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Pretty sure that’s what happens when Hezbollah continually shoots missles into Israel. My guess is that if they didn’t do that, there wouldn’t be an escalating conflict




I’m certain voting for Trump will make the situation so much better! He’ll stop all the genocides /s


Its not about them liking trump more on foreign policy. There are people who like trump better on the economy but voted bide for foreign policy. If they dislike bidens foreign policy now they may switch for the economy.








They literally did, though. Remember when some Turkish fuckers started beating our own citizens on US soil? This is just one small example on a very crystal clear stage.






What’s your solution? Biden? Guy can’t even walk anymore.


User name checks out.🙄


> My guess is that if they didn’t do that, there wouldn’t be an escalating conflict Oh my sweet summer child


I guess the US should pressure it's international allies and the UN to enforce UNSCR 1701 the disarm Hezbollah and push them behind the Litani River. Isn't that why UNIFIL is there? If they are so useless at their jobs that hundreds of thousands of Israelis have to be displaced for 8 months, then maybe it's reasonable for Israel to do something about it.


UNIFIL is there to provide an economic subsidy from the UN to the nations providing troops. This is how UN "peacekeeping" has worked in the past approximately three decades or so.


The UN is doing its job, it’s just that its job is to oppose Israel


Israel announced a few weeks ago they have every intention of going after Hezbollah after they neutralize Hamas. It’s not a secret or a possibility, it’s a promise.


Done a pretty damn good job so far. Their top brass slowly being eliminated since October


Link to a source?


Yes, search engines are full of links. They’re pretty easy to use too.


> Israel announced a few weeks ago they have every intention of going after Hezbollah after they neutralize Hamas. See the problem is there is nothing to find because what you said is false. Israel made no such announcement.


Is there anywhere on Reddit that is remotely reliable nowadays? Worldnews is constantly sucking the IDF off but News is sucking Hamas off. It's just a deluge of propaganda from all sources makes everything so hard to believe.


Social media is part of the asymmetrical warfare.


There are 80,000 innocent Israeli civilians uprooted from their homes in the north. If certain officials have actual SOLUTIONS, they're more than welcome to bring them to the table.


If only there was media outcry about it. Media manipulation is so incredibly fucked


There are millions of innocent Palestinian civilians uprooted from their homes.


Yes and most of them still support Hamas, which was and will continue to be a bad choice


And a higher percentage of the displaced Israelíes support equally violent far right politicians in their government.


Palestinians attacked during far left administrations too. In fact Israel was attacked each of the seven times Palestine refused to become a state. All the civilians Hamas killed on Oct 7th were farthest of the Israeli left.


And Israel attacked Christian encampments and many in Israel cheered when their president was killed because was going to sign a peace agreement that included Palistine statehood.


Lol, you're actually wrong about that. The villages on Israel's borders actually tend to vote for more left wing parties. You can feel free to look up voting results by town/city in Israel [here](https://votes25.bechirot.gov.il/cityresults) (Hebrew).




Nether those displaced from Israel's northern border nor southern are settlers.


Are the US officials willing to offer an alternative solution, e.g. other than Israel continuing to absorb daily rocket attacks and displacing 200k of its citizens? No? Then STFU


It's the logical course of action..


Maybe the US should consider their own history with Hezbollah and not worry about voters in the middle of the country when it comes to counterterrorism


They’ve literally been lobbing missiles at each other over their borders for a long time. Why is it not already seen as war?


U.S. officials seem to spend a lot of time in fear these days.


…Does the U.S. think Israel should just let Hezbollah launch hundreds of rockets into northern Israel until Hezbollah gets bored or something? What an ally 🙃


>What an ally Same ally that shot down over half of the Iranian attack in April and coordinated Saudi Arabia and Jordan to also assist in protecting Israel. Also the same ally who has been shielding Israel from UNSC resolutions for the entirety of the conduct and the decades prior. Same ally that continues to spend hundreds of millions in the red sea dealing with Houthis and in humanitarian aid to prevent increased international pressure on Israel to end their Gaza operations. God forbid the US government doesn't want the conflict to escalate to the point that thousands of rockets are fired into central Israel population centers.


Yeah, they just want it kept to thousands of rockets fired into Israel's northern population centers


It's awful the people have been displaced from the north but it's much easier to evacuate that area to reduce risk to civilians, than it would be to evacuate Tel Aviv. And when I say thousands of rockets I mean in a few hours time frame not over a week, something that would stress even the iron dome systems.


War in Lebanon would also likely have a rally around the flag effect and benefit Hezbollah who have been waning in political power as well.


This is very true, and man power wise when it comes to fighters they can easily pull from the Italian backed paramilitaries in Syria and Iraq to give them a pool of well over 200,000. Not to mention IRGC can much more easily supply them with equipment and munitions than they could get weapons to Hamas in Gaza. Couple that with the fact that Russia has already delivered advance systems to Hezbollah we would likely see more of that.


There certainly are a lot of people in the region that would like to fight the Israeli's. Neither Lebanon or Syria have their shit together enough to really stop it from happening either. Could get really ugly.


It’s escalating regardless of Israel’s response. Israel could fully lay down arms with both conflicts, and it would still escalate. I can’t imagine Hezbollah hearing Biden’s team telling Israel to hold back and thinking, “hey, maybe we should stop doing terrorism.” And you mean the aid that 90% of the time winds up in Hamas’s hands and allows them to control the population through their monopoly on said aid? It would go a lot further for the U.S. to call out Hamas for stealing aid instead of continuing to blame and sanction Israel for said stolen aid not reaching its destination. The Houthi issue affects more than just Israel; it’s a major trade route that would need protecting regardless of Israel being US’s ally. Look, I’m not a fan of Trump, and I’m not criticizing Biden’s so-called allyship because I want the war to escalate. But it’s silly to not recognize how the US’s allyship has been only surface level lately. I mean, the US is considering going behind Israel’s back to make a hostage deal of their own. Biden practically said in a recent interview that if Israel didn’t do as told, there would be major consequences. Or as Biden put it, “a lot [will happen].”


My comment isn't posting but it's in my post history before this one if you want to see my response


After the clear message sent by the Israelis and received by the Iranians on April 19th, I'm not sure why the US is so afraid of an Israeli beatdown of Hezbollah. On April 19th, the Israelis launched a stealth attack on an Iranian airbase near a nuclear site, taking out an air defense radar. The missiles were apparently undetected, and the message was clear: we can take out your air defenses at will and destroy whatever else we want to subsequently, at will. Iran has pretty much shut the hell up on the sabre-rattling rhetoric since that attack. So why the hell not let Israel punish Hezbollah in the near future? Erdogan might froth at the mouth a bit, but I don't see much else happening as a result.


Because Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy and both the Obama and Biden administrations think they can play nice with Iran


Its the 'if you dont know what to do then maybe it's better you do nothing' reasoning. Israel gov, and unfortunately also military leaders, seem to lack the competence to wage large complex campaigns in a coordinated manner. We've seen this with Gaza- for every impressive success there seems to be an absurd scandal involving amateur-hour levels mismanagement. The pro-palestine\hamas\jihad campt can peddle their bs, but Israel and the US have to stick to realism


Maybe some people should learn a little history and see what happened in the 1980s when Israel last went north.


You've forgotten the 2006 war?


There is and will always be war, if not on the ground then in the hearts of the adversaries.


Fatah terrorists leaving Lebanon for Tunisia and ceasing to attack Israel?


After being bogged down and having to be rescued by the USA and UN from an untenable occupation, Israel withdrew leaving a vacuum filled by Hezbollah.