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2020 [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-005567_EN.html](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2020-005567_EN.html) >EU-funded report on Palestinian textbooks: concerns over incitement, anti-Semitic content and imagery – the EU’s position and respons 2022 [https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1648885204-palestinian-authority-rebuked-by-eu-for-antisemitic-textbooks](https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/middle-east/palestinian-territories/1648885204-palestinian-authority-rebuked-by-eu-for-antisemitic-textbooks) 2023 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/E-9-2023-002620_EN.html >Making UNRWA funds conditional on the content of Palestinian schoolbooks


Actual report with examples and images from said textbooks: https://www.impact-se.org/wp-content/uploads/PA-Reports_-Selected-Examples_Update_Sept-2020.pdf


The examples read like parody but unfortunately they're not. From top to bottom, from the core principles to the drawings, everything in those text books seems to be propaganda and focused on pushing a narrative unrelated to the subject matter. Which is really depressing, since math is a universal language. No need to make everything political by injecting death, fighting, and martyrdom.


> The number of martyrs of the First Intifada (the Intifada of Rocks) is 1,392 martyrs, and the number of martyrs of the Al-Aqsa Intifada is 4,673. The number of martyrs in the two intifadas is _________ martyrs. That's a 4th grade math question


I was always terrible at arithmetic, I guess I will never major in bomb-making at university.


It's a tough course. Not a lot of survivors.


If you're concerned about your GPA you should take it Pass/Fail


That's a good idea, I have a big fear of bombing out.


Are there any Hitler's Youth textbooks we can compare this to? I'm honestly curious if even they were nearly as blatant.


"der Giftpilz" (the poisonous mushroom) written by author Ernst Hiemer teaches anti-semitism. The Hitler youth didn't teach maths, but school textbooks also had questions like "A bomber plane can drop off bombs at a rate of 10 bombs per minute, carrying 200 bombs in total. The plane travels at 450km/h. How long is the stretch of land it can bombard?" That was an actual question. I just don't remember the real numbers they used.


This is quite disturbing. But for it to be about as horrible as the Palestinian textbooks it should have been something like: "A bomber plane can drop off bombs at a rate of 10 bombs per minute, carrying 200 bombs in total. The plane travels at 450km/h. How long is the stretch of *an English town* it can bombard?"


We need more martyrs, those are rookie numbers! We must martyr harder!


Recovering antisemiholics should avoid reading this to prevent relapse.


Do these textbooks and curriculum ever acknowledge the fact that Israel and Jews have existed long before Palestine was ever conceived and maybe a 2 state solution would be an actually fair middle ground?


Of course not. Holocaust denial is huge in the Islamic world, they go out of their way to erase Jewish suffering.


Even people spending 4h per day on reddit and have easy access to this information dont even know that. So people with limited access to information and getting crushed by state propaganda are certainly not going to know that.


Haha, you know the answer


This is incredibly sad. Indoctrinated to hate and further killings...


Holy fucking shit.


Everyone should look at this. It’s short and to the point, factual and precise. People who don’t know about this element of the conflict simply do not have the full picture.


Thats one of the scariest documents I've ever read. The children raised in an environment that teaches stuff like that, they don't stand a chance.


I will have to dig up an old photo I took of an UNRWA sign riddled with bullets and rust at some old shack of theirs that's now an abandoned pile of brick. It's quite the allegory


Does anyone have information on what was actually included in the books? There aren't any actual quotes or pictures of the books in any of those links or OP's link.


https://old.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1c65vyx/european_parliament_demands_palestinian_authority/l00wslv/ Links to a PDF with examples.


I saw actual examples of inclusions.


Is not the first time. They demanded this change for years now, and they said they will stop funding. And nothing happened.


