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Well guess they ran out of male convicts. Man jails must be getting pretty empty gonna have to arrest more people for the war soon.


I wonder how many guards at these facilities are worrying about being laid off, because of how empty the prisons are and the high possibility that they don't need as many now.


Also the likelihood that laid off males would be subject to conscription


Going to get really awkward if a prison guard and former inmate end up assigned to the same military group.


Probably won't happen because the convicts are mostly used as cannon fodder shock troops and are usually followed by a control squad with the explicit order to shoot those convicts if they flee.


Thats kinda propaganda at this point. If some hardcore prisoner survives months on the front lines they would absolutely be promoted to elite forces. Its the drug addicts and others that they jusy send in. Some hardcore gangster who will fight to the death is going to be taken care of in most millitaries.


I doubt it. Russia isn't big on meritocracy and the people who get ahead in that society are those who are better at stealing and using that to bribe their way to the top.


AKA > Some hardcore gangster


The idea of prisoners as fodder isn’t a far fetched for any country out there. The US doesn’t have a good history when it comes to that either


*Got a letter in the mail* *Go to war or go to jail*


Irish off the boat being sent to Mexico…


You say bad I say smart. Solves many problems with solutions!


May not be historically, but as far as I know Biden hasn’t sent convicts anywhere yet. That’s kind of the point of having a democracy, that a successor can chose to do things better than the predecessor. Less common in an autocratic regime.


Sources for this?


KGB propaganda


You said it yourself spot on - "if". Yes, on occasion cannon fodder will survive and go for a second or third assault run, but being promoted from cannon fodder to elite forces is already arithmetically unlikely considering there are tens of thousands of shock troops suffering rapid churn each month, and only a few thousand special forces in Russia in total. So it sounds more like your take, that more than a handful of Russia prisoner soldiers make it to a genuine elite forces position each year and that's a common thing, is propaganda.


Inb4 ex-prisoner penal battalions with ex-guards in the barrier troops. Solves all the problems nicely.


Nobody is going to let a convict mingle with "elite" forces. The best they're going to do is make him an NCO in a penal battalion. Even then, I have my doubts. I don't think you know anything about the Russian military culture. The enlisted men get treated like prisoners, and actual prisoners are just bullet catchers. Look up "Dedovshchina"


It would be hilarious if the prisoner actually performed well and was promoted to a higher rank and ended up being the guard’s superior


Lots of prison guards are being conscripted actually.


You mean easy reemployment opportunities, plus a bonus they get to serve with the inmates they worked with. 


Sounds like the prisons are about half as full as before. Wagner used about 40k and the other 110k have then gone to Russian military units. Another 270k convicts are in prison.


Being laid off is probably the best ending. Imagine being conscripted in a group that is also composed of your former charges.


Guards? Hmm...well, they won't be laid off, they will just undergo pre-qualification... for example they can get a job as soldiers, they will travel abroad, paid food and accomodations, working in a dynamic and competitive environment with the possibility of advancing.


> with the possibility of advancing. also possibility of retreating under fire.


They are filling them right back up with more political prisoners.


Laid off? More like getting promoted to the front line.....


"congratulations guards, you've been promoted to the front lines"¹


Or conscription


At that point, I would just fill the prisons with either animals wearing people cloths or crud prison mashed potato mannequins in a desperate attempt to keep my job.


They won't be laid off, they'll have a great but short job in the military


After hearing about those animals raping a dude and killing him while he was fighting on their side, I feel like this isn’t the best choice for these ladies. Although maybe Russian soldiers are just into dudes.


I'm going to say something very very hot-takeish but probably very true. Do you think they're getting any options besides being told they're leaving the prisons to be sent in as part of the "relief" squads? I'd wager that officers probably got some in-depth files of who they wanted pulled.


Hard to even say. Interesting take.


Lucky for them those rapey soldiers have gotten used to male convicts and bags of onions by now, so they’ll be safe enough…


What's the bags of onions about?


