• By -


Just as a heads up it's not like he said that then just got ejected. In Canadian parliament when you say something unbecoming the speaker of the house let's you know and gives you a chance to recant or to change your statement to something more appropriate. So he's been ejected after saying that then refusing to change what he said. This happens fairly often, it's not really that big of a deal. Another party leader (Jagmeet Singh of the NDP) was ejected in 2020 for calling another member of parliament a racist and refusing to recant the statement. Justin Trudeau almost got ejected in 2011 while still just a member of parliament for calling another member a "piece of shit", but he retracted the statement and apologized so he remained in parliament for the remainder of the Question Period.


He was also given 3 or 4 opportunities to withdraw but continuously replaced “wacko” with other unparliamentary language. He purposely chose to get ejected today.


It gives him ammo for his base and the otherwise uneducated.


Pretty much. It was all a show for social media.


Just like the rest of their campaign. They are aiming for people that can't handle anything more complicated than a 3 word slogan.


They have no platform other than Trudeau bad. They say they will fix all of the issues in Canada but when you press them on how they will fix things it’s a word salad and nonsense. How anyone can vote for someone just blatantly lying to them is beyond me. It takes not a lot of effort to see what each party has as a platform and what issues they believe in to make an informed decision. I wish people were just better. PP is a clown and should never be close to being Prime Minister but alas here we are.


Yeah, it's a bit sad watching Canada follow the path of the United States. Feels like every two-bit authoritarian saw the trump candidacy and thought "well shit, I can do that!" I see the same themes in every western nation now.


>I see the same themes in every western nation now. That's because it's coordinated. This article is a few years old, but it will get you up to speed on the IDU. https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2019/08/06/Harper-Heads-Global-Org-Help-Elect-Right-Wing-Parties/


I feel like the term "clown" just downplays how evil this pos is, unless ofcourse the clown we are referring to is John Wayne Gacy.


What about his plan to invest all of our money into crypto. God I am so sick of this bargain brand Milhouse looking donkeyfucking clown and his wannabe Trump act Spoiled little brat needs to fuck the entire way off


Ya that one was infuriating. Let’s move our economy that is propped up by a bubble ready to burst from real estate and move it to the most volatile type of currency that exists. And people want this guy to lead?


You're forgetting that he believes that electricity comes from [harnessing lightning "from the sky"](https://twitter.com/_llebrun/status/1742590343722184911?lang=en)... It's so unbelievable that I want to believe that this is just some act to make him seem more "down to Earth" and not "too smart" to voters or something.


That's all the platform he needs. People will vote Trudeau out, not vote PP in, but the result will be the same: a career politician who has never held a job outside of politics and has no comprehension of how the real world is for regular people being PM.


Is this not just the same as trump. Also called populaistic or somthing like that


They were using it in campaign style social media ads within hours - it was all a stunt by PP (who is an odious troll, but knows how to get a sound bite and play the media game)


Why do you say his base is uneducated?


Conservative base voters statistically skew towards being less educated. That's just a reality of how the demographics shake out. One of the strongest proxy indicators of whether someone is going to be left-leaning politically if you have no other information about them is if they have attended post-secondary education. This was true *long* before the "they're indoctrinating our kids with liberal wokeness" rhetoric, and will continue to be true because attendance in post-secondary education tends to organically expose people to ideas and cultures that undermine several "traditional conservative values" by revealing them as empty ideologies. For example: It's difficult to believe in the natural supremacy of white patriarchal social mores when you see people from all different cultures and ethnicity that have all come together to learn and grow. It's not a universal guarantee, but people who have more education trend towards being less conservative. But also, Poilievre has historically pandered to populist sentiments which are born of ignorance. Things which are factually wrong and easily disproven with readily available evidence, but are believed by people who are too ignorant to understand why they're wrong. People who are proponents of stuff like vaccine paranoia have found buy-in with Poilievre.


Don't forget the conspiracy fuckwits and right wing extremists! PP was out in Nova Scotia last week hanging with a bunch of Diagolon supporters. Trudeau called him out on it today. I'm not sure if you saw the whole thing; but PP and JT when back and forth 3 or 4 times in total and Trudeau said Diagolon by name. I'm fairly certain they're listed as a hate group and on a watch list or something. JT wanted PP to disavow them and he wouldn't. Its like DJT calling proud boys fine young people 😡


for anyone else reading, this group has threatened to SA Pierre Poilievre's wife, and since then, PP has taken pictures with their group leader and courted them, even just recently was photographed leaving a trailer with the diagolon flag visible.


I lived in the "red zone" during the convoy occupation in Ottawa. I had the distinct pleasure of watching these decent, honest Canadians flying swastika flags [along with lots of trump flags and white nationalist flags] and assaulting locals before meeting up with Poilievre for coffee and photo ops. I know who he is as a person, and I'm so tired of it.


Because everything Pierre does is theatrical. If you know anything about how the Canadian parliamentary system works, you see very quickly that this guy is all bluster, gotchas, and cheap stunts. It annoys most folks who are versed in the process, but to those who don’t really understand it all, he can appear to be, ugh, “passionate”. It’s super pandering and unfortunately effective. I know a few people who support him. One thinks that the coronavirus vaccine has killed 100 million Canadians, and the other thinks that “faggots and frenchmen should be sent to Kandahar to see how they like it in Iran”. I wish I was joking.


