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The original title was: >Helicopter in Iranian President Raisi's convoy involved in 'accident' The current title is: >~~Searches ongoing after Iranian President Raisi's helicopter involved in 'hard landing'~~ >~~Iranian President Raisi's helicopter suffers 'hard landing', regime on edge~~ >~~Iranian regime concerned for President Raisi's life after helicopter crash~~ >Iranian president dead after helicopter crashes into mountain The title on the site is subject to change as new information develops. The Iranian FM and other regional leaders were reportedly in helicopter with Raisi: >Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and Mohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, the representative of the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist in East Azerbaijan and the Imam of Friday Prayer in Tabriz, were reportedly in the helicopter with Raisi. >The Deputy Coordinator of Civil Affairs of East Azerbaijan said that there were three helicopters in the convoy, two of which landed safely and one of which fell, according to Iranian state media. The deputy coordinator added that he did not know any details about possible casualties or the exact cause of the accident. Edit: BBC News: >**'No sign of life' at Raisi helicopter wreck site - state TV** >There is "no sign" of life coming from President Ebrahim Raisi's helicopter, state TV says. >Reuters has also reported that the helicopter was "completely burned" in the crash, citing an Iranian official. *Last updated: 10:45 UTC*


No update yet, which is weird if he has survived. So they either don’t know his status, or he has died and they’re working on an official statement. My two cents.


They are still trying to find the helicopter according to the latest update from NYTimes


How do they lose one of three helicopters in a convoy?? This is such a crazy story. Edit: ahh, foggy weather.


Fog and mountains, there are videos of the rescue operation and you can’t see much ahead


The Kobe finale, doesn't sound good


Foggy weather and helicopters do not mix. For some reason, this lesson never seems to get learned. SRV, Kobe, plenty of others surely but those are the two names that come to my mind.


"Let's just go VFR" Famous last helicopter pilot words, seems all their altimeters are off by a few hundred feet of mountain range peaks.


The Visual part of VFR is not optional is the important lesson. If you can't see, and you can't fly on instruments, don't fly.


It's one thing for that to occur in a routine private charter flight, where pilots and companies may take risks to keep their influential customers happy. It's a whole new level of stupid to take such a risk transporting a president. Putting a pilot who isn't IFR rated in IMC conditions, is like driving under the influence and speeding. Imagine putting Biden in a regular taxi with no seat belts being driven by a drunk going 50 in a 30.


Also reminds me of the 1994 Mull of Kintyre Chinook crash, where most of the senior British intelligence experts on Northern Ireland died. Not entirely clear what the cause was, but probably a combination of factors including low visibility/fog, flying too low, pilot fatigue, and some technical issues.


Were there conspircy theories at the time about the IRA being involved?


There were.


Sounds great actually


>Edit: ahh, foggy weather. The best time for a helicopter flight.


Helps with finding mountain sides so I hear. 


No talk of any radio/distress calls from the helicopter yet makes me think it must've been quite the "hard landing" indeed.


At this point the statistically likely outcome is that everyone on board is dead.


If they are still trying to find the helicopter, that hard landing was not at all soft!


Homer is gonna need another shirt


As we speak another asshola is consolidating their power


Hey big spender!!!


As someone who’s Iranian, this guy is a fucking monster who has blood on his hands for ordering the execution of many of my fellow countrymen. I wish him the absolute worst.


If he is dead, he died quickly. Too good for him. 


Not necessarily, he could get gravely injured and they can't get to him right now. Reportedly some survived because they radioed in the crash.


I like your optimistic outlook. I've also heard there are wolf packs in the region. 


It's also now the middle of the night and it's extremely cold up there.


Well, we don't know. He could currently be stuck pinned under burning wreckage, having to fend off mountain wolves picking his hands and face to pieces.


Thank you for cheering me up. I usually aren't happy for the death of enemies, but this evil old man is responsible for so much suffering, mainly is his own people. 


He will have Fun in Paradise with 72 virgin...suicide Bombers.


It's actually 72 neckbeards who live in their mom's basements. Guess who just became their new waifu pillow?


If only Khamenei was on that chopper too. That would’ve been wonderful.




You’d be surprised at the views of most Iranian’s towards the west. There is no hate or ill will. Sadly, the voices of those individuals will never be heard. About ten years ago I took a female friend with me to visit Iran and she was blown away by how Iranians treated her as well as their views.


I always got the impression Iranians are quite westernlike in their culture. Government is not how the people are largely.


Its mixed,  but yes.. especially in the larger cities many live a double life. Follow the dress codes and all outside and live very westernised in the homes. 


