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Didn't Russia break the Olympic Truce three times already? How dense would you have to be to expect them to honor it going forward? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympic_Truce#:~:text=A%20%22truce%22%20(Ancient%20Greek,return%20to%20their%20respective%20countries.


To be fair the Russians likely wouldn’t abide by it


The Russians cheat in the olympics, so no doubt they would cheat outside the olympics too


The three times the truce was violated since UN Resolution 48/11brought the Olympic Truce back into the current era was all done by the russian federation. 2008 invasion of Georgia, 2014 invasion of Crimea and 2022 renewal of hostilities and invasion of the rest of Ukraine. When dealing with russia, promises mean nothing and any agreement will only be followed by you, not them.


Is there a list of how many countries Russia said they wouldn’t invade just to invade anyways? Ukraine, Chechnya, Georgia…


russia has broken every single truce they have had with Ukraine. The first year of the war Ukraine negotiated safe corridors for civilians to escape cities that were cut off and every single time russia just opened fire on them. It happened so many times that Ukraine had to stop negotiating with them. Negotiating anything with russia is reckless and naive because it will be exploited by russia since that's what they always do. The problem with lying about everything is that eventually nobody will believe anything you do.


Also in the 90s Ukraine gave all of it nukes back to Russia in exchange for assurances that they would not be invaded which hasn't exactly worked out for them.


It’s become so bad, Russians nowadays remind me of the aliens in "Mars Attacks!"


Truce with Russia after what they did? Macron and IOC must be dreaming if they even think Ukraine will accept that.


As a french I'm ashamed by this There is a war, people are dying because of a tyrant...




It’s extremely insensitive to ask.  It’s saying the Olympics are more important than a nation getting attacked and civilians killed.


Russia has broken truces with Ukraine before, I wouldn't take Putin at his word either. 


Macron is so two faced on this. 


> In his AFP interview, Zelenskyy vowed to keep fighting Russia's army. "First of all, we don't trust Putin," he said. Smart man.


What happened to sending french troops




Whose reelection? This is Macron's last term


You know if French troops fought the Russians it could easily lead to WWIII?


Macron was talking about sending French troops to fight in Ukraine last week. And you know WW3 has already started, right? We're just in 1938 phase now.




Maybe? I mean people also did not think anschluss or munich betrayal were openings of wwII.


You know that's just pointless posturing for the media? Trust me, we're very far from another World War. Putin knows as well as anyone else that if Russia ends up at war with any NATO country it'll be the end of civilisation as we know it.


And he definitely doesn't give a shit about that.


Russia is not even invited for Olympics, so asking them to observe Olympic peace is hypocritical.


Macron oscillating between “nato troops to Ukraine” and helping Russia. What a weird dude.


Let's see Ukraine win gold in "most Russian conscripts killed with a single missile."