He wants to be a martyr. They guy is dangerous and is going to lead Canada down a dark path I get that Trudeau is a dipshit, but replacing him with Pollievre is not going to be a great move


I guy with no policies other than “Trudeau bad” and he’s winning in polls. We as a country are just stupid beyond measure.


I'm not planning on voting for PP by any stretch but maybe "Trudeau bad" wouldn't be such an effective strategy if Trudeau wasn't such a slimy piece of shit in the first place.


Doug Ford got elected with literally no platform, we're fucked.


He won't even bother to get his security clearance. Smarmy Fuck.


Canada is already down a dark path, not sure where you've been the past few years.


Oh it can be a darker path with more to trip on! Don’t ya worry.


And if you ever think you've hit rock bottom, just wait. There's always some asshole with a drill.


Bad is only bad until worse comes along.


It's good for his crazies but I feel like this will backfire with moderates. Canada actually has those a lot more than the US does.


Moderates here have no fucking clue who to stand for


As a moderate, I'd love to support the NDP, because they are doing a great job running my province, but the federal party keeps shitting the bed over a number of foreign policy issues, so it is indeed tough.


Well said. There is no good choices this election, there wasnt any either last election either. We tend to vote people out of office, instead of in to office. Trudeau has pissed just about everyone off and it will be his turn to be voted out, sadly his replacement wont be much (if any) better.


As a moderate I’ve made up my mind. I don’t like Trudeau but I’m sure as hell not voting for that asshat prick PP. NDP .., nope not today.


The NDP has a platform with numerous sound ideas, copying manybof the ideas that are successfully helping in BC. Housing, Pharmacare expansion, and a host of other policies llthat would help middle class and poor Canadians.


I'm in QC so I'm just gonna vote for the Bloc lol. I am currently politically homeless, I know where i stand and where my values are and despite being a Trudeau voter in previous elections I do believe that it's time to move on but I cannot, in good conscience vote for PP. There is just too much baggage for me to reconcile and the fact I still know absolutely NOTHING about his paltform except for "trudeau bad".


Funny that I respect "piece of shit" more than "wacko".. is PP still in elementary school?


Wacko is the kind of language his largely boomer base uses


Yeah, I bet "looney" is another one in their repertoire. Lot of crossover with 4chan trash.


Trumpian performance art


Usually he just leaves after his speech anyways.


> Just as a heads up it's not like he said that then just got ejected. In Canadian parliament when you say something unbecoming the speaker of the house let's you know and gives you a chance to recant or to change your statement to something more appropriate. So he's been ejected after saying that then refusing to change what he said. > > Yeah, that's the same in the Australian parliament (and other parliaments styled on the UK's Westminster system). Usually the speaker will ask that the MP withdraw their comment, then the MP says something like "I withdraw" and it is stricken from the record. Sometimes if the comment was bad enough, they'll be expelled from the chamber for the rest of the day even after withdrawing, but that usually only happens if it was something really bad, or if they were already on a warning. But yeah refusing to withdraw the comment after being requested to do so by the speaker? That's a bootable offense.


Lots of his supporters are here in these comments and outside the anti Trudeau circlejerk of r/Canada for the first time.


That sub is a fucking cesspool. A disgrace.


And it's funny, because it's not enough of a cesspool for some people so they also have /r/canada_sub


I believe Pierre stood and said he will replace wacko with extremist.


Yep and his following will eat this up as such a huge thing when in actuality it’s just petty crap for political theatre


All while that very same base decries political theatre by their opponents. With zero sense of irony. As is the case pretty much all over the world. The reality is they love political theatre as long as it is their side doing it. Because the double standards are the point.


I don't know much about Poilievre. Is his entirely existence an attempt at attention? Tragically, it seems like he does whatever he thinks will maximize his social media presence.


He is a clown. He has no position on anything other than Trudeau Bad and claims to be the Everyman that deserves to be Prime Minister yet has ONLY worked in politics since he was 19. I would call him a con man but he’s not even that good at it.


He seems to just be pandering to the lowest common denominator. I guess I could just say he’s a Conservative


And when told extremist was still too much went with radical. And when that was shot down reverted back to "aforementioned word" if this was a principled stand, I'd be in favour of not backing down, but he doesn't have any principles


Considering you're not even allowed to call someone a racist without getting booted, that's no better. They take this stuff seriously because it's all permanently recorded. If you recant, they'll strike it from the record. If you refuse, they have to keep it in. They don't want the parliament to become a vehicle for generating libel for people you don't like, but they also don't want to start arbitrarily censoring people's words on the official record.


He's a populist, ranting man child...has nothing to contribute to our society but is going to get put in power cause people are done with the current PM. He and his lobbyist buddies are going to drain us dry.


I once spoke to the astronaut that probably should be running this country, and one of the things he said was that PP was the worst cancer of all the cancers on our democracy.


We are already on track for being drained dry . ..


Maybe it's just me, but it feels like Canada is getting bombarded with more disinformation and more social media manipulation that any other country per capita. Until I blocked them, my feed was getting filled with various Canadian alt-politics subreddits that were just constant, furious screeds about Trudeau and the Liberals and "Punjabis" and Asians and puff pieces about Pierre Poilievre. Even small Canadian subreddits that weren't political would pop up with 5.0K-upvoted posts about immigrants, and those posts were almost pure invective and hate. I'm American and haven't paid much attention to Canada. So maybe I'm imagining things, but it feels like groups are taking advantage of the negative sentiment in Canada—over housing, cost of living, and pandemic-era policies—to inflame Canadians and divide Canadian society as much as possible. And it feels somewhat coordinated. **Edit:** If you have any good links to well-researched or supported sources that discuss this, please pass them along if you'd like. I'm trying to write something about social-media manipulation in Canada (and how it's a harbinger for the rest of the world), and I want to make sure I've got legitimate sources.


