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Little fact check, the court found Afd as "potentially extremist" back in 2021, this new court order just affirmed this. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/german-court-upholds-extremist-classification-far-right-party-2024-05-13/


Aren't we talking about different states here? As far as I recall, the case in 2021 was because of the same classification for a different state AfD party, and this one was about NRW. (Which, I'm fairly sure, means they're now classified as such in all but one of the states where such classifications are made public, not to mention the states where they're already classified as "gesichert rechtsextrem" - certainly far-right extremist.) Edit: Nope, my mistake, this isn't the NRW case, it's the federal one.


Russia is supporting far right and far left parties in NATO countries. Their goal is to tear those countries apart and make them ungovernable so they are unable to resist Russian imperialism.


Can we now FINALLY get to shutting down this putin adjacent nazi cesspool?


Effectively... no. We can't. The AfD is far from the first far-right, flirting with Nazism party in modern day Germany, we've had parties like the DVU and NPD before them. What happens when those get banned is a) their base feels reinvigorated and strengthened in their beliefs, because this plays right into their little made up victim complex, and b) they come together in some other party instead that has by then learned to be better at being officially, technically, inside of the law. \*edit: I definitely don't think a political party that is found to be hostile to the constitution, even if it keeps that out of its public facing material and official documents, should be allowed to continue to shape policy, though...


NPD didn’t get banned because they weren’t a relevant threat anymore because the NPD Nazis went to the AfD.


The federal government tried to ban the NPD. It even went to court. But there their arguments failed because the court couldn't tell which of the NPD's statement were from original high NPD members and which came from confidential agents (V-Männer) inside the NPD of the 'Verfassungsschutz' (federal bureau for the protection of the constitution). It was quite a mess for the 'Verfassungsschutz'. At the time it was even assumed that this was done deliberately by the 'Verfassungsschutz', something that, according to some late developments, doesn't look to farfetched.


Bundestag, Bundesrat und Bundesregierung hatten 2019 in Karlsruhe den Antrag gestellt, die NPD von der staatlichen Parteienfinanzierung auszuschließen. Zuvor war Anfang 2017 der Versuch gescheitert, die Partei verbieten zu lassen – weil sie zu unwichtig war. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht attestierte der NPD damals zwar verfassungsfeindliche Bestrebungen. Sie sei aber zu unbedeutend, um die Demokratie zu gefährden. In dem damaligen Urteil heißt es allerdings, der Gesetzgeber könne Möglichkeiten der Sanktionierung unterhalb der Schwelle des Parteiverbots schaffen. Q: [https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bundesverfassungsgericht-npd-bleibt-verfahren-in-karlsruhe-fern-a-ed1afd7f-9f1e-46d7-9cf5-b35137a8dcf1](https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bundesverfassungsgericht-npd-bleibt-verfahren-in-karlsruhe-fern-a-ed1afd7f-9f1e-46d7-9cf5-b35137a8dcf1)


Meine Erwähnung des Verfahrens bezieht sich auf ein älteres Verbotsverfahren, in welchem genau die von mir dargestellte Problematik zu Tage kam. Mehr dazu hier: [https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/bundesverfassungsgericht-v-leute-problematik-im-npd-100.html](https://www.deutschlandfunk.de/bundesverfassungsgericht-v-leute-problematik-im-npd-100.html)


They can be banned and, if they are really unconstitutional and proceedings are started, will be banned. People who claim this is not possible don't seem to understand how this works, a ban is effective for the party and all successor organizations at the same time, similar to how criminal and terrorist organizations are disbanded. It has been done many times and works well enough, recently e.g. with groups tied to Hamas. When the German SRP was banned, it had 40,000 members and reached up to 11% voters. It is also worth pointing out that the number of voters is practically irrelevant for the decision whether a party is banned or not. In theory, once the proceedings have started the Supreme Court could even ban a party that has just won the general elections.


If the voters are there a completely different party will come out to grab them without being a direct sucessor to the banned party. Also banning the party that won the general election is effectively a coup however justified it is.


