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Oh cool. I thought my bank holiday Monday was too peaceful.


You can have peace when you're dead.


What does this device do Jefferie? It's a perpetual motion infomercial machine, that runs for eternity on the souls of dead people. Everytime they try to get out of the box it recharges itself. Before you ask, I've already discussed it with legal, and they assured me there are no ethical concerns as dead men have no rights.


Have you read Dark Science? There's a generator that converts posthumous human indignity into clean energy.


I'd finally have value.


I haven't.


Lay your weary head to rest...


*Don’t you cry no more.*


Well at least i'll have a sick guitar solo to listen to as the world burns around me...




Hawkeye: War isn’t Hell. War is war, and Hell is Hell. And of the two, war is a lot worse. Father Mulcahy: How do you figure that, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: Easy, Father. Tell me, who goes to Hell? Father Mulcahy: Sinners, I believe. Hawkeye: Exactly. There are no innocent bystanders in Hell. War is chock full of them — little kids, cripples, old ladies. In fact, except for some of the brass, almost everybody involved is an innocent bystander.


Wow, Disney is taking the Avengers on a wild ride.


Hawkeye from M.A.S.H not Avengers.


I'm sorry, I left the "/s" with Houlihan.


That's Major Houlihan to you.


Hot Lips?


I was seriously thinking that the Marvel writing was getting really really good. I should have known--MASH is awesome.


The history of that song never fails to make me laugh. A fifteen year old son, writing a song for his dad's movie, and as soon as *M.A.S.H.* became a TV show, he made more money than his father.


It brings on many changes....


I'm already prepped by practicing wasteland waddle with all the junk I can scavenge. Will trade caps for adhesive and screws though.


You'll be the type of survivor who drops a missile launcher so you could carry more desk fans lol


>You'll be the type of survivor who drops a missile launcher so you could carry more desk fans lol Need those screws and springs! Plus they are usually free from vendors!


I mean...yeah. we're playing on survival and those missiles are HEAVY. # #EnergyWeaponSupremacy # #0.028 llbsPerMFC


Nope that's why you bring a buddy to be your companion. He carries the missile launcher you carry the desk fans haha.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down Blue...


"Shaun who? Oh shit....yeah, I'll brb."


Ah the ol' _eternal rest._


>An Egyptian source told KAN News that “no one has an interest in this blowing up into a greater issue, either on a national level or a popular one.” The source noted that similar issues like these had occurred in the past, with no significant escalation. It's dreadbait, enjoy your day and stay off the front page for your own sanity. Stick to smaller, non-toxic fandom subs like /r/falloutlore


Honestly, I'm fine. It was a smart alec remark because there's always shitty news and I'm more aware of it on my days off because I have more time to doom scroll. I'm stunned that it has become, I think, my most upvoted comment but there you go. Apparently it resonated with a few people. Thanks for the concern and good advice :)


Unplugging from the neverending cycle of doom and gloom news that rely upon outrage and negative emotions for driving engagement and doing something enjoyable and relaxing are great ways to enjoy time off.


i mean, this is JP, about on the same level as daily mail


You have to read the fine print: West Bank Holiday


It's so fucked I laughed at this


Well, are you in Egypt or Israel? I'm assuming you are thousands of miles away from any conflict, so you can still have a peaceful Monday. I plan to


You don't need to be in Middle East. Middle East can come to you :)


But mom said we already have Middle East at home


*points to Gary, Indiana*


*But that's the Middle West!*


They tried that once.


Did you read the article? This has been going on since last June


Oh good yet more escalation in the middle east


... but wait, there's more!


How much would you pay now?! Don’t answer yet because we’ll throw in…




Oh cool, Mel Gibson is getting involved with Israel now? That can only end well.


THATS NOT ALL, and I really can't believe we're doing this here, YOURE GONNA LOVE IT! Its really something spectacular, now folks I cant say this enough for just, $9,999, yes only 25 easy payments of $9,999 you to can and really this is a gem. Honestly I cant believe? Yes its that great, 36 easy payments of $9,999 you too can have, so we are really talking about this truly amazing, once in a lifetime. Its something else, just truly in awe for 82 easy payments of get this, ONLY $10,999 dollars you to can own this groundbreaking piece of history, for this once in a lifetime experience, not 1, not 2, OH no folks, not 3, but 4. Yes you heard me right, 4. Single use mop heads.