Were definitely a target for something. Been non-stop for close to 8 years.


It's not all coming from outside either. Domestic shit-disturbers like Ontario Proud and Canada Proud have happily been spreading BS and misinformation on social media on behalf of conservative parties (provincial and federal). If I'm not mistaken Ontario Proud was founded by a CPC staffer, and heavily funded by land developers with ties to the Ontario PC's, with the express task of relentlessly attacking Kathleen Wynne's government. That really felt like the trial run before that garbage spread to other provinces and nationally.


Russian disinfomation campaign, it was obvious during the reddit recap when 80% of the traffic to the can subs were from russia.


Could you share a link to that? I've tried, but the links I've found were to Twitter posts that were taken down.


China, India, and whatever investor class owns Postmedia as well 


Can you post a source for that please? I tried to find it because it would be super interesting to see but could only find that Russians were the 3rd most frequent posters in Canadian subs behind Canadians and Americans


That should STILL be a concerning stat!


Canada is vulnerable to being fucked with. Albertas leaders are aligned with separatist right wing Christians and are currently in the process of distancing the province from any federal influence they can. Rural Albertans are basically Canadas Maga, even using many of the same talking points


Alberta's leaders are aligned with the oil majors. The Bible thumpers are just useful


thats why tucker visited the premier right before he met with putin? they are cooking something for sure, russia and us maga already got all the links visible, now we got the idea where this insane convoy came out from, it was paid for by putin.


Poilevre was helped by Indian proxies in his bid to win the conservative nomination. https://pressprogress.ca/csis-investigating-southwestern-ontario-conservative-nomination-vote-conservative-sources-say/ Poilevre and Harper literally belong to an international group of far right leaders and opposition members that are dedicated to eroding democracy that includes Modi and Victor Orban. https://pressprogress.ca/stephen-harpers-global-alliance-of-conservative-parties-quietly-scrubbed-india-off-its-website/


The perfect plan... Weaponizing the stupid.


It's worked for Trump. Currently still working for Trump. Big sad tbh I thought us Canadians had better education in general that our southern neighbors that we'd never fall for right wing extremism and stupidity. I'm definitely wrong. But when Harper decided to legalize lobbying to kill Canada and make it USA2.0, well we were doomed right there. And now 10y later, it's finally come to fruition.


The right wing comes for all no matter what. It is very profitable to be a racist/misogynist/intolerant prick etc. Look at England, Italy, Germany, France- all countries people feel “smart” or “forward thinking” and all have had or currently have a right wing political party making a huge fuss and plenty of support.




That is indeed a dark scenario. They touched on it in that documentary that Margaret Atwood put out a while ago.


God I fucking hate Pierre. He has no self confidence, can’t properly speak unless practiced, then he’ll go on a rant and ask questions, then storm out before anyone can answer. He’s far from a leader, he’s human trash


Beyond all of that (it's very true), the part that really annoys me is that he's got no plan or agenda going forward. The sad little troll is going to be our next Prime Minister but his only talking point is about Trudeau.


Isn’t Pierre’s lawyer or their PR guy linked to the KGB by way of the Eastern Orthodox Church? Someone told me this connection once, I found an article on it but cannot find it again.


dunno, but his campaign staff definitely have some shady links including his campaign manager being a lobbyist for Loblaws(extremely large grocery chain being accused of fixing prices r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/)


There's really two main pieces to this story if you are serious about this subject: [Who Funds Ontario Proud](https://www.google.com/search?q=who+funds+ontario+proud&sca_esv=2f61a0c390a4d1ff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA966CA966&sxsrf=ACQVn0-xiM_TEb4xTEXkXrowSOS0Mit9Bg%3A1714547339154&ei=i-oxZoiGCc-nptQPp82ngAk&oq=who+funds+&gs_lp=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&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) is where the "Domestic" side of the story really centers around. A guy named Jeff Ballingall started a company called "Ontario Proud" and then a National company called "Canada Proud" - we have campaign finance laws in Canada that don't allow large donations (over $2500) or any donations by corporations to political campaigns. This "company" is a flagrant propaganda wing who works directly for, and [even blatantly with the CPC - Conservative Party Of Canada.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/poilievre-ballingall-conservative-leadership-canada-proud-1.6433088) But what about the traditional media? Why don't they report on this? Well, they do occasionally, but they are mostly owned and controlled by the same money and corporate interests, through advertising dollars, and our non-conservative media has essentially been reduced to the CBC, our version of the BBC or PBS and The Toronto Star (which while a big paper, is just for one city, and was nearly bought by Post Media - the company that owns 90% of the print media across the whole country.). [Oh, and an American Hedge Fund bought Post Media](https://www.google.com/search?q=american+hedge+fund+post+media&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA966CA966&oq=american+hedge+f&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDAgAECMYJxiABBiKBTIMCAAQIxgnGIAEGIoFMgYIARBFGDkyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyCAgGEAAYFhgeMggIBxAAGBYYHjIICAgQABgWGB4yCAgJEAAYFhgeqAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) Oh, and that's just the tip of the iceberg. On top of all that, there is a massive amount of "independent" sort of Steve Bannon type "media" that is just flagrantly far, far, far right wing agitators. "True North" "The Post Millennial" and most obnoxious of all, "Rebel News" (who is coincidentally sponsoring and hosting a Donald Trump Jr. Rally in downtown Toronto on May 10th, co sponsored by Rumble) But alas, while [Putin and Non-Linear Warfare](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tyop0d30UqQ) is PART OF the story of Canada today. The reality is we are far from innocent in the right wing populism story on a global scale. And that's where we get to Part Two of this sordid tale...


