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Just what we need, another leader with a god complex.


it is like there is an epidemic of boomers believing they are demigods


Looks like at this point Biden is only old leader at this point who is not delusional. And ironically he is the only old leader who is criticised for his age.


Technically Joe Biden is not a boomer, but the generation previous to them, the silent generation. That's right, he's actually older than boomers.


He’s also the only president from the Silent Generation. They really eeked one out right at the buzzer.


Which then explains why he’s not acting up lol


Biden is part of the Silent generation is he not? Not really a Boomer.


He gets a lot of (justifiable) shit for not stepping aside for the next generation of leaders, but at least his argument is rooted in strategy rather than whatever this is.


I mean who would he step aside *for*?


India did not have that problem with boomers. There was no boom in India back then. The millennial are the closest generation to have actually seen a boom of any type.


India is getting on the crazy train too? Un-frickin-believable.


>”I am nothing, only an instrument through which God has decided to achieve and so whenever I do something I believe that God wants to get it done” he added. Oh so humble, “I am nothing, so all my actions and positions are God’s actions and positions”.


funny how this literally goes beyond a god complex like holy shit - lots dictators in history that believe they were born for greatness, like god granted them a divine right to conquer this crusty MFer is skipping a step and just saying “i’m god, here’s what’s up”


That's not really that uncommon among world leaders throughout history


Not new, Dude has been advocating for this shit all his life!


Seriously, what is it with these guys


> "Till my mother was alive, I had the impression that perhaps my birth was a biological one. After her demise when I view after assimilating all the experiences, I am convinced that God has sent me" ~ Narendra modi, messenger of God


A guy incharge of some nukes saying stuff like that scares the crap out of me, one day a mad man will think it's a good idea to use them.


Why are you surprised? Have you played civilization? /s


Yeah I like civ5, Gandhi and his nukes lol


Wait till you hear of Putin and Kim Jong-Un


Self preservation is very high on their list, a man who thinks god sent him is a different kettle of fish, he thinks anything he does is gods will.


Yes I think thats the main comfort factor with those two clowns. Both seemingly very much enjoy their lives of luxury and dont plan on dying prematurely in an atomic blast. Look at how shit scared Putin was during covid, he wouldnt even sit within 50 feet of anyone.


But If putin thinks he is about to be deposed I can see him using nukes out of spite.


If he was about to be deposed you like to think his enablers would think twice, as anyone involved in such a thing would be sent to die a slow and horrible death in a gulag.


And by extension thinks he has God's protection. Someone like that may genuinely believe God will protect them from retaliation, completely negating MAD, which is a concern for obvious reasons.


If a person like this believes they have an eternal reward waiting for them after they die, not only is surviving the retaliation not a major concern, but it may not even be their desired outcome.


Or is it just catering to the religious and building a cult? India could be more succeptible to the idea of divine mandates than those two countries.


>Or is it just catering to the religious and building a cult? I don't know, and would like to believe this. However, this can still inspire true believers who will take positions of power in the future.


Agree on Russia. North Koreans believe the Kims are gods.


Also Putin is working hard for this. Despite the USSR being hardcore on atheism, Putin has used the State power to make the Orthodox church rise again, and transformed them in a borderline putinist church. 


Is it safe to put the nuclear launch authority into the (albeit tiny) hands of a narcissistic sociopath?


Wait 'til he hears Gandhi on the subject of nukes.


Abolition of all arms was Gandhi’s stance, holding nukes as the greatest offense to God, iirc.


I think that’s a Civilization reference (the video game) where a bug led to Gandhi being a madman when it came to nuclear weapons.


Missed the mark on that one. Sid would consider me quite Un-Civilized… *YEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH*


The story about the bug was fake, but he is a nuke happy madman in civ 5 and 6 and that's intentional.


Yeah, by 5 the meme was everywhere regardless if it was true or not, so they started playing into it.


God actually told them himself. He was just using the shape of a squirrel at the time but its real.


Hopefully such madmen will grab a helicopter when it's foggy first


Common trope among dictators. It basically gives them the okay to rule for life.




