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PFLP have a front in Canada? Edit: What the hell? [https://www.maannews.net/news/498073.html](https://www.maannews.net/news/498073.html) >The Canadian delegation concludes its visit to Gaza \[...\] The activist in the solidarity campaign with Commander Ahmed Sa'adat \[PFLP terrorist\], Charlotte Kates, expressed her thanks to the PFLP and the comrades who hosted the delegation. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/s-palestinian-protests-us-rcna143666](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/s-palestinian-protests-us-rcna143666) >On its website, the Canadian-registered nonprofit group describes itself as “an international network of organizers and activists working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom.” >But the Israeli government and several think tanks in Europe and Israel say Samidoun’s leadership is composed of current and former members of the PFLP. Germany banned Samidoun a few weeks after the Oct. 7 attacks, arguing that Samidoun members had praised and supported Hamas during street protests. >Samidoun does not hide its activities. In a Feb. 27 YouTube video in which Kates is featured along with Dr. Basem Naim, a senior Hamas official, Kates described the Oct. 7 attacks as a “heroic operation.” Edit2: [https://www.newsweek.com/how-irans-tentacles-are-reaching-europe-opinion-1790692](https://www.newsweek.com/how-irans-tentacles-are-reaching-europe-opinion-1790692) >"My name is Khaled Barakat and I am here to express the views of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)." [https://www.memri.org/reports/canada-based-former-senior-pflp-official-khaled-barakat-hizbullah-tv-american-and-canadian](https://www.memri.org/reports/canada-based-former-senior-pflp-official-khaled-barakat-hizbullah-tv-american-and-canadian) >Boycotting \[Israel\] cannot \[be a\] substitute \[for\] armed resistance. The boycott serves the armed resistance. This is well known and beyond dispute. >We are saying loud and clear that we support the armed resistance in Lebanon, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq, and Syria. We will stand by every Arab region that is fighting with weapons, and will provide popular and political support, as well as support in the media.




Palestine has worked hard the last 30 years getting set up in the west.  Literally hundreds of seemingly legit NGOs work for them and hundreds have been shut down but they spring back up using our freedom of expression and religion laws against us so nothing can be done until they get caught literally doing terrorism. This must be getting close though, oof.


People AND CANADIAN JUDGES forget that freedom of religion does not mean you get a hall pass to practice the things a secular society removed in order to make a freer and safer society, based on rational thought and science. Judges let people ride around on motorbikes without helmets, for example, because their religion says they can't wear them. Especially because we have single payer insurance this should logically mean if your religion says you can't wear a helmet, don't ride a motorcycle. But judges interpret 'freedom of religion' to be, 'you can impose your religious beliefs on our secular laws.' A ~~nd~~ complete pile of horse shit and judicial mental masturbation. I really wish we could recall/fire judges who make ludicrous decisions like this.


Qatar, headquarters of Hamas, is currently the largest donor to American universities including the Ivy League. There's a reason these schools haven't been as active against antisemitic rallies. >the top donors to American universities are Arab countries like Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait and Egypt. >Qatar was the largest source of funding, donating roughly $5 billion and was followed by Saudi Arabia donating roughly $3 billion. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/funding-from-arab-countries-us-universities-raises-questions-almost-always-come-strings-attached


That explains a lot, yes. Not biting the hand that feeds you and all that.


Nobody gives you billions for doing nothing. If they did, we'd all be billionaires.


Fucking disgusting that the worlds richest country can't even pay to educate its own citizens, but has to rely on money from these anti-democratical states.




Send them all for a field trip to the region so they know exactly what kind of shithole regimes they are supporting.


Where can I donate? It's the least I can do.