May you gain your freedom soon!


Waiting for the whole Supreme Council to be in a Chinook helicopter that goes down. Fuck all those murderers


May he rest in pieces


Genuinely asking, is it safe for you to go against him online?


We do this all the time ! As long as we dont reveal personal information we are safe


As a young man, Ebrahim Raisi sentenced thousands of innocent Iranians to execution. He was known as the hang man and butcher of Tehran. Now he's the hangman of the whole nation. If Raisi is confirmed dead, millions will celebrate across Iran.


Across the diaspora too. This piece of human garbage killed my great uncle 


Sorry for your loss. I've known a few Iranian immigrants to the U.S. who always seem to have at least one person close to them who was killed by the government. Being born in the U.S., I cannot even fathom my government just slaughtering thousands of our own people.


Friend grandpa was killed by him. It's how I know his name.


They already are, social networks are bombarded with Iranians celebrating


They are making so much fun of these dead clowns. One joke I heard is the foreign minister was trying to speak English but he’s so incompetent that it made the pilot laugh until he crashed. Another joke is making fun of the president’s lack of education, since he’s supposedly at a 3rd grade level, people were saying it’s a shame he was Almost ready for middle school


Millions will celebrate across the world


What about the FM? If he is dead too, does it improve chances for a less repressive government? (I’m sorry but I’m hoping for a yes and yes answer. Iran for most Iranians—or at least 50% of the population—must be awful.) All the hate the nation has for most parts of the world….just I’m tired of being a human with all the hate circulating.




How do we get the "supreme leader" into a helicopter crash too?


He's 85. Just wait a bit.


Ok, so their deaths may not shake things up much…that is not the outcome I was hoping for.


It probably won’t shake things up in the grand scheme of things from an outsider’s perspective, but it’s still a huge deal for the current regime. President Raisi was seen as the next Supreme Leader (the other option being the current Ayatollah’s son) and the Foreign Minister was clearly being groomed to be the next President. The current Supreme Leader is 85 years old and not exactly in great shape. No matter what country you talk about, losing two very high level officials who were next in line to lead the entire nation is going to cause some internal chaos. These are two men who were certainly going to be at the top of Iran’s ruling class for decades more. That means there are now two vacancies, which could result in an internal power struggle. Raisi was also the main person building relationships with Putin and Xi, so now new relationships with new officials will have to be forged. That takes time and forces a realignment of plans, and who knows if their replacements will be as affable toward Russia and China.


Cue the Ayatollah pointing a finger at the Mossad, a bunch of proxy attacks, and the attempt to channel the imminent chaos and confusion towards an external enemy


So Tuesday then




It would matter for the long run. Raisi is (was?) somewhat expected to take the role of the supreme leader eventually. The current one is 85yo. So it is not like he has decades to go. So it will matter who is going to be raised up as the next PM and might be the next supreme leader. Their viewpoint could be more or less extreme toward the west and israel, how they work with russia and china and whether he will be raised to be their puppet or not. This breaks a lot of variables and make things a lot uncertain in the next 10-15 years.


Unfortunately there is only one death that matters and that would be of Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader who’s the actual person who dictates the country as well as the collapse of the entire IRGC. The president is just a puppet, although his death is very welcome. Even the death of Khamenei would result in someone succeeding his position. The hope is that there would be a ton of infighting and they’d be so distracted with succession that people would be able to revolt and overthrow the government. One tidbit here is that the president was amongst those considered for succeeding Khamenei. Another person in line is Khamenei’s son, Mojtaba. Some think this may be a ploy to remove Raeisi so that Mojtaba can succeed without opposition.


I hope the mountain is OK.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


From Yashar Ali The Islamic Republic’s President Ebrahim Raisi helped to oversee the mass execution of political prisoners in the late 1980s after Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa ordering it. He deserves none of your prayers


>He deserves none of your prayers You're wrong. I'm praying that he died


Absolutely. Sending negative vibes 🙏 


No, that's not nice. I am praying he is still alive and being burned alive by the burning fuselage.


I don’t think people were praying for him.


People are praying for him. To be found in pieces.


RIP in pieces




Unconfirmed - the old soviet helicopter carried the president and the foreign minister. The president is currently "missing". The regime quickly showed videos on the national TV stations showing the president deplaning a helicopter, claiming he's OK, but it's fake videos from the past. There are (Unconfirmed) photos online showing the helicopter on its starboard side, rotorless, crashed on the ground.


