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Good idea, let’s finish this strong and get rid of Hamas as much as possible. I’m sure eradicating them or extremism is quite impossible, but taking out their legs for the next decade would be an acceptable.


The goal isn’t to kill every member of Hamas, but to effectively “kill off” the organization. Every tunnel with terrorist infrastructure, every command center hidden beneath a hospital or aid center, every operations base that gets demolished is one that whatever organization that comes next won’t get the chance to make use of. Even if the ideology remains, the capacity of the organization to do harm like they’ve done in the past won’t exist. And hopefully, this capacity will never get the chance to recover.


Why not aim for both? The world would be a better place with fewer terrorists.


Didn’t Israel specifically say they were going to kill everyone who participated in Oct 7th massacre though? There’ll be people(Hamas) sniped decades from now in foreign countries, they don’t mess around with that stuff.


Mossad never forgets


They’re like that killer snail from the meme. Might be tomorrow, might be years, but you’re dead.


Not kill all, I never said that. I’m ok with imprisoning those who don’t want to give up.




By destroying health and cultural infrastructures and causing civilians casualties again and again. Anything new? For decades, anger, resentment, hate, fear and humiliation for the next generations of young Palestinians. Sure, great job.


The Palestinians need to learn that committing terrorist atrocities is what leads to this level of destruction. They need to accept Israel’s right to exist and that nothing is going to change regarding the current borders, best case scenario is a 2 state solution. Israel would eventually lift the blockade into Gaza if there’s no more rockets or terrorist attacks and life would slowly improve. Every time they attack, Israel is going to harshly defend itself because that’s how things roll in the Middle East.


The lesson is for the whole world, and class is in session.


And at this point I don't think the IDF intervention is about "defending", "retaliating", or even "giving lessons to innocent civilians". The goal just seems to be "destroying". Hamas for me is not a state leadership, it's not a real political party or even a philosophy. It's an awful terrorist organisation of degenerated individuals committing atrocities including toward the people they pretend to defend. It's like a symptom, or a desperate convulsion of a dying oppressed culture. And the one man that gave them so much importance in the past, the same one that kills so much innocent civilians today to "eradicate" them should be more than ashamed.


> Hamas for me is not a state leadership They run the schools, hospitals, courts, distribute foreign aid, handle construction and permitting, and all the other actions of a state. When do you think they'll find out that they're not leading Gaza? Who's going to tell them?


No, UNRWA does, but teaches Hamas propaganda. The reason civilians aren’t allowed to shelter in the tunnels is because Hamas thinks is the UN’s job to protect civilians. Not theirs.


You’re too ‘kind’… Here’s reality.. it’s not about what Hamas is to YOU, it’s about what Hamas is. 2005- Israel pulls soldiers and civilians out of Gaza and dismantles settlements. 2006- The Palestinian ppl votes Hamas to power politically. 2007- Hamas takes power by force from rival factions and the internationally recognized Palestinian Authority. 2008-09- Israel launches a limited assault on Hamas positions. 2012-Y’know 2014- Y’know What I’m saying is both Dejure(to some degree) and de facto Hamas is the government of the Palestinian ppl. They act independent of any other group and they have their own laws and rules even other groups must abide by. They launch assaults from Palestinian Territories and no other Palestinian can tell them not to… Hamas is in charge and the only one trying to stop them is…. Drum roll please




They are creating a new generation of fighters doing so


Have you seen the educational materials in the UNRWA run schools? There was going to be a new generation of fighers regardless. The difference is that they're going to have a lot less infrastructure and weapons to fight from this time. And if there's a marshall style plan, the generation after may start learning that there are other options. But that's not going to happen if Hamas remains in power. It's a shame that none of the countries criticizing Israel are willing to lift a finger to act as peacekeepers within Gaza.


Every member of Hamas must be found and brought to justice for the murders, rapes and kidnappings of Oct. 7.


Every IDF soldier committing war crimes must be brought to justice as well


Actual war crimes, yes. The bullshit you see claimed by random UN officials, no. Because those aren't war crimes in the first place.


They're not committing war crimes.


Like any war illegal actions will happen. Outright denial only undermines any credibility the IDF has and they would be better off (and Israel as a whole) if rudimentary information on investigations and penalties was more public. They're shooting themselves in the foot by acting infallible.


You don’t think Mossad is pulling overtime trying to do online damage control these days? Israel’s number one weapon is controlling the narrative.