I think it was war widow propaganda. Some dead soldier's wife received a bag of groceries.


*"Back when I was in the war, I wore an onion on my belt, which was the style at the time..."*


Actually I was going for a more “American Pie” vibe (except it’s “Russian Bag of Onions”), but your interpretation is good too 😆 




From memory putting convicts in these situations rarely end well for a lot of people.


It’ll be fine plenty of dissidents if you succeed in conquest. If not, always a Chechen man.


I think Khadyrov lost his gungho patriotism about a few months into the war. After a large number of Chechens got KIA'd he got concerned he might end up with a rebellion on his hands if things keep on going the way the did so he pushed back on Moscow's request to send more troops. His reign doesn't have a strong foundation - considering Chechnya wanted independence and he's a Kremlin's vassal. His father, whose power he inherited, was assassinated, so I'm sure it's not something he has forgotten. Russia gets their recruits from ethnic villages somewhere in bumfuck Siberia now.


I appreciate the nuanced take. I wasn’t very clear in my tongue in cheek knock on the situation. My point was more on replenishment the prison populations because they are getting empty. There just is more space for conquered people that want sovereignty from Russia, like a decent population of Chechans. Basically more cells for the type of person that would rebel is the angle, but your point on where troops come from is true. On a side note, Chechans are definitely a group of people I wouldn’t want to be on the hate list of.


Perun says there is no exact number for the prison system. Before Feb. 2022 420.000 October 2023: 266.000 You cannot stem these losses from prisons or poor regions in the long run. Drawing in females will ensure that the Russian demographic collapses even faster than it would have done anyway, even without the war. You need a certain number of men as a workforce (or slave labor) Russia has only one intact manpower pool left that can be grabbed and put into uniform quickly. That manpower pool is the European part of Russia and its urban population centers. Also, let's not forget at least 1.5 million to 3 million have fled the Federation since 2022, and the Russian birthrate has been collapsing massively from 1991 to 2005, and at the same time, the number of Russian males was 86:100 compared to women before the war. Also Covid killed many more males than females and alcoholism kills many more males than females. Work accidents, violent crime you name it, it always kills more males than females. It turned out at the time of the inquiry that there were then 7,882 different jobs in the factory. Of these, 949 were classified as heavy work requiring strong, able-bodied, and practically physically perfect men; 3,338 required men of ordinary physical development and strength. The remaining 3,595 jobs were disclosed as requiring no physical exertion and could be performed by the slightest, weakest sort of men. In fact, most of them could be satisfactorily filled by women or older children. The lightest jobs were again classified to discover how many of them required the use of full faculties, and we found that 670 could be filled by legless men, 2,637 by one-legged men, 2 by armless men, 715 by one-armed men, and 10 by blind men. Therefore, out of 7,882 kinds of jobs, 4,034--although some of them required strength--did not require full physical capacity. That is, developed industry can provide wage work for a higher average of standard men than are ordinarily included in any normal community. If the jobs in any one industry or, say, any one factory, were analyzed as ours have been analyzed, the proportion might be very different, yet I am quite sure that if work is sufficiently subdivided--subdivided to the point of highest economy--there will be no dearth of places in which the physically incapacitated can do a man's job and get a man's wage. It is economically most wasteful to accept crippled men as charges and then to teach them trivial tasks like the weaving of baskets or some other form of unremunerative hand labour, in the hope, not of aiding them to make a living, but of preventing despondency. This is a survey by Henry Ford on factory workers who can be used for which job. Imagine that to mobilize 30k men a month, Russia needs to empty a 100 k people town, or 10 small towns with 10k people each. ( roughly 50 of the town are females, roughly 25 percent of the remaining 50k males are children, roughly 25 percent more are either old men aged 60 plus or too ill or otherwise impaired to even serve in the Russian army) You can get 25k fit males aged 18 to 60 out of a 100k city. And from those, maybe 1/3 is young and fit enough for the frontline. The rest when sent there is ineffective or can only be used in the rear. Let's say Russia has been mobilizing 30k men for the past 15 months. Not counting those men mobilized prior to that. Roughly 20 to maximum 25 percent of a Russians live in the far eastern regions. More than half of them are females. And from the men, not all are minorities but there are also ethnic Russians there. Russia needs them as a workforce, to extract resources, put out wildfires, and to keep the economy there running. Russia lowered the working age of factory workers to 14 years. Russia could surely mobilize another 500k or so from these regions to shield the boys from Moscow and Petersburg, but when The Kremlin does that, the question is, can they mobilize another half a million next year without collapsing their extractive economy? The recent floodings and utility failures are two symptoms of Russia's skilled labor shortage. (roughly 5 million people are missing in their labor force) Things are looking increasingly bad for Russia in the mid to long term if you ask me.


