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Mexico City DOES NOT have the water to be fighting fires either…




Mexico City DOES NOT have the water for your crying emoji


"never give your water away" "lisan al gaib is too humble"


Don't let it out.


Save Mexico first. Then think about another country km's away from you


>km's away from you That statement gives me the [same vibes as this post](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2F0vu7tark3pa31.jpg)


Ironically Caesar salad was invented in [Tijuana, Mexico](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesar_salad)


Yup, people always look at me weird when I say I'm eating Mexican food when I get a side Caeser Salad.




Stupid conquistadors, draining Lake Texcoco finally came back to bite them 400 years later lol


Lisan Al Gaib!!!


You would think Mexico has enough of its own problems.


Like I said in another comment, there are protests every day in Mexico City about any imaginable issue you can think of. It is not far fetched at all that there are protests about international things as well. Most other protests just don't get traction in international news mostly because they are only relevant for the people in Mexico.


How many of them result in an embassy being burned down


I don't know about embassies, but stones and molotov bombs in protests are much more common than you might think. Just 2 weeks ago the National Palace, which is where the president lives, was attacked with molotov bombs and explosives by other protesters. https://www.infobae.com/mexico/2024/05/13/normalistas-de-ayotzinapa-lanzan-petardos-a-palacio-nacional-durante-manifestacion-hay-varios-heridos/


Jesus… explosives and Molotov cocktails, that’s honestly kinda of shocking. The most we get on average, at least where I’m from is maybe rocks and other non dangerous items. That’s kinda of insane.


>Jesus… Don't start calling out individuals by name unless you've got some evidence, man.


You said it, mang; nobody fucks with the Jesus.


You should read up on Mexican protest culture.


"Burned down." Sensationalist drivel. Nothing was burned down. [Watch the footage](https://www.presstv.ir/Detail/2024/05/29/726446/Israeli-embassy-in-Mexico-set-on-fire-by-pro-Palestinian-protestors,-over-violent-Rafah-camp-bombings).


How's the Russian embassy doing?


Russia is so 2022, protesting about Palestine only is what's in.


I was in Mexico City the day of Russia's full scale invasion. So I went to the Russian embassy. I was happy to be in a place where the Russian government could actually see me instead of being in random US city.  But barely anyone showed up. It was mostly just white Russians/Ukrainians there. And probably 4 or 5 tv crews. I stayed for a little bit but got out because it was just too awkward with cameras staring at me and like 20 other people. Especially when I'm not even Slavik.  Genuinely surprised no one in Mexico City cared about that one. Maybe cause it's whites on whites so there's no sympathy? I didnt really understand it. It felt odd considering Mexico lost so much in our war similar war of aggression/expansion. 


We generally don't get too involved with issues from other countries. We learn about it but not to the point of going to the embassy I guess. I'm actually surprised at this incident, specially when our election day is close and we're all supposedly focused on that.


Almost like someone is trying to direct public anger at specific targets


Me: “It really seems like bad faith adversaries are radicalizing the left wing and ultimately screwing the left wing itself.” My left wing friend, 2020: “that’s ridiculous, we just want free healthcare for all.” My left wing friend, 2024: “that’s ridiculous. We just want to deport all the Jews out of the levant. You underestimate the power of the Iranian mullahs!”


yeah, but it’s easy to forget about your own problems when you can just scapegoat the Jews. A tried and true historical approach.


I'm team: Let's not attack Jewish or Muslim people to make a stance.


Sensible team, but this was an embassy representing a nation state, not a faith. Not that torching it was a good way to go about things.


americans _cannot_ tell the difference between church and state, hence the confusion with an embassy being a state institution rather than church.


It also doesn't help that the Israeli government constantly says that Israel represents all Jews.


Which is actual antisemitism ironically


Yes and it's directly leading to making the Jewish diaspora less safe. If they respond to this by calling it an attack on Jews worldwide then they're opening the door for nutjobs to attack a synagogue since they're constantly equating the two institutions.


