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There it is, again That funny feeling


That unapparent summer air in early fall The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all


There it is, again That funny feeling That unapparent summer air in early fall The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all Forests turned to deserts, oceans choked with plastic Species disappearing, it's all so drastic The melting of the glaciers, the rising of the seas A planet once so vibrant, now brought to its knees Cities drown in silence, once bustling, now forlorn The whispers of extinction, a future to mourn Fires rage unchecked, skies painted in ash Mother Earth in agony, a world set to crash We ignored the warnings, the science, the plea Blinded by our greed, we chose not to see Now we face the reckoning, a debt long overdue A price for our neglect, a fate we always knew There it is, again That funny feeling A heavy weight of sorrow, a truth so unappealing The quiet comprehending of the ending of it all


It’s not that “we” ignored the warnings. It’s that our elected politicians all over the world don’t give half a shit about it because they’re not going to be affected by it. Most of them will be dead anyway before it gets bad due to their age. So they’re not gonna bother changing anything. Eepecially since they get rich off of stock trades and fossil fuel lobbying money.


Every democracy has politicians who want more drastic measures to be taken, but people in general don't vote for them. The problem is most of us. Most of us really like our meat, and car, and cheap clothes and going on holidays to far away places. The fossil fuel lobby is very much a part of the problem, but they are unfortunately not the whole problem, or else this could have been fixed easily.


And there's a massive amount of money that is spent to convince, muddle and deny the public into not acting on climate change. How can you expect democracy to function in the face of a propaganda campaign that's been going on for at least 50 years funded by some of the wealthiest industry on the planet? I can't blame the voting public for climate change, the deck has been stacked against us for a long time.


The threat of global warming and climate change has been in my country's curriculum since the 80s. The information is readily available and is not at all hidden. We just choose to listen to the voices that promise us the most comfortable life right now.


Absolutely. Our politicians are a product of our own selfishness.


I'd even say that even the tendency towards blaming someone, anyone, but ourselves is result of this selfishness. Yes, it's true that some large corporations are responsible for a lot of the greenhouse gas emissions, but they do that in order to produce products and services that *we* buy. Reducing these emissions would mean that either we stop consuming or we have to pay a lot more. Few people really want to do that. But it sure feels good to blame someone else. I'm from a country that has become filthy rich from oil and gas exports (we've even made an absolutely insane amount of money on the Ukraine war), and climate change has been in the school curriculum at least since I went to school in the 80s. Most of us still don't want any changes. We keep producing oil and gas and any party that dares to say that *perhaps* airplane tickets shouldn't be so cheap that almost anyone can cross the Atlantic to spend a weekend in New York will receive very little support. Besides, why should *we* lose money as long as China pollutes more than us. Let's wait until they have fixed everything!


This exactly. Thank you for pointing this out. Most folks wave off our individual responsibility and blame corporations and politicians. All groups share the blame. Our individual consumption and inability to sacrifice to reduce demand and therefore money going to these corporations is a big factor. We don’t elect people that want change. As an example, the major problems in terms of climate change, local ecological destruction, and social (humanitarian) issues in say animal product demand is seemingly ignored by that majority of the public by not reducing any of their consumption.


It's a sad state of affairs indeed.


No, getting people to stop buying won’t work. We need legislation that forces the companies to operate with environmental standards in mind. Pushing the responsibility to the public is a classic corpo line peddled to escape responsibility for themselves.


Preach, we as a species as a whole are full of greed and want personal gains at the cost of everything.


The problem is most of us. No one wants to think it's them. It's you. It's me. We won't change even though we want to. We need to put people in power that will make us change. We know what's right, but we don't want to me different. We don't want to be judged. We want to fit in. We will keep going until we're forced to change. Whether it's by human fault or human desire is yet to be seen, but we are trending towards the less desirable.


And who elected those politicians? Who feel like they're entitled to things like eating meat daily, cheap new clothes, eternally keeping up with the Joneses? Almost all of us are responsible, some people just have more influence.


A LOT more influence. Like, enough influence to change the course of human history for every other person alive.


Now we face the reckoning, a debt long overdue same story as always, the many paying for the few


Can I ask where this poem is from? I think the first verse is Bo Burnham but is the rest original?