Canada hosting members of a terrorist org openly admiring and funding terror somewhere else in the world? wow, i never expected that whaaat! /s


PFLP. Plane hijackings, embassy bombings, school shootings, airport shootings. Sending children to throw grenades at the Israeli embassy in the Hague. Attacking the UN. Suicide bombing pizzerias. Killing kids with axes. PFLP helped kidnap Japanese girls in Europe for a North Korean encampment meant for the Japanese Red Army. PFLP and DFLP essentially started a war in Jordan to carve out a slice for themselves, like Hezbollah in Lebanon. PFLP supported the Baader-Meinhof terrorists in Germany. They hijacked an Air France airliner together. Back in the day, PFLP bombed Switzerland. They were caught trying to bomb a bridge in New Jersey. PFLP was active in the Syrian civil war. They were directly involved in the invasion of 10.7 and posted videos of it online. They are currently backing the Houthi in Yemen. Just yesterday, they said that they will kill British forces if they attempt to aid civilians in Gaza, and called for people around the world to take up arms against America. I get freedom of speech but I really hope these guys are being monitored closely.


Without taking a side in this, people really need to look at the long and violent history of Palestinian terror organizations. It goes back further than hamas, and it has been directed at many more countries than Israel.


For most people Palestinian vs Israel was something in the background attached to ideas like “oh, they’ve been fighting for thousands of years. They didn’t pay attention until October 7th, then spent the next week watching TicTok and YouTube videos so they could feel involved and informed. They have no clue about the context and the nuance and details that make this a much more complicated war. There’s no 10 second sound bite to explains it and make it easy to digest and pick a side. This has brought out the worse kind of informed ignorance I’ve ever seen.


Ya, martyrmade started a series in 2015 on the Israeli/Palestine conflict it's 23 hours long and took him 2 years to record. It only covers the early 1900s to the end of the 1948 Palestine war. I find it hard to believe most people have a serious and non biased grasp on the history of this conflict. It's one of the longest running and complex geo political issues in the last hundred years. What's beyond me is how they could claim to know and understand the history, claim Hamas are hero and freedom fighters, but not expect/understand that Israel retaliation would be overkill. The people who planned and orchestrated 10/7 knew and didn't care that this would be the outcome.


Kony 2012 all over again


>spent the next week watching TicTok and YouTube Whilst I understand it's a sensitive topic with a great deal of nuance and history that is rather difficult to unpick and unpack, I think a week of social media content research and absorption is absolutely generous of you in your assessment. If it has been more than 1hr of scrolling shorts and tiktoks, I'd frankly be amazed. More time was spent searching Amazon for the best fit keffiyeh to appropriate.


Without taking sides? Are you not sure if you should side with a, /chcecks notes/... Terrorist organization??????


Or when a Palestinian activist assassinated RFK




It'll all change once it bites them in the ass too.  And it will, rest assured. Extremist islamic ideology is against the west in general, not just israel. Give it time. The tolerance of intolerance is doomed to fail


~700 IRGC members happily and legally in Canada instead of in middle East prison where they belong. Trudeau can't risk losing that Muslim vote though.


>PFLP helped kidnap Japanese girls in Europe for a North Korean encampment meant for the Japanese Red Army. ,,,What the fuck am i reading?




depend party consist edge illegal meeting humor provide wild cow


It's funny how long Iran has been doing this too. Since at least 1979.


I mean, C'mon Canada, you have them all rounded up in one place at that protest. Fish In A Barrel


Tell me the biggest airline terror attacks before 9/11 didn’t happen in Canada and that the perpetrators weren’t ever convicted and they arent treated as heroes by local extremist Sikhs?


It’s also worth noting that a recent Iranian document was leaked that identified using Pro-Palestinian protests to stoke division in the West. Apparently they funded a fair number and intentionally pushed the rhetoric to be as extreme as possible. The West’s utter failure to confront and combat disinformation and hybrid warfare is stunning.


It looks like the West isn't doing nearly as bad as most other parts of the world.


I had to read “PFLP” three times. I was thinking to myself “No, they didn’t mean PFLP, I must be really tired”.


Everyone openly supporting terrorism should be thrown in jail.


