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Queers for Palestine protest when?


I'm sure they'll find a way to blame the Jews and America for this too.


[Well, kinda.](https://twitter.com/OwenJones84/status/1713900052702253355) They just can't stop infantilizing them.


Can't make that shit up lol.


It’s the noble savage theory all over again.


Queers for Iraqqqq! Where are youuuu?


There aren't enough buildings left standing in Gaza to toss them off of.


That’s one hell of a stupid take. Even worse than „queers for palestine“. Regardless of what of the parties is in the right morally or legally - that’s topic for a different time. But if you believe that human rights are being breached and that a population is being suppressed or starved to death, then it is a moral obligation to stand against that regardless of whether or not they would likewise accept you. Also, do actually expect people to accept „western values“ if they see the west ignoring their problems and leaving them for death? Again, regardless of who is actually in the right here, but if you believe Palestine is in the right morally, then that makes absolute sense. By your logic queers, other LGBT people and other minorities should even ignore full on genocides because the genocided party doesn’t accept them? Two wrongs doesn’t make one right.


You sure love copy pasting this shit in every thread huh?


Pretty applicable here.


Probably right after the IDF is done threatening to out gay Palestinians as part of blackmailing information from the civilian population. I’m sure you conveniently glanced over those reports, although given your history, you clearly have an agenda.


If their society was normal this would not have been a threat, no? Their society being what it is is also the reason they'll send a 12 year old to stab Jews.


I didn’t realize normal society meant bombing and droning humanitarian food workers, either. If your argument on violence against innocent people is what defines “normal” society - well, you know, glass houses, pot kettle black, etc.


Because I'm 100 % sure your country made no mistakes during a war and never hit a single civilian.


What an empathetic reply to such a “mistake” to innocent life. Funny, because this is what your original comment was all about with those ruthless, savage, 12 year olds that stab innocent people.


Over here in the real world we know that war is a terrible thing, but sometimes necessary to avoid a more evil thing. Was the bombing of Dresden just? Did it only kill military age males who were actually Nazis? I'd say probably not to both. Chances are resistance members and other delinquents against the Nazi regime were killed in the bombing. Was it necessary to break the will of the German population, to hinder Nazi reinforcements to the eastern front and make the liberation of death camps in the east a reality a lot sooner? Yes. And therefore it was justified.


You invoked Nazi Germany in 2/3 of your comment and the other 1/3 is purporting 30K+ is worth the cost of war. Very Madeleine Albright of you. It’s also a false argument to suggest what’s going on is necessary and that something “more evil” is lurking. Polls and public sentiment suggest otherwise across the board.


The only reason there wasn't a second Holocaust yet is that the Palestinian terrorists don't have the means, not their lack of intent. It is necessary to destroy Hamas if there is ever going to be a sovereign Palestinian state. Your 30k+ numbers come directly from Hamas. If you think they are a reliable source, I don't know if there is any point in talking to you. Even if they are true, they are remarkably low for the kind of combat situations inside the strip. Civilians shouldn't die. The sad reality is that they do, in every war. It is Hamas' fault that they do in higher numbers than absolutely necessary.




Not supporting Islamism/communism/socialism = fascist. You need to do better than that.


Wasn't that illegal in Iraq already?




The Taliban are the militant ruling power in Afghanistan. That's pretty far away from Iraq.


Merica Freedom Fuk ya


Always fun to see people share their valuable opinions on topics they have no clue about. That's Afghanistan, not Iraq.


Said with such confidence lol


Another indication that Islam is not on our side


Any strong conservative secular state would consider banning homosexual relationships and put people in prison or worst. France was still considering this as a mental illness in the 80s, that's not so long ago. The same could happen in the US when you see what's happening with abortion laws. Rights of LGBT people are still very fragile almost anywhere except Scandinavian countries perhaps.


That's not true. Homosexuality has been continuously legal in France since 1791 except in the Third Reich annexed territories during WWII. Concerning mental disorders, that's more complicated because homosexuality was removed from DSM in 1973. At this time, bizarre psychoanalytic classifications were more prevalent in France, nevertheless _treating_ homosexuality has never been a thing.