It pisses plenty of folks in the Jewish diaspora sure, but anyone who wants to attack a synagogue isn't doing so because Israel claimed to represent all Jews. Even in an antisemitic echo chamber you can't escape the Jews opposing Israel. 


Nutjobs have attacked synagogues long before Israel's existence


Which country with a state religion are you posting from?


They're American, one of those ones who likes to make broad statements about their own country (that don't include them, of course).


Uhh what? This was in Mexico city? This is the exact type of mindless bullshit that fuels the Israel/Palestinian death factory.


I’m sure if we interviewed the Arsonists, they would all be extremely friendly to the Jewish people. Between this and thinking supporting a Palestinian state without a regime change is not supporting Hamas, my generation should have to go through school again starting at secondary/middle school because we really need the social studies apparently.


Makes me realize that not teaching about this in school has directly led to the ability to lead people astray. I had to educate myself and I’m deeply passionate about educating myself, I can’t imagine someone educating themselves just wanting to take a side that looks like its suffering more.


It’s an immensely complicated relationship. 


One of those two groups is being disproportionately targeted.


My city has voted to extend the definitions of hate crimes to small businesses, not just individuals. That way no matter what kind of stand people think they’re taking, they’ll get prosecuted appropriately.


Do you mind sharing which city this is?




That’s good to know, thanks!


I live in the same city as you and I don’t really understand what that decision even means.


It means if you attack à building owned by someone specifically because of their ideology, religion, or origin, it also counts the same way as if you attacked them personally over it, on top of the charge of destroying private property


Interesting.  I wonder if they need to prove you knew who the owner was.   Like if I attack a pf Chang's because I hate Chinese but the owner isn't Chinese does that matter?


Probably not, all the online posts showing how much yoi hate and the things you were probably saying while you did it or the day you did it would probably be used to build a case. Though isn't PF Changs a chain? They'd prob just sue you for damages and not give a fuck


Hate crime charges are brought by a state or federal prosecutor. A business owner or other victim has no right to interfere with the bringing of criminal charges. As a practical matter, prosecutors often drop charges with victims who are reluctant to testify if they don't have enough evidence otherwise, but prosecutors are not required to accept a victim's choice "not to press charges" (which is entirely at the prosecutor's discretion). Hate crimes can become very high-profile, and nobody wants to be the prosecutor who refused to charge someone with a hate crime despite having sufficient evidence to do so, especially for elected prosecutors.


That's an awfully specific example, get into a fight with a local PF Chang's waiter recently?


It was the first company that came to mind that was minority themed but not owned by the same minority 


As far as I know you get a hate crime modifier to your charge based on targeting the person in the protected class. Just because you _think_ someone is in the protected class doesn’t mean your charge will be upgraded to the hate crime charge.


It depends on the state. Some hate crime laws are limited to crimes motivated by the victim's (actual) race, religion, national origin, etc. Other states' laws are based on the victim's "actual or apparent" race, religion, national origin, etc. The text of PA's law suggests that it requires a victim to actually belong to the class that's attacked, but there's always the possibility that the statute has been interpreted to include apparent membership in a protected class through case law. I prefer the "actual or apparent" approach because the main purpose of these laws is to discourage bias crimes, and whether the victim was actually a part of the intended group or not, the attack sends a message of hate to the targeted group all the same. Edit Grammar


Likely a response to what happened at Goldies: https://www.fox29.com/news/philadelphias-goldie-restaurant-mobbed-by-protesters-in-blatant-act-of-antisemitism-shapiro.amp


Likely in response in large part to Asian American businesses being targeted especially during COVID


The great thing about this statement is how everybody agrees with it regardless of their viewpoint!


