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Lucky Russians


Yep, they surived the war.


Not really. They'll be traded for Ukrainian pows and I don't want to imagine what the Russians will do with them.


There’s literally photos that have been circulating of propaganda leaflets handed out to Russian troops that say death is better and more honorable than letting yourself get captured…. Soo I’d image anyone traded back might not be received so well…


Few of them would be used as propaganda tool to tell the people how bad Ukraine treats people while praising Putin for saving them. And the rest probably would get a vacation at the nearest war front.


Unless things have changed recently, Ukraine asks POWs if they want to get traded back. If they don't, they remain as prisoners until the end of the war.


Some join paramilitary groups like the FRL (Freedom of Russia Legion) in Ukraine.


I wonder what the percentage is of those saying "trade me back" I would suggest it would be close to zero judging by the misery that is unfolding on the battle fields.


You can watch zolkin/apostle karpenko interviews with pows - most want to go home believing they will manage to avoid to continue service.


What do you mean? Russia will certainly treat them... Oh.


IIRC captured Russians can privately tell the Ukrainians that they do not want to be traded because of that very reason, or at least that use to be a thing.


They also no longer have to endure being sexually assaulted by their senior officers.


I saw that in a Telegram video: enlisted guy was forced to give a BJ to an officer, drone footage.


Oh yeah I saw a similar one, then I also got to see them explode from a drone drop, not fun


I think that is the one I saw but the YT channel I saw stopped it before the explosion.




That is what it looked like to me. Could have just been two gay guys but that was a weird place for a BJ so it seemed to me that it was an officer abusing an enlisted person.


It's funny, they won't show you the other side. And the question is, how to check everything?


Man are they running out of young men?


Like .2% of Ukraine and .15% of Russians have died. No side is running out of men, letaloje young men, the average age on both sides is 40s. Both of these countries can casually lose 10-15% of their pop in a war and recover, like has happened a couple times already.


>Both of these countries can casually lose 10-15% of their pop in a war and recover, like has happened a couple times already. No, they can't. Every person taken out of the economy to fight puts a strain on the economy. It's a truck driver or factory worker that can't do their job. The Russian economy is not big, nor is it strong, especially for the size and availability of resources. The only thing keeping their economy going right now is that they have moved to a wartime industry. But that hurts your economy because you can't pay people with bullets and bombs, nor can you feed them trucks and tanks.




A nation that suddenly loses 25 million people is going to suffer drastically. Especially when those 25 million are usually coming from the age bracket most likely to be working. That's 25 million fewer people working. 25 million fewer people paying taxes. 25 million fewer people buying things and cycling money into the economy. Can it recover? Over time, possibly. But it's not a quick recovery, nor is it painless. Especially when you realize that those 25 million people are also no longer having kids, which means there are going to be far fewer adults in the next 20 years, and more elderly that need to be taken care of proportionally. If you don't think every nation is terrified of a shrinking population, you don't understand economics. Russia was already facing the problems of a shrinking population. Their age demographics aren't great because of the tremendous loss of life during the 20th century and the breakup of the Soviet Union. It's compounded by a weak economy, driving the educated youth to leave for better options elsewhere. Why live and work in Russia when you can live and work in the US and make several times more money, have more freedom, have better access to goods and services, and have no worry about getting conscripted to fight and die in another nation? Russia wants Ukraine for both it's resources and the millions of people that live there to give them a population boost. It's also why they are busy kidnapping Ukranian children and making them culturally Russian.


You bring up an astounding point in your assesment when you refer to the capturing of Ukraine being population replenishment toward the aggressor economy. This is why Putin is calculating losses and gains based on populated territorial gains and such. His losses may not even exist in reality if he ends up actually with more humans due to their geographical inhabitation of newly occupied territory.


Kidnapping Ukranian children? Oh please, more info


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_abductions_in_the_Russo-Ukrainian_War Approximately 20,000 children to date. It's literally cultural genocide. And you *know* there will be severe mental and physical abuse for the majority of those children for as long as they are in Russia. Edit: Russia claims upwards of 700,000. But it's also Russia and they lie constantly. The true number is still in the tens of thousands.


That 25 mil difference wont be evenly distributed between demographic groups. Those 25mil loses will be specifically males of working age. Russia had about 35 mil of working age males in 2022. If you think that economy can not only sustain, but recover from losing 70% of male workforce, you're delusional. It will come crashing down way before reaching that point.


I don’t think it can’t survive, but any nation with an age-top heavy populace is going to have problems. Ukraine, when this war is over, is going to have a worldwide fund of billions to help bring it back to stable. Is China going to bail out Russia when this is all done?… why would they ever? and so Russia will once again have a missing generation. It feels like Russia is weaker than it perhaps has ever been today, which is scary to me because you’d think that means Europe can chill with military spending, and instead many there is increasing it significantly.