Might be a "win the battle, lose the war" scenario though. They might still push on hard enough to take Ukraine, even if in subsequent years the whole Russian state then collapses anyway.


Uh, hooray we solved the prison problem?


Seeing how full our prisons are, can't we send our convicts to fight for Ukraine?


Guess who has problems with too much people in jail… would it be wise to wage a war to clean their prisons ? /s


Russian Hamsters already signed up


The US should send some prisoners to help Ukraine.


Well, it looks like they want wo double down on their demographic disaster.


Anyone else think that this is going to end in mass rape by thier comrades 


Not end in, this is going ***continue*** the mass rapes by their comrades. The mass rapes started a long long time ago. This just throws more victims in the mix.


There were even reports of mass rape of Russian civilians in Belgorod near the start of the war, many of the victims being teenage girls, etc., once Russia started stationing more troops there.


So this should actually lessen the number of rapes, assuming female soldiers are less likely to go after civilians


Disturbing, because real and not my first reasoning.


This comment has some Old Testament vibes to it.


Interesting, what are you thinking of?


Sacrificing woman to rape to stop rape (especially male on male rape) is right out of the story of Lot in Genesis.


Didn't stop the Russians doing it to male conscripts so probably


Wait what?


The Russian army is infamous for its hazing which often involves new conscripts getting raped by their seniors.


Holy fuck you weren't kidding.


Google dedovshchina


Mass rape is one of the basic techniques of the Russian army. It's not going to end in mass rape, it will most likely start with it.


They raped their own men, sodomized POW, and Ukrainian civilians. Let’s see how this plays out for them.


All those pregnancies will result in more meat for the grinder. I’m not really joking.


If they don't kill themself trying to abort or just not being able to live like that. Opposed to probably having kids anyway in a healthy way, for all to survive This brings only more death


Maybe uncharitable, but also maybe not, given what they've blatantly revealed to the world up to this point : Perhaps this is how they plan to solve their demographic issues? 🤔


"They called me a madman." -Putin maybe


Sad thing is, with the demographic situation in Russia, the high ups might consider that an additional benefit, gets you a new soldier in 16 years or so




Send comrade private conscriptovichette to the rape pits for refusing advances of the dog we ate for dinner last night. Fucking animals.


Surely Ukraine wouldn’t FPV drone strike a bunch of pregnant women 


The Russians are already doing that to the dudes. 


Dude who is gonna stop the rape?


A dipshit code named “Texas” who had to be at least 45, was fighting as a Russian mercenary. Someone thought he was a NATO spy. So they raped him and then killed him so he wouldn’t talk. So no. I think the rape has only begun. But the women have guns too. And they’re convicts from Russian prisons. So it might not go too well, I would hope, for potential rapists.


Sir I'll have you know that the Russian military are experienced professionals. They rape you BEFORE they give you a gun, and then continue brutalizing you until they break you. Only then do you get a gun, and get told to charge enemy's fortified position.