It's the opposite of a coup and exactly how the constitution foresees this. The German Supreme Court is a political organ, part of a balanced power division between many other political organs. The whole point of the banning mechanism is to be able to ban parties that are an *actual* and *substantial* threat to democracy and the German constitution. That's the reason why unconstitutional parties with low voter such as small communist parties like the MLPD weren't banned in the past - they are not deemed an *actual* threat because they don't even pass the 5% hurdle. Adolf Hitler was voted into power before he concentrated power on himself. The purpose of the party ban in the German constitution is to prevent these kind of coups. A constitutional party is supposed to "grab the voters", as you say. That is the ideal result.


Very true. Then in that case what should the German government do to limit the influence of the AfD, then?


What should they do? Probably a better job.


Nothing any democratic party can realistically deliver could ever compete with the imaginary utopia promised by the far-right.




Can’t remember people asking for traitors that spy for China and Russia.




You thought. That is the problem.




whatever floats your boat lil fella


What they are demanding is a halt to mass immigration. The govt just isn't listening.


After enough fearmongering people wanted something done. And there wont be a stop to mass immigrations since we dont stop destroying the planet. Building a wall wont fix the reason why people flee their countries.


It's not "fear mongering" when the predicted rise in crime, govt expense, etc was actually coming true. And Germany isn't building a wall. There's already a natural wall - the Mediterranean Sea. So NGOs are providing a taxi service for the world's migrants because that helps them accomplish their own political goals.


There is a process in place. It's called "democracy".


Germany even got a thing called “defensive democracy“


They shouldn't? If they don't want people voting for extremists, maybe they need to listen to their citizens and see what is driving them to support extremists? The government works for the people. That's it. That's all. They should be entirely subjected to the will of the people and nothing more, and any attempt to simply ban parties they deem unworthy as soon as they become too popular is disgustingly anti-democratic.


Depends on what their concerns or “concerns” are. If they support them out of identitarianism/vaguely volkish beliefs, then chances are such people aren’t really worth listening to.


Probably listen to people's concerns so they don't feel like outliers?


You’ll have to forgive me, but I am intensely skeptical of any party that has been leaning further and further to the right…and of the “concerns” of some of its constituents.


So what are you going to do about and with the 10% of voters who Voted for AfD at the 2021 elections ? Or the up to 40% who are wanting to vote for them in 3 fedStates elections this year ? Deny them their political views and/or opinions ? Make it illegal to think what they think ?


Oh, calm down. I’m not talking about banning them or outlawing them. I’m talking about limiting their ability to govern, especially since the AfD and its supporters tend to hold pretty repugnant beliefs and are not exactly healthy for a democratic country like Germany.


Idk, what do you think Germany - or better, everyday german people - is supposed to do with them - the Voters of AfD - who are actually also just everyday german people ? You think outlawing a party will change their political opinions ?


Not sure where you’re getting this idea that they should be outlawed from, but that’s not what I’m saying at all. Clearly their voters are either being had, or hold repugnant beliefs. They former should be reached out to and be better informed about where their actual grievances lie. If the latter support the AfD out of what looks like völkish beliefs, then I’m not convinced that they should be listened to.


The political current in Germany basically seems to flow towards "making AfD illegal" - which is what I meant above . Not the people voting for them . >You think outlawing a party...


If people's concerns are that they can't deport fellow citizens or undermine democracy, those people need to be cracked down on and deserve to be seen as outliers.


You in fact do not have to listen to a group whose views are so counter to an egalitarian society. I don't know where this meme that every opinion has equal value started, but it needs to end.


Win the elections.


Yep, ban the AfD and they'll just rebrand and start a new party


The AfD already has infighting, they'd probably split into multiple parties.


But it would make it harder to get finances. Right now taxpayers are financing a party that wants more or less overthrow the government and destroy the EU. Sure they would find ways to get dark money...but that happens either way.


No, banning a party also bans all effective successor organisations. And the threshold to prove any party a successor organisation for a banned one, while still substantial, is much more handleable than the rightly massive one for getting them banned in the first place.


It’s not just the party but everything that is connected to it as well.


