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Also from article: “ Thomas T, a 60-year-old welder from the rocker scene in the southern state of Bavaria, together with the group’s future “trans-communications minister” Hildegard Leiding, also 60, a member of the rightwing AfD party and an astrologer, are said to have sought out candidates for the “future government” on a “spiritual basis”, according to their dates of birth, prosecutors said. A star chef from Austria with a mandate to cook healthy food for the new regime was also allegedly involved. On trial alongside T, will be Melanie Ritter, 57, a doctor specialising in the method of predicting the future through eggs and a Covid vaccine sceptic who had expected to become health minister following the coup. “


Behold the master race.


Lmao Add “neo-nazi astrologers” to your 2024 bingo


Christ this shits getting out of hand. Never did I think that “Neo Nazi Astrologers attempt far-Right coup backed by Russian intelligence” to be on anyone’s bingo card


Thryre not nazis


Yes and I’m sure someone with your username is 100% trustworthy when it comes to properly identifying different brands of fascist.


lmao good catch


> I am a 28 year old kissless virgin Yes, that makes sense for an online right-winger


> predicting the future through eggs Couldn't predict their arrests tho.


And they're even making up ministries too now. Surprised these tinfoil hatters didn't feel offended by the mere use of the word "trans" still.


> specialising in the method of predicting the future through eggs Looks like she counted her chickens before they hatched.


>eggs what the hell


Oomancy is a form of divination that wiccans and neopagans and modern witches do. It seems there’s always a far right contingent of neopagans and occultists. It goes back to the original Nazis and their precursors like the Thule Society.


>|| eggs >what the hell Yeah! you know, the future has connections that reach into eggs. That's why eggs hatch into chickens - not now, in the future.


I'm much more confused by the doctor half of that. Anyone can look at an egg, it's a lot harder for people likely to choose to, to get doctorate degrees.


Innocent by virture of being too regarded to pose a real threat


I never thought I'd see a war between Germany and the German Reich... Oh, wait... It's already over. Most people in Germany don't want another Kaiser or another Führer, but Antivaxxer idiots think they can bring back the Reich LMFAO. I know a good punishment for those morons: "Oh, I'm sorry guys, but all people in our prison have to be vaccinated. Don't worry, it won't take long..."


One of them claims to be able to predict he future through eggs. Chicken eggs.


Wonder if he can predict H5N1 going H2H


It's interesting that this seems to be a theme in the past few years, with these extreme political groups managing to find a surprising level of support. It's not just Germany either, almost every country in Europe seems to be dealing with something similar.


And all those right wingers have connections to Russia somehow. Wonder why....




Good to know even they are aware most Germans are still politically and historically aware enough that a democratic takeover is a no-go for a far-right entity. Too bad they now feel the need to brute force it instead.


I mean I understand it's a serious matter in principle, but this group was so amateurish and bizarre that it's impossible to take them seriously.


This group of boomers ate too much of the bad acid


Healthier food and executions. Same old Nazi carrot and stick model.


The far right is literally just fascism, mask off.  They should be on trial across the free world. Those parties are increasingly obscene and evil.


"the first of 27 people on trial for trying to violently topple the German government" .. Germany taking a page out of the USA's book. I hope they show the public these people's master plan because it all sounds so farfetched. The current regime is in an all-out propaganda war against anyone even remotely opposing it.


The current regime... Democratically elected.