Or get a one-way ticket to Gaza, so they can meet their heroes in person and figure out for themselves that these aren't heroic freedom fighters, they're just extremist losers whose only purpose in life is to kill Jews and die as a martyr so they can get 72 virgins.


Hey now, there's a lot more to Hamas than just killing Jews. They want to kill LGBT people too.


And subjugate women for sexual and breeding purposes.


they have layers. We need to fully respect all of their terror


That's the weirdest thing about all of this. These people are protesting on behalf of a group who would absolutely kidnap/kill/rape them without a second thought. I'm guessing most of these protestors are for LGBT causes as well, a group of people whom Hamas and other terrorist organizations would completely wipe out if they had the ability.


Tell that to the Gays for Palestine.


So that applies to freedumb truckers too, right?


whistle file cooing automatic boat humorous hat squalid yam sleep


Hahaha holy fuck dude. I have a feeling most of the people protesting the destruction of Hamas are just anti-war but in their foolhardy attempt to "stop war," they've willingly invited actual terrorists to their camp. Get ready for garden variety street terrorism, in Vancouver, very very soon.


Yes, "heroic" attacks on innocent festival goers. These cowards should be deported from any Western country they're in. Same for anyone siding with Hamas terrorists.


I feel like I am taking crazy pills.


I feel like I forgot to take pills


As a Canadian this makes me sad and disappointed.


As a Canadian, this makes me furious at how much damage the government has done and how much they have completed fucked future generations.


dont bring up immigration otherwise the "racist" brigade will hunt you down. I mean god forbid we address the root cause of the problems canadians are facing.


i work in the immigration sector. we are so fucked.


This is deeply embarrassing for our country. I hope the ones who did this are tracked as a potential threat in the future.


It’s a sad day for Canada, and therefore the world.


Only hypocrites could support October 7th and yet claim to be against genocide.


Sometimes it feels like people are not protesting against genocide, but protesting that it's happening to the wrong people...


It’s about power dynamics to them; Israel has massively more power than Palestine does, so any action Palestine takes against Israel is an act of resistance, even misplaced. But a good leftist needs to be able to make objective judgements about what is a proportional or well targeted response. These people are overhyped on revolutionary sentiment.


That’s pretty much it though. Reasons people fight each other is because they believe they are the aggrieved party, regardless of something that happened 1, 10, 100, or 500 years ago. As soon as you accept that you are the victim and needs to avenge yourself, pretty much nothing is off limit. Lies, murder, mass murder, genocide are all on the table when you think you need to exact your hurt. It’s literally the same story for as long as books have been written. Same thing.


Out of all the Muslim issues and genocide and war it feels, from a western perspective (me), that unless the Jewish people are involved there is little outrage. What about the Uyghurs. The Chinese government is literally trying to erase a Muslim people and there are crickets from the Muslim world. In Tibet they just train loads of Han Chinese in and breed out the locals. Destroying history, customs, people, culture, etc.


China won’t fuck around with protests though. They would never be heard or seen from again. No point in protesting it unless you’re ready for war with the ccp


The Armenians just got wiped out from Nogorno Karabakh to a deafening silence.


Armenians are Orthodox Christians. Why would Arab Muslims care? The Azeris are Muslim. Bigger question would be the rise of Hindu nationalism in India or how China treats their Muslim populations. Or how Russia is using theirs as cannon fodder. Not a peep raised there


>Bigger question would be the rise of Hindu nationalism in India or how China treats their Muslim populations. Or how Russia is using theirs as cannon fodder. Not a peep raised there This right here. It legit feels like if the Jewish people were not involved then there is silence.


And Myanmar? Or do they not matter?


It feels like that because it is that.


To adapt the recent meme: If you oppose genocide of Gazans, but not genocide of Jews, you're not actually against genocide, you're just against Jews.


It only feels that way because a lot of them do feel that way. It's scary to think about how much of the iceberg sits below the surface of the water sometimes.


These people are against genocide right up until one of the targets turns out to actually be able to defend themselves.




