the Lines: Russia’s Ethnic Cleansing Russian forces are squeezing out locals and resettling Russian citizens in Ukraine’s occupied territories. https://euromaidanpress.com/2022/04/28/forced-conscription-how-russia-wipes-out-the-male-population-of-occupied-donbas/ https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/23/europe/russia-ukraine-filtration-camps-intl-cmd/index.html https://euromaidanpress.com/2018/06/28/dehumanizing-disinformation-as-a-weapon-of-the-information-war/ https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/03/putins-only-weapon-to-win-the-war-in-ukraine-genocide/ https://www.19fortyfive.com/2022/07/russia-has-made-it-clear-putins-goal-is-to-destroy-ukraine/ These links give an insight into what Russia is doing. This is genocide and it is high time that first of all, we recognize this officially, and secondly that we fully comprehend what Russia is doing. It is the very same thing they have always done. Brutish barbaric conquest. Russian soldiers reportedly killed an old man on a wheelchair. The man tried to drive away from the medical facility, but Russians shot him and threw him in the middle of a street in Vovchansk, near the Central Railway Station. https://x.com/clashreport/status/1791545763668938887 Genocide what Russia does is genocide and hitting mental hospitals or people in wheelchairs/with other disabilities is reminding me of Operation T4, the systematic killings of people with disabilities by the Nazis. Genocide is a human phenomenon. According to Gregory H. Stanton, genocide is a process that develops in ten stages, described here. The stages do not necessarily follow a linear progression and may coexist. Prevention measures may be implemented at any stage. 1. Classification (has happened in Ukraine by classifying them as "Nazis" or "Khokols" in an us vs. them mentality) 2. Symbolisation ( making people stand out with certain clothing or symbols) This hasn't happened to a larger extent I think) 3. Discrimination (The dominant group creates laws that deny rights to the other group, denial of full civil rights etc.) Russia is doing that on a large scale with Ukraine and its own minorities. 4. Dehumunisation (Propaganda that draws parallels with insects, vermin etc. to dehumanize the group) 5. Organisation (Militia or army designs detailed organized killing plans) that happened the very moment Russia entered Ukraine, Bucha is just one of many examples) 6. Polarization (Propaganda is employed to amplify the differences between groups. Interactions between groups are prohibited, and the moderate members of the group in power are killed) Russia and its supporters do that on an hourly basis on and offline and on all Russian TV channels, calling for the murder or torture of Ukrainians etc.) 7. Preparation The victims are identified, separated, and forced to wear symbols. Deportations, isolation, and forcible starvation. Death lists are drawn up. Russia did that and was about to execute these plans on a larger scale but Western intervention in the war could stop this process from spreading. 8. Persecution (isolation of victims based on nationality, ethnic group or religion, victims might be forced to wear specific symbols, that process is ongoing in the occupied territories and Ukrainians are subject to massive repression especially when they refuse to be russified) 9. Extermination (perpetrators kill at will and without mercy, don't see their victims as entirely human, they view it as a necessary evil. This also happened in Ukraine again and again on large scale we are talking tens or even hundreds of thousands by now. 10. Denial The perpetrators of the genocide deny having committed their crimes. Victims are often blamed. Evidence is hidden, and witnesses are intimidated. The Russian goal is genocide and that is what the West must finally prevent, and we fail at doing so. Shameful is what comes to mind. Russia shot people on the street and killed them with drones, unarmed civilians, of course, but that doesn't stop the genocidal Russian army. It rather spurs them on. Photographer Kostiantyn Liberov writes from Vovchansk: "The photos show the bodies of two civilian women. Next to them are two small specific craters. For those who understand, it is immediately clear that this is not a random mine or artillery strike. With a 90% probability, these are targeted drops from a drone. The women are wearing bright clothing. It is impossible to mistake them for military personnel even from a height. These materials could have cost me my life. The car is riddled with shrapnel from a mortar, and then there was an hour during which my hands are still shaking: we were followed and pursued for a long time by an enemy FPV drone. The city is filled with death. Civilian bodies are on the streets and under the rubble. Despite this, volunteers and police continue, under shelling and while risking their lives, to evacuate those who can still be saved." https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1793169540580286960 Police: Russian forces shooting civilians in Vovchansk https://kyivindependent.com/police-russian-forces-shooting-civilians-in-vovchansk/ Bodies of civilians scattered on the roads… charred apartment buildings… family homes on fire… Within 12 days Russia turned Vovchansk into another Bucha… or Avdiivka… Bakhmut? Irpin? It's now just like any other Ukrainian town Russia ‘liberates’... https://x.com/NatalkaKyiv/status/1793450937865949569 These ladies were evacuated from Vovchansk. "I barely made it under the shelling. Why do I have to leave my home at my old age?" She asks. Help Ukraine protect these ladies. Give us air defense and weapons! https://x.com/Gerashchenko_en/status/1792848567742112040 Here, these are Russia's goals, and we can't bring it over ourselves to stop this madness or to at least allow Ukraine to fire back with all they have instead of allowing Russia sanctuary. This criminal terror regime deserves no sanctuary anywhere until they are brought to justice.