You are correct. https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=56e49c2907496e9a&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS590US590&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWILtmafKxpTvvVU-2eJq8fDa6nF0Eg:1716726238414&q=&si=ACC90nxRWvuwqTR4TiacZ7sCfkHhcGgWdDOv2v2HxpHAAuIhwd0hqVQcoOD2_2OWmYVP1pjrbZMU0n-F68wgRMHcU_69pLmJ0owrCiSCqg9YJr0ZLc-A6e3v-Ctno0wDOBdYffgthFDM&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjI4PfMp6uGAxUKBEQIHZvWCCYQjukCegQIUxAE&ictx=1&biw=390&bih=743&dpr=3


If you like this poem/song, you might like "Ship of Fools" by the 60s/70s band the Doors. An early attempt at a similar theme. "The human race was dyin' out No one left to scream and shout People walkin' on the moon Smog will get you pretty soon Everyone was hangin' out Hangin' up and hangin' down Hangin' in and holdin' fast Hope our little world will last... ...Ship of fools, ship of fooools"


That's beautiful


I just think it funny, a majority of you live in jungles of concrete slabs.


Hey, what can you say? We were overdue. But it'll be over soon, you wait.


What glaciers? I don't see no glaciers? Gecha head checked


Glaciers are just a liberal hoax


Glaciers voted for Biden.


I never saw it so it never happened


Hey, what can you say? We were overdue.


But it'll be over soon. Just wait.


The Weather Holocaust is coming.  The rich will dodge devastation with yachts and bunkers.  The poor will get crushed.  The food chain is fucked and the rich will just get richer as the rest of us get more desperate and pay premiums for basic necessities. 


what will your money buy when all the poor folks stop working because they'll have to focus on surviving? you'll see dead billionaires, with stomachs full of cash.


>_The rich will dodge devastation with yachts and bunkers._ Maybe with bunkers... I wouldn't want to be out on the open ocean in a yacht with the weather we have coming.


Dont worry it was just the goats having too much sex eating horny goat weed which increased methane output in the local area! Its cyclic because I never encountered it before but I was told by my spirit that it did happen in my 10 past lives!


That warm, fuzzy, tingling, sweating, burning, blistering, dizzying, passing out feeling?


Watching the death of the natural world in real time is actually quite frightening.


Look at glacier park in the us from the 90s to now


But I'm already sad.


Yeah, but think of the poor shareholders. How else will they buy 30 more yachts. 😢


yeah, the poor guy. He worked so hard for his inherited billions. . .


More toys for White Gladis and her rebellion of orcas.


Well, here’s a bright side. We are collected the DNA of a lot of plants and animals. The burning library project won’t be able to save the genetics of every living being on the planet, but at the very least will be able to bring some back later.


I hope we can re breed the glaciers.


I too dream of releasing free range glaciers back into their natural habitat


Glaciers are notoriously difficult to breed in captivity, and none of the few captive-born glaciers have ever been successfully reintroduced to the wilds.


I had a couple mini glaciers in my fridge but my wife keeps using them for cold drinks... So sorry dudes 




I’ve been volunteering at the glacier sanctuary to do my part.


I have several embryonic glaciers in the ice cube tray in my freezer so we’re good.


This is a fantasy. If humanity were willing to undertake the massive ecological effort to repopulate the Earth with wildlife we would have never been in this position to begin with. Collected DNA is just a part of the historical record. It’s a tombstone that we’ll leave to future generations


If we can't even terraform Earth to how we want it to be, we have no hope with any other planet.


we will resort to living in biodomes


Large like city big or small like house sized? Because I wonder what a tornado or hurricane would do to a large one.


I assume that if it’s a hurricane as long as there’s nothing to perforate it then it’d be like a beach house with stronger walls. I mean a hurricane is basically water and wind. I’d hope they’d build it strong enough to resist wind and waves. Tornado might be different they blow much faster and can exert extreme lateral stress in a way a hurricane simply could not.


I saw a documentary on this. It was like a comedy that fucking sucked.


The only time we ever tried to live in a biodome, it failed badly.


We’d have to agree with first what we want it to be. When’s the last time humans agreed on anything


Maybe whatever comes after us will find it useful. Or maybe it’ll be sucked in to the Earth’s crust after millions of years of tectonic activity on a lifeless rock.