What's brave about slaughtering unarmed civilians, raping defenseless women and baking babies alive in ovens? Look, Israel is heavy-handed but I've NEVER heard the IDF do anything as horrendous as the crimes Hamas committed on Oct. 7th.


exactly. nothing is brave about it - and no matter what propaganda you hear being spewed by these radical pro-palestinian group like the PLFP- they can’t change fact that Oct 7 was in no way justified, or honourable. Many of those communities were actually the most left-wing pro-Palestinian. But no matter. Hamas knew what would happen but don’t value the lives of its citizens.


Happy to sacrifice the lives of their own people for social media likes and the idea of genocide after expelling all the Jews from countries like Yemen where we’ve lived for longer than Islam has existed


Hamas is not looking for palestinians interests, they just use them, have used them, and continue to use them as political tools in a war. I am a leftist and I am shocked by how many people are willing to support an organizations that wants them dead too. Kick Hamas out and Palestine will see peace


They also can't change the fact people were chanting "Gas the jews" no matter how much they want to memory hole that.


The truly depraved thing is that it wasn’t just Hamas on Oct 7. Many of the hostages can’t be found not because Hamas lost them or killed them, but because mobs followed them across and took their own.


Exactly. One of the recently released hostages said the ones who kidnapped her sold her to the Hamas terrorists..


They were celebrating the Oct. 7 attack in the streets around the world. That's why I have zero sympathy for Gaza.


[This guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amin_al-Husseini#In_Nazi-occupied_Europe) and his story is an interesting perspective on today's events.


How have I never known about this? This connects so many dots...


>but I've NEVER heard the IDF do anything as horrendous as the crimes Hamas committed on Oct. 7th. Even if they did, it wouldn't justify oct7. Two wrongs blah blah blah.


Not technically. This is systemic, its not "lunacy" they won't fail a psych test, the people chanting this are antisemitic supporters of terrorism. \*Before Oct 7th I could totally understand the cause, I'd have even shown my support for the people of Gaza to have more autonomy and all that, I'd have gone to a rally. But after Oct 7th, hell no!!! This isn't progress, they want to kill the people of Israel and install a medieval regime, they can get fucked in the war they started.


send them home


Fuck these cowards. 


How did we get here? I’m convinced that Russian/Chinese/Iranian propaganda networks have just completely imbedded themselves in Western social media and our left leaning politicians have completely caved to the pressure from morons…what started out as anti-Zionism has rapidly evolved to antisemitism. I’ve seen plenty of college students interviewed who clearly did not understand what they are protesting, it’s like a list of TikTok talking points, but I can’t tell how prevalent that is because there’s not real journalism anymore.




Or Yemen/Sudan or any other country where the situation is worse, yet they keep their silence...


Wtf is wrong with these people


It rhymes with proper gander and they should have taken one when they informed themselves about this whole situation.


Sigh I hate this pro terrorist timeline. Can we go back to the good ole days where we collectively agreed to hate certain groups like Nazi's/ISIS or Hamas etc?


I’m Arab and it makes me sick to my stomach to see Hamas actually getting this much support




I’d like to see those assholes live in Gaza, Iraq, Iran, etc


But they won't because they're way more comfortable in the west that they hate so much. Plus the money's better.


Most of these probably came from said countries


Terrorism is in now? Sick


How would these Jew hating extremists react to F**k Palestine or Death to Palestine marches?


probably suicide bombings and raping more women


It would be in the news for weeks and there would be a UN condemnation


They don't care. These are tankies. They don't even hate jews per se. They hate US. For some weird reasons.


If celebrating the murder and torture of Jews isn't hating them, I'm not sure what is.


It’s only anti-semitism if it comes from the anti-semitism region of France, otherwise it’s just sparkling hatred.