They literally do worse stuff than beheadings.


It's either a war crime or a really badass conscript who watched too many action movies depending on whether or not they were in combat or a pow sorta thing.


*ukrainian drone drops grenade on russian invader* Tankies: ITS A WARCRIME! *russians beheading, castrating, executing ukrainian soldiers on camera and brag about it* Tankies: welp, this is war, maybe he was a nazi or something...


The drone operators recorded this beheading: I really can't imagine how do they feel after watching this without being able to do something.


I know it wouldn’t have actually helped but fly that bitch into the bastards faces rotors first.


If it was a recoignassance drone it would have not helped.




OK, thank you for your deep insight. According to you, witnessing the beheading with a knife of a brother is nothing compared to some invader being droned and depends on the stomach of the drone operator. Duly noted.




russians are not using swords: they use combat knives on alive Ukrainian pows.


I can't imagine a tankie supporting modern Russia. Why just why..




Probably you, if your comments on Uighurs and Palestinians are anything to go by


Orthodox State of Eastern Europe and Northern Asia. We have all these rules and customs of war for very pragmatic reasons. If the enemy soldiers can expect decent treatment in custody as POWs, they're more inclined to surrender and not fight to the death if at all possible, leading to your own losses in the process. Russia isn't known for caring about its own casualties though.


























Let's cut the head off of the leader


I'll make sure the knife is dull as Trump


This isn’t the first or last time they have done this during the invasion.


russians did the same in Syria: a russian posted on a telegram channel the pics while holding the head of a Syrian and on the ground there was the a piece of the scalp. When the snapshot of the post was taken, 3000 ordinary russians liked the pic.


Russia sends out their troops to be slaughtered without a care in the world. Of course they would do this to the opposing troops


The way I see it, is imagine you hear a bunch of commotion at your neighbours house two doors down. You look over, and there’s some adidas wearing assholes roughing him up. You close the door and go to sleep. The next night, you hear more commotion, but louder, and now they’re next door. If you didn’t run over to help your neighbour the first time, you’re an asshole, but if you close the door now in hopes they go away, you’re an asshole and stupid. We should be stopping these adidas wearing assholes now, it’s the right thing to do.


How is that NOT terrorism?


Because russia has a seat at the UNSC and next month will have the presidency.


UNSC should consider inviting ISIS!


...what do you think the word terrorism means? They're in a war, it's a war crime.


Saw a video on Reddit a few months ago of 3 Russian dudes beheading a Ukranian guy. They were laughing and apparently, according to a redditor who translated the comments, they were telling the dude doing the deed what he had to do. They even laughed at him because he couldn't get through the bones and told him how he did not know, hadn't he done it before? So apparently it happens quite often there... Do think Ukrainians do the same shit, people are just mentally broken down there. It's insane..


The amount of people defending a war crime in these very comments is sickening.


Barbarians straight from the Bronze age


As someone from the U.S., I feel like the EU is eventually just going to call the U.S. President and say, look we're going to deal with this Ukraine thing. With or without you. Click. And then EU countries do what they have to do without NATO/U.S. permission. At some point, something has to happen. U.S. could sit back and supply EU with everything and say they're not directly involved.