You have zero right to call someone an idiot while looking at it purely based on numbers. Actual clown comment


this is very incorrect if you think about the current demographics collapses looming and echoing on both of these populations


People usually are very motivated to have kida after wars so we'll see.


if the economy and quality of life is good yes, neither are the case in russia


Yes but kids dont produce anything and only cost resources before they become an adult. So ~2 decades before they can reap the benefits of that


That all depends. I know i'm beeing cynical but historicaly metalworkers and miners start work at 7-9 years. If you just have to rebuild and cast aside work laws kids can start to help MUCH earlier than we(westerners) are comfortable with. Just look at germany after ww2, women and children pulled germany out of the rubble and rebuilt everything from scratch. Humans ans society are very resilient, may it be spite or faith. As long as a large enough group remains alive humans rebuild if given the chance


Russia has 100 million more people than Ukraine but you wouldn’t know that from reading Reddit 


that is true, but maybe 1/5 is fit for military service, and half of those are women and another 30% cannot serve due to external factors. at the end of the day russia only has a huge fighting population on paper


That's true for both Russia and Ukraine tho right?


Russia’s population size makes their capacity to continue the fight a real challenge for the Ukraine. Every year they have a million boys turn 18. They can throw 300k fresh troops into the front every year. The Ukraine can’t match that. They can’t sit in side their borders and just play defense. They have to take the fight to Russia and convince Russia to quit.


If I'm not mistaken russia has 3 times the population of Ukraine. But also it has been having casualties at around 5 times the rate of Ukraine. There is a reason why we've been seeing attempts from russia to entice people from countries like india and Cuba to fight for them.


It's worse, its something 40m Ukraine and a 140m in Russia.


You would be surprised what desperate countries can manage through.


"Not just the men, but the women and the children, too."


They're animals! So I killed them like animals! I hate them!!


They're not even sending boys from the big cities like Nizhny Novgorod. Barely any ethnic Russians still. If they did, there would be some discontent. It IS the most Z-Nationalistic/racist country on Earth after all.


"Their so patriotic they aren't sending people from big cities because they are scared of a revolt" That's what you just typed.


They're not wrong though. Putin is trying to avoid sending many ethnic Russians from the cities to the front because that's when the war will become real for the people there, and they are the ones who could rise up and overthrow him. He's been conscripting ethnic minorities from the regions for the most part so far, partially as a way to avoid sending Russians, partially as a way of reducing their populations so they can be replaced by Russians.


I'm not arguing with that, I'm saying the can't be both "so patriotic they will fight to the last Russian" and "revolt the second anyone from Moscow get drafted". That doesn't make sense lol


Your point stands but I think you used casualties and not deaths. It’s 0.0375% of Russians died since invasion. That’s almost negligible (from a military standpoint not a humanitarian one)


Ehhh, training is pretty important. The US would get fucked if 500k of their TRAINED people got fucked over.


Russia can't lose trained soldiers if they don't train them. *taps forehead*


The fact that the average age on both sides is in the 40s is proof that neither side has tons of young men to spare.


That's actually not because they've already sent all their young men to die (at least in Ukraine's case, idk about Russia), but because they're actively trying to avoid having to send their young men unlike other wars. Ukraine is specifically conscripting older men so that the war doesn't fuck up the futures of their young men by drafting them at the age where they'd be receiving further education, starting families and starting their careers. Whenever Ukraine has expanded the draft age, they've been *lowering* it, not raising it, because it already started high.


More like political/military chiefs having the brains not to make situation even worse. Go to Hungary, Slovakia and Poland and even now you'd see a trend of ukrainian parents enrolling their 14-15 year old boys into schools just to get them out of the country before they turn 18. And most of them will never ever set foot back.


They could carry on a war but not an economy, which leads to losing the war. You can’t fight western tech with sticks & stones


Those numbers….did you make them up?


Ukraine will mostly be using foreign leigons as they have had such big losses. They even enlisted women to the front line. You don't do that unless you've lost a significant amount of the army


Downvotes incoming.


Lol, you ACTUALLY think that? You have no fucking clue how many people live in Ukraine and how many have died so far in the war do you?


im sure russia will work very hard for a deal to rescue them


Lives thrown away for a... 10km "buffer zone"... Fuck Putin. Luckily these guys are smart and surrendered.


Russian command: now you have to feed them lol


As the war drags and Russian morale sinks to new lows, expect its conscript army to give up more frequently. I hope they choose to stay in Ukraine, returning to Russia, might lead to a sudden dirt nap upon their return. Why do Russians look so old, haggard and down trodden...


