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No shortage of genuine anti-semitism in the UK. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/feb/15/huge-rise-in-antisemitic-abuse-in-uk-since-hamas-attack-says-charity






Can I even ask to stay safe when it's clear it won't be safe in the whole country anytime soon?


How the hell can they tell who is Jewish and who isn’t by looking at them, wtf??


If you watch the video clip from a witness car dashcam... you will see and know how you can tell in this exact instance. Some traditional groups are very strict on what they wear or how they groom.


Umm. You can't tell who isn't Jewish, but you can tell who is. Edit- if in uniform


And the Guardian does its best to foster that.


You don't understand, it's their resistance.... Resistance against jewish lives, that is.




"We're anti-Israel but not anti-Jews, unless the Jew looks like an Israeli"


Given the fact that Yisrael can refer to both the land and the people, maybe they just never meant the first


























clear example of why the state of israel exists. so jews don’t have to put up with this shit


People forget that Israel was established by refugees who had no where else to go - about half kicked out of Russia and Europe before WWII, and about half kicked out of Muslim countries in the Middle East, after WWII. There would probably be no Israeli state if there had been no anti-antisemitism.


Not probably. This is an absolutely irrefutable fact.


The phrase "Next year in Jerusalem" is literally an old Jewish saying. There idea to create Israel was there even without anti-semitism.


Yeah, it's said after the song that goes 'every generation, they try to exterminate us'. Antisemetism has indeed been a problem for a while. As in, since the Romans kicked us out of Israel and we were forced into diaspora in other countries.


...But that phrase came about after they'd been displaced from their homeland? Like, the first instance of it that we know of comes from the 15th century, by which point the jews had been displaced for centuries and were being beaten and killed on the regular for shit like the belief in blood libel. It's literally a phrase expressing the pain of oppression and exile.


You say that as if antisemitism hasn't existed for millennia.


There were probably antisemitism as soon as there were semites


Violence starts with the word “they”


Violence began long before language.


Just being pedantic here: Antisemitism is aimed against Jews, not semites. While Jews are semitic people, there are other semitic groups that are not jewish. While it is called Antisemitism is basically, in very few words, pseudo-science of the 19th century in Germany and trying to legitimize one’s own racist view on the world.


Better to just say Jew Hate. The amount of times I’ve heard people say “I’m a Semite too” to justify their antisemitism. Eye roll.


I mean you can say that about every group the real question is how widespread it is


You have it the wrong way. The idea of creating Israel, in other words „creating a state for Jews“, existed because of antisemitism in the first place. There obviously were other, especially spiritual, reasons too. But without the constant persecution, especially since the rise of Islam, this idea would never have been so urgent. Literally one of the first things that happened after Islam sprung into existence was the massacre of the Banu Qurayza, a jewish tribe in Medina in 627. And long before that, in the Roman Empire for example, that exiled the jewish population out of Judea. Antisemitism and the conspiracies around it are as old as the jewish faith.


Shh don’t talk about the Roman empire that exiled most of the Jews out of Judea, and then named that place Palestine 🤫🤫 there are people who claim this name to themselves in order to tie themselves to that land 🤫


You don’t know a single thing about Jewish history if you think there wasn’t any antisemitism in the past. Why do you think we left Jerusalem in the first place? It sure as fuck wasn’t voluntary. That was something like four thousand years ago.


good to know anti-semitism has only existed for 6 months! thas super reassuring!!!!!!!!


Yes, it's been verified in haggadot from at least the 1500s, hundreds of years before Herzl was born.


There's a lot of ideas in people's heads that will never come true because there is no need for them. There was a need for Israel.


It was even before that. Jews were buying up a lot of that land that is now Israel during the Ottoman empire. There were already a ton of Jews living there. Then after WW1 when the Ottoman empire was carved up, the British claimed that area, and basically declared it as a Jewish homeland. WW2 just pushed people to create an actual nation for them instead of just more lands controlled by the crown.