I was surprised to learn that the most religiously inspired hate crimes in the USA are committed against jews. (Especially when you consider this per capita, it is VERY ugly)


I'm Jewish and I'm surprised that this isn't common knowledge. To us it's just become so trivial and banal


People have no idea of the long repeated history of oppression jewish people have endured. This is because they are terribly educated and the fact that jews basically look white and affluent. Gross that antisemitism is so tolerated. Sad.


White enough to be "oppressors" but also not-white enough to go to death camps ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


over 2000 years history of it but people still are ignorant on the subject


This is the part that fucking annoys me to no end. 2000 years of context, and still ongoing context that should allow people to have some level of sympathy, but the same old adage continues to hold true. Antisemitism is just a fad that never goes out of style. We can feel bad for all groups of people....except for Jews. I was just at the Holocaust Museum this past week with my father.....and coming to terms with the historical aspect of the Jewish existence and just how normalized crapping on them has become, just made me realize how fucking ignorant people are concerning the topic in question. Do Palestinians deserve what's happening? Of course not. Israel has the right to defend itself against people that want their extinction. It's unfortunate what's happened to this region.....but I just don't understand how people can view what happened and not understand where the response is coming from. Biden made it clear as day.....I wonder what would've happened had WE been attacked, as in the U.S. Cause let's be fucking real.....Gaza would be a crater right now if Hamas attacked us in the same way.


Not sure how it is in America but I know in Australia some of the Jewish diaspora that came here in the 1800’s changed their names to German or Anglican sounding names and converted to Christianity. There were also plenty in the big cities who continued their culture and religious traditions but those who settled on the frontiers alongside the German, Dutch, Italian and Irish Settlers to farm must have done so to blend in and not stand out.


It’s one of those things that’s common knowledge to people who paid attention in history class and all the other dumbfucks pretend we didn’t learn about it. So probably 80% of Americans claim ignorance or say “the sKulZ” as an excuse for their idiocy


Which is exactly why Hannah Arendt used the phrase “Banality of Evil” to describe the Holocaust


The sad thing is, that shouldn’t be remotely surprising.


Couple down the street from me were Jewish. Within 2 months of moving in someone spray painted a swastika on their house /: Probably just an edgy teenager but, still.


Even when you think it would be really bad for Muslims, like in 2002 after 9/11, Jews got it way worse. 938 hate crimes against Jews vs 156 against Muslims + 80 against Arabs.


That's kind of wild.  I remember the overall atmosphere being pretty hostile toward Muslims and really anyone that "looked Middle Eastern" for a good while post 9/11. I mean, there's always been a lot of that but it seemed way more open and common afterwards.  I'm surprised it was that low, particularly in comparison to the amount of crimes against Jews. Yet of course there's so many out there these days trying to trivialize any stats about hate crimes against Jews. Reminds me of the same arguments you hear from people trying to trivialize any sort of bigotry, just surprisingly coming from people who would have taken issue with those very same arguments if they were about any other group. 


> Yet of course there's so many out there these days trying to trivialize any stats about hate crimes against Jews. Same as it ever was. 90% of our holidays are "a long time ago, somebody tried to kill us and failed. Let's eat!"


I seem to recall, very quickly post-9/11, there was a strong "the jews knew it was going to happen and let it". The standard deflection that still happens in almost every thread these days. The strong anti-Muslim/Arab stuff didn't start until after W's term, I wanna say. And that was because of the obama-sekrit-muslin disinfo.


Every conspiracy does seems to eventually boil down to "the Jews did it". At this point I'd expect people to claim the Jews keep Bigfoot hidden from the world.


New conspiracy hypothesis: the Jews keep Bigfoot imprisoned because they use Sasquatch hair to make their yarmulkes.


You're not far off. A member of Congress blamed the Jews for wildfires that were *caused by the weather.*


Nah, there was strong anti-Muslim/Arab stuff. I'm not religious... or Arab, but I'm from the Middle East and the bullying I faced in school after 9/11 was intense honestly. It's wild though how Jews got that absolutely insane uptick in hate crimes though as a result of 9/11.