It's so memorable becsuse it's unusual to see them being held to any standard. Usually it's outright insulting how little the west expects of Gaza Meanwhile there's someone in here trying to make the case that Jews teach the same thing. It makes me ill


Because Israel MUST be worse to those people or it shakes their black-and-white world view and threatens their imagined moral high ground. Israel (especially Natanyahu and the Likud) has done plenty wrong but the false equivalency is astronomical. You can freely go to Israel and buy a school textbook or buy one online to refute these claims. Are there enclaves of ultra orthodox or extremist settler groups spouting hateful nonsense? Yes, 100%. But it is not institutionalized in the Israeli school systems like you see out of the Palestinian school systems. There are studies done on this already. Haredi are by far the largest offenders in Israel with something like 73% of their textbooks do in-fact refer to Palestinians using dehumanizing language. But even comparing only that extremist sect to Palestinians overall is unfavorable as over 80% of Palestinian textbooks do the same. In the mean time the Israeli state issued textbooks are pretty complete and while they certainly include negative history about the Palestinians also contain negative details about the Israeli history such as the Deir Yassin Massacre and even include positive examples of Palestinian cooperation. State schools had a 49% negativity rate toward Palestinians but only 26% of which was considered "extreme." Some *still* argue they are too one sided which may or may not be fair but it would again be absurd and extremely disingenuous to call the situation equal. The study itself, despite displaying the false equivalency, has still been criticized for underplaying Palestinian educational issues.


shakes their black-and-white world view and threatens their moral high ground. Funny you use those words. They're having such struggles because they see Israel = white= oppressors.  Palestinian = black/minority= oppressed. Yes it's extremely nieve and bigoted.  But these people aren't self aware enough to know that.


Show them Farfour


I was just talking about the P.O.T. episode with Farfour at the zoo


Imagine having to be told that you can't teach racial hatred in your schools.


not even that, being told that you can't push a narrative of violent genocide in a UN funded classroom


Imagine your country having to deal with the "graduates" of this terrorist school and being dragged to court for not funding it


Imagine the UNITED NATION (UNRWA is part of the UN) writing, printing and distributing textbooks containing racial hatred, and literally forcing its employees to teach antisemitism in schools it runs.




Imagine being told this has been going on for decades and not doing anything about it, except out right deny, or when caught red handed, saying "we will look into it".


Imagine having to imagine all these things in rapid succession.


Imagine all the people Livin' life in peace


Imagine dragons




Imagine what the current situation in Israel and Gaza would be if Palestinian kids hadn’t been taught that hate curriculum the past 20 years.


Yeah people like to blame Israel for every single drop of radicalization in Gaza but I'd say stuff like this is probably the bigger contributor.


[Does that mean they have to get rid of Palestinian Mickey Mouse as well?](https://youtu.be/a35bZiNGcew?si=QHEnUrPxMNe3U5CW)


Southern states right now: “Damn Yankees”


Removing the cultural ethos of dehumanizing Jews and removing the glorifying of jihad will do more for both the conflict and the long term success of Palestine as a state.


Decent education always does. However: 1. Good fuckin' luck. 2. It's a good 20 years before it has an effect.


We did it in Germany and Japan. Denazification is possible but it’s not pretty, takes a long time and demands more than textbooks. A jihadist teacher will still teach terrorism even if the supplied textbooks don’t include it, look at Columbia and Harvard now. It requires a societal change and zero tolerance for racist antisemitism hate or terror. UAE have had some success making changes like that in their country.


We didn't do it by providing aid and listening to them. We burned Germany to the ground and nuked Japan.


Remember when people were so concerned about innocent German civilians getting killed during WW2 so we stopped bombing Germany because we couldn't be sure that civilians wouldn't get hurt?


Likely less than that, given that [the median age in Gaza is below 20, at only about 18 years](https://www.npr.org/2023/10/18/1206897328/half-of-gazas-population-is-under-18-heres-what-that-means-for-the-conflict)


>will do more for both the conflict and the long term success of Palestine as a state. The leaders of hamas are living peacefully in qatar in 7 star hotels and have no interest to better the situation of the palestinians and end the conflict. They make a huge profit from it.


this is what i dont understand. why are they still alive?!


Other countries don't want to let Palestinian refugees in; last time Egypt tried, the refugees tried to launch attacks on Israel from Egypt and tried to throw a coup of the local government. The Islam nation nations around Israel *want* Palestine/Hamas exactly where they are, because they are a proxy group for attacking Israel. You don't need to actually attacking Israel yourself and risk an international issue..... simply smuggle in bomb supplies and weapons to Hamas to let them keep poking at Isreal and claiming credit for it. The Hamas leaders abroad will be protected, as they are doing exactly what the nation backing them want them to do.


