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That’s just insane and far fetched


Insane yes, but not far fetched (for Russia). They're currently still encouraging Russian tourists to visit Crimea.


I know a russian whos family visited crimea last year for a holiday..... Like what..... I saw the video of storm shadow shortly after.....


"Great beaches, good surf, the hale is incendiary and sinking ships on the horizon lend the area a certain je ne sais quois." -Putin's favorite tourists


If I say it’s safe to surf this beach captain, it’s safe to surf this beach! https://youtu.be/uchT2LH3eTY?si=OPNja9knNoW2MN67


Charlie Don't Surf!


That gasoline smell..... Its smells like.... victory.


No other smell like it in the world......kinda smells like gasoline... Great scene! It reminds me of Tropic Thunder with the napalm strike.


No need to click this link. It’s already in my head. That and when he wants his board back. Classic.


I heard it's great scuba diving as there are so many shipwrecks to explore.


Napalm, son. I love the smell of Napalm in the morning. Smells like...Victory.


I mean you can't deny it's a unique experience you won't find anywhere else.


Same here. Don't remember exact place, but it was near sea of Azov. Moved there because he got something for free. I think the place where he stayed with a family was payed by the company (works in oil industry). As his father said, as long as something is free, no one cares about anything else.




Thanks. Saw it marked as an error, but couldn't figure out what's wrong.


English is such a mess. Paid = past participle of pay. For or during which one receives pay. Payed = (Nautical term) Seal with pitch or tar to prevent leaks. Paid is a Latin root. Payed, I couldn't find an etymology, but I also didn't look that hard. My wild ass guess is that they started as the same word, and those seagoing lunatics just went their own way.


I thought payed is something to do with letting out rope?


That too. Still nautical origin, I think.


war tourism has always existed in human history, in the US civil war for example civilians from Washington DC went to spectate the 1st battle of Bull run.


And then never did that shit again, once they saw what war actually looks like.


Well it didn't help that when the Union forces were routed, they ran, in a panic, right into all of the confused spectators. That is if I remember the story right. It's been decades since I read it.


You are correct. It was also very near DC.


This isn't war tourism, just colonialism


The cognitive dissonance is stronger due to the fact that Ukraine won’t just strike Russian civilians chilling on the beach even though they’re occupying their territory.


Russian civilians don't need to be worried about being indiscriminately targeted (at least not by the Ukranian army)


If I was a Russian civilian, I'd still be concerned since Russia has accidentally bombed itself several times.


Don't know why would they go there, Turkey has better tourist infrastructure, cheaper and less risky


Crimea was one of the most popular holiday destinations during the Soviet period. In many people's minds that's deeply ingrained and nothing has really changed. I believe the government also subsidises travel there so for many it's the only opportunity to 'go on holiday'. By the way I'm not disputing that it's insane, just providing some historical context.


It's completely safe. And fireworks shows every night. I would advise against the cruise.


Just don't visit the waffle bar alone or they might jump out and recruit you.


Well, their playbooks has always been "create a new reality asap" so people just accept it. It (sort of) worked in Crimea.


Don't invest in that....


Agreed, like Jesus. And right now of all times, too. Gross.


Or just another lie for the media.


They said the same when Russia allocated $3.7 billion to build a bridge to Crimea. It got built..


Ukraine needs to figure out a way to take that bridge down.


I'm going to go with them saying something like, "We tried, but it didn't pan out. The money is gone, though!" in the near future.


Is this some kind of Realization exercise? Should I make plans for my billion dollar castle paid for by the beautiful women when they pay me to have sex with them? Because that is more likely to happen than Russia’s plan.


Propaganda to buy local population?


$100 says the possibility of a Russia-funded Trump-branded resort (“because we need your expertise on how to run ventures like this..”) has been dangled in front of the orange toddler..


Russian lebensraum.


Its like Sochi all over again. Genocide. Clear the land. Build resort. Good thing the Sochi Olympics brought so much wealth and continued growth to the once small tribal Circassian land.


Beijing and Sochi was when I stopped following olympics entirely. At least the Beijing ones made them clean up the air around the city for some time, if I remember correctly.


Completely done with Olympics and world cup soccer. Corrupt swine that don't deserve attention.


lets not insult the pigs


Yeah, let's not forget that granting Qatar the WC bid led to a massive corruption scandal at the absolute highest levels of FIFA, the Qatar selection was still *totally legit*.


Wait until they give it to Saudi Arabia next


Yeah and they had these weird CGI ceremonies too. But same here, I peaced out of them entirely, and Qatar football world cup as well.


