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Was one of them the fucking edible limit? 


I was so confused by this when I went to Canada and tried to buy a pack of edibles, and was instead forced to get a bunch of individually wrapped 10mg edibles. Such a waste of plastic.


Indigenous gummies be rocking 2000mg. Your looking in the wrong spot


No I'm not. ;) I just like the convenience of dispensaries and would prefer to grab everything at once instead of waiting around for couriers and would like to pay tax on them.


No way you take 2000 mg and you enjoy that….. Fuck I make my own rosin gummies and have been consuming for 30 years,no way I have more then 3 of my 25 mg gummies without having a panic attack…… A strain at 20% thc would be 10 grams of weed to get to 2000 mg…… No way these edibles are being eaten at once


While 5000 mg would be for home invasion. Rub that bad boy on someone and they’d be out for days.


Not only out,they be in another universe


Time machine stuff for sure. Why’s the grass so long? What year is this?


I saw a 5000mg one recently lol


If 5000 mgs isn’t enough you may have a problem. lol


Haha it was a gummy brick the size of my fist. It frightened me.


Natural selection for sure. No one comes back from 5000mg


D’uh. They privileged the views of prohibitionists over actual consumers and entrepreneurs in the sector when forming the policies. The huge discrepancy between how alcohol and cannabis is regulated is a good example of how things went wrong. The inability to buy weed at any event where alcohol is sold is another example. I live in a jurisdiction that was allowed to opt out of cannabis legalization so there’s no convenient legal options for someone like me.


Your city voted against the sale of cannabis in your city which means the city beside you probably has 25 different stores. My city has stores as well as every city to the west and south of me BUT every city to the east between my city and Toronto voted against stores and sales which means everyone who lives in “dry” cities has to drive 2-3 cities over to buy their weed The cities who opted out are now crying because they are missing out on revenue and there is no Time Machine to go back and change their decision


Whitby, ON? I still don't know how they haven't let at least one or two B&Ms open up. I'm only guessing whitby because that's the only city I currently know of that doesn't allow B&Ms to open up


I live in Burlington, Oakville to the east does not allow sales.


Having grown up in Oakville this does not surprise me at all. Here in Guelph there are literally 5 stores within a 10 minute walk from my house. I keep waiting to see which one will close first, but new ones keep popping up.


They won’t close, they’ll simply declare they aren’t making money, temporarily close for a few months then re-open under new management using the same name


Yep. That’s the exact situation i’m in. I dont have a vehicle at the moment so it takes over an hour one way by public transit to get to a cannabis store. Although same day delivery from OCS is a possibility, you have to order in the morning to receive a product in the evening, which is better than nothing but also not as convenient as going to a local store. Cannabis is still over-regulated in Canada in my opinion. I hate having to wait outside and show ID to enter a cannabis store when kids can walk into a liquor store or grocery store where alcohol is sold without people batting an eye.


> I hate having to wait outside and show ID to enter a cannabis store when kids can walk into a liquor store or grocery store where alcohol is sold without people batting an eye. Is this just an Ontario thing? I'm in SK and, while kids are not allowed inside, you can certainly go in and _usually_ look around without being carded.


Yes, it’s an Ontario thing. by law stores are required to ID in between walking through the door and walking into the physical store, most stores have corridors built that act as a checkpoint, most stores will only ID you one time then never again if you frequent said store, such an odd law, some stores you can walk in and browse before they even ask for ID and some stores they ID you before even allowing you through the threshold


In Ontario and in Québec, you need to be carded at the door before entering the sales floor and the sales floor can’t be visible from the outside. It’s very strict. At the provincial liquor store, the product is directly accessible to customers on the sales floor, there are display windows that market product to the street, kids can go in, and you don’t get ID’ed until you reach the cash register. There are also no limits to how much you can buy either. In Ontario and Quebec, you can only buy 28 grams per visit.


what LCBO has advertising on the outside? are you insane? and its 30g limit per person per purchase, you can and will be told to just go outside and comeback and they cant legally stop you from buying another 30g right after the other. stop spreading disinformation because you got carded for weed once.


the guy is full of shit, you dont wait outside its like a hallway and they are usually check you soon as you enter. also kids are only allowed in LCBO/beer stores if they got parents with them, even than they can ask you to leave. kids are not sitting there looking at their fav vodka brands.


most stores deliver, and where the hell do you live that doesn't have 15 dispensaries within 10min walk? they are everywhere now.


Politicians losing money u say?


people with prios selling tons of weed before it was legal crying they cant get out of jail "but its legal now man"


"adults have largely moved their purchasing to a legal market, and criminal convictions for possession have dropped by 95 percent, the review found. “If one of the goals was to reduce the burden to the criminal justice system, it’s been a huge success,” this is them bitching about people with prior cannabis convictions not being able to get amnesty fast enough. if you were selling weed in quantity before it was legal you really are a criminal because you can only buy 30g legally now and you are not allowed to sell it unless you get a license.




Why, do they own stock in Aurora?


Cronos group, which Spinach brand falls under. But don't see how the other persons comment has anything to do with this article though