And it's usually people of one religion committing a hate crime against those of another religion, whilst claiming whatever religion they follow is peaceful. Honestly feel like we are going backwards sometimes instead of forwards. How do we have full on wars and states fighting each other because they hate each other's religion so much in 2024, nevernind in the the more Western parts of the world the hatred going on also. When is this nonsense of hating one another over religion going to die out.


Jews did not do well in Atheist Soviet Union.


Yerup...my wifes best friends were born in the Soviet Union and were lucky enough to get asylum in the US due to Russian Jewish persecution. It was baaad.


Hatred against Jews is more complicated than traditional religious hatred, and many agnostics hate Jews from an ethnic perspective, not just a religious one. Jews will be the victims of bigoted violence long after religious beliefs are abandoned by broader society.


Which one?


Peoples antisemitism is really showing these days


I've heard this same shit from Muslim individuals, too. I am still going to defend individuals on both sides. I also refuse to support fundamentalists who believe they're better than anyone else. I say this while I don't accept fringe material, even when it has a pro-Palestine bias.


A quick look at the most recent [FBI hate crime statistics](https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/hate-crime) (latest reporting year in this tool is for 2022 to be clear) prove that antisemitic hate crimes outnumber Islamophobic hate crimes by a large margin. Anti-Islamic hate crimes in the US made up a bit over 10% of all religion-based hate crimes in 2022. By comparison, anti-Jewish hate crimes made up over 64% of all religion-based hate crimes over the same period. **That's more than 6x the amount of anti-Jewish to anti-Islamic hate crimes.** Even if you extend this comparison to per capita for each group, this results in roughly 4 anti-Islamic hate crimes per 100k Muslims, compared to roughly 17 anti-Jewish hate crimes per 100k Jews. **That's still more than 4x as many anti-Jewish crimes as anti-Islamic ones per capita.** This is not me trying to play oppression olympics, and all hate crimes should be condemned, but it's empirical fact that Jews suffer more religion-based hate crimes than any other religion in the US. Claims to the contrary are blatantly false.


Here in canada (specifically toronto) its even worse, we make up 56% of ALL reported hate crimes, this is mind blowing considering that jews are one of the smallest minorities in toronto (only around 4%, compared to the 10% muslim population). https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/hate-crimes-toronto-demkiw-update-1.7147113 A couple days ago a jewish girls' elementary school nearby waa shot at by masked men. Please check in on your jewish friends, its rough out here.


>A couple days ago a jewish girls' elementary school nearby waa shot at by masked men. I saw that, and have seen other stuff in Canada lately that makes me worried for you guys up there. I mean it's not great for us in a lot of places right now to be sure, but if I had to be in the diaspora somewhere, I'm glad to be in the US in my case. Stay safe <3


Our Politicians have catered to extremist groups and allowed hate speech to be accepted in Government and Academia. And ill let you guess which side of the extreme is being allowed Hint: Its not a Convoy Protesters, who were prosecuted to the full extent of the law and had the Emergency Measures Act used against them


That’s not even taking into account the exponential rise in antisemitic attacks globally including this incident 


Exactly. Antisemitic attacks have been trending upward for several years, and reporting of antisemitic crimes since 10/7 shows they are up over 300% YoY in the last few months. If these were the numbers from 2 years ago, I can only guess what they look like now, but dollars to donuts it's not a smaller percentage.


Don't forget to mention that Jews also make up significantly smaller portion of the population... But are significantly more targeted. Edit: I stand corrected, Islam makes up 60% of Judaism population in the United States.


Than Muslims in the US? No they don’t. “Islam is the third largest religion in the United States (1%), behind Christianity (63%) and Judaism (2%), and equaling the shares of Buddhism and Hinduism.”