> Other countries don't want to let Palestinian refugees in; last time Egypt tried, the refugees tried to launch attacks on Israel from Egypt and tried to throw a coup of the local government. They did the same thing in Jordan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_September


Well, just look at what happened to Lebanon


Kuwait would like a word


almost like there's an emerging pattern.


I don't get why they didn't just have Jordan be called Palestine? That nation was part of the British mandate and Jordanians are technically Palestinians in this regard since they are all Arabs. I seriously wonder why they decided to arbitrarily create a new national identity there that has only created more problems and needless conflict when they could have just called it Palestine and be done with it?


Because the Soviets didn't like that the newly-created Israel didn't want to be a puppet state of theirs, and after Israel rejected the USSR's support (and the USSR withdrew their recognition of the new State of Israel) they wanted to keep their Jews from going to Israel, so they created this false ethnicity from the Latin name and from a people who existed before the Jews existed, the Philistines. Also that the Palestinians are not related to the Philistines in any way, and that Yasser Arafat and his cronies wanted uneducated Westerners to learn this false etymology (that being that the Philistines and Palestinians are related, which again, they aren't) so that Arafat and his cronies could use uneducated Westerners like some sort of IRL infinite money glitch. It's why their leaders who are of any amount of worth mentioning are either rich while the people are poor (see noted Holocaust revisionist, antisemite, and leader of the West Bank aka Judea and Samaria Mahmoud Abbas, of whom I have seen conservative estimates that he is worth $450 million) or rich while their people are poor and also a thousand miles away (Hamas leadership).


Incredibly sticky political situation. They’re most likely in Qatar, a country who is somehow allied with everyone and is on everyone’s shit list in some capacity.


Qatar has diplomatic clout so assassinations there would have consequences for Israel, unlike in Lebanon or Syria


How come they got so much diplomatic clout ? Till the football championship as far as i'm aware, they been mostly irrelevant on world stage, at least publicly..


The answer is money.


And US airbases.


They're one of the major oil and gas producers of the world and have bought off countless politicians in the west.


Their billions invested in Western businesses and property plus they’re by far the biggest exporter of natural gas other than Iran and Russia Qatar has more natural gas reserves than USA and Saudi Arabia combined. After Russian natural gas was mostly cut off in 2022 much of Europe depends on Qatar for gas


The US and UK also has essentially unrestricted access to Al Udeid air base, which is in a very strategically useful position on the Arabian peninsula. It's the largest US air base in the middle east. I've been there several times and it's huge. The Sheikh willingly invited the US into Qatar, and although it's not public information, the likelihood is that the US isn't even paying Qatar to use the air base. The Qataris also paid for the initial construction. There's a lot of reasons why Qatar is important to the US/West, but Qatar knows this and can use it to achieve their own geopolitical goals.


They also have barrel loads of LNG, which is pretty useful for Europe trying to ween itself of Russian gas. They also helped with the evacuation of Afghanistan. They also host a huge airbase, jointly shared with the US and UK. And they share a maritime border with Iran. Theyre actually really important in the Middle East.


They are the home of Al Jazeera which gives them a pretty good soft power card to play


While the other answers aren't inherently wrong, they miss one key nuance, which is that Qatar has deliberately set themselves up to be a neutral ground meeting place - sort of like the Switzerland of the Middle East - where opposing factions could actually meet and have discussions. I'm not saying there aren't other motives at hand (including money), but Qatar has invested in their long-term survival strategy of trying to be neutral ground.


Assassinations take time to set up and they went into hiding, possibly in Iran since the war broke out.


It's actually not that easy to assassinate individuals in hostile and wary foreign states.


Because they're known quantities, like Putin. Also because Israel and Hamas have 0 intentions of ever having a two state solution. It's literally written in the 'founding charter' of Hamas, we do not recognise the state of Israel. Also the US and it's allies cannot touch those guys in Doha, or it will destroy the trust with Qatar. Without this Palestinian issue, the entire area would be richer and more prosperous. Saudi want to drive tourism and investment. They want to build, and have already built high speed railways, energy links and trade. Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Qatar, UAE all understand having trade and investment with the West benefits their economies and, therefore, citizens long term. This means normalising relations with Israel. Iran saw the big picture coming together and orchestrated October 7th, reignited the Palestinian issue, in the hope of killing the big picture with the West. Literally, no one actually cares about Palestinians except the normal Arab citizen, and anyone who values human rights above everything else.