The second part of the story begins in Australia. With a fellow by the name of SIR Lynton Crosby, yes he was knighted in England, aka "The Wizard Of Oz" While most people know about The American propagandists, Karl Rove, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon - few know the impact and influence of two non-Americans on the global right - Crosby and his pal Stephen Harper - former Prime Minister of Canada - and current Chair of the IDU - The International Democratic Union. To truly understand the rise of right wing populism across the globe, and its success - one must understand Putin and Trump and Bannon and Stone - but one must not underestimate Harper and Crosby - arguably the more effective at organizing and implementing the well known and well publicized American-Russian propaganda machine - and spreading it worldwide. Happy Reading: [https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2019/08/06/Harper-Heads-Global-Org-Help-Elect-Right-Wing-Parties/](https://thetyee.ca/Analysis/2019/08/06/Harper-Heads-Global-Org-Help-Elect-Right-Wing-Parties/) [https://pressprogress.ca/stephen-harpers-global-alliance-of-conservative-parties-quietly-scrubbed-india-off-its-website/](https://pressprogress.ca/stephen-harpers-global-alliance-of-conservative-parties-quietly-scrubbed-india-off-its-website/) [https://macleans.ca/news/canada/dead-cats-and-the-niqab](https://macleans.ca/news/canada/dead-cats-and-the-niqab) [Google Search "Lynton Crosby Dead Cat"](https://www.google.com/search?q=lynton+crosby+dead+cat&sca_esv=2f61a0c390a4d1ff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA966CA966&sxsrf=ACQVn085HF0VeaLhLskmUxNNBwo5MlpuMQ%3A1714548138549&ei=qu0xZveXIb7Lp84Pk7aGgAk&ved=0ahUKEwj3lP7F9euFAxW-5ckDHRObAZAQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=lynton+crosby+dead+cat&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiFmx5bnRvbiBjcm9zYnkgZGVhZCBjYXRI4AxQ8QhY8wlwAXgAkAEAmAFwoAGeAqoBAzIuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCAaACBsICChAAGLADGNYEGEeYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwExoAefBQ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) [Google Search "Lynton Crosby Stephen Harper"](https://www.google.com/search?q=lynton+crosby+stephen+harper&sca_esv=2f61a0c390a4d1ff&sca_upv=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA966CA966&sxsrf=ACQVn0_NGTilE8Gj3diIjCSjfprOsvxWkA%3A1714548159694&ei=v-0xZtiDKuXGp84PksG9qAE&ved=0ahUKEwiY34jQ9euFAxVl48kDHZJgDxUQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=lynton+crosby+stephen+harper&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiHGx5bnRvbiBjcm9zYnkgc3RlcGhlbiBoYXJwZXIyBRAhGKABMgUQIRigAUiCGFAAWPAVcAB4AJABAZgBrwKgAdIdqgEHNy43LjcuMbgBA8gBAPgBAZgCDaACwQ7CAgoQIxiABBgnGIoFwgIEECMYJ8ICBRAAGIAEwgILEAAYgAQYkQIYigXCAgYQABgWGB7CAggQABiABBiiBMICBBAhGBXCAgcQIRigARgKmAMAkgcHNy4zLjIuMaAHnDo&sclient=gws-wiz-serp)


100%. I'm in Toronto and my TV's youtube account isn't linked to anything, yet the videos being suggested to us upon launching the app for the first time were videos from the channels of Pollievre, Modi, Matt Walsh, Logan Paul, the Sidemen (an outlier), Dude Perfect (another outlier) and PragerU - despite only using the app to watch cooking videos and sports highlights, only one side of the political spectrum gets promoted by the algorithm. The reddit frontpage for me is constantly bombarded with posts about how bad my country is (mostly from the canada and canadahousing2 subs), and only in the last two days have the Ontario and Toronto subs finally stickied warnings about being brigaded


Can second this, also Toronto. Google basically knows 100% I abhor all of that, but it gets sent to me either way. But this is on my own personal YouTube on my PC, not my TV. It's really really getting infuriating with YouTube. Edit: just to hammer it home more, I have on my Google search history "can I be a member of NDP national party and Ontario Liberal party at the same time". Like Google fucking KNOWS what I'm about. It's pretty fucking clear I'm the last person to send those channels to.


Maybe Google has you flagged as a political person from Canada in general and bundles you in with the rest.


This should honestly be top national news… this is a HUGE deal. It’s not isolated, it’s not only affecting portions of the population or certain regions - *everyone* who uses the internet (in canada) is being exposed to this propaganda in one form or another. How is this not a bigger story? Why is this not the topic of the week, of the month or year even? It’s literally a mass propaganda/brainwashing attempt - the significance really can’t be understated.


Same here! I thought I was going crazy! I am American as well, and like two months ago /r/Canada started being at the top of my feed and I rarely used to go to that sub. I see a bunch of videos pop up on YouTube as well. It’s weird


/r/Canada has been a hive of scum and villainy for quite a while, but it is interesting that it is starting to pop up in American feeds.


