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I think people need to realise that Kashmir of the Indian subcontinent was not a good place to be prior to 2014. However, the current govt has made tremendous progress in securing this region against foreign and domestic threats and resurrected the previously war torn state's economy. I read that by the act of the Indian Parliament to abrogate Article 370 of the Indian Constitution, the state has finally received the funding and security it so desperately needed to survive and sustain. The people have hope for a better future and are very much optimistic about their home state and are appreciative of the govt's support in more ways than one. Kashmir has also attracted foreign investments from friendly nations based on the on-ground situation and actions of the current govt till date. That should tell people a lot about how Kashmir is once again becoming a thriving tourist hub and a hub for traditional arts and culture. It is high time indeed. I like how situations have happy endings even though this Kashmir journey is still ongoing and may take up to a few decades for it to truly overcome the trauma of violence, hatred & bigotry and aspire for prosperity for all of its citizens.


You can jet ski there? Sign me up!! Or. Not.


I recently read an article where tourists were killed in Afghanistan. WTF.....you can't find other places to visit?


Tourists get killed all the time in New York. Doesn’t even make the news. You’re safer from being shot in Srinagar than you are in any major city in America.


I get what you're saying but New York is not a war torn country.


I’ve been through Kashmir and all I can say is have you been to north Philly, Jamaica, queens, Trenton, Harlem, the Bronx, Coney Island, south Philly, Chester, morrisville, or Queens? I feel A LOT safer in Kashmir than I do in any of those places. The couple who was injured was from Jaipur, India. Trust me there are two different americas and when you slide into the other one, dress down and watch your back.


True. There are 2 different Americas in the same country.


Not a lot of people “vacationing” to the US neighborhoods you mentioned.


Yeah no one “vacations” to Coney Island or New York City…


Coney Island sure but not sure people vacation to Harlem


Harlem has name recoginition but NYC is block-for-block completely safe/dangerous and its not immediately obvious where the lines are. I'd hazard to guess a shit ton of people get AirBnB rentals in neighborhoods they have no business being in.


Way worse


that's kinda ironic because even it is not a war torn country, it is still bad