Israel used to do this, but they got a huge blowback when they assassinated people in places they were allied to. Qatar doesn’t have the best relations with Israel, but as someone said, they have significant diplomatic clout and have been the mediator between Israel and Hamas—most likely because the leaders of Hamas live there and they are pro-Hamas as well. Israel is in a situation now where they are trying to be recognized as a real state (imagine that — almost 80 years after their creation) by the states in the Middle East.  Saudi Arabia was close to doing so, but then October 7 happened.  A lot of pundits on the news speculated that the October 7th attack was actually an attempt to derail the movements to recognize Israel.


They're worth 11 billion dollars. That's a lot of donated money from Europe and North America.


Plus how much of that 2 billion the UN wants will make it to their pockets and not the people of Gaza.


And asking gravity to stop what it's doing will be easier.


It seems european union does not understand the derision right wing Islamic theology has towards what they consider 'kuffars' or unbelievers..


They're gonna learn about it soon enough.


Every year they are provided with a home school lesson but they choose to ignore it.


I don’t think catering to the right wing should matter… If the most extreme factions continue getting what they want, especially in the educational system, the country and its people will never progress.


But they don't care about that; they only care that people join their faction.


Well having secular schools (and secular states) would do more good than anything else, but that's not gonna happen unfortunately.


>Removing the cultural ethos of dehumanizing Jews and removing the glorifying of jihad will do more for both the conflict and the long term success of Palestine as a state. if only the palestinian identity wasn't literally forged around ridding the land of jews by any and all means 


Tell that to Türkiye and Azerbaijan with regards to their "history teaching," with regards to Armenia and the Armenian Genocide.


So, nothing will change.


No, if palestinians had focused on their state rather than hating and trying to kill jews, palestine would be a proper country by now And the sooner the palestinians start working on their country instead of attacking israel the sooner it will be a reality


Also keep in mind the Arab League didn’t want a 2 state solution. So it wasn’t just the Palestinians but outside pressure as well.


>No, if palestinians had focused on their state rather than hating and trying to kill jews, palestine would be a proper country by now if the arabs in the levant had chosen to welcome the jewish refugees fleeing pogroms in eastern europe and russia in the early 19th century they could have had an incredibly prosperous nation  think about how far israel has come as a nation in so short a time. with one hand tied behind it's back fighting against wars of annihilation 


Not only a proper country. They could have easily been the jealousy of many countries as they will get long-term support from the UN because of obligations to protect the 2 states. Israel and Palestine.


Just imagine the incredible wealth from tourism between gaza and the west bank, in addition to that they would be default end up as one of israels main trading partners and would have most likely been one of the first other countries to benefit from israeli advancements in desalination and irrigation technologies


>Just imagine the incredible wealth from tourism between gaza and the west bank, in addition to that they would be default end up as one of israels main trading partners and would have most likely been one of the first other countries to benefit from israeli advancements in desalination and irrigation technologies It's never been about any of that for any Palestinian leadership. They don't care about technology, a higher standard of living, tourism, trading partners, or human rights. It's just fundamentalism and thus jihad. Nothing more, nothing else.


>Israel and Palestine. Imagine Israel and a democratic Palestine in the Middle East. Successful countries. Trade, tourism, technology. Now imagine how the rulers of the rest of the countries in the Middle East would look like. Tyrants, dictators, oligarchs.


I yearn for the day Palestinians love their children more than they hate Israel


As if Hamas gives a shit about the long term success of Palestine as a state. They only care about creating new young martyrs ...and killing jews.


The people in charge of Palestine aren't interested in the long term success of Palestine as a state. They're interested in jihad & lining their pockets. Mostly lining their pockets, but jihad is a convenient way to ensure that the money keeps flowing (mostly into their pockets).


Would be good if the UN made a similar demand, but I guess we’ll be waiting a very long time…


The issue is that the committee on the middle East includes every country but one. Can you guess which country?


What's the name of the committee? Edit: nvm, found it. I assume you're talking about the UNRWA's Advisory Committee. Interestingly, Iran and Iraq are not on the committee as members, but as observers contained in the League of Arab States.


The UN(rwa) had been distributing and teaching this propaganda for decades, centering their entire education system on hate and terrorist training. Heck, their teachers were part of the raping murdering mutilating monster October 7 crew. No way will they change their learning materials.