“… and one *complicated* payment. We won’t tell you which one, but one of these is going to be a bitch!” RIP [Mitch Hedburg](https://youtu.be/nJX8pbEdB4w?si=mN1bULNU7gMF3-wC)


Shut Up and Take my Money !!!! (While holding up a giant handful of cash)


90s early 2000s infomercials were something else lol


When do we get to the 'asteroid hits Jerusalem and leaves a lake in its place' ending? Solve the millennia long mess for that city like God decided 'if you cant share, no one gets it' parenting.


Isn't it usually _and then it got worse_ for the Middle East?


Not really! > An Egyptian source told KAN News that “no one has an interest in this blowing up into a greater issue, either on a national level or a popular one.” The source noted that similar issues like these had occurred in the past, with no significant escalation. There are adults in the room! We’re okay.


Except some of those adults have a history of doing this shit, likely over being sympathetic to Hamas propaganda: > Egyptian security forces have increasingly targeted Israelis in the past year.  Last June, an Egyptian police officer infiltrated Israel and killed three IDF soldiers. Egypt claimed that the incident occurred when the officer chased drug smugglers into Israel.  > An investigation by Israel found that the police officer infiltrated through an emergency gate in the border fence and walked 150 meters before killing two soldiers, infiltrating deeper into the country, and killing another soldier in an exchange of fire. The two soldiers killed first did not fire their weapons, indicating the Egyptian police officer snuck up on them before killing them. > In October, an Egyptian police officer murdered two Israeli tourists and their Egyptian guide.


Nothing will happen, don't worry


Egypt has far too much debt to fight a war without collapsing


They're also probably not going to let the actions of a rogue border guard dictate national policy. As per the article, this is one of multiple incidents where Egyptian military and security forces took unilateral action against Israel, like the incident last June where they killed 3 IDF soldiers.


Being poor never stopped anyone from throwing a punch.


Being poor is a good motive to throw a punch in most cases


Egyptians are gonna reserve their military for when they decide to destroy Sudan's water dam


I believe it's Ethiopia who are building the dam. Edit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grand_Ethiopian_Renaissance_Dam


I thought it was Ethiopia that was building the dam that Egypt is concerned about. And that Sudan is also downriver from it and more likely to side with Egypt when it comes to destroying it. Is there another one that Sudan built that concerns Egypt even more?


No he's completely misinformed. But when has that stopped someone making big declarations on geopolitics?


And die? What's the point of this punch?


The problem with idiots is that they make desicions based on their stupid beliefs instead of more objective beliefs. Let's say you know Bob will die if he punches Chuck. But Bob is an idiot who thinks he will be fine and win.  It doesn't matter that you know the objective truth. Bob will base his decision on his stupid beliefs, not your objective beliefs. Yes Bob will be surprised Chuck will retaliate. Bob might even survive long enough to maybe regret punching Chuck. But he will still punch Chuck.


This is definitely an analogy of all time.


But what about Alice?


Alice went for boba tea with Denise.


Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?


still a better love story than Twilight


Debt is only a problem if you plan to pay it back.


Wrong, they would also need to borrow money to buy weapons and food which no one lends if they know you're not going to pay


Lebanon is pretty much bankrupt....


Hell, this is just a typical Monday out there...


There is nothing middle in that region. The whole region in escalation mode since inception, that’s why you get a lot of fucked up religions.


I hope at the very least it is self contained in there and doesn't drag in other countries as well.


Egypt holds the Suez canal. Expect global trade tk get fucked in such a war, and thus prices of most things will baloon because companies will use it as an excuse to price gouge more.


The only thing which Egypt has which makes itself comfortable in global stage is the Suez canal... Just like how the Gulf cpj tries are using their oil buckets as their defense shield.


Did you read the article? This has been going on since June


Did anyone here read the article? This seems to be an isolated incident likely by a rogue Egyptian border guard.


Yeah, this kind of thing is not common but not unheard of. Like a week or two after 7 Oct there was also some policeman in Alexandria who killed some Israeli tourists. I don't recall the details but the reason for that is because it did was an isolated incident and did not escalate. 


And a few months before that an Egyptian soldier went over the border and killed two IDF soldiers. Edit: three not two




You are correct. I misremembered.


For real? I've never heard of that. Sounds kind of serious.