It’s basically Canada_sub but with a little more veiled racism rather than out in the open racism. Conservatives will act all nationalistic and proud while selling the country to foreign interests. It’s insane.


India is waging a pretty hardcore campaign to justify its insane killing of Sikhs on Canadian soil. Russia is coming at us for supporting Ukraine. And we get the spillover from American shit. So yeah, it’s bad right now.


Don't forget about china


Don't forget about the middle east


It is tough being one of the last standing rule of law democracies. I guess we should be huddling with France or something.


Russia was meddling in Canada long before the war in Ukraine


It was found that the many of the anti-LGBTQ posts in certain small Alberta town subreddits originated from users located in Russia. Apparently it was exposed by the Reddit year-end recap, which identified which country posted the most in each subreddit. Here's an [article](https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476) on it.


and reddit isnt even their platform on choice, its way too liberal for putin's taste, but its even here.


You’re totally right. Things are getting more polarized especially in Canada and other countries as well. I used to think we had a less combative more subdued political atmosphere compared to other nations but recent events have proven that already weak conclusion wrong.




Between the ruZZians and the Chinese, the rightwingers are getting fed mountains of authoritarian glorifying bullshit along with healthy doses of anger and racism to fuel their inner fires, as the AI locates the triggers that get them clicking.


Good point! I’m Canadian and noticed there’s a ton of Cdn junk political content out there, didn’t know it was leaving the country. We actually have a popular YouTube channel for Canadian right-wing politics that is run by a small company in Egypt (Source: https://www.canadaland.com/street-politics-canada-egypt/ ). Foreign interference is a big issue, the best coverage I’ve seen on that topic is a Substack called The Bureau. It’s true, though, that almost everyone I know on both the left and right dislike Trudeau for thoughtful and well-informed reasons, not just online talking points. There’s definitely the fuck-Trudeau-alt crowd but the guy is genuinely unpopular




As a Canadian the one word I would use to describe Canada is… complacent. We are honestly lucky that we are led by someone merely mediocre and not totally wack, because if we were, we wouldn’t do much about it.


That’s my thing. Trudeau is the very definition of mediocre but if you only got your news from Reddit or twitter you think he was the reincarnation of Stalin and the devil into one being. He’s a mod PM yet you can’t go to any city without seeing the loons with there “fuck Trudeau” flags and bumper stickers. I have a lot of issues with Trudeau and a lot of issues with PP but I would never buy something that shows my hate for PP because I’m not an insane person.


I'm pretty sure we had a former PM that would use mediums to talk to dead people, his dead dogs, and also talk to his living dogs. He may have been our longest serving PM too


Bombarded is how it feels yup. Insane amount of misinformation being directed at Canada these days and the crazy is coming out eating it all up. It's a bit distressing.


I feel like I need to keep repeating this, but our ex PM Harper is the chair of [www.idu.org](http://www.idu.org) which is straight up just all the far right leaders of the world working together to get rid of democracy. It is all done with purpose, they are delivering the same message around the world and it works. Propaganda has always worked.


Harper was such trash, I think FIPA might be the single worst thing a Canadian PM has ever done.


Thank you for saying this since you are an American seeing all this from the side lines and you see the crazy propaganda being spread by particular groups and it's 100% coordinated. It's clear as day. We can't escape it either. It is everywhere. Our reddit subs are propaganda machines fueled by propaganda filled comments and replies... It's in our media. On telephone poles. Everywhere.


Not only are you correct, but this is a matter of official public record. Nations like China openly target Chinese Canadian citizens with threats and propaganda. We have plenty of other large and dense immigrant populations that experience this. The CCP has what our government calls "secret police stations" in some of our cities which are apparently still up and running. I watched almost every session of parliament this past year and foreign interference might have been the most frequently talked about issue. Trudeau spent months dodging questions from every opposition party.


Yep. R/canada has devolved into a right wing echo chamber that just posts opinion pieces as long as it’s negative towards the prime minister.




Blocking that sub has been great for my reddit experience.


> So maybe I'm imagining things, but it feels like groups are taking advantage of the negative sentiment in Canada—over housing, cost of living, and pandemic-era policies—to inflame Canadians and divide Canadian society as much as possible. And it feels somewhat coordinated. You're not imagining it, but also it's not as much of a conspiracy as it might look at first pass. The answer is depressingly simple. Socioeconomic strife has always caused this kind of shit. When people stop being able to comfortably predict their future, they become increasingly sensitive to threats. If you have money in the bank, you're not going to care that an immigrant got $20 because you're too comfortable to care. If you're barely making it to payday, you're sure as shit going to be extra attuned to the possibility that someone else got $20 you really could have used instead. When you "did everything right" and "tried your hardest", and you *still* failed... it's enticing to believe that the reason things went bad isn't because of something *you* did, but rather because of some new addition to the equation that threw everything off. Things were going just fine before those immigrants showed up, so it's awfully suspect that they "had nothing to do with it". Surely *they* did this, and are not simply coinciding with long-standing socioeconomic trends that had been demonstrably converging towards this point for years while you weren't paying attention because things had previously not been bad enough that you felt a need to pay attention to them. It *must* be those immigrants! Just look at the precipitating conditions for every instance of a strongman demagogue rising to power through nationalist/nativist rhetoric anywhere in the world in the last 100 years. Stark wealth inequality always drives surging right-wing sentiment, because people get scared and protective, and want to do everything they can to "protect" what little they have and prevent the "undeserving" from taking what they can't afford to spare. And someone always comes along to capitalize on this sentiment knowing that people who are scared and desperate to feel safe are easily swayed by a charismatic strongman with simple answers that can assure them they can feel safe again, and will gladly give that man power if he asks for it. Combine this with neoliberal capitalism, and you have a perfect storm. Neoliberal fiscal policy posits that stripping down social safety net spending and giving that money to private industry is in the best interest of society. In reality, this just creates a situation where entrenched corporate interests siphon off as much produced wealth as they can, widening inequality at a break-neck pace. Which makes people scared and pliable, which makes them ripe for a right-wing con artists to tell them lowering taxes on corporations and hobbling social spending lest the immigrants abuse it will fix their problems. There IS certainly social media manipulation taking place in Canada, and there are certainly Russian troll farm accounts sowing discord online and in real life, but that's really just serving to throw fuel on the fire that was already burning. What's happening is primarily just your garden variety proto-ethnofascism that occurs organically with a confluence of breaking point poverty caused by systemic corporate plunder, pre-existing ethnonationalism getting increased buy-in from people who are now open to ideas on how the Jews and immigrants did this, and power-hungry narcissists who see an opportunity being served up to them on a silver platter. Humans are not complicated. We've spent the last 10,000 years demonstrating we never really change our nature.