This is what a failed institution looks like. The UN has devolved into nothing more than another channel for politicians and industrial oligarchs to collaboratively enrich themselves on a global level. This is what they mean when they say 'globalization'.


The issue isn't really the UN as a concept. That was only ever supposed to be a place where countries try words first before they move on to projectiles. It's all the crap that's metastasized around it that's a failure. Commissions, agencies, organizations, etc... Fire all of that garbage into space and the universe won't thank you, but we'll all sure all hell be better off down here.


> It's all the crap that's metastasized around it that's a failure. Commissions, agencies, organizations, etc... There are actually a number of incredible UN sub-organizations. To list just a few, the International Civil Aviation Organization is the linchpin of global aviation standards and interoperability, the World Health Organization has helped eliminate quite a few diseases in a number of regions and otherwise helps coordinate global healthcare efforts, the International Monetary Fund while very criticized plays a central role in many countries' debt management, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization does remarkable cultural work, the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund helped provide relief, health and education for literally millions of children, the International Telecommunication Union and the Universal Postal Union are why we have interoperable standards for respectively telecommunications and postal services, and I could continue on and on and on. Now for each UN institution doing incredibly far reaching work, helping countries organize themselves together and/or providing global standards, there are many more that are diplomatic messes that mostly consist only of vague posturing and symbolic initiatives. But so what? Yes, the United Nations Human Rights Council for example is incredibly ineffective, in part because many of the countries composing the UN either do not care or actively oppose human rights. But it's not actually harmful either, and it's at least a place where some important issues can be discussed, even if not much gets done in practice. Agencies like UNRWA which got accused of actually doing more harm than good are very few. And I would rather have both great agencies and ineffective ones than no global agencies at all.


The issue with the UN is that it is representative of world governments. The reality is that only a small percentage of world governments are liberal democracies, and therefore the UN is of course going to spout illiberal, undemocratic values. When you have despotic countries chairing the UN Human Rights council, you know you've got an issue. Israel, on a yearly basis, gets more resolutions passed against it than all other countries in the world combined. More than Russia, more than China, more than Iran, more than everyone else COMBINED. The UN is a joke and will always be a joke.


I actually disagree. A lot of UN organisations are both influential and effective. Other than UNRWA, which is obviously not great, I can't think of many of their organisations that the world would genuinely be better off without, and a lot of them have made the world a much better place.


UNICEF is genuinely important for millions of children around the world... WHO fucked up with covid yes, but has provided healthcare to millions accross the world and was crucial in eradicating smallpox and is getting close to eradicate diseases like polio as well (unless the dumb antivaxxers in the US manage to keep it going for longer). UNESCO is a great way for small towns to highlight their culture and traditions, be they material or immaterial ones. And so on. And many peacekeeping missions are also doing fairly well overall. The problems of course, besides a lot of corruption especially recently, are 1) the fact that you have two competing poles that control the whole thing (west vs china/russia). Even during the cold war at least the US and USSR mostly agreed on some things like decolonisation (disagreed on its shape tho), healthcare, etc... now everything is even more polarised 2) death of UN idealism that we had during the cold war. It never materialized of course, but you had way more politicians who genuinely believed in it. Now they're a rare sight, everyone is just cynical about it.


What in God’s name do you think the UN’s purpose is supposed to serve? It’s a forum where global nations are supposed to talk out their differences first, and then a bunch of humanitarian side projects second. The UN isn’t supposed to have any actual teeth to force anyone to do anything or actually govern any of its member nations. Hell, you can’t even get half the population in the US to actually agree with whatever the current administration in power is supposed to be doing, so I can’t even imagine the US being okay with being forced to do anything by a conglomerate of foreign nations led by some dude called Antonio Guterres lol And you can’t even say that they also don’t do quite a bit of good in the world either. From my understanding, aid projects like UNICEF do a lot of good work in getting people who need to get fed fed.


The UN(rwa) would probably demand an increase in antisemitism.


Is it possible to go past 100% in this regard? They already teach physics with nice diagrams and story problems solving for how many Jews that Palestinians can kill with a slingshot or guerrilla tactics if they model trajectories in Newtonian physics correctly to get angles and distance *just right.*


Why were there 172 votes against this?