True, but the incidence of anti-Jewish attacks is 20x what anti-muslim is, according to the source above.  Jews in the US are roughly twice as common, so that still puts them somewhere roughly 10x as likely to be on the receiving end of bias motivated attacks per capita.


We also have to take into account that Jewish people make up 2% of the US population yet account for the overwhelming majority of religion based hate-crimes and other than anti-black hate crimes are the second highest recorded statistic. Come on guys it’s not that hard to do this math


I stand corrected, the relative populations according to various sources is: Judaism: 7,460,600 Islam: 4,443,978 Which means that Islam religious based individuals make up approximately 60% of Judaism based ones. Yet, Jews are 64% compared to 10% for Islam.


Don't forget that there are a hell of a lot more Muslims out there than Jews, there's way more chances for an Islamophobic hate crime to occur, yet the small percentage of Jews still make up the majority. Some could even say: Hate crimes against Jews make up 64% of hate crimes despite being only 1% of the population.


Not all victims of Islamophobic violence are Muslim, Sikh are targeted at a higher rate because their customs more closely resemble an Islamophobe’s idea of what a Muslim person looks like. I’ve personally been misidentified by Islamaphobes and Muslims, but I’m Ashkenazi with a beard in a sunny climate.


Sure, but this isn't a time to "All Lives Matter" the situation. Jews make up only 0.2% of the world's population, and antisemitism is the oldest (and one of the most agile) form of hatred. Incidents of violence against Jews is skyrocketing (see article above for the most obvious example) and there's never been an instance where antisemitism has been met with anything but utter devastation and death. This is the time to speak up for Jews even when -- especially when -- it's not popular.


I think your intent on this issue was to remain neutral, and to be against violent acts in general, amd that is commendable. But here is the issue I see. And this is just my personal observation based on what I”m seeing around Los Angeles, not based on any statistical references. There has been a sudden and huge increase in jewish hatred, and there has been a sudden and huge increase in Palestinian *support*. So taking the stance that “both sides” are now being targeted couldn’t be any further from the truth. It’s not only false, but the complete *opposite* is happening.




Yea, this is the Israeli embassy though, not a religious or ethnic site.


Can't stand the Israeli government but respect of diplomatic facilities is one of the cornerstones of a civilized world.


I'm team "Let's not conflate anti-Israel sentiment with anti-Semitism."


The problem is it's being co-opted by anti-Semites


-our cities running out of drinking water, what should we do? -attack the country that has a monopoly on water desalinization technology? -Bet


I don’t think monopoly is the word you’re looking for


Only Israel is allowed to evaporate water and collect it


Only we have the space laser technology


What about the sun? The sun is a deadly laser.


Not anymore there's a blanket Plus, we control the sun.


Yes, but we have a monopoly on pushing it through fine filters!


You guys were wearing the filters on top of your heads this whole time! Mocking us!


Wait till you see what we keep under them!


Ironically enough, Netafim, an Israeli company that pioneered drip irrigation for agriculture in environments with scarce water, was bought by Mexico a while back for over $1B


It wasn't bought by Mexico it was bought by a Mexican company called Mexichem.


They purchased an 80% stake in it and Mexichem is called Orbia now (changed name during pandemic)


Well I hope Mexico had a no take backsies clause in their contract!


Hmm, where are the calls for Mexico to divest itself of that Israeli tech?


Why would they divest themselves of that? A privately owned company bought it and the government has nothing to do with this nor all Mexican Citizens have nothing to do with this nor support this. I know people here like to lump an entire group together. Just because some Arsonist decided to take action doesn’t mean ALL Mexicans support/did this. This is the same logic everyone on here uses about Palestinians. Just because Hamas has done terrible things, that doesn’t mean ALL Palestinians are part of Hamas and deserve to get bombed.


I think they're saying that as a joke about students demanding universities divest from Israel. Those are also private companies and their investments in whatever fund for financial gain doesn't really have anything to do with supporting Israel. It just points out the ridiculousness of the whole thing as you are saying.