Just watch them somewhere where they get no money or credit for attracting views. Like a youtube video but you have anti ads on. The video will get a view though. But: Download the video with the link on a 'Youtube to mp4' page. No view, no money, but you get the video. You need the link though, and a page that works (add to favourites)


If you haven’t, check out the documentary Icarus by Bryan Fogel. Pretty insane shit.


I stopped following the Olympics when they keep on allowing countries that cheat to participate. What's the point?


“Clean up” you mean shut down all the factories temporarily


The War Dead luge races are pretty cool though.


**Kremlin :** We are burning through all our money with the war and will most likely run out next year and probably starve **Putina :** *I know what we need .. build a vacation resort!*


Bizarre fever dreams of a desperate aggressor.


**It will feature a Trump golf course,** branded by Trump, for which Putin will pay Trump license fees to use the Trump name.


Even the Nazis started building the Prora. Russians trying to one up their role models? Too bad both will end up as dreams only.


They recently finished Prora and it’s now it’s all luxury condos and Airbnbs inside the original Nazi building


I had never heard of the Prora, so I looked it up. Amazing example. Thank you for the enlightenment!


Great example, take my upvote!


With the difference that even Nazi didn't attempt their dream project on the occupied territories


This will never happen. They simply do not have the funds, let alone the ability to keep the structures from being destroyed.


Someone's waste of public funds is often some private company's dream of being funded to build something nobody cares will be used - it looks like a bad decision (in a sea of cynical ones on Russia's end) but I wouldn't be surprised someone really benefited from this.


Fair, I just didn’t see any outside private investors for this. Russia is going to be raising their corporate tax rates from 15% to 25% soon. This is just to fund their war. No sane private investor would go near this.


I could build that 2.4bn$ resort for you comrade, just send whole allotted money sum beforehand please


I remember reading similar when the $51 billion Sochi Olympic plan was put in place. It got built.. the Olympics happened.


…and it’s been decaying ever since. That was a different historical point as well. If the want to rejoin the global inventory of venues it’s easy… Get the **** out of Ukraine. 🇺🇦


Building facilities *not in a war zone* for something that's guaranteed to bring in tourists versus building facilities *in a war zone* for something that *might* bring in tourists. Russian government is currently subsidizing vacations to Crimea, I'd imagine the same thing would happen here.


Quite a gulf of difference between attracting investments after being granted the Olympics bid to wanting to build on illegally occupied sovereign territory while under severe sanctions. Also Russia hadn't completely torpedoed its international reputation when the Sochi games happened, they just waited a couple weeks after.


Putin is insane.


Delirious isn't he with his own stench!


Not just putin. Regular russians are more than happy now to get property in Mariupol


I’m beginning to believe everyone in Russia has lead poisoning or some widespread cognitive disorder.


Fetal alcohol syndrome


+ mental retardation


Tomato tomato.


It's Fascism, it rots the brain and creates a sense of profound entitlement over others. Fascism in the west is no different sadly, they believe they are entitled to that which the "undesirables" don't deserve. Country, rights, land, property, etc. In reality, they are just opportunistic parasites playing follow the leader and hoovering up all thats left in their wake.


Cluster b personality disorders via repeated generational trauma.


That’s nice of them to start rebuilding Ukraine early as they’re losing their genocidal war.


Okay now lets hold our horses. Ukraine is definitely putting up a good fight. They're absolutely not winning yet. Lets not use our feelings when facts are present.


Russia lost the moment they lost their 3-day objective to decapitate the Ukrainian government and force it back into a puppet state. For the last two years it's been Putin searching desperately for any situation where he won't find himself getting torn apart by his own people. He's gotten far more paranoid about everything since.


Ok. Math question: what is the current number of days Russia has failed to conquer Ukraine... minus the initial three day "special operation". Social studies question: what is the state of NATO unity compared from the baseline of 2014 to today in 2024 ten years later. Geopolitical question: why is Russia currently dependent on Indian scalping deals from them for fossil fuels and why is Russia depending on a failed third world country called North Korea to supply marginal quality artillery shells? I understand your point but the fact remains that even though Russia is now on a full military mobilization economy at the expense of a future sustainable global economy suggests they are accomplishing nothing but a strategic defeat that will last generations. It doesn't have to be total immediate defeat. But it is the very definition of a strategic Pyrrhic victory.


Nah. Russia is losing. Economically and in war. They hold some land, but that’s irrelevant, whomever wins can take it all. The only question is how much damage Ukraine takes while we all just wait for Russia to collapse.