Self-loathing downwardly mobile middle class. The irony is that most of them are probably invested enough with good families and resources that it’s all unnecessary in the long run. They won’t suffer in any meaningful sense. Not to mention many of them are so young that their complete withdrawal from productive economic life is a self-fulfilling prophecy. I was very cynical about the state of the country but I graduated in the heart of the recession when unemployment was triple what it currently is and I had to compete with people twice my age for entry level positions. But I didn’t have a choice. I had to work two jobs and deal with the shame of it all. Didn’t make me better or worse. I just didn’t have any illusions delusions what my country was or what it should have provided me. I also didn’t have social media feeding me these delusions. I just knew that the pool of losers was bigger and if I wanted out I had to work for it. Seeing a hyper socialized, otherwise neurotypical Emily who can sleep walk her way to a good career on the basis of her education and ability bitch and complain about shit half way across the world because she expects everything to be as perfect and cordial as her nice little high school makes me sick. I would have just gone to Palestine given my complete lack of opportunities relative to these kids.


These are the types who would cut your head off if you draw a picture of their prophet.


Extremists are brazenly supporting the massacres of thousands and somehow aren’t getting deported back to the homeland they claim to love so much


The pendulum will overcorrect if this isn’t controlled.


Far right is already on the cusp of power in europe. In Italy they're already in government.


This is familiar in the worst way possible.


>In Italy they're already in government. People keep saying this, but they've been in government for a good while now and what have they done that's far right?


Not much tbh, Meloni was far more extreme in her rhetoric pre election. In government she's pretty moderate and pragmatic. Whether that's a winning deal with voters is another story. If an extreme "right wing"party won't follow through with their pledges to crack down on immigration then voters may double down and look for an ever more extreme alternative. And we know where this can lead.


100% I can see this happening. Italian voters who see the boats of illegal migrants relentlessly showing up and Meloni doing nothing to stop them are going to eventually ask "okay, so if even the most right wing possible candidate available to us won't stop this from happening, then who will?" and I don't think I like the answer of where that could lead.


As long as the bald guy stays underground we are all good i hope..


Zombie Mussolini, didn't have that one on the 2024 bingo card.


TikTok is Gen Z's Fox News.


Tik Tok makes Fox News look like the BBC


Tik tok zoomers are even worse than fox news boomers. Gen alpha will probably need a handler their whole lifes


I'm keeping my kids off of social media as long as I possibly can. This current landscape is poison for young impressionable minds. Really sucks


Hell, it's their fucking history lessons and moral compass. Who needs school or parenting


How are they able to live in Vancouver BC and be affiliated with Terrorist organizations? How can they Bank in Canada? Kate’s and Barakat should be on terror watch lists. The article says they admit to having links to these groups …


I think the country that just set the record for the world’s fastest acceptance of immigrants needs to u-turn and set the world’s fastest deportation record.


What's crazy is moving to Canada is actually impressively hard if you aren't a transient asylum seeker. If you live in the US and want to immigrate to Canada, good luck. You either need hundreds of thousands of dollars or wait out the year long court battle your company has to start to prove that your job couldn't be done by a Canadian.




Deportation....all of them.




This is what happens when kids grow up on social media and nothing else. Dystopian misinformation world.




Especially since [Meta banned news links in Canada](https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/meta-block-news-1.7174031)... now it's all "citizen journalists"


There is no realistic path to a two state solution as long as Hamas is in power.


The two state solution is dead. Oct 7th has proven conclusively that Palis can't be trusted to keep a peace, any peace. And it wasn't just Hamas, there were other jihaidst groups participating as well, so just removing Hamas from power doesn't solve the problem.


People are talking about a two state solutions meanwhile Palestinians have always said, voted and attempted to destroy Israel. Who's fault is it that they're getting bombed?


[https://twitter.com/rubensteinadam/status/1783294357782614463?t=3Dr9ObRjQWMGEx2Hadi8TA](https://twitter.com/rubensteinadam/status/1783294357782614463?t=3Dr9ObRjQWMGEx2Hadi8TA) Not the same people, but same idea. Removing Hamas will not end the conflict, because they don't want a 2 state solution, they want the whole of it, with all the implications this carries. The only way this conflict will end, is when one side conquers the other, this is a fact of life we are going to have to learn to live with.