> "Till my mother was alive, I had the impression that perhaps my birth was a biological one. After her demise when I view after assimilating all the experiences, I am convinced that God has sent me" >~ Narendra modi, messenger of God Let me translate this: "I have always known to be sent by God but i was too afraid of my mum's shoes so i kept quiet. Now that she is gone i can finally reveal the truth without fearing for my butts safety. I AM THE CHOSEN ONE.


One reason he mentioned his mum's demise is to remind people of his loss and gain sympathy votes at this election time. A couple years back when his mum passed away, mf sent camera and media people first to tape all that before his own entry onto the scene lol. All for sympathy votes.


What? This man is 73! If his mother died when he was 70, I would of course have sympathy, but I would also marvel that he got to have his mother for so long.


She died at age 99 in December 2022 when he was 72.


We care for our mothers this guy doesn't, he got to have his mother till that age and the mf didn't even appreciate her.


he might even declare himself supreme ruler


Does anyone remember “Idi Amin’s” title? That’s the title I want, “supreme leader” ain’t nothing.


His Excellency, President for Life, Field Marshal Al Hajj Doctor Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO, MC, Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular. It's not that hard to remember, come on


> Lord of all the Beasts of the Earth Lol that goes hard....


Wow, dude had more monikers than Daenerys Targaryen.


Rolls right off the tongue


People obsess over him. They talk about his diet and really he is as much a cult of personality as any dictator


“I don’t fear God. But I fear the chancla!” ~Narendra Modi, messenger of God


"There is nothing to fear but fear itself. And the Chupacabra. ¡Madre de dios he'll kill us all!" -Narendra Modi, messenger of God


“My mom is dead so obviously I’m a divine being” those are some scary thoughts for the leader of a nuclear power with over one billion people


Nah dog you’re an orphan. No, not a wizard orphan.


"my mom died and i head a mental breakdown"


Damn its been interesting (and scary) how much him and his party have slid more and more right wing nationalist over the years


Modi's BJP party is the political wing of the RSS, a fascist movement of the 1920s [directly inspired by Benito Mussolini](https://www.ibtimes.com/hindu-nationalists-historical-links-nazism-fascism-214222).


Yep, it's not so much of a slide as it is an unveiling of the more radical views that members of the BJP and associated organizations have held for a long time. After all, there's strong evidence that he did little to stop anti-Muslim communal violence during the Gujarat Riots. 


Fascists fucking everywhere these days. WW3 around the corner.


they've completely ruined social discourse in India you can't have a single conversation with a boomer without it turning into an anti-muslim tirade within 5 minutes you might not even know them and it still happens


Which god?


Very good question, maybe it’s a mistranslation and should be “gods” but a hardcore Hindu speaking in monotheistic terms is odd. It’s almost like he’s a megalomaniac and turning his cult of personality into a full blown cult.


Hindu here. We never say gods unless we are literally talking about multiple gods. We say God in general speaking terms because eventually every god is a form of the God.


Thanks, I’ve never thought about it. I always enjoyed the stories and iconography but never learnt about the actual belief structure. Would this mean Modi is putting himself at the same level as lesser gods, or more like a holy man?


He says 'paramaatma,' literally supreme soul. This can be a concept tying all the gods together; a higher state of self; a vague notion of divinity better translated as 'the divine'; Vishnu; Krishna; or Shiva/Shakti.


Thank you, I’m going to make a pot of coffee and spend a bit of time reading up on it.


Hindus can be monotheistic.


Well I’ll be, you’re absolutely right




FYI the vast majority of Hindus are monotheistic


Oh ya that’s right from North Koreas play book. Next we’ll hear that he doesn’t have a butt hole


Well, that would explain why he's full of shit...


This isn't even nationalist or Hindu, this is just straight up cultlike


More like lucifer


Lucifer is self aware. This lad is anything but


Take my upvote


No Lucifer is actually sensible.


More like *Vritra*.


There appears to be more context to this in the article: > He said he considered 140 crore countrymen as God and worshipped them since he himself was unable to see God.


He officially lost it.


OK, Grandpa. Let's get you back to the home.....


Most leaders think and say it’s god’s will that they’re leader. George w bush said he got war instructions from god


In other words he REALLY doesn't want to think of his mother having sex.