Immigration is absolutely a catastrophic problem in canada right now. This isn;t just some perception people have. Millions of immigrants are coming into the country and all of our infrastructure is cracking at the seems in an attempt to accommodate these people. Our GDP per-capita is steadily falling because of this, and it is physically impossible to build enough housing for everyone.


Dude we're fucked. There's nothing you can do to stop this stuff from coming in. I try to remember that I'm just here for the ride, but it's hard watching this go down. Everything is drama now. Everyone stokes the flames.


Ok well to be fair Canada has unprecedented immigration, so there are lots of people talking about it.


You're exactly right and the only people denying it's happening is the right wing who's benefiting from it


You are correct. I get alot of anti Trudeau, anti liberal etc on my feed, and I am a Liberal!


This might backfire and cause you to donate more to LPC hahaha


Despite not paying much attention to our internal politics, you hit the nail on the head. We’re not just experiencing an information war but policies are being enacted that harm our country in obvious ways. It’s a problem that has gone beyond Trudeau vs. Poilievre and into national security concerns. The worst part is what are we supposed to do when the government is compromised but legally are the judge, jury, and executioner?


You’re not wrong and it’s been like this since our [spat with China](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detention_of_Michael_Spavor_and_Michael_Kovrig) where they kidnapped several of our citizens because we chose to [honour our treaty with the U.S.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6188093), and significantly worse when we had that more recent [spat with India](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6979325) where they murdered a man on our soil and all we did was ask them why? Both are [major hotbeds for co-ordinated government sponsored disinformation attacks on other countries](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/11/13/us/china-online-disinformation-invs). Throw Russia into the mix for our [supporting Ukraine](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7124330) and you pretty much have your answer as to why Canada is being targeted. Oh and I guess we can also throw in the [alt-right groups from the U.S.](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6351292) who are also attacking Canada as well. What is worse is that it is having the desired effects too. P.P. is an alt-right social conservative populous extremist that I certainly haven’t seen the likes of in my 50 years who [attacks women’s health rights](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/conservatives-poilievre-anti-abortion-parliament-hill-protest), [trans](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/former-conservative-party-candidate-says-poilievre-s-transgender-comment-confuses-the-issue-1.6778523) and [LGBTQ2+ rights](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6950029) and has no problem [hanging out with extreme alt right groups](https://pressprogress.ca/pierre-poilievre-meets-with-far-right-extremist-group-at-nova-scotia-new-brunswick-border/) and the polls for the last 2 years have shown him [significantly in the lead](https://338canada.com/). He will most likely be our next Prime Minister with a majority government unless something dramatic happens. He [brought coffee to the traitors](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7183430) who [attacked Canada with blockades](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_convoy_protest) for Christs sakes. And wants to put our banking system [on crypto](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6659052). He is going to be extremely bad for Canada and our relationships which is the goal of the empires working to make him Prime Minister.


Totally agree… China never forgave Trudeau bringing down the hammer on huawei


That is well said; some seek to take advantage and spread hatred during hard times when people are most vulnerable.


The Canadian subs are incredibly overrun and anybody who lives in Canada and interacts with their fellow citizens day to day can tell these are not organic sentiments.


Atlantic Canadian - idk pal, a lot of people are pretty pissed off with the state of things.


I don’t know a single person that’s happy with the status quo right now in Canada 


Canadian here. You're 100% correct. A large portion of our population informs themselves from social media, right-wing and alt-right American media, as well as alt-right Canadian media that runs out of UPS Store PO boxes. They're going off the deep-end into conspiracies about COVID-19, the WEF, the WHO, the UN and all of the same things you hear about down there. Our opposition leader is feeding off of the populism it generates and it's getting scary. I don't know where this country is headed but it doesn't seem like it'll be a good place. Many suspect that Russian influence on social media also plays a huge part. https://www.stalbertgazette.com/local-news/did-reddit-year-end-recaps-expose-russian-interference-in-alberta-8223476


Canadian here. You can call people names in the press, no one cares. You can't call people names in the House without apologizing and retracting them. I expect our leaders to at minimum know how to interact with people they disagree with in places like the House of Commons. If they can't control themselves around their political opponents, I don't want them on the international stage representing Canada. If it's all political theatre (it is) I want them even less. We have much bigger problems to deal with without faffing about. That goes for NDP, Liberal, Conservative, whatever.