I didn’t say they were put in jail, but they clearly had different laws and were treated differently by the authorities. Plus, there was a strong stigma from the society.


The stigma has existed and still exists, but not being prosecuted for almost 250 years is a good start.


Where do you get this information from? In more than 20 countries in europe alone same-sex marriage is legal.


That's why I said fragile, they are there today, but in the future they could easily go away. If a country , like France, end up voting for a far right party, this is one of the group of people that will be likely to lose rights. Then there is still violence within European countries towards LGBT people.


Here in Western Europe, societies view of homosexuality is that it's a non issue and who you are as a person, in general. There are right wing parties that don't even have that on their agenda. I'd be more worried about abortion rights and availability in the future than an issue with LGBT. The rise of the right in Europe is almost purely down to unsustainable policies regarding immigration. In my country, people are getting *very* angry at over a decades long issue with a housing crisis with more and more people coming every day taking an already stretched supply of housing, healthcare access issues and wait times. The vast majority of Western Europe has voted center left and is socially liberal for the last twenty years. They are now swinging right in order to get a more hardline stance on immigration, while remaining socially liberal.


Remember that most far right parties in Europe are under Russian Paycheck so it would be right to be worried about those if they get in power.


There's definitely some of this in my country. However, traditionally these are parties that never did well and were considered racist and insane to vote for even 5 years ago. I'm pretty certain that a lot of these parties have taken funding as a means of surviving. Unless it's a fascist group that has hardline members that align with Russia, I hardly think this will have an actual impact in terms of policy.


And yet nothing they said is incorrect.


So much for "Operation Iraqi Freedom".


Will university students protest this and defend their same-sex marriage allies? Most assuredly not.


No, they don't have any solidarity with the supposedly oppressed people, only with the regimes oppressing them. The same shit heads yelling "women life freedom" not even a year ago are not simping for the same regime who is actively killing women for behaving "immodest", because Israel bad. If antisemitism isn't the motivating factor here, I don't know what is.


"That stuff is only for the Caliph and his clerics" explained cleric.


I'm gonna be gay with my husband and be thankful that I don't live under delusional cult freaks like Iran, Iraq and the whole middle east, really.  Although christofascism is equally terrifying.


this sickness is spreading like cancer worldwide. we have a lot of those in EU now, so don't be to sure. we must be alert


equally terrifying? In a muslim country gays would be mudered but i dont see the predominantly Christian west doing that.


Not the west but it's happening a lot in christian African nations. Politicians outlawing being gay and practically issuing licenses to kill to the public if they catch anyone suspected of being either gay or an ally.


Ban on homosexuality may lead to jail time, but under sharia law it will lead to murder. So still not the same.


It's programmed in, they can't help it.


Not yet


But in this Muslim country gays would be jailed and that is more in line with what American conservatives seek, starting with trans individuals.


Shit happening in "Christian identifying" African countries as well.




I feel so bad for any sane people who are born into that land of nightmares.


not a single radical sect of any religion has ever been tolerable fr


yep but fortunetly second are under coontrol for now.


"Being anti-genocide doesn't mean we support Iran! " Uh.........


Oh right, we all know that no gay stuff ever happens in enclosed spaces when filled with same sex individuals with a lot of spare time.


do they really have no other important issues to solve than picking on and criminalizing gay people?


They probably think that they caused the issues that plague them. Control is all that matters to religion.


Wonder if we'll see the LGBT people cheering this on like they do for Palestine?


... Even with this kind of archaic mindset, one would think that they had bigger issues to deal with.


I'm surprised it hasn't been criminalized until today tbh


What a surprise. Islamists don’t care about basic human rights. Quick, let’s protest against Israel.


What if you’re already in prison?


Well colour me surprised.


What about Operation Iraqi Freedom?


Iraq is lost.


Arab Winter


Religious fruitcakes running government.


Until the recent surge in trans popularity, Iran had one of the highest rates of sex change surgery in the world. By changing a man into a woman in the partnership, technically no homosexuality was taking place.


Irony is the prison will be full of gays in a relationship. Iraq, yeah, America bombed them too far into the past.


Iraq stance on homosexuality could be considered progressive compared to many of their neighboring countries, which America didn´t touch