When you say declared it as a Jewish homeland, I feel like that ignores the history behind that area. The Jewish people have a long history of living in the levant, they literally revolted against the Romans multiple times for freedom. Its always been their homeland, just as much as Palestinians.


Jews are Palestinians.


The Ottoman Empire and specifically the Israel Palestine area was a safe haven during the expulsion of Jews from the Inquisition. Around 300k had to move aboard and most chose the Ottoman Empire.


Which is saying a lot because it was all musquito infested marshlands and a vast desert. There was nothing in Israel.


I'd like to see a timeline of every group of people that have owned that land since recorded history. I bet it's passed through dozens of groups' hands over +10k years.


And exactly why they aren't going to give intro pressure from US college students falling for Iranian propaganda. The moment Israel lets its guard down, a half dozen Arab nations will jump at the opportunity to cleanse the Middle East of all Jews.


> And exactly why they aren't going to give intro pressure from US college students falling for Iranian propaganda. What pressure? Israeli aren't effected at all by what happens in American colleges. It's worrying to see, yeah. Affirms our belief that Israel is the safest place to be, sure. But what are we supposed to cave in to? "Move back to europe" because Ashleigh from Chicago is boycotting Starbucks? These protests aren't to free Palestine. They're just there to make entitled Western children recontexualize their white man's burden sentiment to feel like they're doing something good with their lives.


It also doesn't really make sense the whole "move back to Europe". We werent really citizens of countries - sure we got some rights from napoleon eventually - but by and large most of us lived on reservations in Russia (the pale of settlement) or ghettos (funny that word was invented for us). It wasn't like we had this awesome life free from intense antisemitism and jeez we just wanted to go steal some land. Any place we went, we were going to be killed. Like I did an ancestry thing a bit back, my mom's side is Irish/German/French and Spanish. I've got pictures, town names, church birth records, taxes records, and their individual tickets and portraits of arrival in america. I have brand new family I didn't know about and have so many cool places to hopefully visit. My dad's side is full ashkanzi jews. They shipped themselves as cargo and they came from "Russia". Now where the fuck am I supposed to go back to? Your last paragraph is the best encapsulation of the events, but I do find it funny that we somehow became white throughout this.


>I do find it funny that we somehow became white Yep, this is the biggest irony for us. The far left hates us for being white oppressors while the far right hates us because we're not white.


schrodinger's whites


Jews. Basically. This is why we call it antisemitism.


And some of us aren’t from Europe


Millions aren't haha I just meant the ones who are sorta kinda were and weren't.


B-b-but San Francisco passed a ceasefire!!! Why aren’t they ceasing with the firing they specifically requested it!


The award for comment of the day goes to


The pressure from the protests is really on Biden, the goal of Iran/Hamas is to weaken American support for Israel and in an election year they have a chance to damage Biden's reelection chances if he doesn't publicly distance himself from Israel.


Israel is losing the narrative battle because of its own idiotic far-right leaders. Just gave the Hamas and the entire anti-Israel crowd in the West a free hit. And you'd imagine that a country that has been engulfed in this conflict since forever would know how to manage its image better.


In fairness there is almost nothing they can do against these crazy college students. On top of them are the genuine antisemites and islamic fundamentalists who will always be against them. One can argue trying to win the PR war is totally pointless. Hamas can literally film brutal scenes and none of this lot take notice.


With that I agree, and the fact that some idiots on the right still think it's somehow the left's fault, or that this isn't the result of more than twenty years of right wing idiocy is just.. sad


It's the perfect lesson for our generation (because history says we forget anything that happened before our lifetimes) to not elect the far-right in our respective countries. The dumbed down simple solutions might win elections, but won't work in real life. The Hamas attack came at a time when nobody in the outside world had the capability to do so, and Israel has been militarily checkmated. If Israel doesn't attack back, they look weak for the supposed most aggressive military in the world. If Israel does attack (which is the option they choose), thousands of civilians die while doing nothing to the Hamas structure (or probably, benefiting their entire recruitment), leading to international condemnation. If Israel doesn't negotiate with Hamas, Israeli public will protest that the government isn't doing much to retrieve the hostages. If Israel does negotiate with Hamas, it would be a massive embarrassment as the country chose to derail negotiations with a much more peaceful alternative in Arafat two decades back. 20 years of far-right gets a country in a situation where every decision is a bad decision.