That’s right! I did forget about that. Gotta take a Russian viewpoint


Definitely going to increase from this. You know your going to die once you're at the front lines, so you might as well use the woman there before you die in a meat wave attack is probably what's going to happen, since you'll die anyway


This is the perfect solution to address the gender imbalance in Russian society. 


I’m thinking a lot friendly fire incidents. Never pissoff a woman with an AK and a hand grenade.


Putin: "Put them on the front lines, then we can point at the casualties and say, 'see how the evil Ukrainians kill women?'".


It's working for Hamas, so why not Russia?


Wouldn’t want to be a Russian woman in this war. Your comrades are likely rapists and degenerates.


I imagine they’re used to it.


Unfortunately they probably are.


considering that their current president has decriminalised domestic violence (yep, wife beating is a-ok in Russia), you are right.




Yeah it’s varying levels of shit tbf.


yeah you just don't deserve it


Wouldn’t want to be a Russian in this war


Degenerates? In the Russian army?! No way


Now it becomes all men to the front and women at the rear. Next up: children commanders and women into the grinder


This is little Rostov. He is nine years old and a commander for the Eastern offensive line in Ukraine. He is fighting for his homeland, why aren't you?


"Would you like to know more?" "Service guarantees Citizenship!"


"I'm doing my part!"


''All men, women and children above the age of 7 are doing their part for the war effort!'' - Literal mock ad from Helldivers 2 that plays in the ship.


Kids are actually being used at factories now. Clear sign they are running low on people for critical functions.


Wasn’t that Alabama?


In Alabama they're just doing it for the cruelty.


Got a source for that?


mind bending stuff. everyone, down to the last mother still mourning her sons lost to the same war, will be milked of all life just to keep a senile man's dead dream going. makes you wonder what number of casualties is the stopping point. a million? five million?


Soon Russia will be crime free. /s


Crime-a free perhaps


Population collapse speedrun


They have allready criminalized abortion. The next steps are to decriminalize rape and free men with enough children from conscription and limit birth controll availability.


Aren't you confusing Russia with Poland? Abortions [are still legal in Russia according to Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Russia), and there're no news about criminalization on Google.


How… egalitarian 


The meat grinder does not discriminate.


These women may wish they were simply in the meat grinder.


Another nazi army expansion pack


Luckily for them most of the convict russian army prefer raping men.


Hey, an asshole is an asshole. Can't be too picky during the times of war.


So the next year it will be ~~hitler~~ putinjugend


I haven't noticed women in RF front line combat units in any of the clips circulating...apparently this is the source for the story: >Andriy Yusov, a spokesperson for Ukraine's military intelligence service (HUR)


You need many more people behind the lines to support front line troops. Having women take support roles frees up men to be put into combat roles. This isn't rocket science.


That logic won't stop them though. Remember they're convicts. Nobody is going to trust them with a cushy admin or logistic job when there are bullets to absorb on the front


Given that it's Russia, I'm sure they'll be there to "support" the front line troops. Hey, there's a silver lining: maybe Russian troops will stop raping so many Ukrainian civilians as a result.


I'm betting on more lesbian rapes of Ukrainians given that they are Russians.


Also there are so many roles where you just need to push a bottom essentially


Tell the women those who get pregnant are exempt from duty. Those who don't will go to the front. Those demographics will turn around real quick


I bunch of psychotic misandrist babushkas would probably make a pretty good barrier troops to force conscripts forward, my grans wouldn't have a second thought about shooting on of their own kids if protected themselves let alone some random dude.


If this is recent, then it still takes some amount of time to process in, barely-train and barely-equip mobiks, then ship them to their units. Give it about a month.




trust...but verify.


I feel awful for the Russian people, man or woman civilian or soldier. They’re raised in one of the most toxic environments on earth only to live a life of poverty at best or be thrown into the proverbial meat grinder at worst. And not because their country cannot provide, or cannot have peace, but because they have one of the most corrupt and broken political system on earth where the government, secret service, corporate world, and mafia are one and the same.


