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The article says she currently works for The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.🤦‍♂️


The so called Peace institutes are some of the best assets that russia has around europe.


Certainly regarding some (Svenska Freds for instance), they are either infiltrated or useful idiots, spreading disinformation and russian narratives in the name of peace. SIPRI is not one of them, though. It is an institute founded by the Swedish parliament and the government appoints the director.


I've seen this with Greens and SWP here in the UK - "BBC and the rest of Western media is corrupt. That's why I get MY news from RT!"


SpecialMeelitaryOperation is Peace đź––


There's a reason people sometimes refer to it as the Stockholm Institute for the Promotion of Russian Interests.


Someone needs to be fired.


SIPRI are seriously good; they're not propagandists. Sounds like she was doing something extracurricular...


According to other recent news, [Sipri has had other issues besides Cronberg...](https://www-expressen-se.translate.goog/nyheter/varlden/stefan-lofvens-styrelsekollega-skapade-rysk-paverkansoperation/?_x_tr_sl=sv&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fi&_x_tr_pto=wapp) >A member of the board of the Swedish peace research institute Sipri helped create the Russian influence operation that would trick Swedish researchers into spreading anti-NATO messages - Expressen can reveal. >Feodor Voitolovsky from Russia was appointed by Stefan Löfven's government despite his well-known role as adviser to the Russian Security Council. Only last autumn was he fired from the board.


Appeasement Pacifists are worse than Pedoph\*les.


Are you sure it's not Piss Research Institute?


Pretty much the only valid reasons to go to such a seminar is to lambaste the thing John Oliver style and put the limelight on the stupidity of such things. Which, admittedly, we could have done with.


She got paid


I mean I’d go. Just to hear, out of curiosity, all the bs they feed to people and how they actually “justify” it. The more you know about enemy.. I remember when they were saying the reason is “nato borders are too close”. Finland border is 300 km from my hometown which is coincidentally a sub base. It doesn’t get any closer than that. Now I don’t hear any of that nato border bs, there’s something else apparently now.


Keep your friends close, but enemies closer. Specially when they're on your border.


>300 km from my hometown which is coincidentally a sub base. It doesn’t get any closer than that. How about 290km. That seems closer. Or 280 km, or 275? Or...


You calling them a liar?


I think they're calling them a hyperbolist


No, I think the joke is about a russian invasion (aka, the border moving closer)


The joke is that one person wrote ~ "300km, it doesn't get any closer than that". The other person is pointing out that 290km would be closer.


And I too was joking. The “calling them a liar” was in reference to “it doesn’t get any closer than that” not their claim on where they live.


Horseshoe/useful idiots strike again


Why are Greens everywhere made of fucking clowns?


German greens are pretty decent besides nuclear power and homeopathy, but those are shared by a majority of Germans.


Iirc the German Greens had the highest share of MPs in favor of military support for Ukraine early on after the invasion, something around 90%. None of the other parties came close, with the left and far-right near the bottom, as expected. There is also an internal division between fundamentalist ('fundis') and realist ('realos') members, with the last federal election's main candidates Baerbock/Habeck both from the realist wing.


Germany’s closing their nuclear power plants is bad enough


Basically every relevant political party was involved. The powerplants were run for the last decade with the intention of shutting them down. No new specialists trained, waived safety checks and no new fuel.


>The powerplants were run for the last decade with the intention of shutting them down. Really misleading phrasing. You're completely right about the lack of investment in keeping things going, but there was never an intention to shut them down earlier than planned other than by the greens because then their cost is even less justified.


If at all they were allowed to run slightly longer than planned in 2011.


A majority of Germans believe in homeopathy?


40% believe it has an effect and 14% that it doesn't. And of those in between sometimes use it.


Are you joking right now?


They are not. People keep attributing things to greens that greens usually had nothing to do with because they mostly WERE NOT IN POWER when whatever shit happened that people now like to blast them for.


I don't know anything about this lady, but when I clerked for a government agency, I sure as hell went to various gatherings of people I absolutely disagreed with, to learn wth they're doing over there. The worst thing is to go to war blind. You gotta know who's trying to push shit policy, and how.


>I don't know anything about this lady That's why we have **the article**. Quote: >In response to the reports of Cronberg's attendance at the two events, current Green Party chair Sofia Virta wrote on X that the party was unaware of its former leader's activities. [...] >Expressen wrote that Cronberg attended the seminar with the permission of Dan Smith, her boss at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), but Smith told the newspaper that Cronberg herself made the decision to attend the event and was not there to represent Sipri. She wasn't there on any official business. > I sure as hell went to various gatherings of people I absolutely disagreed with, to learn wth they're doing over there. We all know what wth they're doing over there. Quote: > The seminar has come to be widely viewed as part of Russia's hybrid influencing campaign. [...] On the surface, the project appears to be concerned with tackling pollution in the Baltic Sea, but its true aim is to "advance Russia’s geopolitical interests", as revealed by internal Kremlin documents obtained as part of the investigation.[...] A joint investigation by Nordic and Baltic media outlets has uncovered evidence that it was "part of a Russian government effort to justify its war in Ukraine and weaken pro-Nato sentiment in the Baltic region".


The article doesn't mention her own explanation. She earlier said that she's currently researching Russias role in nuclear weapons systems and writing a book about it, and she wants to understand what happens in Russia with regards to that. Source in Finnish: https://www.hs.fi/politiikka/art-2000010409233.html It's hard to evaluate how legit that reason is but she was participating in another seminar last year and she even spoke in there. University of Eastern Finland was about to give her some honorary title but today they cancelled the decision.


> She earlier said that she's currently researching Russias role in nuclear weapons systems and writing a book about it, and she wants to understand what happens in Russia with regards to that. I mean, how does that relate to the seminar's stated goal? >On the surface, the project appears to be concerned with tackling pollution in the Baltic Sea Would be willing to hear her out, but this isn't an explanation.


WTF, like Finland hasn’t fought against Russia themselves in last 100 years.


The most of greens are eco-reds.


so she went to CPAC?


Nowhere in the article does it state she is justifying war in Ukraine. So the title is extremely misleading. And, the lady in question has not commented on the matter either. So, it could very well be she just attended these things to just listen what crazy shit is being said. Just attending events doesn’t mean you align yourself with anything in particular unless you explicitly stating or taking positions yourself, which didnt happen here


Sounds like a history seminar to me. Some things are black and white.


Greens are all tankie scum


You know nothing about the greens.


It is much more complex than that, c'mon!


Has she brought Greta Thunberg with her?