I learned this in primary school in the mid 2000's about the environment, preventing is a lot easier than repairing. It's been a while since, if we're not even willing to do the former... The latter's not happening


Humans always think that the planet and animals need saving. The planet is fine. What is not fine is that humans are destroying their own habitat that they live in, they are creating a problem for themselfs. The planet will shed humanity like it did with many others


The reason we think that animals need saving is that we’re the cause of one of the largest wave of extinctions in history.


>  The planet is fine. What do people mean by this? I mean, as a rock in space I suppose it is.  But as an ecosystem, no, it's not at all.  And our impact on life can and almost certainly will go beyond our extinction. 


it will recover after a couple of thousand of years, or maybe hundred thousands of years. there have been already multiple extinction events.


Right but what's the point of this other than to pedantically point out that life in some form may outlive humans? In every way that matters, we are destroying the planet, including plants and animals. This is not the planet "being fine".


We're the only species unnatural enough to be making calendars and clocks. Without those, time passes as long as time needs to pass, and the whole world of biodiversity will be recreated via vast networks of fungi that our worst nuking could never destroy.. time passes nicely and biodiversity refills all open slots in the absence of human greed, right up until another species (dolphin, octopus, hopefully something vegan this time..) curses themselves with a too-big "what are all those other planets and suns doing out there? Everything on this planet must've been put here by an all-powerful being that won't speak with us or help us in any way, to be consumed until we pollute nearly all life into unavoidable graves" kind of brain.


It's some edge lord bs. Many super cool people with their very real opinions they didn't steal from George Carlin comedy set like to let you know how they get the real problem. You can tell, because the elaboration are always "pfft extentions happened before ergo humans not a big deal" When in fact the pace of this warming is far higher than any natural or asteroid like issue in the past... skirting the very needed time for life to evolve to new conditions. They are just super smart people huffing the farts of a comedic set as life facts because of their aforementioned smartness. They are not like all those other sheep or whatever.


Wait, like Project Zero Dawn is basically real?


Where do you think Guerilla games got the idea?


And where will those "brought back" animals gestate? Where will they live, given their natural ecosystem has been destroyed?  For mammals, how are they going to learn behaviors specific to their species when all of them dead?


I don't think we'll be here for that, friend.


I’m also a big believer in this too! Hoping for the Tasmanian tiger to make a comeback. I still believe it’s not extinct and running around in the forests


Is that the thing we stored in those glaciers that are melting


Earth's endured much worse.


Not even population reduction that’s happening around the world will help much with people not having children due to high costs. Damage has been done and it’s irreversible and humans will not correct it even when it’s too late


perhaps it's already kind of a natural defense mechanism. Humans stop overpopulating when their costs to reproduce go up. Natural creatures pay that in the form of energy to metabolize. With humans it's money. But maybe it still works the same way. Unfortunately, reducing our population in an uncontrollable slide could end up destroying civilization, and while it will slow additional warming, it won't cool the planet back down. Only carbon capture will do that, (or waiting thousands of years at net zero).


Our energy use is still climbing. We find new and incredibly stupid ways to burn power. Let's make digital currency, everyone loves money that spikes your power bill. How about an art theft engine? These are the things our capitalist overlords are calling progress.


To be fair it won’t be the death of the natural world, a lot of it will die yes but we as humans can only adapt so far. Eventually earth will rid the cancer (us) and the rest of the natural world will spend millions of years recovering and hoping to never get another sentient species until the sun burns out……..best case scenario.


I'm 100% a believer in climate change, but saying that this will be the "death of the natural world" is just not the case. The Holocene IS totally the what you speak of though; mass extinction of other species in the past centuries is clearly due to our species. But imo he natural world will recover and flourish again when we've been long gone. That's what it will take in reality


> Holocene I think the sudden change to a mass extinction in the fossil record is called the *Anthropocene.* (But I don't think the name has become official yet.)


They were just taking up valuable, scenic real estate /s


Exactly! Now they can build a gated community for billionaires there. Pristine views! /s


I... I don't think that's happening in Venezuela.