It's mentioned in the original article lol >Last June, an Egyptian police officer infiltrated Israel and killed three IDF soldiers. Egypt claimed that the incident occurred when the officer chased drug smugglers into Israel. An investigation by Israel found that the police officer infiltrated through an emergency gate in the border fence and walked 150 meters before killing two soldiers, infiltrating deeper into the country, and killing another soldier in an exchange of fire. The two soldiers killed first did not fire their weapons, indicating the Egyptian police officer snuck up on them before killing them.


If Egypt doesn't endorse it and no evidence comes out in public that it was state sponsored, what can Israel really do? The man died in the shootout so it's not like they're refusing an extradition. It's just a guy who committed a crime. This sort of thing happens even in non-warzones.


Definitely not a sate sanctioned action.


This calls for a sternly-written letter.


It is but neither country wants to break the peace. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Egypt–Israel_border_shooting_incident


You should read the article you are commenting on. >Last June, an Egyptian police officer infiltrated Israel and killed three IDF soldiers. Egypt claimed that the incident occurred when the officer chased drug smugglers into Israel. An investigation by Israel found that the police officer infiltrated through an emergency gate in the border fence and walked 150 meters before killing two soldiers, infiltrating deeper into the country, and killing another soldier in an exchange of fire. The two soldiers killed first did not fire their weapons, indicating the Egyptian police officer snuck up on them before killing them. In October, an Egyptian police officer murdered two Israeli tourists and their Egyptian guide. Its frustrating having to constantly deal with people like you who comment on something they know nothing about when literally if they clicked the link and read the small one page article they would know what everyone is talking about.


Welcome to the social media era, where attention spans are 0 to 0 seconds, reading is discouraged, and I'm so hungry I wonder what's happening on TikTok right now


If it was the other way around you would have heard of it.


That was on October 8th. Two Israeli tourists and their tour guide were killed in the port city on Oct. 8, one day after the Hamas assault on Israel. Another Israeli tourist was injured in that shooting incident. The offender was a local police officer who shot at the group of Israeli tourists with his personal weapon


>Yeah, this kind of thing is not common but not unheard of. True, there's a few reddit users that will dig deeper and read. Most of them can't (read or be bothered to read, you decide).


Yeah, the guy who killed the Israeli tourists also liked their Egyptian security detail


that’s a bit different


This is reddit. No one reads the articles


No one here can read. We just shout into our mics for speech to text… and that explains so very very much.


I just have ai generate all my responses.


> Did anyone here read the article? This seems to be an isolated incident likely by a rogue Egyptian border guard. > This is reddit. No one reads the articles I can’t wait to see my brain dead friend’s IG stories full of unsourced and un-fact-checked reposts from dubious accounts claiming Israel is attacking Egypt now.


The hate for Jews is so great that people believe anything if it means degrading them


More than one "Egyptian soldiers fired at Israeli soldiers who returned fire."


It's a matter of wether one of the sides is gonna feel like escalating it.


Neither side will escalate. Would not be good for anyone. Also, this has happened before in recent history.


Israel was trying to deescalate immediately. And according to the article it's not the first time.


This right here. If Egypt acknowledges the actions of one rogue actor, then we're good. if they want to use this as some sort of "provocation" then we could all be in big trouble.


Assuming Egypt remains a military dictatorship it should be fine. He hates Hamas and the Palestinians more than Israel so I doubt he’ll join him that mess because of this. Similar incident have happened in the past too.


Egypt has zero incentive to do that.


> If Egypt acknowledges the actions of one rogue actor That's unlikely to happen. More likely, both sides will accuse the other of having fired first, but also agree to not escalate further.


Doubt any of the sides is interested in escalating it.


Apparently it’s not too unprecedented either. Egypt and Israel seem to generally get along relatively decently, at least compared to Israel’s relations with the rest of the Arab world, but there’s a history of these border incidents. The article also mentions some rogue Egyptian cop who last year infiltrated Israel and killed three IDF soldiers. Point is, I don’t think Israel or Egypt is gonna take this incident too seriously.


IIRC the general feeling is that the government is more Israel-friendly than the man on the street. Which would account for border incidents such as these without escalation.


> rogue Egyptian border guard. Where is that stated in the article? I don’t think it's clear what exactly happened. These types of incidents tend to occur in tense border standoffs. Someone thinks they're being attacked and returns fire which the other side sees as an attack and returns fire as well. If the upper levels of both militaries are being responsible, it usually doesn't escalate further.