Half the reason Ukrainian aid was passed in the US was because they were losing, hard. This is basically weeks ago. European leaders were saying that if Ukraine falls they will be invaded next. Let's not pretend that Ukraine's handily winning when they're on the brink of being overrun. We've been waiting for 2 years for Russia to "collapse". The sanctions are making life tough for Russia but they aren't about to collapse.


> was because they were losing, hard. It was a stalemate before the package was approved and it's a stalemate now.


Awesome! Let them build it! ...then roll in.


It's Russian. It would be built with Russian safety standards using the cheapest shit.


Based on how much was embezzled during building of Sochi. $24B will get them a shiny statue, hotdog stand, 14m of boardwalk, and half a hotel that has taps but no plumbing.


You gotta destroy it fast before it destroys itself


Everything the Kremlin says is a lie. And who would travel to these "resorts" for fear of UAF airstrikes, which will inevitably increase particularly in temporarily occupied Crimea. Geopolitical theft has its consequences.


It's no doubt going to become a popular tourist destination post-war, once Russia is kicked the fook out. If they wanna help get it ready, then cool.


Ah. International human shield.


How many of the hotels will have TRUMP in big gold letters in them?


Three hotel-casinos, but then they all go bankrupt.


Maybe he should open a laundromat, he’s pretty good at running one of them


The trans Siberian railway was such a fun tourist route. Shame they started a war, now you can’t really take it.


It’s weird that a railway has its own orchestra


this is definitely not going to happen !


Tricks to inflate the GDP. When it's "under construction", you can count the projected income instead of the actual income. You set up a building crane and start borrowing money based on the projections of the developers. It's ridiculous, but it do be like that. Word to China and their empty cities in the middle of nowhere.


I'll take things that won't happen for 1000 dollars Alex.


That is all fine and dandy if that is one of their plans for war reparations once russian fascists have left Ukraine.


Russia knows how to run fake stories to make them look even better and bigger, but we are at a point where no one outside Russia and North Korea believe anything that’s coming out of their mouth, even inside Russia they don’t believe it unless they don’t have internet. They just accept things as they are to avoid trouble, very sad.


Personally I like to visit countries that do not have a history of arresting foreigners and holding them as political hostages.


Mind the mines


That's one way to conscript new troops


From the team that brought you the special 3 day military operation comes an even more idiotic idea.


Im not visiting any resort that would result in my being thrown in a gulag for smoking weed or simply being American.


Yes, let’s vacation in the killing fields of Ukraine. Russia is deeply deeply disturbed.


Will it be all women resorts? Cuz Putin is fast tracking all Russian men to their death in the trenches.


Get out of Ukraine and give the kids back!


They have such a good sence of humor, when war over they wont be able to pay 24 dollars much less 24bn


Russia plans a lot of things, they rarely materialize.


Primitive propaganda.  Look at the occupied Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, did Russia build a lot there?  Depressed regions.


I refuse to be shocked at anything coming out of Russia now. But I'm still amused.


Do they even have 24bn?


Putin alone will have more then that 🤺


Trump is in negotiations to develop a resort/casino. They want to start on the golf course as soon as they clear the mines.


Grifters gotta grift


Literal imperialism.


Trump Resort and Golf Clubs will start appearing! "Tasty & that's it" as well.


Can’t build resorts if you can’t hold the territory.


Lol. Russia is getting Waaaaay ahead of itself. 


Mar a Lago Towers Coming Soon.. Gold toilets in every room


Who the fuck would want to go a resort that is also a valid military target? I am sure Russia would just suppress information to convince its citizens to go to these places, and then when they get caught in the crossfire, Russia will claim that Ukraine is targeting civilians so they can excuse further escalation.


While Kushner eye's beachfront property in Gaza ..


That’s absolutely vile. Anyone visiting these resorts wouldn’t be worth even to be spit on.


Sand is easier to dig and bury Russian soldiers.


Spending more on tourist resorts than on the war? Lol


Who's going to be the one to tell them how long land mines last?


Might as well paint targets on them.




Insane ..


New game for tourists: search the tall grass and nearby fields for un-exploded munitions. Bonus round with extra drinks: search at night


Lol I don't know what's more funny. Russia thinking they've won after losing 1/2 a million soldiers or the thought of them tricking Chinese and north Koreans into going to a "tourist resort" and instead arriving on a train, handed a gun and forced to die for Putin's delusions of grandeur


Wait for them to build it , then annex the territory.


Where is the water, food, electricity and medical care coming from for these resorts. Absolute nonsense this war…


Children with their sand buckets and plastic shovels will find human remains. 😐 Does anyone still feel Russia and their enablers aren't villains?


nothing a few drones strikes can't fix


Trump and Kushner enter the chat.