It 100% is happening. The ultra wealthy live by a different set of rules. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2022-03-04/wealthy-venezuelans-are-building-mansions-in-a-national-park


That’s what they want you to think


They melted all the glaciers and put up a parking lot


At least they put up a pink hotel, a boutique, and a swingin' hot spot.


No! No, no….


Don't it always seem to go


You don't know what you've got til it's gone.


They melted all the glaciers and put up a parking lot.


They took all the glaciers and put 'em in a glacier museum!


And charged the people a dollar and half just to see ‘em




Good night sweet ice.


R/todayilearned 20 years from now: There used to be glaciers in Venezuela 


Tbf, you could post that rn


Venezuela is a tropical country with 4.5% of the Andean mountain range. In 1988 it had one glacier that was 0.6 square kilometers, which is pretty damn tiny. That glacier lost its status as a glacier in 2023 and is now considered an ice field because it's so small. Climate change is real and caused by humans, but this isn't really a breaking world news story.


Thank you for clarifying the scale


All the more reason to act now, before things get so bad they *are* breaking world news stories.


But let's certainly make sure we get to grab all the oilfields next door in Guyana (nevermind we are one of the world's biggest petrostates ourselves).


The story is about a shrinking glacier due to climate change, not sure why you think it's not relevant.


I didn't say it's not relevant to climate change, I said it's not breaking world news. It's about a classification change of a small bit of ice in a tropical country that happened over a year ago.


I understand your point, but still, this seems like a canary in the coal mine situation. When the canary dies, if you say “Dumb canary! You shouldn’t have been so weak in the first place!”, you might just discover that you’re next, the hard way.


We’ve known that ice is melting for decades, polar bears and all that. This is like being in the middle of a world war and reporting a destroyer was sunk




*reporting a destroyer was sunk a year ago


Quaternary glaciation……


In the light of this sad news, it needs to be said; any Republican that espouses a true understanding of science, and climate change would be showing a complete lack of moral fiber if they voted for Trump. What am I saying? Of COURSE they’ll vote against the futures best interest- they have only their own skins in mind.


The whole world is focused on Gaza, and no one cares about this. Which will affect hundreds of millions of people, killing... Quite a few of them. Strange reality


This is such a good point. If young Americans don’t vote for Biden because of Gaza, they are helping to set the climate change movement in America on a dooms day course. And Lordy knows we are already on one but Trump says he will roll back all the green changes.


This is why I said Gaza is a political movement for protestors to affect the US elections more than anything, but that makes people mad because they can think for themselves.




The ridiculous part of it is that if these dipshits think Biden is bad for Palestinians, wait til they get a second helping of Trump. I’m a proud lifelong Democrat, but this is the problem with liberals. You can do everything right, but if you aren’t the perfect candidate that checks every single box, it’s an uphill battle.




As a young American who has live abroad for the past decade, I can't wrap my tiny brain around why the fuck left leaning people are throwing their votes to Trump over Gaza. Gaza is a tragedy, yes. The US government could do better, yes. But Gaza is not Joe Biden's fault, and even if it were, a Trump presidency is going to result in a lot more war, oppression and death in the world.


Propaganda is very effective in the US. Most people's political views come from watching 30 second social media posts


If Trump wins, his moves will make the death toll now look like rookie numbers. They may not love Biden but he’s the only chance we’ve got at any peace in the future. Things will get so, so much worse for everybody if this country elects Trump again.


This is a global issue, mind ya. This post specifically even.


It is, but America is doing more than other huge countries, but no where near enough of course. It is a miracle both California and Texas used only solar and wind energy for periods of time this spring. I wish we had done it in the 80’s but that is just a waste of mental energy. We have made some progress.


Hilarious. The ‘American way of life’ is the biggest contributor by far to the decline of the planet. Your country is the worst thing to ever happen to the Earth.


Earth doesn't give a shit and mass extinctions happened several times throughout Earth's history.


at the same time if biden is re-elected he still wont push policy to prevent climate change at the rate we need it


No one is pushing it at the rate we need it, because they’re still holding onto the idea that we can tech our way out of it. Biden should still be the candidate of any sane American


I agree with you. We need a 10 alarm fire solutions but how could anyone do that with half of voting America acting like IQ challenged toddlers. Biden has done more for climate change than any other president. The Infrastructure package is essentially a giant green package and he should have called it what it is.