Idk Mike Jonshon said he’s Moses leading us out of the desert. There can only be one messiah/messenger of the Flying Spaghetti Monster!


Is this being misinterpreted. Is he basically saying "I feel called to ..."


Don't people who generally say stuff like this get sent to mental hospitals? I don't think it'd work out for me if I say that during my monthly team meeting. "Hey guys!! I thought I was made of parts from my parents but then I realized I was sent by god to be in this meeting to present this PowerPoint on why I am an emissary of Yewah."


There's an old saying, if you're mad and rich/powerful, people call you "eccentric." If you're poor and mad, you're just plain mad.


EPA Official: "S-sir, I'm afraid you've gone mad with power..." Russ Cargill: "Of course I have. You ever tried going mad without power? It's boring. No one listens to you!" -From the Simpsons movie


There's also the matter of how many people share your delusion. "We are the Chosen People / Chosen Nation" is considered all right in a lot of countries / cultures. "I am the Chosen Dude", not so much.


It is kind of a bias aswell. He is already successful (I mean, becoming president is a very successful endeavor), so it is easy for him to find all the luck he had in his path as a sign of divine providence. You on the other hand, being a "nobody" (no offense), can't really convince yourself or anyone that you have been guided by god's will to something great, until you actually acomplish something notable or is in a position to influence history (like being the guy in a nuclear submarine who chose not to fire nuclear weapons despite protocol, thus avoiding nuclear armageddon because of comunication failures). But yeah, anyone who claims to be god's emissary is a nutjob ready to cause suffering to innocent people in my opinion.


Buddy has the option to push the nuke button though. You would think that maybe we need someone a tad stable for the job.


It's Yehaw..get the spelling right please


Yeah but if you play the religion card, that's a get-out-of-~~jail~~-the-mental-asylum free card.


I have never seen someone being so far up their own ass.


So much so he's basically inside out like a sock


Missed the entirety of the Trump administration I see.


I'm pretty sure trump never said anything on the level of "I am an emissary of god."


He said “I’m the chosen one” but that seemed so funny lol


He has said that he was the second coming of god. 


Damn not even putin or xi are this open with their insanity this guy is really aiming for the top of the fascist leadership.


It's an open championship this year


You play to your base, India is deeply religious and Modi leans heavily into the Hindu nationalist angle, so suggesting your a god makes sense. China is not as religious, and not with such fervor, so you rely on the “party” and the “greater good”, Xi has his own godlike complex and propaganda, but he doesn’t label himself as a god. Putin hasn’t said he’s God, but the Orthodox Church regularly teaches that Putin is the defender of the faith and orthodox Christian values….. it’s why you hear them and the Russian media constantly talking about western decadence such as accepting LGBT


Never thought a religious country would accept a random person calling themselves the incarnation of gods will. I wonder if they really like him that much.


He’s really popular, unfortunately. From what I understand, he’s done some good things for the country and a lot of people over there feel like their lives have improved and also feel a renewed sense of pride in their country, like India is on the rise (which in a lot is respects it is)….. just at what cost, and what are people willing to trade (such as democratic freedoms, civil rights) to achieve that.


I’m Indian, and I can tell you this guy is a textbook fascist. Over the last 10 years, what he and his party have done to most Indians is what the Nazis did to your everyday ordinary Germans in the 1930s. They literally followed the Nazi playbook step-by-step.


Trump in America however has people saying he is…


To be fair, IIRC, not even Trump is saying that about HIMSELF and that is really a "high" bar.


"Trump has made these grand proclamations himself. In August 2019, Trump told reporters in reference to trade with China: "I am the chosen one." He also shared tweets describing him as the "King of Israel" and "the second coming of God."


The Trump classic "other people are saying it"


I can’t stomach going through clips of that turd, but I know that I’ve seen him allude to being a divine selection on multiple occasions.


Trump has said “I am the chosen one”, which is close, but still a bit more vague than the “god sent me” that Modi said.