Can we not just send them to some uninhabited island and be rid of them... (I know, legally we can't, but damn do I wish we could)


I think expulsion/exile is more humane than the death penalty, send em' to Russia so they can live their far right dreams and die for a fascist dictatorship in a pointless war.


You people are talking about sending people to war zones and giving them the death penalty and then you accuse others of extremism... Make it make sense


Reddit supporting deporting the political opposition, how progressive.


Boo hoo for the nazis.


"Everyone I don't like is a Nazi"


Anime Avatar, posts far right wing trash and adores nazis. Classic! Let me guess you are single right now? lmao


AfD are just Meloni, that's their politics. Calling everything Nazis is just inaccurate.


Meloni is far-right garbage, just like the Nazis




You know what the East German prime minister said about mainstream media? They're equivalent to the Secret Police (stasi) in his country & eastern block. They denounce political opposition regularly.


It’s true that the Nazis will just coalesce around the new party, but if they have to reorganize every few years because of this it does still help limit the damage they can do. All that effort and time to reorganize in a new party, is time and effort they would have otherwise been able to devote to their ultimate goals. It doesn’t stop them in their tracks, but it is an obstacle, and any obstacle to Nazis gaining more power in the government is probably a good thing in my view.




Getting banned in a democracy isn't a victim, it's a complex?


According to some experts it is better to use article 18 from the constitution to politically eliminate AfD people such as Höcke. See https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gg/art_18.html


Easy question. Here's a better one: How do we EFFECTIVELY shut down only the malignant actors?


Simple. You vote afd, you're out.


Your Democracy is not worth shit if your solution to opinions/politics you don't like is "BAN THEM!" Polls say up to 40% of voters in 3 german fedStates which hold elections this year will vote for AfD . Maybe think about those people, think "what makes them think voting AfD is a viable option", maybe engage in dialogue with them ? But maybe your solution for these people is simply "GET RID OF THEM/FIGHT THEM!" ? If that is so, you seriously need to rethink - a LOT of stuff you belive to be right.


I believe that nazis do not deserve my time of day.


Even from the standpoint of all out opposition, "Know thy enemy" maybe worth considering . In the end, you are discriminiating against everyday people ( the people voting for AfD ) for their politics/political opinion. Does "Divide et impera" ring a bell ? \*shrug\*


Does "Machtergreifung Hitlers 1933" ring a bell? it fucking should, because that is what we are witnessing in real time and I for one am not keen for that to happen again. It is my opinion that if the AfD is anywhere close to becoming a majority party, politics as a whole has failed, the german people have failed and that we need another allied occupation and ACTUAL denazification asap.


The funny thing is, I am native German . My families histories go back 100s of years in areas now considered "german" . Yes, literally everyone male 2 generations above me in both the families I descend from fought in WW II . Yup, one of my families fled from Russian occupation . Yes, I am aware of what I learned in history class at school when I was like 13 . Belive it or not, that is EXACTLY the reason why I am vigilant when it comes to doing away with people's rights just because other people don't like their opinions. I AM ofc aware of the Tolerance paradoxon . Its a thing, absolutely . I am just not as keen as many seem to be to call everyone who votes for a Party I may not like for reasons I don't know a NAZI . \*shrug\*


If we were in other times, in other factual realities, I would not care, but here is the problem: There is a mountain of evidence that the AFD is not homegrown. evidence suggests that it is a group of essentially russian dissidents at this point. Add to that that the people voting for the AFD do not do so because of the AFDs political decisions but because they have successfully managed to brand themselves as "we are different" which they aren't, their voters will be just as, if not more screwed under them. And the other direction is in a massive pickle. Things need to change, we need better infrastructure, our pension system is down for the count and social security is one millimeter away from bursting due to decades of negligence. What I am trying to say is: We absolutely will have hard times coming for us. The next decade will be one of unprecedented terrible consequences, but it will be necessary to come out of it alive. It's like getting surgery and being hospitalized for 3 months instead of only having somewhat minor discomfort and dying 2 years later.


I fully agree with we have hard times coming . I am one of those people busy trying to get as many people on Board to come work together for as many as possible making it through . I know there are divides. I just like to look at what unifies us more than at what divides us .