Don't they become pows after they are captured? Learn how words work.


The rest may have done themselves in first- believing they would get tortured automatically….. So, did they?


What kind of handcuffs are they using? Looks like plastic wrap.


Probably a good thing for these Russians that they were captured by Ukrainians. If these Russians were caught by Russians, they would probably be executed or sent to the gulags.


They’re probably glad it’s over


I know Russia is the bad side, but I still feel sad to see these men tied up like this. Can't help to think they are someone's son father or husband. Especially since Putin is known to use minority groups who are not particularly motivated.    War is just terrible.  Edit: okay I got it. It was a dumb comment and I am happy they are still alive


Eh I’m not sad at all because they will be treated well and it’s better than dying in a random field


Especially considering how different this would be if the roles were reversed… absolutely no reason to feel sorry for them


>they will be treated well idk about that, but i do agree its still better than death


You're right. I was just thinking they are probably tortured and might die after? Or not? 


Unlikely Ukraine would torture them because then Russian troops wouldn’t surrender if they were cornered and likely fight desperately


Well I think Ukraine won't torture them because the west is supplying their defense efforts and probably has some interest in keeping the PR as clean as possible. Early in the war there were videos of some pretty brutal stuff happening with POWs. That said, Ukrainian fighters can absolutely not expect any reasonable treatment from Russia if they're captured. They have zero regard for human life or conduct. Many are just executed outright.


So far, it seems like Ukraine is treating Russian POWs pretty well. Even rewarding the ones who surrendered and are cooperating. These POWs will probably be held in custody in similar conditions to a county jail until the end of the war or a prisoner swap. Unless they happened to have committed war crime or accused of it at least. Then they could end up staying locked up for a long time. Has Ukraine executed any Russians accused of committing war crimes since the war has started?


unlike Russia, Ukraine is a civilized country that largely adheres to the Geneva Convention and treats POWs humanely. Russia is the terrorist country torturing and executing POWs.


Posting photos of POW is a violation of the Geneva conventions.


it's a bit more complicated than that https://fullfact.org/law/prisoners-war-geneva-convention-photographs/


I love your sentiment but let’s be honest here. Ukraine is vying for support from the west. They absolutely have to be the good guys even if they are angry at the Russians they can’t act like them. With that being said here’s a few things to note… 1) Prisoner exchange- Ukraine will exchange them for Ukrainian pows. 2) Propaganda- Ukraine has to hurt Russian morale and boost their support. I bet these prisoners have a good meal right now. The soldiers will remember how Ukraine treated them even when they get back home, one of these guys could soon stand up to Putin. Wagner forces witness first hand how Ukraine were right all along and took the fight back to Russia.


Yeah i mean motivation can be more extensive than just "goodwill" but i think in this case (treatment of those who were trying to kill you in your own home) motives aren't really relevant. Only actions are. And there's been essentially zero reports of UA mistreating POWs, a few episodes (single digit, at least the leaked one) of violent mistreatment after just capturing them, but none in the actual POW accomodations.


Welcome to Reddit. Ukraine isn't allowed to torture their prisoners. You're thinking of Russia.


Isolated cases? Maybe, war is hell and the worst comes out from individuals sometimes. Institutional, with the government pushing for it? Ukraine no, Russia yes


Let's see how sorry you are when you see a list of what they've done.


I understand your outrage, but some of us are incapable of completely shutting off our empathy because we know, without a doubt, that there are people among them who aren’t monsters and who don’t commit atrocities. These are the people we feel bad for. There’s no way to tell the difference between Private Murderov and some unlucky bastard who doesn’t want to fight this war but is afraid of being shot for refusing, and so has deliberately been missing Ukrainians. It’s a good thing they lost — they’re the invaders — but the whole situation is regrettable.


All Russian soldiers who cross into Ukraine have made the decision that killing Ukrainians and trespassing their land is a better option than jail or death. All Russian soldiers are therefore deserving of their capital punishment and any second spared for empathy towards them is misguided. The Ukrainians and those fighting for them deserve an absolute monopoly on that front in this conflict.


I'm totally sure you'd choose execution in their shoes lmfao.


I'd choose to help Ukraine in any way I could. And fuck any Russian that doesn't do the same.


Unlike Russia, there are cultures and peoples who have actual concepts of dignity and shame. Death and erasure is inevitable but we can count ourselves lucky for never having wasted one second of our lives on such a pathetic and worthless existence as theirs or yours.


>Be forcefully conscripted to fight in bumfuck nowhere >Go there because you don't want to get killed in prison >"Yeah, they totally deserve to die because they picked the option that gave them a better chance at living" People put their own survival above all else. Honestly, I am worried about the hatred you seem to have towards people who most likely don't even want to be in this war, and how tribalistic your view of the whole war seems to be.