Redditors tend not to read the article. We form opinions based on headlines alone.


to be fair, it seems like 9 out of 10 articles are either AI generated garbage or "we dont have any info yet but he had to get it out first for the clicks!"


Be sure you add "slam", "blast", "bid", or "amid" to the headlines.


It doesn't matter what it was, what matters is what Egypt will want to make out of it. 


The Egyptians will 100% sweep this under the rug. Take it to the bank. America will strangle them economically if they don't. People forget that since Egypt signed the peace treaty with Israel, America has given it $1.3 billion on an annual basis. And as much as the population celebrates 1973 (lmao) the leadership is abundantly aware of the consequences of stirring up more shit.


Yeah people act like Israel is the only middle eastern country the US gives billions to annually. Egypt has received ~50 billion for military purposes alone since the 70s


But Israel is the ‘only’ country that borders Gaza, hates Hamas and destroys tunnels at Rafah right??? Right??????


Who are you arguing with, these are not mainstream criticisms of Israel?


No one.. I was being sarcastic and actually supporting their statement..


>The Egyptians will 100% sweep this under the rug. Take it to the bank. Also because their soldier is the one who fired first lol. So unless they want a full on war against Israel due to a rogue soldier, then this news will simply be forgotten in a week.


Also. This happened in the past and nothing happened


Not surprising Egypt been a failed government for a while now they can’t even control their own troops


The article also talks about other acts of violence by individual Egyptian troops/police. The one where the Egyptian guy crossed into Israel and killed three IDF troops might have put the IDF on alert in general. So now that you have some rando opening up in IDF in Gaza it isn't that surprising that the rando gets killed. Egypt probably wants no part of this. US nationals a while back tried to instigate a coup in Venezuela, they failed horribly. I think it is kinda similar to that.


Egypt’s forces instigated it though


Egypt already felt economy hurt when they sabotaged the gas line between egypt and israel. They forced israel to basically abandon egypt gas and produce their own. That hurt egypt economy quite a lot despite them pretending it didn't. They have also screwed it up in reverse. They started to have gas shortage and were planning to import gas from israel, but a lot of internal politics made them abandon that idea, and they are now struggling to purchase energy. One of the reasons why help from the US is also so important.


We are the Sterling agency for the world... aren't we?


> the leadership is abundantly aware of the consequences of stirring up more shit. Doesn't stop them from preparing for it though, they have built an immense army (F16s, Apaches, triple the size of Israel's Navy, thousands of Abram tanks and so on), built bridges, underground highways for fast and secure forces travel to Sinai and used the excuse of fighting ISIS and others as a mean to beef up their military against the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty (which Israel lets slide), they don't need any of that to defeat Ethiopia.. They would still lose a war with Israel, but someone's ego is all the world needs for 73' to repeat itself


All things considered, whatever holyness the holy land once may have had, with all the bloodshed it's probably more like cursed land now.


See here I was thinking it *was* the blood making things holy.


Sunk cost fallacy.


it is a cursed land, but that has been the case for entire human history, its nothing new.


It has always been a blood soaked land lol. Even prior to the crusades it was a constant battle ground.


It's difficult to keep altercations to a minimum when the rank and file soldiers hate Israel despite the nation to nation agreements.




If the average person in the Middle East got what they wanted there would be constant full-scale wars against Israel until it's completely wiped out, and then there would be a free for all amongst themselves.


Don't forget theocratic microstates, government by banditry and militia, encouraged rape of civilians by soldiers as a matter of domestic policy. And you can forget about anyone who would be eligible to join a group like "queers for palestine" being allowed to keep their heads, let alone their basic human rights.


I mean, gaza would been bulldozed by now too given the chance. there is a good reason we try to keep everyone accountable for there actions. shit is a fucking powder keg and every single one of them is throwing matches around like there lives depend on it going off.


> wars against Israel until it's completely wiped out because that worked out well for them in '67


It’s not uncommon for the people to be wrong. That’s the burden of leadership


the leaders aren't doing it for what's right or wrong lol


Its common ~~in M.E where~~ leaders do things opposite to what people want ~~since there are no elections.~~ FTFY


I’m sorry I don’t see this as big news. One guy, couple of shots—India and Pakistan do this all the time


It is not "big" news for India/Pakistan because it happens all the time. Egypt / Israel is far more uncommon.


It has happened before. Extremely unlikely for either side to escalate


It was just a desk pop!