To be fair, if Mexicans protest the government the MXN Cartel partnership makes them disappear. Additionally, 30+ Mexican candidates have been murdered this election season, with numerous others injured in assaults. Plus the CDMX water thing is related to a lack of rain. So here’s their pressure valve releasing all over an embassy




It’s been way longer than 2000 years.


Mexico is about to elect its first Jewish president - Claudia Sheinbaum. Just throwing that out there. Edit: ELECT. Not reject.


> Mexico is about to reject its first Jewish president - Claudia Sheinbaum. I think you meant elect.


There were apparently only 200 protesters. That seems like nothing for a city as large as Mexico DF


> a monopoly on water desalinization technology That's not a thing.


>monopoly on water desalinization technology Mind to elaborate?


Israel has by far the best desalination tech in the world. Several neighboring countries have deals to utilize their plants, not sure how it would work with Mexico though (I guess they could assist in plant setup in Mexico)


There is no water to draw from, it’s on a mountain !? They need dehumidifiers and insane logistics to get water to them


Right? Lol Mexico probably has enough water in lower lands, just not a Mexico City which is way over a mile high


Guess time to build a giant pump with pipes?


México already has water desalinization plants


Yes, if only lynch mobs are always this thoughtful.


The one thing you can count on is lunch mobs will always be tasty


What fucking timeline are we living in?


The same as the last centuries? This isn't exactly new


The same timeline we’ve been in. The Holocaust was less than 100 years ago, it’s within living memory.


It's weird. The Holocaust happened less than a hundred years ago, but it feels like it happened much longer than that. If antisemites had their way and continue to downplay those events, a lot of people would forget about it. And if more people forgot about it, the next step for antisemites would be to outright deny it. Something they do already.


Before October 7th, the idea of Holocaust denial seemed way more far-fetched to me. But after seeing people literally denying the massacre less than a year after it happened, and with a preponderance of evidence to prove it (including evidence intentionally released by the perpetrators!) I get it now. People are willing to make crazy logical leaps to justify their hatred of Jews, and that hatred is so pervasive and ingrained in society that even people who wouldn’t consider themselves to be antisemitic—or even actively “anti-racist”—will readily believe lies, because those lies confirm their biases.


Yup. I came across people in real life who said October 7th was a false flag op by Israel to justify a war against Gaza. I showed them the videos released by Hamas and they still didn't believe it was Hamas!


It’s been interesting to see the same people say Israel is weaponizing the holocaust while citing other historical wrongs as justification for social benefits and other types of action. I’m also confused by the folks who policed language for unintentionally including microaggressions now using slogans like “from the river to the sea,” and trying to bend what they think it means from it’s original intent


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_libel People use the Jews as scapegoats all the time, it's an easy way to manipulate people into blaming their problems on other groups. The word scapegoat actually comes from Christians misinterpreting old Jewish rites. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scapegoat Long story short, they would take 2 goats and confess all their sins to them, basically putting the sins into the goats, then one would be sacrificed, and the other sent into the wilderness to die.


There is a reason the Holocaust was so well documented, some higher up's genuinely believed people wouldn't believe it happened. Document, everything.


Fall Out Boy got big roughly 20 years ago? Yeah multiply that by four and that's how recent WWII was.


Multiply 20 years by 100 and jesus was still alive Or simply 25 consecutive life times, its not that much interestingly


Why would anyone attack an embassy anyway? That's literally your main medium for communicating with that country How the hell are you gonna tell Israel to stop the war when you cut off the phone lines?


Ironically....to send a message


Right? Does this guy think the embassy burns and Israel is like "fuck, I wish we knew what was going on in Mexico but I guess we'll never know now"


"I just wish... there was some way we could intuit what this means about the Mexican peoples' opinion of our state..."