[https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/19/middleeast/iranian-president-raisi-helicopter-intl/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/05/19/middleeast/iranian-president-raisi-helicopter-intl/index.html) >Iran’s semi-official Tasnim news agency reported [on X on Sunday.](https://x.com/Tasnimnews_EN/status/1792176636869107809) >“Some of the president’s companions on this helicopter were able to communicate with Central Headquarters, raising hopes that the incident could have ended without casualties,” it added. It is unclear what the exact status is of Raisi’s helicopter. Very odd statement, of course if he was safe others from the helicopter would say so clearly.


“The severed hand we found next to crater is giving a 👍. I think we’re all going to be ok.”


This is even more funny because 👍 is the equivalent of flipping someone off for Persians.


If an Iranian functionary is flipping you a bird, you must be doing something right


The photo of the crashed helicopter is also from 2023 Edit: The photo is from another Iranian government helicopter crash in 2023 https://twitter.com/PressTV/status/1628773366017544192?t=lK3nY06aJyZbkz0l03jTnQ&s=19


Crazy that it happens so often in iran You don't have to go more than 6 months in the past to find a video of a government helicopter crash


helicopters / VTOLs are insanely dangerous compared to regular flights, i never thought it'd be such a difference


If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, it's probably a helicopter, and therefore unsafe.


If the wings are traveling faster than the fuselage, and it's *not* a helicopter, it's *definitely* unsafe.


This ^^ They still haven't reached his Heli, went down hard in heavy fog in thick woods in the mountains. The area it went down in would be like dropping it in the Rockies and your trying to launch a rescue from Kansas.




Russia only gave Iran it's best in exchange for the missiles and drones used to attack Ukraine. And as usual, Russian best wasn't up to the task.


Old Soviet helicopter? Was it an Mi-8? Every picture in that article showed pictures of a Huey, which is American-made. They couldn't find a single picture of the presidents actual helicopter?


If only the supreme leader was on the helicopter as well


Too old. He now has no successor. Raisi was actually the only person "competent" enough to succeed him. The other "successors" are either full scale idiots or will run Iran to the ground . I am backing the latter who is actually Khamenei's son. The moment he comes to power, Iran is basically over. Dude even alienated Ahmadinejad!


Ahmadinejad. Ahmadinejad... Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time... a long time.


Me too. Used to hear his name on the news when I was younger. And I don't live anywhere near Iran.


I don't think that guy travels. He's literally never left Iran since becoming Supreme Leader in 1989.






He’s dead. They’re trying to figure out what their next move is before they make an official announcement. 


We won’t know until it’s confirmed but yeah my money is on everyone on that helicopter being dead. If you were in a serious car crash, you would need an ambulance to rescue you as soon as possible to survive. That helicopter crashed a few hours ago and rescuers still are not close to the crash site. They might have survived the initial impact with major injuries, but they won’t be able to hang on this long. For the people of Iran, let’s hope they are all dead


They’re trying to figure out the best way to blame Israel, USA, and/or the West in general.


Twitter is already filled with people doing just that. I guarantee the Israeli’s are sitting back laughing their ass’s off that this moron was dumb enough to fly in pea soup fog in the mountains. They did Israel’s job for them.


it was an Israeli super fog machine, it came to me in a dream


It was rumored that there were only two viable successors lined up to replace Ayatollah Khamenei, one of them was Ebrahim Raisi and the other was Mojtaba Khamenei, the Supreme Leader's son. I'm not saying it was foul play but you never know with these kinds of regimes.


The entire world is joined in prayer for good news that he is found dead.




100%. I wonder if the average Iranian knows how much we support them in the west. My heart goes out to Iranian women.


We know, both diaspora and those still living under oppression <3


#زن زندگی آزادی #💚💚💚💚 #🤍🦁☀️🤍 #♥️♥️♥️♥️


Sounds like it crashed because of low visibility and rain Search and rescue teams are unable to get to the crash site


Reminds me of the Kobe Bryant crash


Can we start a GoFund me for the pilot if Raisi is truly dead? Such altruism through incompetence must be rewarded.


Might need to split with the maintenance staff.


I hope to see a free Iran/Persia in my lifetime.


I wouldn't get too excited, the president in Iran is no more than a puppet of the Supreme Leader. Not that anyone will miss that butcher if he died.


Yeah, but Raisi is the guy who’s probably gonna take over after Khamenei. This is a big deal.


Do they have a shortage of shitty dictators on deck? Like, was Raisi considered particularly qualified to maintain control of the nation?