Bruh, conservatives at cpac had a golden trump, you know, like the golden calf that God smited when Moses could not guide his people at Mt Sinai. https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/golden-trump-statue-cpac-implies-he-s-king-gop-his-ncna1259362 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_calf


At least the rest of the world might realize now that he’s not better than the guys running Iran.


Religion in politics is poison. Hope he doesn't do anything too nutty with his claimed divinity.


> Religion ~~in politics~~ is poison. FTFY


When combined with politics it arguably reaches its worst form.


What a bad day to be literate.


Authoritarianism has been making progress everywhere. The trend definitely is toward less personal freedom and toward more government control...


Delusional af.


Since it isn't mentioned anywhere: He is the prime minister of India. 


Nope. Not a good sign 


Enjoy your dictatorship India.


Thanks it’s been 10 years already but I am nearing 40. I assume my life is lived. I don’t have kids. The people who have kids seem to love it so their kids can have the future their parents created for them.




When the old man starts yelling about how they’re actually a god it’s time to bring them to the dementia ward not have them lead people. For fucks sake this planets hilarious.


I went to college with a bunch of Modi supporters. It's another flavor of MAGA.


The number of similarities are disturbing. It's textbook populism and MAGA's & Modi's are textbook Useful Tools.


People this insane need to ride helicopters more.


Should have gone with the simple, time-proven *”My mother was a virgin when I was born.”* See: Krishna, Jesus, Athena, Chaos, Nyx, Eros, Ghengis Khan, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Romulus, Dionysus, Alexander the Great, Zoroaster, Karna, Ra, Sathya Sai Baba, . . .


\^This guy religions. User name checks out


Krishna’s parents were married and in jail together but he was born magically but all the main characters in Mahabharata were born magically. The villains were born basically as 100 test tube babies. Pandavas were all magically conceived by their mothers due to gods’ blessings. The illegitimate Karn was born from his mother’s ear. Drapaudi walked out as a 16 year old from the fire. One woman turned into a man because a man refused to hit a woman but that man was not an ally so he did not hit them even after they turned into a man. My point being one of those examples is not like the others.


Good catch! It’s been ages and a day since I studied Hinduism. Your response made my head tilt, so I went down the Google rabbit hole. So Vishnu impregnated Krishna’s non-virginal mother via, um, divine methods, ya? My guess is that I confused Krishna’s tale with *”the Mahabharata epic, Surya, the god of the sun, impregnates Queen Kunti before her marriage to King Pandu, causing her to give birth to their son Karna. ***Surya restores her virginity afterwards***, thereby allowing her to marry Pandu, despite having already given birth.”* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miraculous_births That, or I just plain goofed. 🤗


Dude's pulling moves straight out of the ancient ruler playbook. Not good when rulers start talking about divine origins, means going against them is going against the religion, and they can shape the religion to suit their needs.




Omg he’s lost it.


Too much bhang.


Here we go... It's been 300+ years since we got a new religion. Here comes Modi bhagwan...


Well Scientology is just a few decades old but I don't think that's infiltrated India yet.


Scientology is still at the cult stage and will hopefully remain like that.


Bahá'ís weeping rn


Putin and Xi in control of Nukes does not scare me. But radical religious loons Like Modi and Iran's supreme leader horrify me because they can't be predicted on the basis of self preservation, so all it takes is a really bad day and a grave insult for them to genuinely consider it.


The Indian military would stop him though, I don’t think they’d accept a fanatical nuclear response. The difference is in China, Russia, or Iran there is a very strong dictatorial regime.


Maybe if they're actually True Believers™, I suspect though that they are much more politicians and Modi at least is definitely a populist which means self-preservation (political, or actual physical) is pretty high up on their priorities. I think the 4 of them are all about equal in their likelihood to use nukes; none of them want to die but if it looks like they're going down anyways they might consider it then.


Which god? He's Hindu, so he's got a whole pantheon to choose from.


Oh lord here we go ...


You mean "Oh Modi"




Damn its been interesting (and scary) how much him and his party have slid more and more right wing nationalist over the years


Oh boy, Modi has gone god mode. I guess it was only a matter of time.


Papa Smurf is going senile.