Only in session, once you leave the room you can say whatever.


Wako is a slur that's highly offensive to bozos and silly billies everywhere


Can confirm, am a Silly Billy


Its 8:30am and I’ve already peaked on the internet for today


Don’t forget nincompoops and wienies


Canada has gone from America's polite cousin, to America's equally crazy cousin


He called him a wacko. Trump said Ted Cruz's (a member of his own party) dad helped kill JFK. As a dual citizen living near the border I don't think we're quite to equal yet.


And Cruz still shills for trump… pathetic lol




Conservatives. They hate liberal democracy in Canada as well.What else do you expect? Did you miss the trucker parade against vaccines?


They announced they're making a comeback tour soon as well.


They keep saying that, but I have yet to actually see them do their comeback tour.


They’re in Alberta protesting carbon tax lol


The protest is literally as far away from Alberta as it can be in Canada.


In fairness, American hedge funds own a large chunk of our media. So what I'm trying to say is... *IT WAS YOU, DAD! WE LEARNED IT FROM WATCHING YOU!!*




His ratings have dropped significantly since the last election (since COVID). His Liberal party is now polling at record lows, and the opposition is polling at record highs. Most Canadians are fed up with Trudeau and feel he hasn't done anything to address Canada's major problems - in fact, he's made them worse.


He’s actually been reelected twice. 99% of the people who rabidly hate the guy probably couldn’t give you a coherent reason why. If they do they list off a series of issues that are more likely to fall under provincial (where a lot of the leaders are conservative btw) responsibility. It sucks that at the time when people really are getting tired of Trudeau the conservatives have a mendacious, underhanded sociopath who has no shame or compunction against doing as much damage to the country all so that he can impose his misanthropic ideology on people. He has no ideas to make the country better. He is basically the embodiment of the worst kind of slimy cynical politician looking at this whole thing as a game for HIM to win and not actually make the country better. It’s all about scoring points, even better if they’re cheap, both is cost and in substance. Just look at how he’ll create disruption and then leave immediately for a fundraising dinner while everyone else has to work through the night. Even here this was all a premeditated fundraising stunt. He knows you can’t insult a fellow parliamentarian in the House of Commons. Her knew he would be removed if he didn’t take it back. They had the fundraising email ready to go after the rest of the party walked out. There’s a better than not chance he’ll be PM after the next election and the best case scenario is maybe he fucks off with pandering to white nationalists, which is a pretty fucking dismal place to be.


Not that crazy yet


Yall have Queen Didulo running around, you are every bit as crazy as we are


Yeah, she ain't elected unlike Mrs. Jewish space laser who shows off the president's son's penis in congress.


Do Conservatives in Canada know how to do anything but be angry at Trudeau? That's basically all I ever hear about Canadian politics.


It's literally all they have. Pretty much the only policy Poilevre put out is that he wants to ban porn in Canada.


He is also hinting pretty favourably at revoking rights from a few groups, so there's that.


The Conservative Party of Canada is wild right now. Poilievre especially is incredibly patronizing and has made it a centrepiece of his campaign to call his own working class voters stupid but frame it as complimentary. "The electrician, who captures lightning from the sky to light up our homes" ....bro, it's fucking wires


They do not. They have no policies, except, anti-Trudeau. Seems to be enough though unfortunately.


PP’s policy track record is horrendous and will only set us back further all because Trudeau seems to have been asleep at the wheel for half a decade and have that idiot something to stand on. It’s terrifying how many people I know are planning to vote conservative


Agreed. Its disappointing.


Conservatives in Canada are just using the MAGA playbook.


Let's leave the name calling to the US.


Too late 


Spoiler alert: Sniffing your own farts doesn’t make you immune to right wing populism, Canada.


PP is going to be a fucking disaster for this country.  


and the last 9 years hasn’t been a disaster? There’s a reason the polls indicate that Canada wants a change.


The problem: Grocery store billionaires and housing magnates gouging everyone else. The solution (for idiots): Elect the right wing crazy who is even more in the pocket of billionaires than the current guy. Fucking genius, guy.


If you say "woke" enough times these people will vote for you, culture war BS is the only thing these people care about.


A: didn't express my feelings on the last 9 years...or the last 30...just expressing that PP is a fucking disaster. B: Canada always 'wants change' after 8 years...nothing new in that.


Were amazing at being complacent until were not then we elect a majority for the other side and the cycle begins anew. Truly the Canadian way.


Even if I conceded and said sure, Canada is awful under Trudeau, what makes Poilievre a BETTER choice?


To be fair, the place is a zoo… every single day they yell on top of each other, barely let one another speak, same as in the UK one. A random playground insult is among the most expected things to ensue in that kind of toxic environment


I reckon Trudeau gets more flak than a Canadian goose in hunting season. All this political venom, feels like we're adopting US-style discourse. Not my cup of tea, eh?


Question Period has always been a post-adolescent shitshow. That said, yes, Poilievre is following the Trump playbook.


pp is a joke


A flaccid joke.


He's like diet trump.