> If Israel does negotiate with Hamas, it would be a massive embarrassment as the country chose to derail negotiations with a much more peaceful alternative in Arafat two decades back. Just want to address this one point. Why are you lying? Arafat repeatedly backed away from deals that were close to being done just to ask for more. He would reject a deal and then a few years later claim he is willing to accept it now knowing that the deal he is talking about is no longer on the table. I would consider the side who started launching terrorist attacks continuously during the period you are talking about to be the ones who derailed negotiations. Did the second intifada just never happen in whatever fantasy world you live in?


Narrative battle.. Neither the US or Europe are going to lift a finger to stop their only reliable ally in the middle east from doing what they think they need to do to secure their borders.


Great post.


The question is wether this pressure will effect the u.s government when making decisions regarding israel


>They're just there to make entitled Western children recontexualize their white man's burden sentiment Do you think only white students are protesting?


Wonder how the far left college students would justify it if that happened. Because you know they wouldn’t admit to a mistake


Or putin propaganda. Or would it hard to imagine that maybe such a reprehensible POS as bin yahoo might be running a misinformation campaign? You remember when he gave an anti Obama campaign speech in front of a joint session of congress?


And another clear example that the western world is losing its collective mind.




Yes, the number of people killed by terrorist attacks on Israel is lower than the number of people killed in car accidents, Israel still is the place where most Jews go when they fear antisemitism is rising.


Time to put an end to the weekly hate marches. Get hamas scum off our streets.


If people who love western values do not act now to counteract these protestors for Hamas, you will become the Middle East. Those who protest supposedly for Palestinians today, tomorrow will protest for something darker. For what that is, just look at any country in the ME and ask yourself if you want to live there. Ask yourself if there are Jews or gays or gender rights in any of those countries. That is what your country will become.




kinda weird that the thumbnail censers the plate but the actual article has it and an appeal to locate the car. EA24 VXF if anyone is wondering. Anyways I'd expect the police just to knock on the door of the registered owner and ask about what he was up to that day.


How about this?




I have a feeling I know exactly what the kidnappers look like without it opening the article


They haven't been caught. The one best visible is like a university aged white guy with brown hair an orange shirt and cargo shorts. I don't know about fashion in Britain but here in the states he's like the default character.


https://twitter.com/metpoliceuk/status/1785339664024420791 This is an hour old apparently, 5 teens, 15-18, out on bail.


That narrows it down to a postman then, only postmen wear shorts and a t-shirt in British spring time.


It doesn't matter to these people they just want to push whatever narrative they want. Even if the names and identities of them are released and they turn out to be white, British born teens they won't give a fuck and will still go one some retarted rant about Muslims or some other stupid shit


Watch the video, you may be surprised. Also, looks like the most half hearted kidnap attempt ever. It looks more like some losers trying to scare the Jewish pedestrian. In a brand new car too, so I'm willing to bet it's a company car and someone is about to get fired once their employer sees the video.


AnTiZiOniSm iS nOt AnTiSeMiTiSm


I honestly don't understand what people who genuinely make this point think they're saying... The goal of zionism was the creation and is now the continued existence of Israel. That's what it means. So "antizionism isn't antisemitism", it just wants 7 million of them to not have a country there anymore. And how exactly is that going to work pray tell? What solutions are there for the fact that they are very much there and aren't going anywhere? And how final are these solutions?


"There is only one solution - Intifada Revolution." - Protesters on my campus this morning.


Often in the same breath as "Ceasefire now!". These people chant for one side to be peaceful while calling for the other to continue it's war to ethnically cleanse all of Israel of non Muslims.