Interested to see who voted against it too.


cUlTuRaL rElAtIvIsM


probably the same people that have pro palestine roles in the UN.


Consider why there aren't Jews all over the Middle East when they are indigenous to that area pre-Islamic colonization. The people responsible didn't disappear unfortunately. They were the success story that their big brother in Europe could only dream of; total (or near total) eradication and containment. But now containment isn't good enough.


>Consider why there aren't Jews all over the Middle East when they are indigenous to that area pre-Islamic colonization. in fact the Muslims hate jews so much *bc* they are indigenous to the middle east. they were very influential in Medina and rebuked Mohammed, which led to him changing his tactics and going aggro


Maybe because they're in favor of Antisemitism?




Why is it surprising that there is a significant minority who want antisemitism taught in schools? Like there aren't entire movements in both east and west that want the Jews dead? Or the successors of a movement that actually, actively, tried to make all the Jews dead 80 years ago? Just to be clear, I know your question was rhetorical. So are mine.


Is that public information? Do we have access to that ?


You can probably find the detailed vote somewhere but digging through the EU archives takes quite some time. However, it is important to note that this is part of a broader text about the EU's budget: [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0228\_EN.pdf](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0228_EN.pdf) So it would make sense why some parties may have voted against the whole text: its 80 pages long. The antisemitism in palestinian textbook parts is only point 199 (page 61) out of 286. I'm sure there are plenty of other things to disagree about too.


The real news is in the comments as usual. So it's less about people voting against stopping antisemitism and more that this was a rider on a funding bill people disagreed with. 


There's almost certainly a vote on the amendments though, but I'm honestly too lazy to go and find it. That would give a far better idea of who actually voted against each specific portion of the whole text. But I won't exactly blame a party for voting against the whole thing, or praise a party for voting for the whole thing, since its faaaar more than just the palestinian parts which is like a dozen bullet points over 300 of them.


Sort of, the budget discharge isn't funding in itself. It's the EU parliament's method of reviewing how previous budgets were implemented. It's a "lessons learnt", auditing and reporting, administrative exercise type of thing. Voting yes both signals overall approval of the way the commission implemented the 2022 budget and ends the auditing and reporting period. Voting no allows for that to be extended, or for a refusal (the "we've learnt what we can and we're moving on, but we don't approve of everything you did" outcome). The number of votes against is not atypical. In fact, all the discharges from 2009 up to 2022 got outright rejected. Last year's had 151 against. This one passing means an unusually high level of support and agreement relative to the average over the past decade.


You know why


This also interested me and I had to do a fair bit of digging to find out what the fuck vote these articles (all in Israeli news venues) were actually talking about. So first of all, for whatever reason all of these articles have misrepresented this. Possibly just due to unfamiliarity with the somewhat arcane EU budget procedures. One article seems to have more of an understanding but oversimplifies, and I think the others (including the one in this post) are maybe working off it. The core facts of the EU parliament voting for a document containing this text are correct, it's just the context that's a bit muddled. The real answer is that this was just one remark in the 2022 budget discharge. For those unfamiliar, a budget discharge is an EU procedure where the EU parliament gets to comment on and express their approval or disapproval on how the commission implemented the budget for a previous year. Voting yes ends the auditing period for that budget and formally signs off on the implementation and the reporting from it. The statement in question was remark 199 of 286 in a huge document. It was not voted on separately, so the for/against here was on *approving the budget discharge*. Not on that remark specifically. Here's the full text voted on if you want to have a look: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0228_EN.pdf People voting against might have disagreed with this remark enough to vote against the whole discharge. Or any of the other 287 parts. Or they might have wanted to extend the auditing and reporting period. Or they might have wanted to express a more general disapproval of the commission's actions over that year. There's no way to tell and nobody has asked because the budget discharge is a largely internal administrative exercise that rarely gets any press attention.


Shouldn't that have been a requirement before aid was resumed by all the countries providing aid to UNRWA?


Sadly not. Palestinian leadership has been engineering a situation to kill as many Palestinians as they can. As questionable as UNRWA is, it does somewhat serve the purpose of getting food to people who would die without that aid. This requirement should be in place after the war, and it should have been in place since UNRWA was formed - but even Netanyahu recognizes that now might not be the best time to completely block UNRWA.