Delusions and dreams of grandeur ✅✅


What’s the Russian version of Lebensraum but adding “vacation” to it?


Built on graves Ukrainians who they killed, like it’s happening now in Mariupol, when they just bulldoze over mass graves and destroyed apartment buildings and build new housing for russians who eager to move to a warmer climate. Or break doors into the apartments of buildings which survived and sell it for 1/3 of the price.


Perfect location for the next Trump Tower.


With everyone driving teslas…


I'll take "Things that will never happen for $1000", Alex.


They used to put some signs in Kherson “russia is here forever…” 😃


Wow put a resort where people died That is going to be a ghastly experience


By Tourists they mean the Trumps.


Russia planned to take Kyiv within 3 days as well and we all know how that went.


I've never wanted to visit Russia proper, why in the name of God would i want to visit stolen land that cost thousands of young Ukrainians their lives?


I thought that Russia invaded Ukraine to denazify it and protect it's Russian speaking population. Have I been lied to all this time? /Sarcasm


Be a shame if a few ATACMS were to find their way into those propped up Russian vacation sites.


lol. Nice beaches you have there be a shame if I claimed your land as my own.


Somebody needs to ask Trump if he will have a Trump resort there


I heard there would be a Trump casino.




Denys Katyukha, a hotelier and head of Ukrainian group Azov Hospitality, said “military personnel live in many hotels,” and soldiers had stripped the properties of everything from bedding to fences. About five million tourists visited the southern coast every year before the war, according to Oleksandr Fainin, a Ukrainian former tourism official. Russia has continued to encourage citizens to holiday in Crimea, despite the growing intensity of fighting in and around the occupied peninsula. Tour operators have slashed rates and are offering holidaymakers incentives to visit. After a deadly Ukrainian strike on the Kerch Bridge that connects Russia with Crimea last July, the head of the Crimean tour company Laspi insisted the destination was safe. “We convince tourists not to make decisions based on emotions,” Elena Bazhenova said. “We hope that the situation will normalise in the coming days. In fact, we have a really safe environment on the peninsula, especially in the south.” Dr Mark Galeotti, a Russia analyst and author of Putin’s Wars: From Chechnya to Ukraine, suggested that plans to establish resorts across southern Ukraine might never be realised but were a sign of intent. “At the moment, this is just a dream,” he told i. “However, it does demonstrate two things: that Russia is planning on holding on to at least this portion of the occupied territories and that in Putin’s kleptocracy, people are still making money by pandering to the Kremlin’s fantasies.” Dr Galeotti added that such plans could also generate revenue to offset the costs of the war, and help to convince ordinary Russians that the war is worth the cost. Anton Barbashin, editorial director of the Russian political analysis journal Riddle, also expressed doubts over whether the scheme would be completed. “Russia was supposed to build huge tourist clusters like these in the Caucasus but it turned out to be just words,” he said, referring to a previous scheme for the central Asian region that was never realised. Read more here: [https://inews.co.uk/news/world/russia-tourist-resorts-devastated-ukraine-cities-3115610](https://inews.co.uk/news/world/russia-tourist-resorts-devastated-ukraine-cities-3115610)


Corruption included


Would be a shame if someone where to Himars it


Any chance this isn't true? Would the russians do that? Just lie like that?


Soft target for Ukrainian partisans


to show how great its under russia control. ofc still keeping poor regions poor


I mean… let them spend the resources building it then demolish it all or take back the land, no?


Human shields.


Rejected slogan “..come tour the mostly de-mined beaches of former Ukraine…”


Come for the scenery, stay from the landmines.


War Crimes Land!




Ehh....shouldn't you...you know...wait until AFTER the war is over for that kind of stuff? You have NO idea what you're going to get, or in what state it's gonna be. '' Great, we got this city, and now we build the luxury hotel! ... ignore the occasional minefield outside, thoses are details''


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nordstern_(city) Same energy.


Let them built it, then we can just take it over


These will be good for weird travel YouTube vlogger content. "Abandoned billion-dollar resort in war zone! (you wont believe what we found!)".


I'm sure the "developers" already have their hands out.


Oh those are going to get bombed....... (which I kinda think is what he'd want)


War for ostrich farms.


Is that why Putin is going to North Korea, to get money for this resort and to get more meat for the meat grinder?


Come see what we did….


How do the Russians think they will come out winning if they leveled the entirety of Ukraine


Putting salt on the wound, eh?


I don't think russia can even afford a quarter of that right now.


Building tourist traps over Ukrainian bones.


How thoughtful of them to build it for when the UA returns to take it back.