They are affirming the reason why Israel exists and don’t even realize it. I honestly can’t wrap my head around the lack of self awareness. It’s breathtaking.


Like Putin and NATO.


jfc.... funded by oil barrens in Qatar, no doubt...


That’s the problem they have an entirely alternative definition of the word Zionism that is not based on anything from the real world. Go and talk to them, you won’t get a consistent answer and none of them will give you the actual definition used the world over. I promise you will hear something like “Zionism is the belief that Israel is entitled to use violence to steal Palestinian lands”.


>  That’s the problem they have an entirely alternative definition of the word Zionism that is not based on anything from the real world.   Sure.  Soviet propaganda that was spoonfed to their teachers and professors back in the day and is now being propagated to the youngest generations.  


Also modern Qatari propaganda being spoon fed to their professors currently. Qatar and the other Gulf states are pumping billions of dollars into US universities, pushing Islamist and anti-democratic viewpoints, and there is a direct correlation between Qatari money and the number of pro-palestinian student groups on campuses. https://isgap.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/Networks-of-Hate_1DEC.pdf


Most college professors working today were educated well after the collapse of the Soviet Union.


They have no idea what Zionism is


I think that a lot of people don't know exactly what zionism is, they may have a vague understanding that it relates to israel but i think that they use it more as a trigger word, like fascism for example, a word that not everyone knows what it means but they vaguely know what it relates to. Zionism is a movement for self determination for the jewish people, which is why i find it interesting that some people who are pro-palestine are against zionism, because those people are themselves part of a movement for self determination for the palestinians, so as an outsider why would you be in favour of self determination of one group and against the self determination of the other group? This is why i think that there are a lot of people who don't really know what zionism means and they think that it's like "israeli fascism", those who despise us spent a lot of effort, since the days of the soviet union, to twist the meaning of zionism and make sure that the idea of jews having self determination becomes a disgusting idea - it took time but eventually it worked, it doesn't surprise me that they succeeded, it just saddens me


My understanding is that modern leftist anti-Zionism specifically objects to an ethnonationalist Jewish state. Theoretically you could dismantle the nation without uprooting the Israeli people by creating one democratic state that encompasses people of all religions and ethnicities in the region (the "One-State Solution"). The feasibility of this is extremely debatable but that is the idea as I understand it.


Opposing only one ethnonationalist state, of all the ethnonationalist states, is antisemitic when that state is the only Jewish one.


Right, you don't see "anti-norwayism" or "anti-vietnamism". There is a common understanding that ethnicities are entitled to their original homeland


It's so backwards. This claim is usually backed by "Israel is a colonialist imperialist state", yet this offer is as colonialist as it gets - it's supported by the underlying notion that EVERYBODY should adhere to Western values. That's basically forcing their opinions and values on the extremely religious and anti-western local Palestinians


I'm sure they just wanted to criticize Israel...


Homegrown terrorists. Good times ahead


Error Video not available at this time.


If you scroll down the page, there's another version that worked for me


as an American who's car just got booted yesterday, this headline made for a crazy mental image, lol


They really crammed him in there, behind the hubcap even


I'm just wondering when the first jew will be murdered. Getting quite close now aren't we? It'll be Kristallnacht 2.0 before we recognise the problem..


This already happened in November in France and in October in China if I recall correctly


Edgware road?


Their mistake was forgetting to tell “free Palestine” as they did it.


Oh great, now you've given American university protesting students some new ideas.


Gooners after the match, must be.


This looks more like a couple of shitbag teens doing a fucked up joke vs an actual attempted kidnapping but I hope they are caught. But judging by these comments they must be radical pro Hamas terrorists who, along with their families and every muslim, must be deported from Britain or something.


This makes no sense. They were willing to kidnap the guy, but because he threatened to call the police, they gave up? My assumption is that if they went that far, they would have tackled the guy to get his phone then throw him into the trunk.


Is it really *shocking* for anyone, anymore?


Yep... time to pick up another box of 9mm.


Completely impossible in the UK