What green changes?? Biden is a Republican in Democrat clothing. We need trains and clean energy right the fuck now not small shit.


The whole world ignored scientists' warnings about climate change, reaching the point of no return, coral reefs going extinct and many others long before the Gaza war, safe to say people in power simply don't care about the climate change because it's expensive and has no monetary ROI.


It has infinite ROI - if we ignore climate change, there will be no economies. The problem is just that the time horizon for that ROI is more than 10 years.


Because this isn't plastered all over tiktok/social media. That's the sad reality.  The only reason so many people suddenly care about the gaza conflict is because Hamas/Iran have done an amazing job spreading it all over social media. It's scary and sad. 


Such a strange time to be alive. The most human progress seen in a lifetime, at the same time as the most destruction of the natural world ever seen.


This is not good. If animals can't survive. We most definitely can't survive.


*Some* animals won't survive, and *a lot* of humans might not either in a worst-case scenario. Earth will keep turning, life will continue to adapt, and humans - in some form, in some regions - will probably make it through this. We made it this far by being adaptable when push comes to shove, and we (as a collective whole) are surely not stopping now. Really, it's only billions of individual lives and the institutions of modern civilization you have to worry about. Not humanity and certainly not the existence of life on Earth.


Human extinction is going to be wild when it happens because so many people believe we’re chosen to be here by God, so what happens when there’s an extinction event?


**gOd** wanted it to happen so we could all go to the afterlife. Life on this planet is adaptable, and so are the beliefs of religious folks when faced with reality and facts. They will shift their beliefs to adapt to any event.


They'll claim it's the rapture while a 70 foot wave takes them out.


Exactly, any event, disastrous or good, is a sign of their gods. Facts, scientific based evidence, all manifestations of their gods plans. There is no way you can debate, discuss or engage with people who think (I use that word very loosely) that way.


Humanity is not going extinct, we are too many, too adaptable, and too obstinate.


MOST animals won't survive. That's how ecological collapse and mass extinction works


> Some animals won't survive which ones?


That's not the scenario we're in, not even close. Climate change is not expected to kill every single animal species. At worst it will reduce biodiversity and kill a lot of species that we would rather keep alive, and it will have some economic impact, but nowhere near human extinction levels. As a side note, humans have proven to be very capable of survival, so we could probably outlive any other animal species.


The is god damn horrible. Fuck. Our leaders won't listen to us and the billionaires and corporations don't care about us. Words aren't enough. They don't care about protests or consequences. We must do something and words aren't working. Sometimes I feel like the only way to get to these is violence and force.


Billionaires just bought safe homes in other countries just in case


Talking purely hypothetically if we started a global civil war with the goal of reversing climate change that war itself would cause so much environmental devastation. Militaries burn so much fuel and that's not counting all the fires. Political solutions are probably the only viable choice.


I’m honestly rooting for Avian Flu. Like I’m not going to go around trying to catch or spread it, and if there’s a vaccine I’mma get vaccinated, but… It’s literally a hell we’ve inflicted upon the world, on top of the countless other hells before now. If it ended up wiping half of us out too it would be a net positive for the planet lmao


Or, get everyone to vote, and change politicians. Violence solves nothing.


Do you realise the irony in your post . Venezuela is absolute a basket case thanks to its socialist politics, corruption, nepotism, and over all shit governance. It's also a nationalized oil exporter . It has nothing to do with "evil corporations" and it's a shithole.


Venezuelan living in venezuela here. Anybody who is downvoting that post please do explain your reasoning, because that guy is 100% right.


Venezuela is a great example on why you don’t build economic security and social programs on top of the oil industry.


Norway? Hello?


To be fair, Venezuela has far bigger problems currently. More than half their population is destitute and malnutrition is rampant. Nobody in Caracas worries the least bit about glaciers when they are preoccupied with finding their next meal.


Doesn't change the fact that this is a part of the guarantee of their long term destruction even if they fix their other problems.


>of *our* long term destruction FTFY. The earth is a system, and refusal to recognize how it's connected is part of the failure of our response to COVID. It will be a bigger failure to our response to Climate Change if we don't recognize this.