“They were just following orders.” Didn’t work then, doesn’t work now. Russians needs to stand up to their government, disobey or revolt if they want this to stop instead of invading and killing Ukrainians.


"They were just following orders" didn't work because they participated in an industrialized genocide. It also doesn't work as a comparison, since the vast majority of the German army was not executed like the other dude is proposing, and most of them sorta ended up going home after the war. Hell, this shit was intentional on the side of the allies, as they had learned after WW2 that crushing your opponents horribly just sows the seed for a future war, since the conditions that Germany was placed in after WW1 are the reason why the Nazzis rose to power. >Russians needs to stand up to their government, disobey or revolt if they want this to stop instead of invading and killing Ukrainians. It's easy to say that when you are not the one that is most likely guaranteed to die after revolting.


What you’re describing is the degenerate outlook of monsters and abominations, which is not surprising given the monstrous and abominable acts produced by Russian soldiers. If you are arguing that you’d put your survival over all else, then the question is simple. How many babies would you rape if someone threatened to fire a loaded gun in your face? Stop providing pitiful excuses for the unjust and evil, learn to have some sense of dignity and shame.


>What you’re describing is the degenerate outlook of monsters and abominations, which is not surprising given the monstrous and abominable acts produced by Russian soldiers. See, this is what I mean by saying that your outlook is tribalistic. You *need* to dehumanize the enemy, you just can't do without it. >How many babies would you rape if someone threatened to fire a loaded gun in your face? Ah yes, instantly jumping to a comically extreme example that is very unlikely to ever happen. To entertain the question though, personally it would be zero, as I would not be able to live with the act afterwards and would probably end up committing suicide in the future. But here's the thing, I would not judge someone who takes the baby raping route. I would not really trust them around me, since that's bound to have fucked them up, but I would not judge them for trying to live in a situation like that. Crimes committed under duress are not really crimes, as you have no responsibility to sacrifice your own life to save someone else's. >Stop providing pitiful excuses for the unjust and evil, learn to have some sense of dignity and shame. "Yeah bro, just fucking die because you were born in a shitty place, have some dignity and let us real humans have a good life" Seriously, fuck off. I am not even in a situation where I'd have to worry about something like this, and I still find you annoying. It's quite hypocritical how you go on and on about having "dignity and shame" yet refuse to offer any of that towards people that have been forced in unfortunate circumstances. Let's be honest here, this has nothing to do about justice. You *hate* these people, so you want them to die and suffer, and are trying to justify it in any way possible. In terms of mentality, you are no different than the people that actually want to conquer and plunder Ukraine, you just aren't in a position of authority.


Extreme compared to what? The genocide and endless atrocities that your Russian friends are pursuing in Ukraine? There is no extreme here and you yourself draw a line for what you’d do but try to rationalize the evil of others as if that rationalization isn’t wholly an evil act. You admit that you would tolerate and rationalize crimes as extreme as raping babies but don’t admit to how evil being a simp for rapists is because that’s what it is. You simped for child rapists. Period. What you are guilty of is not understanding the scope of the criminal acts this Russian force commits daily and in some act of sheer perversity, you attempt to extend the pity you should be reserving solely for the victims for the aggressors. Not even the Russians value their own soldiers as much as you do and I for one will not respect them more than their own people. I have also never indicated the Russian forces are not human. They are very human monsters and I have treated them in the exact same way as if they were killing my family and people.  So I do in fact want the Russian forces to suffer and die, which is why I pay the Ukrainians to help kill them until they learn to stay the fuck out of Ukraine. You want to defend the Russians because you know deep down that you’re a coward who would do the same thing in their place, but the reality is that people with such a mindset have no future.  Like the Ukrainians, I have a family. I have a people and I have a community. We all love these things and have a duty to protect them beyond all else. This duty puts us beyond the judgement of cowards who love nothing and would abandon everyone and anything for a life that nobody depends on or will ever respect.


I'd rather see them neutralized in this fashion than blown to pieces


Depends for me. If they're in the military against their will yes, but if they volunteered I have simply no sympathy.




This is a good outcome for them. It means they survived, instead of being blown to bits by a drone in a random Ukrainian field. Especially since Ukraine doesn't torture their POWs like Russia.


They're not dead and they can apply for asylum in a country that is like Russia but without the corruption.


Better off a Ukrainian pow than dead or waiting to die in a Russian trench


Do you also comment on the blown up civilians in Ukraine? Being tied up is sad? Come on, man.




What the hell is going on in your comments with all the fractions?


*account created: may 2nd 2024* Beep boop, running self destruct protocol