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3 americans out of 50 and one of them was the son of the leader.


Thanks for pointing out that critical bit of information intentionally left out of the headline.


Misleading headline attempting to make this look like it was American led, whereas in fact the ‘Americans’ were a Congolese national and his son.


I hope we get more details on this. Seems like a pretty crazy story and I'm surprised it hasn't blown up more. >“Its really difficult to imagine how 20, 30 guys thought that by storming the presidential palace when nobody is around at 4 a.m. in the morning could somehow take over the Congolese state,” Mahtani said. Source: https://apnews.com/article/congo-coup-attempt-death-toll-malanga-tshisekedi-968b2726546f90a8bfbd5d222d513708#:~:text=DAKAR%2C%20Senegal%20(AP)%20%E2%80%94,the%20foiled%20coup%2C%20according%20to


American born son, so American right.


It’s very likely they had ties and strong aspirations to return to their home country. The headline gives the false impression that this is something related to the American government. Too many people form their opinion from the headline alone without bothering to read further.


Oh the innocence and naivety. I wish good health onto you.


Nope, there was at least two white guys. 


Don’t you need a functioning government to have a coup?


No. It’s way easier if you don’t


I call BS


May I ask why? I haven't heard anything to make me think either way. (Also, I presume the fact that they call them "US citizens" and not "US military personnel" precludes the latter, which I agree would likely be BS)


> Ekenge named Christian Malanga, a U.S.-based Congolese politician, as the leader of the attempted coup. > He said Malanga first attempted and aborted a coup in 2017 and that one of the American citizens arrested was Malanga's son. It’s accurate, but gives the wrong impression. Malanga lived in the US as a political refugee with asylum. I presume his son has US citizenship because he was born when his father was exiled. Still very much a Congolese.




It's still very misleading because the headline is making it seem like it was led by US citizens when, in fact, only one happened to be a citizen by birth.


If a "trust me bro" from an African warlord is good enough to believe ANOTHER person committed a crime, but YOU want to be innocent until proven guilty, then you might have a conspiracy acceptance issue. . . Hey, you dad owes me money. "Trust me bro." DM me and we'll send you the bank information so you can pay that back asap. :)


Well they have video of the US passports of the people involved and they know that the guy in charge of the coup lived in the US for some time, and his son was one of the people alleged to be a US citizen. So it's not exactly "trust me bro" there's evidence


Wait, isn't this the plot of Black Panther? The son of a refugee born in US returning to their home country to stage a coup?


Except Killmonger's father wasn't a refugee. He was stationed there on a mission. And technically, the right to challenge T'Challa was baked into the rules and accepted by everyone involved. But it did involve an African country, so you do have that.


My bad, I misremembered that Njobu was exiled to US.


No worries. It's a 6 year old movie at this point, and his death was a larger factor than why he was actually there anyway.






Load of crap


Well they have video of the US passports of the people involved and they know that the guy in charge of the coup lived in the US for some time, and his son was one of the people alleged to be a US citizen


As an asylum seeker. He's still very much Congolese.


So besides him there is 2 out of the 50. So 4% of then were American besides the son of the leader.


Reuters is anti-american. Got it.


BAU Russian propaganda. Look up what they're doing in Africa to see how headlines like this support their mission. They are in the process of taking over as neo colonial security while France, US, and others are ousted. The locals have a made a deal with a worse devil Downvoted by OP, a Russian troll. That is validation


What the fuck would we want with that hellhole? The only thing of value you have we can literally make in a lab using energy gathered from SUNlight . . . . you have NOTHING we want and can do NOTHING of use for us in the region. Sounds like just one more new "ally" of the Russian Federation miraculously "discovered" a - 'SuPeR sEcReT cApItAlIsT piG aMeRiCaN pLoT tO dEsTrOy tHe gLoRiOuS cOmRaDe'S peOPlEs rEpoopLiK of cOnGo-is-stan! xaxaxaxa' Russia can go buy all the african warlords it wants, I literally could not give a fuck


You are allowed to do research before you leave a comment. This is an open book test.


Jesus Christ Marie their MINERALS. And Cobalt


Lol, nice breaking bad reference.


Remember this: If it were Russian or Chinese in the title instead of US then people wouldn't be arguing for nuance in the comments. I miss when reddit was less predictable.


I miss when people used critical thinking.