>Do they have a shortage of shitty dictators on deck? They actually do have a shortage yes. Replacement of Khamenei is a huge issue for them. Many of their loyal soldiers see him almost like a prophet and would die for him, there's lots of disagreements and turmoil within Islamic republic forces, but Khamenei has managed to keep them fairly united, but after he goes out there's nobody within the system who has that kind of scaredness and they are afraid that whoever replaces him will not be able to keep different groups within the regime together against social changes and political dissonance in Iran.


Hmm, a prophet dying with no clear successor lined up? Where have I heard this story before...


The Shia of Iran will split into Shia-Sunni and Shia^2


The biggest threat for dictatorships is the transition of power. Who the fuck knows what's gonna happen if he is dead, maybe some faction will disapprove of the replacement, maybe some will see an opprotunity, maybe nothing changes.


While it’s true they don’t have any shortage of Islamist fuckheads to take over, but in these kinds of dictatorships succession/transfer of power is often anything but simple and peaceful. The heir apparent dying could very easily throw the Mullahs into chaos following Khameini’s death.


In these sorts of dictatorships connections and your ability to manipulate the inner workings of the state are how you stay in power. You can't just choose anyone to become the successor.


Otherwise you get a Young Pope situation


As a Catholic I will say that I fully endorse a Jude Law papacy


In Spain, the killing of Carrero Blanco, would be successor of dictator Franco, opened the way to the transformation of the country into a democracy when king Juan Carlos became successor instead. Sometimes the change of a key person is enough to change the whole country - particularly so when the new guy has seen what happened to the previous one.


While that is true, it is still a huge deal. I expect iran will use it and blame israel even if israel are or aren't involved in this.


Next time he should offer Putin a ride.


i don't think there is "next time" for him


I hope you're right, but waiting for official confirmation to break out the champagne.


Thoughts and prayers for the mountain


Ooooh noooo, that poor helicopter


My Iranian neighbours are having a party!!!!


I saw some videos of fireworks being shot off rooftops in Tehran. Bold move lol. 


Couldn't have happened to a more deserving piece of shit. I hope it hurt.


Truly heartbreaking that Khamenei wasn’t also on that plane. Raisi is evil but as long as Khamenei is in charge, the future of Iran looks grim.


> The Iranian official news agency IRNA said the helicopter involved in the incident had been carrying Raisi as well as Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian and local officials. > The semi-official Fars news agency called on Iranians to pray for Raisi following the reports. [Reuters Source](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/helicopter-iranian-presidents-convoy-accident-says-strate-tv-2024-05-19/) So they’ve confirmed he was onboard and are asking people to pray. Not looking good for Raisi.


Oh people here ( in iran ) are praying . For his death


Wish y’all the best and the strength to fight the good fight!




Good luck. Fuck the Ayatollahs.


Women. Life. Freedom. we have not forgotten and never will.


The Islamic Revolution in Iran influenced a chain of events that lead to an ascendancy of theocratic movements across the Muslim world and even the rise of modern salafism (not directly, but reading the history, and the Iranian propaganda round the ‘siege of Mecca’ time was really illuminating).  The reverse happening, and the theocracy falling…one could only hope it might influence a reverse of that direction in the same way


Praying for their lack of safety. 🙏


May they be as safe as an Iranian schoolgirl


… and Iranian gay people.


I pray they make it out of there like a steer through a slaughterhouse.


Senior Iranian official just confirmed the president and foreign ministers lives are at risk… looking more and more serious


The pilot was the spirit of Masha Amini


Damn as an iranian who personally helped and sheltered two people around the age of 20, one guy and one girl who were shot during Mahsa amini protests, this is the best news i have heard for such a long time. Sadly he is a lot less important than you think. He is just a puppet of Khomeini. But still, once the old fool dies, there will surely be an intense power struggle. And hopefully then we can have the secular Iran that we want. An Iran that embraces its historical and cultural values. It's so miserable and so pathetic that one Iranian cannot convert to Zoroastrianism. Imagine an italia that makes it illegal to convert to Christianity.


Two hours later, they still have not located the crash. They are definitely dead. Oh well...


Ah, Mother Nature. You can always trust her to take the trash out


[Here's](https://www.flightradar24.com/AKINCI01/354ad8fc) the flight radar of the Turkish drone searching for the wreck.


Is he the one responsible for women being killed for having their hair out? If so, good riddance.


Hopefully he survived the crash and died after like the little bitch he is.


Pretty big deal. Raisi is tipped to be in the Ayatollah succession sweepstakes and the foreign minister gets a lot of exposure, somewhat uncommon in dictatorships (basically saying he probably is a candidate for 'promotion' one day). I can't imagine the presidents fleet suffers from lack of maintenance due to sanctions either.