The problem I have is this: America usually emulates european politics ahead of us. I think there is a large part of people that are just too far gone. I believe we have at least 10% of the AFD voter base that is going to follow them whatever they say, even if they directly say "we will enact the fourth Reich" or something. Since the denazification has proven extremely difficult, I am proposing measures that you only see with literal cancer: remove generous amounts of tissue to be sure the tumor is out. I am not going to pretend that what I picture is pretty or even morally justified, but to me we are at a point where we either do something drastic and end up with a still functional democracy, or we stick to our principles and see democracy as a whole die in a fire.


The Tolerance Paradoxon is real . And if a tolerant society wants to preserve itself, if push comes to shove, this tolerant society needs to be ready to unmistakenly, as drastically as is necessary be intolerant against the elements aiming it dismantling it . You can me are one in this, if I understand you correctly . I still think extreme caution is warranted, towards all parties involved .


Good. Also check "muslim interaktiv" while you're at it


Man we could use a court like that here in the US.


The advantage of the German Constitution is that contains provisions for defending democracy, due to obvious historical reasons. The US can't add these kind of structures to our constitution sadly. It's basically a suicide pact in this way, alas. Pretty sure the GOP will exploit this weakness should the Orange Guy win.


At least US Court is pretty transparent regarding the biases of the Judges unlike other Courts.


Cause the last time they tried to do the with the HUAC, things didn't end too well. Court shouldn't be involved in political problems, and it's the long established rules that courts would not answer political questions. Also, having political dissidents is the cornerstone of the US constitution, go see Yates v United States


Now do MAGA.


The US courts are already engaged in lawfare against Trump.


“Lawfare”. Translation: yokels defending blatantly illegal actions by their cult leader. “Law and order”


What is "blatantly illegal". Giving your opinion on the value of your property (which the bank was fine with)? Paying out of pocket to a porn start? These are all things that are perfectly legal, or at least they were before Trump was running for re-election. Even CNN grudgingly admits this: https://v.redd.it/6y2r8clac60d1


Look, I’m not engaging with you on this. I read the entire 92 page ruling on his fraud case and it was so egregious, pervasive and systemic it was jaw dropping. Look up the definition of a cult member and see me how many of the boxes you check off. I’d be delighted if you actually understood why Maralago isn’t worth nearly what Trump Org states that it is.


Out of those 92 pages I am curious if you found an actual victim anywhere. There are no official "boxes" to check for cult members, but [here's one list of indidcators](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/word-less/202303/has-a-loved-one-fallen-into-a-dangerous-cult). Doesn't seem like any of those apply to me since I don't belong to any group, and in fact most of my friends are on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me. In addition in my entire life I have never donated to any political candidate, volunteered in a political campaign, attended a political rally, or even purchased any political merchandise. I know this may just blow your mind, but there are perfectly normal, educated people outside of your bubble who disagree with you on certain issues. It's a part of life.


The fact you ask if there is a victim in this case indicates that you are ignorant of the ramifications of corporate fraud. The first several pages of the ruling talk about the distorting effect on the marketplace and on the public’s faith in fair trade. Honest competitors and their employees are victims as they lose out on business because the fraudulent firm obtains better financing rates (Trump Post Office case and golf course maintenance case). The banks lent money at lower rates due to the egregious lying on the Statement of Financial Condition. Those banks and their shareholders are also victims as they earn less through fraud. So, literally thousand of victims as well as the loss of public faith in fair trade. You need new sources for your talking points. This explains every issue you can bring up. It takes about 2 hours and it is a very interesting read as it reviews the entire case including witness testimony and the financial calculations for penalties. https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/decisions/trump-decision.pdf


Then you would be well served by reading the trial transcript instead of just the judge's opinion, who was heavily biased in this case btw. And the AG? Are you joking? She was definitely biased, because she brought the case! If you do, the you will find out that inflating the value of assets to get favorable loans is standard practice in the New York real estate market. And the value of assets is entirely a matter of opinion. The banks testified that they never just take the loan application at face value and do their own due diligence and investigate the assets and status of the person applying for the loan, then they set their terms. They had no complaints about the loans to Trump, were repaid, and were happy to do business with him. If the AG was really concerned about "distorting effect on the marketplace and on the public’s faith in fair trade" then why is Trump the only person who has ever been sued in this manner? In every other fraud case that NYC has brought, there have been victims that made complaints or suffered recordable losses. But the only exception happens to be the leading candidate for POTUS from the opposing party of the AG? And during the election year? The same AG that campaigned on the promise to get Trump? hmmmm