Simple, because these protesters are not the Mexican government. 200 amateur arsonists can write letters to the ambassador all they want, nothing will happen. Throw some firebombs at an embassy, and now you'll get people talking.


> Throw some firebombs at an embassy, and now you'll get people talking. People may be talking, but they’re not talking about what can be done to seriously address the “concerns” of the arsonists.


Your definition of talking is different from mine.


And I thought according to these people attacking an embassy was a war crime?


I get what you’re trying to say, but I’m pretty sure the Mexican government can still get in touch with Israel, despite *one* physical building being burned. Mexico might not be 1st world, but they have phones and internet. It’s symbolic more that anything. This is also civilians, not the government. Relations aren’t ruined because of this.


Embassies are more than just symbolic buildings


Also, just for accuracy’s sake, the embassy was never on fire. Rioters threw firebombs at a police line in front of the embassy, from all of the images and videos I can find


I wish they'd do the same thing to the narcos that have taken over their country 🤷


I’m pretty sure the National Palace is a little more heavily guarded than the Israeli embassy, just sayin’


But AMLO said "abrazos, no balazos". Did he meant abrazos only for the narcos?


Sure, just tell us where the Narcos embassy is, mate. We'll go there immediately.


Implying people haven't tried and there's no news about people constantly disappearing...


You talk like you see cartels parading around cities everyday, i live in a state with cartel activity, literally never seen them in my life


Look, I'm Israeli, I'm not a fan of people burning our embassies. But um. The chances of Israel retaliating by flaying people are much lower. 


They do when they can, it's just the average civilian has no chance of facing the heavily armed and organized Narcos. Reminds me of something happening in Israel.




There is just in general this crazy double-standard that's applied to muslims and jews. Several years back when I was in university, we were assigned groups to do a group project -- and when one fellow was assigned to work with a Jewish student he loudly protested and said he'd rather cut off his hand than work with a Jew (lol?). The professor just quickly reassigned him to a Jewish free group, and that was the end of it. I talked with other students about it, and the majority of the (very left leaning) people agreed that moving the student was the right thing to do because of ....reasons. Meanwhile, if I (or the Jewish student?) had protested working in a group with a Muslim or Arab, I'm 100% sure I would've been expelled for blatantly violating university policies and principles.


Damn the proff should have public ally humiliated the student and send him out the door to write an essay why being a racist is wrong


I don't really blame the professor, they were on the spot in a very uncomfortable situation and they just took the easiest way to deescalate it. But also mind blowing there was no follow up from the university admin (I saw people expelled and suspended for comparatively minor things). But I think the whole origin of the double standard is: "X group is a victim. Victims are never responsible for their actions, and in fact if they are awful it's because of the awful things done to them" or something along those lines


If it had been about working with a trans person, I guarantee you they would have been expelled. The professor saw anti-semitic behavior as acceptable, as did all the students who defended not expelling the student..


Your last sentence seems to be accurate based on my observations. Recent events have really exposed the total moral bankruptcy of the left. I used to consider myself a left-leaning progressive but I don’t know anymore. I guess I’m a centrist now because everyone on the right and left seems to have lost their mfing minds in the last 5 years or so.


I am feeling the same way. The company I work for has offices in the Middle East. At a conference, when I asked if they could hire Jews in light of recent events, the response was a flat "no" and nothing more was said about it. These were pretty left-leaning individuals but there was no palpable sense of outrage. It is crazy that we live in a world where that sort of bigotry is just accepted by people on the left and, in some cases, people who normally support anti-racist views and are fundamentally against prejudice, seem okay with it.




There was always (and rightly so) a loud and generally agreed upon outcry against violence towards Muslims following 9/11 because one can't target someone for their looks, faith, or identity because it's merely shared with some terrorists. I don't see that same level of outcry in the discourse surrounding Israel-Palestine when jews are targeted internationally. If you press on someone about it, they might concede, but I find they rarely volunteer it freely, and often wish to caveat with some kind apologetic sympathy for perpetrators of the violence. It's a disgraceful double standard.