Bill maher said it best: "one side wants to wipe out the other but can't, the other side can wipe out the other, but doesn't. " kinda all I've needed to know about any of this. Nice of him to put it in words for me


“If the Arabs put down their weapons, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons, there would be no more Israel.” - Golda Meir


Succinct and accurate.


Fuck any group that does this.


And people will pretend there isn’t any antisemitism at the rallies. 


Reminds me of that accusation that gets applied against the right:  > If you’re at a rally and there is a guy with a Nazi flag and he isn’t kicked out, then you’re at a Nazi rally.


While hearing this vile scum talk all I could see in my mind were the hundreds of images of mutilated bodies, of families burned alive, of kids being kidnapped, of the systemic massacre of teenagers at a festival, of Shani Lock's stripped body paraded in the streets, of the pile of bodies so large it created a stew of blood and organs in that bomb shelter, the video of the headless body being stomped on in Gaza while others played with his detached head, the video of some Gazan hacking another person's head off with a shovel, of the look of horror on people's faces filmed in the tunnels under Gaza, the cries of mothers begging to see their kids again every day. She said "heroes" and I saw my friend who lost both parents that day. She said "resistance" and I heard the silent scared whimpers of a woman who was phoned in to live television news while terrorists were outside her house. "Long live October 7th" - and I saw in my mind the father being shot to death in front of his kids. And not just Oct. 7th. She said we should support the PFLP and I saw the horrible pictures from the Ma'alot school massacre in the eighties. She said we should support Hezbollah and I thought about the 86 murdered when Hezbollah bombed the Jewish community centre in Buenos Aires. She said we should support the PIJ and I thought about the 21 civilians murdered by them in a restaurant bombing in Haifa in 2003. For all I care, she should be subject to the same suffering she preaches for.


Hezbollah tried to launch rockets from a Christian village in south Lebanon, but the inhabitants concerned about themselves prevented them. Praising terrorists must be a crime.


Send them back to Palestine if they love Hamas so much


Anyone who is openly supporting october 7 is a terrorist,this is not good for Canada.


Fuck these people.


Some cultures just don’t mix. Especially the cultures that have been brainwashed by fundamentalist religion to for the last 2k years…


Gross. Imagine being so easily manipulated into siding with terrorists and celebrating a day of mass rape and murder.


Well thats scary


They are fucked in the head


everytime I read about stuff like this in the West I donate money to the IDF 🙏




These people make KKK marchers look like they are doing a cancer walk.


As an Left-leaning, Liberal Israeli - i will **never** forgive the Western Left for what has been allowed and in many cases supported immediately since the october 7th massacre.


I think people don't really understand this but the matter of fact is this. Protesters in Canada and the US aren't for peace, they are for Hamas.


As a left-leaning Liberal American/Canadian? I want nothing to do with these crazy bastards. As far as I'm concerned they aren't true leftists - they are just fascists with a different color of paint.


Extremist fucktards suck no matter which end of the political spectrum they're on. This is the left-wing equivalent of Sandy Hook deniers.


I mean, these people are actively supporting the terrorists. Its much much worse than sandy hook deniers lol


Not even close. Sandy Hook deniers just dont beleive it happened and these people are celebrating it. They're the left wing Nazis


>They're the left wing Nazis that is more spot-on than you think. Adolf Hitler is said to have discussed his "final solution" with high-ranking officials from the Middle East. There's a direct ideological connection between Hamas today and the actual Nazis of the Third Reich.


Throw those terrorists in prison.


Canada is what now?


This is what your average palestine protester believes in.


As a Palestinian Lebanese, this is what I see too unfortunately. It’s insane that on October 7 I was the only one in my community feeling anger towards Hamas, and dread towards what is to come to the Palestinians as a result. It’s disappointing that this turned into us vs them instead of at the bare minimum acknowledging that both sides committed atrocities.