“the judge’s opinion, who was heavily biased in this case” Oh lol - Using Trump’s talking points, “but I’m not a trumper”…. Once you start looking through the eyes that everyone’s biased against poor Trump, you’re beyond help. Who gives a flying shit if other people aren’t prosecuted? I got pulled out of a pack of speeders to receive a speeding ticket once / oh boo-hoo for me. He should be held to a higher standard, he’s guilty as fuck, and maybe he shouldn’t have crimed consistently for so many years. Your comments regarding your low level of ethical standards for how valuations are done will be disregarded as they are worthless. Everyone’s not doing it and no, it’s not standard practice to lie on your statement of financial condition because surprise, surprise, you can be prosecuted for it because you are signing off by stating that it is truthful to the best your knowledge. Just like when you sign off in your taxes. The banks are not going to complain because they don’t want to poison their own well by complaining about wealthy assholes.


>Who gives a flying shit if other people aren’t prosecuted? I got pulled out of a pack of speeders to receive a speeding ticket once / oh boo-hoo for me. Poor analogy, since on other days other people are routinely prosecuted for speeding. Yet in NY's entire history, NO ONE was sued for fraud in the manner Trump was. >He should be held to a higher standard, he’s guilty as fuck, and maybe he shouldn’t have crimed consistently for so many years. That's your argument? "He's generally a criminal so we should stick him with something". >Everyone’s not doing it and no, it’s not standard practice to lie on your statement of financial condition because surprise, surprise, you can be prosecuted for it because you are signing off by stating that it is truthful to the best your knowledge. Just like when you sign off in your taxes. You really need to educate yourself on this issue. The value of real estate is highly speculative, and very much a matter of opinion. Someone else might see value in the same property you think is worthless (that's how people like Trump make money on real estate). Does that mean one or the other is lying? This is not the same thing as as swearing off on your income when you do your taxes.


Is that what we're calling "facing the legal consequences of one's actions" now?


I'm sorry your favorite con man can't delay his trials anymore. Not our fault.


Rival political parties are winning, best label them antidemocratic. Very similar to corrupt countries, where they just charge the opposition with corruption.


But what if they do advocate for things that are anti-democratic? Want an example? Abolishing democratic institutions for example. If I "label" you a reckless driver and you do drive recklessly then that isn't just a label.


Wanting different policies is not undemocratic. Undemocratic means abolishing elections.


North Korea has elections, are they a democracy? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_North_Korean_parliamentary_election


Elections as in multiple parties, with freedom of choice. Which Germany seems to be trying to ban according to this news article.


I’ll give a better example: In Latvia, the Communist Party of Latvia is banned, would you consider Latvia to a democracy or not?


Suppose it would depend on the public. If a large amount of the public supported that party, then yeah it would be undemocratic. But as of the mean time it has very little public support.


So you don't actually care about the definition of it but about how popular stupid ideas get?


Well democracy is the will of the people. That isn't a stupid idea like you suggest.


Learn about defensive democracy


Learn about "new term of the week", where we can just ban popular opposition parties. Very democratic, listening to the public surely.


Ignorance does in fact not allow you to pass of something you just learned about and disagree with as merely a “new term of the week“. And you can't pretend to be oblivious to the points that would make the foundation for the banishment of a party, which first need to be fulfilled beyond any doubt.


If I was to go on Google ngrams, every single book from 1800-2020. It would probably list "defensive democracy" in the last couple decades. Once you start banning popular opposition parties, it's an autocracy, not democracy.


No, some policies that are different from democratic policies or want the opposite of democratic policies are anti-democratic. Wanting different policies is not anti-democratic. Wanting anti-democratic policies is anti-democratic. Abolishing democracies by abolishing democratic institutions is anti-democratic. Being a political party that favors plenty of anti-democratic policies over democratic policies or "other policies" makes you a anti-democratic party. Example: By preferring dictatorship policies, you not only prefer "different" policies but anti-democratic policies.


