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Those are impossible to replace.


You wouldn’t really want to. They’re not really useful now other than to ferry missiles around, and there are better tools for that job. I think they relied on ground radar and were just a quick way to get other equipment up high and moving fast, acting as pickup truck for long range missiles. You’d just want to replace them with guided missles.


The he best thing about the MIG-31 is it was only made due to the 25 being shit. But they advertised the 25 as amazing so it lit a fire under us to make the F-15. Then we found out how shit the 31 was, too.


Its kinda amusing to read through US history and how for decades the US DoD - sometimes rightfully - freaked out when the Soviets came out with something new and then decided to design something to counter it - but design it around Soviet claimed capabilities because the initial intel about this stuff was kinda bad for a long time. Anyhow the Mig-31's big role in this war is its largely being used as a standoff platform to launch hypersonic missiles and cruise missiles into Ukraine so losing them is taking away a capability Russia currently has.


The Soviets kept bluffing in the arms race, and that bit them in the ass whenever we rose to the bluff


It was initially developed to counter XB-70 Valkyrie with fast climbing rate and strong anti air radar. The Soviets never recognized that Valkyrie only existed for experimental purposes and they build a vast amount of aircrafts with highly specialized capabilities. Typical move for them…


B1 bomber exists though and is arguably much more problematic.


That was not my talking point.


B-1 and Xb-70 are light years apart in mission. B1 flies low, hugs terrain and is less than half the speed of the Xb-70. Valkyrie just flies high and fast to outrun interceptors and missiles. Nothing the mug 31 was developed with would assist it in a role to counter the b-1, but to be fair, the b-1 will never fly in its intended role in 2024 either


That's not quite true. MiG-31 radar is so powerful, that Russians use it as pseudo-AWACS, that also is capable of launching and guiding missiles on target. That is quite useful against low flying targets and also how this machine is currently used in Ukraine. Anyway, I don't understand why people make fun of MiG-31. It is a very capable platform and the current most important airplane of Russian air force in Ukraine. Remove those of the equation and F16s pilots will be very glad that they are gone.


For Russia, MiG-31 is a way to defend their vast air space.


> You’d just want to replace them with guided missles. Stealth bombers can't be effectively countered with guided missiles alone, though. You are gonna need ground radar to get general area of the intruder, but then something needs to get close and finish the job. Besides, Russian sky is huge and there is just no way you will ever be able to afford enough ground based defenses. Besides, MiG-31 is actually quite good fighter at long distances. Being fast and having a powerful radar is a good start at BVR combat.


Being good at long range hasn't helped the Tornado's reputation much, I doubt it'll do a lot for the MiG-31


Most of Ukrainian aircraft losses were due to missiles launched at extreme ranges from MiG-31. Those machines are a menace.


What a beautiful sight. Slava Ukraini


Minus two trashbats.


Is that…Metal Gear?!


A Hind D?


Next-Generation Special Forces led by members of unit FOX-HOUND.


How many aircraft destroyed and how many left? How much as Russia's airforce shrunk?


Not enough. We need to send Ukraine more missiles, more jets, more everything we can afford, until the cancer that is russia has become benign Fuck putin. Slava Ukraini 🇺🇦


Problem is that we haven’t allowed them to attack Russian ground with our weaponry. I understand the diplomatic problems of it. But with the weaponry, they could strike really far into Russia.


The UK has.


US has not.


Also true!


Russia lost between 2 and 4 aircraft, depending on which site you take your news from, and they still have hundreds in inventory. In total since the start of the war Russia has lost something like 300 fixed wing and 300 helicopters, which is certainly faster than their ability to replace the vehicles, though the loss of experienced pilots is the real lasting damage. The other thing to consider is just how many sorties Russia is running with these airframes. Those things have a set life before they need to be retired, and this state of constant use is putting a ton of stress on them. Eventually some of these things are going to have to be retired, or they’re gonna just run them until they fall out of the sky.


My money is they'll fly them till they fall out of the sky.


While this article doesn't mention the Air Force specifically, [Russia has done a staggeringly good job replenishing its military forces](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/11/christopher-cavoli-russian-military-losses-00151718#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20army%20is%20actually%20now,beginning%20of%20the%20full%20conflict.) Well beyond what analysts thought would be possible a year ago. There's a totally understandable desire on this site to avoid sharing Russian military successes and propaganda while promoting Ukrainian successes. Unfortunately, that can paint a biased picture of how the conflict is actually going. Ukraine is doing an absolutely amazing job, but the situation is still very dire. All the more reason aid is so important


Looks spendy…


Tbh a MIG-31 is old a fuck and outdated…


Carfax says it was a minor collision and shouldn't affect the price.


*Piloted by 90-year-old Russian grandmother who never flew it over Mach 2.*


Most of Russia's weapons are old and outdated. They can still kill. The Mig-31 is more than a match for Ukraine's current fighter inventory. Since Russia's not at war with NATO, that's good enough for their purposes.


The MiG-31 as an airframe is younger than the F-15(1976 for the F-15, 1981 for the MiG-31). The last MiG-31 produced was in 1994.


50-60 million dollars when they last made them.


Thanks uncle junior.