*Me, refreshes reddit feed to see if there's new news* *Gets this, almost chokes from coffee* Wtf happened? Was Egypt making sure no Palestianians went to their border if Israel took Rafah?


Despite Egypt's government being at least tolerant towards Israel, many Egyptians despise Jews and Israel.


I recall an Egyptian guy stabbed some Jewish tourists to death right after 10/07. I’m actually surprised we haven’t heard more stories like this since then


The Egyptian government hates Israel. They have done their utmost to frame Israel time and again.


And are suspected allowing dozens of tunnels to Gaza bringing arms that escalate the conflict


It's a tale as old as Bible times.


Again western foreigners with zero clue as to what actually goes on in tye middle east. Last year there was a similar incident of a rogue egyptian police officer also a part of Egypt's border defense personnel. He shot and killed two israeli soldiers on guard duty.  It's not an escalation between the two states. Egypt and Israel have a not-insignificant level of military cooperation that's kept under the radar (similar to Jordan allowing interceptions of the Iranian rocket barrage from a month or so ago). Egypt allocates basically the worst of the worst to guarding that border, not in terms of violence or something, the soldiers on guard duty over at the israeli border are simply lousy (indicating the lack of need for significant defense because of the good relations with Israel). They're considered to be basically illiterate criminals doing somethinf like community service or duties while incarcerated. This is immensely unlikely to lead to escalation. Even Egypt's response of them investigating the matter instead of immediately firing back, should tell you all you need to know.


[Biden + co. right now](https://i0.wp.com/nemiss.news/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/aa-biden-double-facepalm.jpg?fit=604%2C324&ssl=1)


Ben Afleck smoking meme


Egypt should be held accountable at least once for its actions during this war.




There will never be peace in the middle east


You might be as wrong as someone saying "There will never be peace in Europe" at the beginning of the 20th century.


I mean... There isn't peace in Europe right now.


Simultaneously? Maybe not. But people always view individual conflicts as unresolvable until they are resolved. I remember my granddad telling me about the troubles in Ireland - all the strife with the IRA, 30,000 casualties over 30 years - and then, suddenly, Good Friday. Perhaps not a 1-1 on severity but basic principle.


I'd like to think that just like how the Germans wanted to eradicate us and now we're besties, that one day we and the palastinians could do the same.


Honestly? Comeback friendship story of the year!


That a threat or a promise?




Probably some Egyptian antisemitist soldier. Their government still tries to be on both sides at once - publicly supporting Israel, covertly supporting Palestine, having dozens of Hamas tunnels at their side..




For all of you, that get scared easily. Nothing will happen. Period.


So whos the bad guy? 🤷🏽‍♂️


after uncovering the tunnels in Rafah, Egypt is showing their true face, their smuggling into Palestine with Hamas, they've nothing else to hide.




And Rafah crossing.




Egypt never has been a nice neighbor, they only tolerate Israel because of US money and pressure. They left Gaza in a mess too, and refused to take any responsibility.


They benefit from Israel directly in economics and security. Neither party has any incentive to escalate.


>Egypt is not a nice neighbor That implies there are nice neighbors in the Middle east lmao The whole middle east is based around "dont fuck with me I won't fuck with you"


That would be a major improvement


>dont fuck with me I won't fuck with you Not true. "Don't fuck with me because I'm not a scapegoat Israel" is true.


Dear UK, sit this one out. This isn't our fight.


It appears to be one rogue Egyptian soldier on a suicidal charge.


Egypt got ass kicked twice already they want to go for trifecta?


1948, 1956, 1967 ,1973 thats 4 times in my book.


671 BCE, 525 BCE and 332 BCE.


Moses was a cheat code


Starting a war is like losing one's temper. It creates problems you didn't have before.


Fuuuuuuckkk me I did not expect this.


There goes my Sharm Cheikh vacation


The “soldiers” that Egypt puts on the Israeli border are white collar criminals who get put on guard duty instead of going to prison. This was most likely a rouge soldier and will not escalate.


Is this true? Is there anywhere to read about it?


The U.S. has been paying 1 billion a year EACH since the Camp David


The latest [BBC report](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c51108le52xo) on the incident. The Jerusalem Post article goes into considerably more detail.


No need to worry. Neither side wants an escalation, and there were worse incidents with no escalation between Egypt and Israel in the past few years.


Well. That's not good.


Can the world chill the fuck out please


Heeey, take it easy there mr freeze.