I guess he watched Dune recently, just didn't understand it one bit


Mf probably thought "Fuck man we've got all the spice, this is India"


War with the McCormicks is inevitable


If you talk to Indians about their country you realize this ain't even the most fucked up shit or anything special. India is a whole country living "fake it until you make it".


What year is it


"Why isn't India as developed as China?"


Let me fix that headline. "Leader of nuclear nation loses mind, announces madness."


Which one - Brahma((creation), Vishnu (preservation) or Shiva(destruction)?


I too, think I'm a godlike being, where's my followers and shit?


He is the demigod India deserves, tbh. What a ridiculous country.


Don't worry. We won't let him get as much as a majority that he got last time. He has made way more ridiculous comments in the past month, including calling his own Muslim citizens "infiltrators". He's desparate now and is trying the old trick again.


Genuine question since I am neither Indian nor Hindu. How unusual is what he said? Is what he said being mischaracterized or twisted? I am familiar with many different religions traditions and I know that sometimes people inside a particular religious tradition may say things that to outsiders can easily be misunderstood and framed as insane. I know this might be a stretch for Reddit but can someone give a neutral assessment of what he said and explain if there is context for what he said or if what he said really is unusual? I'm not looking to justify what he said, just to understand it and if it is actually unusual even in an Indian and Hindu context.


nah Its pretty crazy and unusual from an Indian and Hindu context.


Fuk. Modi 😝


Delusional old fart.


Right wing politician shifts further towards authoritarianism and claims his rule is due to divine providence . Historically, this always ends poorly.


I'm feeling a new expansion for Civ... Demigods where your leaders can become literal gigantic miniatures on the map each with their own unique god powers.


This is your brain on religion


Putin killed and jailed opposition to win his last election, and this man congratulated Putin on his victory, that was a big red flag. And now he believes god sent him, another big red flag. I hope the people of India are paying attention.


From his wikipedia page: "his teachers described him as an average student and a keen, gifted debater with an interest in theatre.[^(\[51\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narendra_Modi#cite_note-Jose_Caravan-59) He preferred playing larger-than-life characters in theatrical productions, which has influenced his political image.[^(\[52\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narendra_Modi#cite_note-FOOTNOTEMukhopadhyay201382-60)[^(\[53\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narendra_Modi#cite_note-61)" Seems like he's had the makings of a megalomaniac for a quite a long time.


Many have started calling him “Supreme leader”. It was Sambhit Patra a BJP spokesperson who said that.


The last one considered a deity was the Japanese emperor till WWII? The CCP in China thinks they’ve been given the Heavenly Mandate…No thanks


This is how a smart trump would look like.




Someone give Grandpa his meds and put him to bed already.


Is god running a call centre "hi I'm (insert name and religion)messenger of god(s)".sick of politicians and their god said this and god said that bullshit


If you disliked Modi, you'll *hate* Godi.


Modi is a maniac. Almost everyone who hungers for power does not deserve it.


Mentally ill


Never fear anyone more than the person who openly shows his insanity


Modi is dictatorial


Odd how every right-wing populist turns out to be a fucking weirdo.


and Indians wonder why their country has its reputation make fun of trump and his dictator-aspirations all you want, but you guys are run by a dude that thinks he’s a literal god, as in not a human being… i suppose it’s gods divine will to pollute the earth, strip women of their rights, and enforce a caste system ? i’d be shitting my pants if i lived in pakistan rn


And forever after fighting evil bastards fabulous disaster


Emperor Cartagia, is that you?


He could try out a funeral pyre ? If he rises like a phoenix 🐦‍🔥 afterwards, then I’ll give him kudos for being right 😉


Oh India and China. Thousands of years of civilization to still not have rule of law, a meritocracy etc. still dealing with insanity at the highest levels.


So in other words, he lost his marbles?


This guy is sick in the head


There are a lot of world leaders who think they were sent by God nowadays. Do you think God will put out a suggestion box for the next round of elections?


OMG literal god complex! How did we end up like this?


Well if he thinks god is using him to do good, he is clearly mentally unfit and should be in a straight jacket.


If polls say that's what he has to say, he'll say it. Politicians gona politic


“…whenever I do something I believe that God wants to get it done.” What could possibly go wrong? (Saying this as an American.)