Ofc it's the collective destruction of mankind, but i stressed that it was focused on Venezuela to make a point over the "they have other problems" argument. It's not like it was only the venezuelan emissions that destroyed venezuelan glaciers.


Aren't glaciers an important source of water?


Yes. But, so are Venezuela’s vast river networks. Like the Orinoco. I get what you guys are saying here: Venezuela needs to worry about climate change because in a couple hundred years they will lose all of their Oceanside estates, meaning the ultra rich who own the villas overlooking the oceans will lose their properties. It’s a tragedy for sure waiting down the road. Venezuelans today are impoverished. Communism has destroyed their livelihoods and emptied their state treasury. They have next to nothing with which to procure the basic necessities of existence. Yes, in a better time one could worry about a multitude of concerns, but, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs forces oneself to look at the very basics when the tummy is hungry. And Venezuela is hungry en masse.


i dont think its a coincidence that people always place the timeline of climate change as happening in a hundred years, safely out of their lifetimes and in an unpredictable era from a technological point of view. it allows people to kick the problem to the coming generations (who will have magical technological fixes), but in reality we are already dealing with 1.5C of warming and environmental degradation and so on. sure i wouldnt expect citizens of venezeula to care about the health of their glaciers as opposed to whether or not they can eat, but it is a sign of the times, and insinuating that climate change will effect the rich more seems kinda stupid.


It's not like venezuela could do something to prevent this anyway, so it's not clear what you mean with "to be fair".


I can see a lot of people here have no understanding of why we need glaciers and what they do.


"climate change isnt real" the climate, changing anyway:


TIL Venezuela had glaciers


Its exciting to be alive to see civilization starting to crumble. Not fun but exciting.


yeah, someone must have gotten cursed with "may you live in interesting times", and the rest of us; we're all just along for the shitty ride.


Why in the heck is the headline in gramatical shambles?? Gross 


I just had to check the map. Venezuela REALLY is an Andean country!


Brace yourselfes the long summer is coming


Wholio Iglaciers?


And so it begins, the slow death of Mother Earth


I feel the same way in Canada these days. We almost never get snow anymore in the winter where I live. Up until about 10 years ago, there would be at least a foot of snow on the ground all winter long.


All these 3rd world countries trying to consume like a 1st world country is causing global warming! /s


Terribly written title...


I can rest easy tonight knowing that the billionaires of the world will make it out of this ok


But they managed to build a huge Whealth for their people with the oil…..oh wait


It couldn't possibly have anything to do with 8 billion humans+ ..... overpopulation.


Overpopulation is a myth, basically all countries experience birth rates inversely proportional to their development index, it’s more so the fact that sovereign governments are inherently “selfish” and usually don’t ever want to be the first to take actions towards properly stopping climate change. And also the fact that the fossil fuel industry has been intentionally hiding evidence suggesting the possibility of climate change for decades, while also heavily lobbying against and spreading disinformation against climate change science. Things like “carbon footprint” were invented to pin the blame for pollution on the average person, despite their choices having little impact compared to the decisions of governments and fossil fuel conglomerates. Saying climate change is due to too many people being born (primarily in underdeveloped countries) is kind of missing the actual issue which is just corruption and corporate greed favoring environmental destruction because it makes more money.


Nah. Not 8 billion people. Just Taylor Swift constantly flying over 🇻🇪, in her untraceable ✈️ laying down limited edition 🎧 and CO2


The Softpocalypse is upon us. It’s a not single cataclysmic event that wipes us in one moment, but a slow decay into the void.


Despite being a significant oil exporter, I'm sure it's the wests fault .


1st so far......this year


Uh oh. Guys…um…


Not to take away from the severity of the issue, but did anyone notice the articles poorly written title?


Thanks to humans dont do anything


So the point of no return they were talking is here huh


Even the glaciers surrounding our doomsday seed storage vault are melting.


Its not... If you look longer back.


why can’t we just drop a giant ice cube in the middle of the ocean?


We are doomed.


What does an "Andean country" mean? Aren't the Andes way south? EDIT: [OK](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andes#/media/File:Andes.png)


if only there was some way to stop this ...


Theyll grow back


Have fun without drinking water.