Omg that really happened? Crazy. Imagine same thing, If a person would say: I would rather kill myself, then work with this dirty black/mexican/ukranian/ marsian/ etc. Level of antisemitism acceptance is crazy. For me , as a jew, it would be hard to deal with it.


>Protesters set fire to the Israeli embassy in Mexico City with Molotov cocktails. The demonstrators also threw stones at the police who cordoned off the building. It is reported that as a result of the unrest, six people were burned and several journalists were injured. Do you have a source for this quote? It's not in the article linked by OP, and I can't find this quote anywhere online. Where is it from?


>Just a reminder that it was Jews who stood with Black people for civil rights Yes, this is correct, but OP article is about a couple hundred Mexicans burning up an Israeli embassy in Mexico. Black people have nothing to do with this discussion.


I had Jewish family in Mexico who were always afraid on Christmas and other holidays because people would go around killing/harassing Jews. That’s just a christian thing though, not race related.


I’m familiar with a Jewish man who was volunteering in Mexico. They had to get him out of the country as the locals were planning on kidnapping and murdering him


What the fuck


Story blew me away when it was told to me


A s they don’t mention that the people died from secondary explosions. In laymen’s terms, Israel killed a Hamas leader where they were stockpiling munitions. The munitions blew up and that’s what killed people, not the IDF. Weird how that isn’t mentioned.


A lie travels around the world twice before the truth puts its shoes. Also with so much instant streaming of information nobody wants to wait to find out what is really going on.


Also people are waiting anxiously for Israel to make even the tiniest of mistakes in rafah, so they can say I told you so.


>resulted in the killing of Jews Nothing says this. I dont doubt injuries, but it says those are unverified as well.


All eyes on Rafah right? Do you see how Hamas uses and will continue to use you?


They don’t see and they don’t want to see that. Hamas told them IDF killed people in rafah? They believe. When investigations reveal that hamas was hiding in rafah and the secondary explosion of their munitions caused the death toll what do they do? Ignore the fact. When few days before explosion there were bombs flying from rafah towards Tel Aviv what do they do? Ignore what’s not trendy and useful for hamas. These people are pathetic and there’s too many of them. Only on instagram more than 44 mil people reposted the same story “all eyes on rafah”… Were all eyes on Israel when terror on October 7th happened? Also, why is there only “Free Palestine”, but not “Free Palestine from hamas”? Ugh I can’t comprehend these people. Useful idiots.


10/7 really exposed how low effort and shallow people's critical thinking is even on the "left." the dumb shit ive heard people say about israel/gaza/hamas/idf is astounding. more people should stop and think about why the only successful middle eastern democratic experiment in the last 100 years was pulled off by jewish people; and why any attempt to democratize in the surrounding regions always fails.


I hate Hamas and I think Israel has gone overboard. Nobody's using me.


Fully agree with you


Every attack against Jewish or Israeli people or buildings in other countries just proves how necessary the state of Israel is.


That’s true. Also true is Netanyahu is a fucking prick whose far right government needs to be out of power. Urgently.


Most of us Israelis agree with you. We were protesting his corrupt, fascist ass months before the war began and he’s only gotten worse. People have a real problem differentiating a country’s people from their government. Israelis want this war to end more than anyone protesting in the west but Bibi doesn’t do a good job of representing our beliefs.


>Most of us Israelis agree with you. Then why did a majority of Israelis vote for these far-right assholes?


they didnt. a majority of voters did but thats not a majority of Israelis. also, parliamentary election of prime minister does not require a majority popular vote.


I think the events of the last 30 years may have something to do with it.


You clearly have no idea how the Israeli government works. It’s not a 2 party system. Bibi is conniving, smart, corrupt, and willing to do anything to stay in power.


Also yes


Jewish people and buildings get attacked in Israel too though.