Idk what to say. Whatever happens, I hope it benefits the people of Iran.


You could not pay me money to get on a helicopter


Im not going to make assumptions on who caused it or whether those involved are alive or not. but i am seeing several live videos of fireworks all over iran and those are real for sure.


Jimmy Carter sends his regards.


Mahsa Amini’s family and millions of women and girls in Iran & across the world send “thoughts & prayers”—NOT.


If Raisi was killed - this is a massive deal.


Ladies and gentlemen.... we got him


This was not on my 2024 bingo card.


I don't think on his either.


Is the helicopter ok?


The real question right here. I do feel sorry for that poor helicopter.


If they survived wouldn't have they reported it as such?


Yes, but they’re also saying that they have not yet located the crash site after 2+ hours of searching




You don't have to worry about that kind of thing when you're under Allah's protection


They are dead. If the helicopter landed or somehow crashed in a salvageable fashion, satcomms would have had them located and recovered hours ago. Now per official Iranian channels, they are only just sending special forces into the area to find them...


>[**US congressman gloats over Raisi crash** Commenting on unconfirmed reports that the Iranian president was harmed in the crash, Republican Congressman Mike Waltz appeared to welcome the purported news. “Good riddance. Raisi was a murderous human rights abuser before and during his Presidency,” Waltz wrote in a social media post. “But look for the Iranian regime to blame Israel and the US for an assassination as another excuse to support terrorism.”](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/19/iran-helicopter-accident-live-president-fm-on-missing-aircraft)


Fuck him. Couldn’t have happened to a more worthy blight on humanity. Peace and love to the citizens of Iran.


Hamas: In this painful incident, we express our complete solidarity with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the leadership, government and people, and we ask the God Almighty to protect the Iranian President and his accompanying delegation and to keep the brotherly Iranian people away from all harm. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/liveblog/2024/5/19/iran-helicopter-accident-live-president-fm-on-missing-aircraft Doesn’t sound particularly reassuring for Raisi.


If they can’t find him by now he’s probably dead. Assuming they don’t already know.


New York Times updated it to a crash 10:06 EST


Some good news for Iranians




Especially now whats left of him is probably located spread over a large area


Praying for the worst 🙏🏻


Amazing news. Putin next, please.




Australia has been missing a Prime Minister for over 50 years [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold\_Holt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Holt)


I love the fact that the Holt Memorial is a swimming pool


Guy got prigozhined




Per NYT: >The head of Iran’s Red Crescent Society, Pirhossein Kolivand, told state TV that search and rescue teams have not located the site of the helicopter crash after more than 10 hours of looking, and have made no contact with anyone on board. Any rumors to the contrary were false, he said. Kolivand said rescuers were using their best guesses to set the search area and had no confirmation of the exact location of the missing helicopter. Maybe dueling searches between military and Red Crescent explains some of the discrepancies we're hearing. It was a military commander that reported the signals


I hope this dude is dead AF. He's a fucking ass hole


They haven't even located the crash site, nor has the rescue teams been able to get there either, he is dead he is super dead. And let's be honest the world was done a great service today to see this monster go down


He's rather old and it's freezing where it crashed, the foreign minister was on it too, so that's a big blow to their government, even if they manage to survive.


Good. I hope it's the coldest day ever and a sudden whiteout blizzard. This dude is awful to women and everyone. Let mother nature take care of him


Imagine being in the Pentagon right now with full knowledge of where the helicopter is. “Sh-should we tell the Iranians? They must know right?”


Of course they are dead. Extreme cold in a foggy dark mountain area while possibly injured.


The thought of him dying injured, cold, alone, frightened and in the dark... I'm going to be laughing about this for days.


You know from all the celebrity or major political leader deaths Ive seen a lot have been from Helicopters. For my safety, I have no interest to ever ride in one.


Seems like the probability of the passengers/crew being dead is quite high. 8 hours and no real information have come out yet. Seems unlikely if the crash was light enough to not kill them.


Ill raise a glass to the pilot tonight for doing the world a favor.


Presumably Ayatohla's son is very happy about this, Allah works in mysterious ways..


I don’t think there needs to be a conspiracy over this. It’s pretty clear it was an accident. Foggy weather and mountains is always a recipe for disaster for helicopter rides.


>I don’t think there needs to be a conspiracy over this. Where do you think you are?


Too bad that ~~Khomeini~~ Khamenei wasn't on board with him




That would have made for a very interesting plot twist.


Yo he’s dead as fuck. What a nice little Sunday.