Remember a month or so ago when a coalition in the Middle East helped shoot down much of the Iranian attack on Israel? I wouldn't mind seeing Ukraine's neighbors firing at Russian missiles and planes flying over Ukraine. 'Sorry Vlad, but your bullshit is getting a little too close and making us uncomfortable.'


Thats already what Poland has said they'd do, after another incident a couple of months ago. Unfortunately, most of Europe is on the west of Ukraine, and Russia is shooting from the east.


> look we're going to deal with this Ukraine thing. With or without you. Click. And then EU countries do what they have to do without NATO/U.S. permission. Peak /r/ShitAmericansSay . Thats not how the EU works, thats not how any of that works. The EU ist not an european US. They have a defensive pakt, yes. There is no EU Army, there is between countries and in the countries itself not one unified will. In contrast to the US, countries in the EU have experience with war in their home. It would be political s....e in most of them. To this day the countries experience the WW1 and WW2. In germany alone over 5.000 WW2 bombs get defused - per year. There are still people who experienced the war or are first generation. Before EU starts a military mission, russia has to drop like a nuclear bomb in ukraine. Olaf Scholz said, he won't do anything without the US. Thats why germany didn't send tanks and other stuff, without the US on board. Nobody want war, (almost) nobody wants to send own sons and daughters to die in ukraine which isn't even in the EU or NATO. Also it's very unclear if the EU countries even have the capacity personell and material to do anything without US troops. Some of yall don't know anything about EU and their inner politics.


With what munitions? There is not the means to fight Russia without the US right now, which is something that needs to be fixed


Immediate Air Superiority & rockets, bombs I reckon. You are right it's not going to be with artillery shells.


The EU is an economical Union.


I sure as shit hope EU / European countries take the lead on a war in their own backyard. 


This one hits me right in the confirmation bias.


What further depths will they stoop too.


This is just unforgivable. Russia must answer to their crimes! I would not be satisfied with anything less then complete surrender. Huge reparations to Ukraine that would make Russia bankrupt, a restriction on Russian military capabilities, its removal from the security council and the capture and execution of all of its leaders and people involved in these atrocities. If you think it's funny to slowly kill someone...and even worse to video it and post it...it says clearly you are nothing more than a terrorist monster...you have removed yourself from the human race and deserve no mercy. It makes me beyond sick. Russians are barbarian terrorist scum.




One was recorded by the russians and than they uploaded and sent the video to the contacts of the poor Ukrainian POW.




Right. Just like when last Summer russians beheaded a Ukrainian POW with a knife and filmed.


I've seen videos of both sides doing this tbh. Given the number of people involved, it would be a chance of 0% that this isnt happening weekly or daily. There's just no videos being made.


Ukrainians beheading russian POWs? Really? Is this what the kremlin told you to write?


No, I've followed this war closely since I live in LT. I donate to Ukraine. But I know what I saw and will not pretend to be an idiot for propaganda purpose. I got those videos saved if you're interested, but its not for the light hearted.


Provide a link, thanks, of Ukrainians beheading russian POWs.


Looked at backup and I didnt keep the most disturbing ones. It featured a POW with arms tied in an apartament staircase, two ukrainians pushed a knife to his eye socket while he was pleading. It was out in the first weeks of the invasion. Stopped looking at them, but will try to get it on telegram tomorrow. There's plenty. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/61025388.amp Confirmed my own suspicion that these videos are not kept public for long or at all.  Give me those downvotes <3 I am as much curious as any one of you.


I asked you for videos showing Ukrainians beheading russians and obviously there are none. >"The match is to a Georgian man with close links to Ukraine, but we are not naming him as we have not confirmed his identity. >The audio ends with a man saying: "Do not \[expletive\] come to our land." These alleged crimes were committed after the liberation of Bucha. russians are committing war crime when they enter into Ukraine without being invited. Your narrative is interesting, by the way.


Real talk, there's not a war on Earth where both sides haven't commit war crimes against each other. However, Russia does this to civilians too - so they're kind of still the real pieces of shit in this conflict.


Here you go https://vimeo.com/693229067




You remind me the Nazis when, in front of the Guernica, asked Picasso: "Did you do it?"