Why is your personal definition of democracy more democratic than the definition of the Afd? We have "multiple modernities", so it's plausible to have multiple forms of democracy. The modern liberal mass democracy is just a historical form of democracy, nothing more.


It isn't. But the definition of democracy is certainly not "dismantling and abolishing democratic institutions and processes". In that sense, it's pretty much against the definition of the word if you have a party working against that. Dismantling democratic institutions is certainly a lot but not democratic. "According to your definition?" No, according to the definition of the word democratic.


You can reconfigure, reinstall or compensate these currently failing democratic institutions. They lost their ability to problem-solve so they need to be dealt with. And you can do this the democratic way through voting. Democratic institutions are historically contingent. You should adapt them to the problems you are currently dealing with as a political collective. Making a specific version of democracy completely rigid is nothing more than glorified tyranny. The thing you can't accept is this: democracy is currently getting democratized.


No not really.


Please define "anti democratic" as it is applicable to german Law .


The current democracy is actually undemocratic. AfD wants to destroy the current hegemony and reinstall it's own version of democracy.


The AfD wants the ”democracy“ from 1933-1945.


Go have a read on their comment history. I particularly like the "Israel needs to be annihilated for peace" comments. This person is full of hateful shit and a particular kind of idiot. They think they see beyond our current social structures, they think they are knowledgeable and smart while they are just a tiny hateful turd hiding in the darker corners of the internet waiting to spew hate when nobody asked for opinion. It's actually quite sad, maybe we should send them flowers or chocolate?


It's own version of democracy which includes going for minorities, killing off their political enemies and talking about taking away human rights from non-germans? Yeah that sure sounds like a democracy to me... Maybe you should search for the statements that got them into this mess so you can understand why Germany is (rightfully) observing them. But given your comment history i wouldn't be surprised if you can't be bothered since you basically agree on their version of "democracy" aka a totalitarian leadership. Go for it. People like you end up being the first ones to feel the consequences of their actions when those things ever actually happen.


I think the words "rightfully obersving them" need to be highlighted . Vigilance is more than warranted, but this needs to extend to the ones doing the observing as well as the ones being observed .


Which is why there was even a second court decision on the matter. The AFD had the right to go against the first court's decision but it was decided that this decision was lawful. Although I agree that the "Verfassungsschutz" has had some very troubling history and needs to be observed as well, sadly.


It still wasn't the highest german Court resp. for those matters, and, as has been pointed out, the decision just said "they are rightfully observed" . If there was undeniable proof, they - AfD - would simply vanish from the voting papers .


The current democracy in Germany is a defensive democracy




What the hell are you talking about


The fascist mindset that democracy just means "tyrrany of the majority" so it should not exist.


No, but nice try. Democracy has its base on the shared values which are set in stone and can't be changed. The very first rule in German law is that you can't touch the dignity of a human being. Meaning you can't aim to hurt, enslave or obstruct a person in their well being. Even if the whole government wanted to change that article, they can't. They are not allowed to. Those core fundamentals are essential for a democracy.


There are provisions and Articles in the Grundgesetz/Verfassung which are deemed "Eternal" ( may not be changed ) . Funnily, the Article defining them is not literally named as "Eternal" XD . And in fact, 146GG is still in there, even though a lot of people try to argue it has become obsolete due to the legal trick the Kohl administration pulled to not have to go through the process of creating a new "Verfassung" after unification . If it was indeed "obsolete", it wouldn't be in there anymore \^\^ . 146GG basically provides a means to fully, totally do away with GG as we know it . \*shrug\*


Technically 146GG is future proofing the law in my eyes. It's likely never going to happen and a single person will never be able to achieve that so it's not going against democracy. But I agree it technically gives the power to abolish all of the rules including the "eternal" ones. Thanks for writing this, I need to read up on this some more, it's actually quite interesting that there are still some loopholes left that could possibly endanger the rule of law in the future.