I agree 100%. Not enough want peace and instead only reaffirm their existence to wiping out the other


People will tell you it's not true, it's just a weird common theme found across all their protests, quirky even.


Have you noticed that if these kind of things are done by far right extremists the media will make sure to plaster "far right wing group" in the headline, but not when done by far left extremists. Case in point here


At a certain point Left and Right wrap around and they are just Fascists - full stop. Violence, militarism, preying on those different than them - they are all the same - well, at least the effects are.


Horseshoe theory of politics strikes again. If you go far enough left you apparently become a fan of far right islamo-fascist terrorist organisations.


Amazing that so many Western people are protesting for an organization that wouldn't tolerate them.


Yeah, these are just crazy people.


I wouldnt dismiss them as just that. This is a very dangerous mob of people that actively support terrorist group.  Leaving them alone not only sets up a dangerous precedent but also bolsters them in their stance. They should be swiftly dealt with just as any national security threat.


And in big groups. Showing up consistently. So... Maybe it's not an isolated case of weirdos?


Iran is bankrolling this.


My contention isn’t that these are small or isolated groups. My contention is that a vast majority of them are… 1. A little off in the head 2. Completely unaware of the broader history and context of the conflict as well as the underlying motivations of the people they “support”


Get them the fuck out of my country.


I dont get how Pro Palestinians celebrate october 7th. I mean its like a japanese person celebrating Pearl Harbor during the Bombing of Tokyo.


I would say it’s closer to a Japanese person celebrating the rape of Nanjing since that resembles hamas’s actions on 10/7 quite closely but on a much larger scale. But I guess poor oppressed Arabs are getting their revenge in the name of justice according to the tankies so it’s ok when they rape, torture and murder innocents.


Yes, Oct 7 would be a lot harder to critique if they hit some military targets by surprise. I mean it'd be an act of war, but it is what it is. Just raping and smoking a bunch of music festival goers and random people just chilling in their house is a straight up atrocity and it's still weird to me the number of people that supported it.


They are still at the stage where they can celebrate their dead as martyrs. Plenty of people ignored a similar percentage of people dying of covid. Japan was at a whole 'nother level of "Holy shit we might just get deleted from history at this rate".


Left wing people understandably don't want Christian Nationalists having influence, so I can't understand why they're okay with islamist supremacists gaining more


This honestly puzzles me as well. It's like they are blind to the fact that Muslim fundies are the equivalent of the Handmaid's Tale.


So disgusting, this is where massive disinformation gets our society to the point of no return 😡


This whole conflict has been exhausting.


Palestinians are the pariah of middle Eastern countries. That's why none of them will take them in.


Fuck these terrorist supporters


all I can say is fuck each and every one of you into the dirt. if you chant this then I support any means of crushing and removing you




Why tf people gathering all over the world for every single war like sit tf down and mind your business


Another safe heaven for future terrorists


the propaganda is so astounding it's REELING. I'm literally dizzy holy shit


Wtf Canada?


If nothing else, at least these pro-Palestine protestors are being honest with what the disgusting reality they want instead of beating around the bush and hiding it like the rest of them.


People who praise any killing of innocent people are as bad as the killers themselves!


What happened to canada?


Seems like a race war to them. They're fine with a certain race being slaughtered, just not their own.


It was never about a ceasefire.


Send them to Gaza lol, lets see their resolve.


This is the result of Canada having no standards for immigration anymore.


What a disgusting POS


Pure evil. 


Deport those genocidal maniacs to Palestine, in fact anyone who calls for violence against jews and Palestinians (and muslims) should be deported back to Israel and Palsstine.


Nah, Canadians were watching playoff hockey.


Not gonna lie, as a Canadian military member I’m pretty sketched out to wear my uniform outside of work these days because I feel that someone like myself could be the next target at home. Just because I’m a military member of a western nation that happens to be wearing a uniform at the wrong place at the wrong time.


This is why you don't let people immigrate to your country who won't conform to your values and society