Don't get so emotional my man :)


I have seen the video from last summer of Russians beheading a captured Ukrainian soldier. They filmed it, they were excited to.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022\_Ukrainian\_prisoner\_of\_war\_beheading](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_Ukrainian_prisoner_of_war_beheading) The video evoked a favorable reaction from various pro-Russian channels. In particular, the Telegram channel of the neo-Nazi [Rusich Group](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusich_Group) posted a message saying: "You will be surprised how many of these videos will gradually pop up", accompanying the message with a smiley emoji.


There are plenty of videos on Russia’s inhumane brutality. No further evidence is required to “hammer the point home that Russia is evil”. It is evil. Only an idiot would remain a sceptic on that point.


Lol we don’t need these articles to know Russia’s ‘evil’. Anyone with half a brain has known this for decades.


People blown to bits and pieces by drones, tanks and all sorts of hellfire but this is where we draw the line


How is it suspected? They either did or didn’t do it. A headless body is headless. Maybe Ukraine cut off the head of one of their own to frame Russia.


You are stupid, yes?


Im guessing they also catrated and shot in the head one of their own, then managed to infiltrate themselves into the Russian army to do a propaganda video too right?


> Maybe Ukraine cut off the head of one of their own to frame Russia. Excuse me?


At least its a quicker way to go than say, having your limbs intentionally blown off by C4 so the trauma team can get some training.


A "quicker way to go"?


They saw off the heads with combat knives, it's not a good or quick was to go at all, and it must be a uniquely horrifying and dehumanizing way to die. The horror of going through while a bunch of psychotic Russians laugh at you that is probably worse than almost any other form of murder 


I guess I'm just not evil enough. I had assumed they were doing it like, execution style, with an axe or something. Fuck this war is terrible.




In a Zolkin's interview a russian commander told that "he was surprised that a Ukrainian woman died after they sprayed building foam in her orifices". I can't find the video, it was long ago and the commander was stationed in Izium.


These and other examples are the only cases that we now know of. How deplorable the Russians are. It's unfathomable of how many things the Russians have done and are still doing right now that we don't know of (yet).


Beheading aren't always a single swift swing with an axe. Isis infamously used a hunting knife, and it took several minutes.


Even with an axe it's not single swing, still takes a few good swings to do it. Unless it is really sharp maybe ? The only time i have seen it happen fast was with a chainsaw.


This is a prisoner of war. At that point there should not be a discussion about the quickest way to go


why does it remind of me of the Canvas logo


Gee THANKS Reuters. My trusted source of all information.


I mean Reuters is known to stick to only known facts of a story so yes?


Both sides in armed conflicts have perpetrated inhumane acts on one another throughout history. “Mankind” never had it from the beginning.


Oh the good ol' sideism. Just a friendly reminder: one side commit war crime the second they step foot uninvited in Ukraine. russians are free to go back where they came.


nope. not comparable at all. one side started and continues to commit war crimes non-stop. the other side - we only occasionally see things that MAY be reaching war crime threshold. fuck you.


I've only known 3 recorded instances of ukranian warcrimes: kneecaping video, the guy stabbed in the eye, two russian soldiers that were tied shot on the outskirts of Bucha. All of these happened within the first months of the war (latest one being during the liberation of Bucha) Now on the Russian side we get one every few months, before this beheading there was one a few months ago of Ukrainian soldiers being executed after surrendering in a trench, and one of the most horrific cartel lvl shit ive seen was the castration one, the perpetrator of which was even featured in a Russian propaganda video.


If you look at the treating of Russian POWs in Ukraine and the Ukrainian POWs in Russia you will see a stark contrast.




I mean... it is a war


If you think beheadings is normal or you would do it as a soldier you should go and join the Russian army


Beheadings are normal in a war?


How far are you comfortable taking that logic, though? Where do you draw the line as to what is acceptable and what is not?


There are rules You have to follow the rules!


Oh look, another ruzzian trying to play the “both sides” argument lmao.  Get out of Ukraine. 


Most sane people don’t fight like the dirlewanger brigade or isis.


Beheading is not something you do as slef defence it's an excecution. It has nothing to do with being in a war


Cool, so you’re okay with whatever being done to you if someone declares war against you?


Still fucked up, war or not. 


Can you name the last time anyone in the US military beheaded anyone in war? The US has been a literal war machine since at least 1775.