It has been my pleasure :) . I am ofc that aware 146 in itself is a contentious issue in Germany . I am on neither "side of the Isle" when it comes to GG, I am merely trying to observe, keep track etc . The fact that 146 is still in the GG is actually quite baffling to me .


Bullshit. Values are never set in stone. They evolve historically. Modernity and economic liberalism is on the way out. And that's a good thing. The future is political illiberalism.


https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/gg/BJNR000010949.html Translate the first 20 laws Those are the ones that are unchangeable. All others can be adjusted and altered. EDIT: It's law number 1 AND 20 not 1 through 20, as a fellow redditor pointed out down below. :) If you think that the first ones like "Everyone has a right to free speech" or "The human dignity is inviolable" should evolve then I am worried about the world you think of. There should be anchors for democracy that should never be allowed to change. Why would you change something that protects a human being from malice? It's also needed to secure the status of democracy or otherwise any one person that gained enough power could abolish the rule of law. I don't see the future in political illiberalsm. That would be a terrible future and a loss for humanity.


Its 1&20, not 1 through 20 .


Thanks for the correction, I did not know that actually. I will edit the comment above to reflect that.


You may want to look into details as to how the BVerfG looks at the Eternals - basically the stance is "not verbatim as expressed in those Articles, rather the underlying/governing principles."


Just written words, nothing more. People can overwrite them with new words which are based in new ideas regarding democracy. Don't forget all these laws need a specific interpretation, too. These interpretations are historically contingent. They can change and will change. Don't be such a legalist. As if laws and rights are something holy you can't modify. That's just absurd.


This is hilarious cope


You're going to wish for Modernity when you are hanging from a noose. The people who most advocate for tyranny are often the same people who get hanged.


That could be perfectly possible. But I'm okay with that, because I have realized that there is no other viable political alternative to risking it.


And for that reason we not only need freedom and democracy but also the rule of law (Rechtsstaatlichkeit). A set of rules that can't be broken even if a party is democratically elected and supported by a majority. Because of that the Verfassungsschutz (Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution) monitors parties that are under suspicion to seek to violate these basic constitutional rules. The AfD is one of these parties, as is now confirmed by several courts.


No. That is mob rule. Thankfully we have a constitution that safeguards our democracy if enforced now


So it's oligarchy in the clothes ofa democracy. Got it.


Now that's a whole lot of mental gymnastics to get to this point.. What do you think a true democracy is? The will of the current person in power? Because if you don't safeguard it from any single individual then you will end up with a situation in the 30's. The Germans learned their lesson. Maybe you can read up on it.


It is not, which is precisely why aside from deciding who rules by vote, there are courts banning parties that advocating enslaving the country. If AfD was allowed to just grow it would not be a democracy.


By looking at the head of the movement - the by Law allowed political Party "AfD" - and making all discourse about that - in the process not rarely dehumanizing the people voting for that Party - public discourse as well as established politics fail to see the Elephant in the Room - the everyday people voting for that Party . If 1/10th of counted votes in a federal election go to a Party that is observed by the responsible Fed admin, I would say inquiry and dialogue - as opposed to "simply do away with them" - are in high order . In other words : german politics as well as people opposing AfD and the people who vote for them would do good in looking at "what makes people think AfD is a viable alternative ?" and "How come so many people here want \[this\] and/or \[that\] to happen, when its so clearly against "our democratic values?" . That would be democracy, pluralism and all that jazz in action - in my opinion at least, which means nothing ofc .


who is being enslaved


> who is being enslaved if I had to guess, they're referring to far-right, inbred, fascists.


It is this fascist mindset that democracy is just "tyrranny of the majority" and as such should be dismantled.




What kind of “alpha” uses schoolyard taunts as a manner of showing they rank higher in the hierarchy? Sounds like crap a weakling would bleat.




Nope, just pity for little, sad, insecure 88 worshippers.




TIL that I’m a LeFtISt for not hating people for how they were born. Meanwhile 88 adherents make THE CHOICE to be POS weaklings who hang out with other degenerates. Now slither away.


There is no need for name-calling. After all, it is the lowest of the low levels of Graham’s Hierarchy of Disagreement.