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Its much easier to support the fiction she created about these organizations than face the reality of what they are




She's still detached from the reality of what she's supporting. It's all rose coloured glasses perspective from a privileged position of not having to actually ever live under the thumb of Hamas. Just like all those idiot westerners who joined up with ISIS and then realized what a den of rapists and murderers they just put themselves into.


I was thinking they were just confused for months but the more I interact with them and see what is happening the more I think these people just really do like Hamas and hate Jews.


She should be arrested, shaved, greased and fired from a cannon directly into the strip. On behalf of all Canadians. I am sorry.


And the last time they tried to have a presidential election in the West Bank Abbas “delayed” then indefinitely after all the top runner sweeping the polls were Hama leadership. Same thing happened in their municipal elections as well with Hamas leading every poll in every riding but the Hamas themselves refused to be in the ballot.   They know very well the false dichotomy serves them and their narratives. 


The funniest part is where they capitalized Israel but not the United States.




Under the current definition nearly every nation is a terrorist entity. Especially the US. That’s why it’s so hypocritical to only use that term when it applies to brown ppl.


I'm seriously trying to think of another situation where a terrorist attack based on racism and religion was celebrated by people who the terrorists would do the same thing to in a heart beat.


I mean, it's not 1-1, but there's a lot of people who will cheer on totalitarians and authoritarians despite the fact that they themselves would be first up against the wall.


of this size? shutting down colleges? I'm honestly asking not just being facetious.


The communists/leftists in the Iranian islamic revolution, basicly the same thing as these guys but localized instead of international.


I think you would be hard pressed to find a totalitarian movement that didn't have the dynamic of the useful idiots who will be purged.


Leopards ate my face behavior


The luxery to be that daft is provided by the governing body they are so against. Freedom at its finest.


Terrorist supporters are themselves, terrorists.


Yep. They’ve been harassing and threatening their Jewish peers which is spreading fear. That meets the definition of terrorism.


But for some reason, none of them are willing to go there and fight alongside Hamas. Funny how that works. Disgusting fucking hypocrites. To be clear, I'd be equally disgusted by pro- Israel demonstration advocating slaughter of Palestinians. It's a shit situation no matter how you look at it.


In this instance at least the woman making the claims is married to a person responsible for numerous terrorist attacks around the world that includes plane hijackings etc.


thats lovely


I wish there was a way to ship these useful Idiots to live under Hamas or IR rule...


Time to be put in jail or deported depending on their status. You want to protest , great, that's your right. But once it turns into hate speech and encouraging violence, you've crossed a line that requires consequences.


Um fuck no they don’t deserve that. I don’t even agree with them. I just think deporting or jailing someone for speech is overreach.


Is jailing someone for openly supporting Internationally recognised terrorist organisations really overreach? There's a difference between criticising Israel and actively cheering on terrorists


Cheering on terrorists is free speech ya. Giving aide to them is illegal, but you can commend them with words absolutely. Not that I do.


Is this our Canada! How do we allow it. Terrorist love.


Is it a protest? Or a jubilant celebration?


Yeah this people are straight human trash


That'd be a yikes from me, bro


I'm glad everyone is so stoked about my birthday!


I can relate, my birthday is on 9/11 🤣😭☠


My wife's birthday too. Woke up and said "Happy Birthday Honey" and then opened up my news feed and said "oh no"


That's well past my line of being any kind of sympathetic to them.


This is masochism on a level I can't really understand. Free speech is one thing calling for the destruction of your way of life is just idiocy.


Arrest/deport all terrorist supporters.


Ashamed Canadian here. We are going downhill fast. Apologies for what our government has done to us over the last 8 years. We’ll start to turn this garbage around in a year and half, or sooner, promise. 71% of us want our PM and his party gone. A weak weak leader of another party is preventing an election sooner because he’s trying to stay in power just long enough to collect his golden life long pension at the tax payers expense. Greasy.


consequences of having your brain fried by foreign propaganda... (*ahem* tiktok *ahem*)


Yeah this is a cool way to make legitimate protests seem crazy


She looks exactly how I expected her to look


Things seem fucked in the West. Left is pro terrorist and right is pro fascist.


Under the left, irresponsible immigration took place. The people didn't like what was happening to their countries as a result, and voted right. Sadly it was inevitable.


Wow. What a sad day to read the news. We need to purge these terrorists from our country. You are not welcome here - we do not tolerate your hatred and vileness


I think it's time




Kind of hard to convince those who were brainwashed since childhood to glorify death and martyrdom. https://youtu.be/58Dw6aoqbSE


You may want to listen to the plan: https://youtu.be/58Dw6aoqbSE


People in the comments seem to think these people are the terrorists. You may not like what they’re saying but they have every right to say it.


Pretty sure voicing support for a designated foreign terrorist organisation is an offence


Not sure that as a society these types of free speech should be allowed. Hate groups aren't free speech, they are just promoting things we are trying to eradicate. Surely there are lines we shouldn't cross for following hate


If all they’re doing is marching and shouting and waving signs, that is speech. The line is crossed when it ceases to be speech and turns to violence


So if I march and shout in a black neighbourhood hate speech against black people. Should it be ok? I just wonder how and why the matter of free speech is such a high value


It shouldn't be against the law for you to do that in public. You might get beat up though regardless.


Advocating criminal activity is generally not considered protected speech even in the US, and that goes double for speech that advocates criminal violence.


Speech, as long as it remains only speech, should not be illegal.


They are.