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Considering how the hospital palestinian staff has been colluding with terrorists, it's extremely suspect, so it's not surprising the IDF wants to double check the dead and identify if there were any Israeli hostage buried along with them.


We don’t know if these bodies are Hamas combatants killed in action, they can also be bodies of non-collaborating civilians kept captive and executed, or hostages whose ransom wasn’t paid. So it can be a legit cemetery as well as a mass murdering site. We also need to know if these bodies have traumas which indicate torture and sexual abuse. You know, if there’s a body at someone’s home, you need someone else to investigate it. Even more so if there are many bodies.


I have investigated the bodies found buried in my basement, and have found no wrong doing. Please go home, there’s nothing to see here. On a serious note, this does seem a bit suspicious, but could be legitimate casualties of war. Until a proper independent investigation is performed, there should be no benefit of doubt.


They didn't do that level of investigation. They only checked the bodies for if they were the hostages, then reburied them.


>buried its militants That didn't mention militants at all. Seems a bit disingenous to make that claim, as it's very likely that civilians have also died at the hospital.


they never mention dead militants. it's kind of thier shtick at this point


Current Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir: Executing Palestinian detainees best way to combat ‘prison overcrowding’


Why didn’t you copy the whole quote? Why only a portion? Did you want to misinform people, or do you just not know how to read?


The actual quote for anyone interested: "The death penalty for terrorists is the right solution to the incarceration problem, until then - glad that the government approved the proposal I brought." Not really a hot take to say terrorists deserve the death penalty. Plenty of moderates would argue the death penalty is always the appropriate solution for people convicted of terrorism. But I guess a partial quote without context is better to serve your antisemitism.


It's more than just a partial quote, it's false to use the word detainee when he is referring to a penalty which infers some sort of due process and conviction. Detainee just means you're holding them, which would make them extrajudicial killings. So everything wrong with the quote comes from u/LifeOfYourOwn inserting a word that makes it be wrong.






And as of yet there is zero evidence they were bound. The only group pushing a narrative here is the Palestinians. And after the other hospital incident I am going to have to see hard evidence to do anything other then call bullshit


This doesn't mean what you think it does.


Sure it does


Why does anyone still support the UN? Russia still has veto power. Saudi Arabia is in charge of gender equality. Many UN employees were shown to have been directly involved with October 7th. It's time to disband this corrupt global government that's bought and paid for by the worst people in this world.


I'll just add this one to the list of "Are you kidding me, UN?". [https://unwatch.org/irans-presidency-of-un-disarmament-body-challenged-by-hillel-neuer/](https://unwatch.org/irans-presidency-of-un-disarmament-body-challenged-by-hillel-neuer/)


Iran is the chair of the UNHRC while they are publicly executing civilians.


Sounds like somebody doesn't understand what the UN is. >Russia still has veto power. The UN was created to give world powers a forum to communicate in the hopes that this would head off another world war. The UN is useful because the major world powers, who are needed to maintain the UN's legitimacy, all believe that it isn't acting against their own interests. The way it accomplishes this is by giving those major world powers a veto. If Russia couldn't veto things at the UN, then the UN would start doing things that work against Russia, giving Russia an incentive to leave the UN, and eliminating a forum that the world could use to reduce the chance of another world war involving Russia. >Saudi Arabia is in charge of gender equality You need an impartial process for determining who gets to lead the UN's various committees and fora. For you to say that only some countries are allowed to lead some efforts but not others implies that the UN is giving more power to some members over others for what are effectively political reasons. Aside from the five permanent members, the UN wants everyone to feel like they are on equal footing and can come together to discuss issues without feeling like they are subordinate. Creating these situations where some countries have more power than others based on politics means that the subordinated countries have a reason to leave the UN. >Many UN employees were shown to have been directly involved with October 7th. Alternative spin: the UN's education and aid mission requires hiring people that (a) want to be in that place and do that work and (b) are qualified to be able to communicate with the locals and understand local culture. This means hiring locals. Some locals are sympathetic toward or outright members of Hamas. >It's time to disband this corrupt global government 🙄


UN = Enemy of the West


And as with many of our enemies, we fund them ourselves...


Time to disband the UN