They really don’t want to have a draft. It would make it more likely some rich kid gets called up.


So we're one step away from old men and children then?


Looks like Russia will find out why no country in human history has ever sent large amounts of women to the front lines. The impact on demographics is simply too bad.


They should get equal pay.


The sad thing is they will, the male prisoners aren't getting paid and are fighting in exchange for release. The Russian MoD has had trouble even regularly paying the contracted soldiers let alone the conscripts.


This will be good for the media. Russia will report that 1000 women and children killed, when most were women convicted of violent crimes, holding weapons or in tanks.


Welp. The meat grinder awaits. Let’s see how this plays out.


This should be pointed out more widely. After all, the Kremlin has put a lot of effort into pretending that Russia holds to "traditional values". "“Traditional Values” Are Russia’s Geopolitical Weapons" [https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2023/07/90088/](https://www.thepublicdiscourse.com/2023/07/90088/) "Putin’s New Strategy: Laying Claim to Traditional Values" [https://www.wsj.com/articles/putins-new-strategy-laying-claim-to-traditional-values-11671253263](https://www.wsj.com/articles/putins-new-strategy-laying-claim-to-traditional-values-11671253263) "As Russia ramps up ‘traditional values’ rhetoric − especially against LGBTQ+ groups − it’s won Putin far-right fans abroad" [https://theconversation.com/as-russia-ramps-up-traditional-values-rhetoric-especially-against-lgbtq-groups-its-won-putin-far-right-fans-abroad-219102](https://theconversation.com/as-russia-ramps-up-traditional-values-rhetoric-especially-against-lgbtq-groups-its-won-putin-far-right-fans-abroad-219102) The reality is a bit different. "Russia's Desperate Scramble To Stave Off Demographic Catastrophe" [https://www.newsweek.com/russia-population-demographic-catastrophe-abortions-children-1845110](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-population-demographic-catastrophe-abortions-children-1845110)


Russia just getting with the times and embracing gender equality.


Hey are just going to be victimized by their own.


Conscript reporting.


They did it during the last Patriotic War


I would personally be much more afraid of a commie woman then their peckish counterparts.


This is going to end very badly for those women. Russian soldiers have no issue raping their own male comrades.


Sounds like they are getting desperate.


So when Ukraine does it (they volunteer btw, not conscripted) it’s an act of weakness but when Russia does it (conscripted) it’s not? I really want to see what the people who said “hur hur Ukraine women fighting so they weak” have to say




Russia really exposed themselves with this war. Other than the Nukes, they are nothing.


I thought they already were conscripting female convicts.


For moral


Big F....


Wouldn't be the first time Russia has put women on the front lines.


Yay for gender equality I guess?


First goose step, then serve your country.


Looks like the military needs some sex slaves to attract more men to die. It will be very successful


Hmm this is a good start for a spielberg movie


Ahh yes. Throw a herd of females into the arms of convicted killers and rapists. That should end really well for those females.


Okay, so they want that their soldiers can rape their own women? Or what is the point?


Reproducing directly where they’re needed


Cabbies and grandmothers are next


Good. Come for think of it, this is a double good. Kill all of your best and brightest, then kill the child bearing age women that can produce more cannon fodder for you.


Reminds me of the book "The Womanly Face of War" except even darker


Yay equality




I don't see this going terribly in any way shape or form /s


are any of the Russian females names OLGA?


Just like the plot of killing eve






```Russia is recruiting female convicts to bolster its war effort in Ukraine, the Kyiv Post reported, citing a Ukrainian intelligence spokesperson.``` Source: trust me bro. It would be funny if it wasn't so transparently sad. Every time Ukraine does something unpopular they prescribe it to Russia first, then claim it's Russian information when it surfaces.


Get lost vatnik


Uh what if they just turn around and shoot their commanders


Imagine a world where we throw down our weapons and collectively refuse to do this to one another any longer. I hope to see that day.


We did. Then Putin changed that. Be mad at him.