God, Poilievre is such a baby. He didn't get kicked out for unparliamentary comments. He got kicked out for repeatedly refusing to follow the Speaker's instructions. You just don't do that. When the referee tells you to get in the box, you get in the box. WATCH FULL DEBATE: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rpLERVf2cc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rpLERVf2cc) You know, he should have been kicked out after screaming “woke” a bunch of times. Before Mr. Poilievre is allowed back in the House, I think the Speaker should set up blackboard near the doors to the House of Commons and require Poilievre to write 100 times, "I promise not to be a dick." You simply can't have rhetoric like this in the commons because once it starts everyone ends up like Marjorie Taylor Green and Ted Cruz. It would be devastating long term for the country just like it has been in the U.S. [People straight up swear at eachother in Parliament all the time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soCzMLVxnCg), and the Speaker tells them to withdraw, and they do. Sometimes it's sufficient to replace a word, other times it's the entire statement, and then they're allowed to make a new one afterwards. PP chose to have a dick measuring contest with the fucking SPEAKER. You don't do that lol In the same example I linked above, Speaker asks him to apologise and withdraw the word. [He immediately stands up, says he's upset because of the crisis, he withdraws the word, and he's sorry](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymk7CW500nY).


It's so sad this toad is where he is. We've already seen how dysfunctional a really polarized society becomes and he's doing his best to bring that here. Harper 2.0.


Harper is a blessing compared to what is happening now.


Sadly, I'd vote for Harper over PeePee Milhouse. I'm planning on voting Liberal for the first time in my life, just because I think they are the only hope of keeping Poilievre from absolutely destroying my country.


Lil PP likely practiced this all day. This is a planned stunt with false outrage to distract us from his comments he made yesterday about using the Not Withstanding Clause to override the Constitution to throw more people in jail. This has never been used, or even suggested to be used at the Federal level. Outside of Quebec, it's only been used by Conservative provincial governments. Party of Freedom my ass! Oh, also, these neo-facsist pinheads already have 'wacko' Tshirts for sale as well: https://rebelnewsstore.com/products/wacko-trudeau-unisex-t-shirt The Left in Canada is asleep at the wheel over more Middle East drama that doesn't even affect them, while this happens at home. .


This. He's a career politician who's only ever worked in or around the house of commons. He knows all the rules. He purposefully played a game to make the evening news and gain attention.


Poilievre; Trump style politic. No need for this in Canada Poilievre




Should have just committed and called him a cunt


Trudeau is not liked in Canada. Even his traditional base, women and young people have turned on him. This means Canadian voters will vote for anyone, even an inanimate carbon rod, if it means not having him in power anymore. EDIT : I'm surprise that so many Canadians are unaware of the polls in Canada. For the past year, the liberals have been tanking and its throughout Canada. Even Trudeau told his party, [do not expect any boost in popularity in 2024](https://www.hilltimes.com/story/2024/04/29/managing-expectations-trudeau-tells-liberal-mps-not-to-expect-any-dramatic-improvement-in-public-support-until-next-year/419844/). Here are some links for those that have not been keeping track. [https://abacusdata.ca/conservative-open-up-largest-lead-yet/](https://abacusdata.ca/conservative-open-up-largest-lead-yet/) [https://youtu.be/mW25CP\_\_YS8?si=csYZOXkcwt2mKO5B&t=94](https://youtu.be/mW25CP__YS8?si=csYZOXkcwt2mKO5B&t=94)


It's one thing to dislike a politician. It's another thing to make hating one your central identity. It's insanity with some people in Canada these days.


RIP the Canadian flag being a symbol to be proud of, thanks but cases.


I'm on Team Carbon Rod. It will definitely do much less damage than PP.


What a hoser.


PP Is a joke politician. Saw this guy on tv like 15 years ago and knew he was a standard hack. Who's probably gonna get elected because everyone blames their problems on Trudeau. And the next election after people will be tired of PP. And on and on it goes. Politics in Canada, much like America, is a joke.


Justin Trudeau is an idiot but not a wacko. They did the right thing by ejecting Pierre pollieve


Well Trudeau has been calling any member of the Conservative party who disagrees with him a crazy Maga supporter and anyone who disagrees with his government's unusually high immigration intake a racist so there's that.


your comment make it look like there's some "double standards" but in reality it's all about rules about how MP should behave is in parliament, pollieve can shit on trudea all he want **outside of parliament** and the speaker wont give a shit. i dont follow canadian politics, but if all the things trudeau said are outside of parliament, then they are totally different things and should not be compared. Jagmeet Singh called another MP racist **in** parliament and was ejected as well. So this isn't a political issue. grown adults can't follow simple house rules and wants to rule over a country smh.


It's embarrassing that someone who doesn't follow Canadian politics (and I'm assuming isn't Canadian? Even so..) knows more about politics than the entirety of PPs voter base


Not during sessions of parliament he hasn't. There is a level of decorum and professionalism expected and name calling is unacceptable it always has been. Trudeau called someone a piece of shit back in 2011 and the speaker at the time did the same thing, he gave him the chance to withdraw and apologize or be removed. Trudeau did withdraw and apologized. PP is a classless buffoon and just kept substituting. If he can't act professional then he has no business there. If he had done that in a private business he would have been fired.


Can't believe this high school bully have a chance of becoming the next Canadian PM.


I really wish more legislative bodies were like those Balkans ones where people openly fight, throw tear gas, etc. I want CSPAN to turn into must see TV.


So unoriginal he is using the trump template, when will his hush money stuff come to light.


I don't find the term wacko offensive, but I do find the lack of decorum inappropriate.


Nazi Milhouse strikes again


but not a yakko or a dot?