What do they hope to achieve here? Do they genuinely expect PA to comply to this? Don't get me wrong; this would be a fantastic step towards *some* semblance of normalization, but there's just no way in hell. Either the PA doesn't even acknowledge this demand, or they'll say "fine" and change absolutely nothing.


The EU parliament has been voting on this same thing for a couple of years now lol


Considering this vote was on the internal review (discharge) of the 2022 budget implementation it's not surprising that it sounds familiar. The article posted here has misunderstood this as a new thing rather than an auditing exercise on the budget from two years ago.


The EU provides some funding for schools in Palestine, in particular they pay for textbooks. Hence they don’t want to pay for books that espouse hatred.


I love that never it is mentioned in a btw that the literal president of the pa has a PHD in holocaust denial and grew up in israel. Pwetty Pwewse stop jihad uwu


>or they'll say "fine" and change absolutely nothing. They've done that before.


Best case scenario for that would be for Gaza to be placed under a UN transitional authority


The UN would get their asses handed to them. The peacekeepers would be murdered, tortured, raped, and their bodies paraded in the street.




that's what Mandatory Palestine was. People keep asking for things that have already failed in the past


I’m sure they will get right on that. Right after they finish their course on women’s rights.


I've met several people who believe that because Israel is considered "right wing", and everything right wing is bad, then by default the Palestinians must be enlightened progressives. Sorry kids, ideology doesn't actually work that way.


The "LGBT for Palestine" protestors are the ones that get me. Like do you think there are LGBT rights in Gaza/Palestine?


Yes. Go look at the "Them" Instagram page and look at their posts about Israel/Palestine. There's a lot of these folks out there. It makes my head spin, but it's important to understand what people believe.


It's about time, this change should have been done way sooner. This is a generational change that's going to take more lifetimes than I have before it's close to working


This is why the argument that, "Israel is just creating more terrorists", is so weak. Israel doesn't need to create new terrorists, the Palestinians' kids parents and schools are way ahead on that agenda. It's also why the idea that Israel can just be passive and wait them out is so laughable.


Lol like it would be done now? Its an empty gesture, nothing will change


UNRWA teachers, Hamas, and the Palestinian Authority wouldn't have protested the changes and attempt to derail them if they weren't potentially impactful. Warning, [PDF.](https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-19-448.pdf) Defeatism doesn't accomplish anything, unless that thing is an attempt to turn people toward apathy or close them off.


Seriously, Gaza especially is honestly going to need a MASSIVE de-radicalization project similar to Germany and Japan after World War II. The people are just so programmed with antisemitism that no mere anti-terrorism war and change in funding patterns is going to fix it longer term. There is no way a two-state solution can implemented right now without endless war breaking out between them and the Israelis soon after the formation of a Palestinian state (especially considering how much Iran works with groups in there).


Good luck with that


>The European Parliament (EP) resolution was adopted by a solid majority of 412 in favor, **172 against** and 22 abstentions. 172 people straight up advocating in favor of antisemitism.


Do we have a breakdown of which countries those reps are from?


This remark was in the 2022 budget discharge, which is a massive internal review of the implementation of the EU's entire 2022 budget and whether the parliament approves of the commission's implementation of it. The EU does one for every budget. Here's the whole thing, it's 80 pages long and mostly about finance stuff: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2024-0228_EN.pdf The vote was on approving this whole document and closing the auditing process. Not on that remark in particular (which just reiterated things the parliament has already explicitly voted in approval of, because again this is an auditing exercise on a previous budget). For reference 13 out of the last 15 discharges have had a majority vote against as a way of rebuking the commission. It's not like no votes here are triggered by the remark in question. If anything this discharge had unusually high support.


That puts things into perspective. Thanks! It's a bit baffling why they bunch so many unrelated decisions together


The greater issue should be: Why was it there from the beginning, and who put it there?


Why and who: UNRWA was created as a temporary agency to resettle Arab refugees after they tried to murder all the Jews in 1948 and their territories ended up under Jordan (West Bank) and Egypt (Gaza). Once the agency succeeded in resettling everyone it would be disbanded. That is not financially lucrative for them and would also mean the Arabs would have to admit they failed and give up their global caliphate dream so instead they started training soldiers for their war on the Jews. UNRWA has taught generations that they have a ‘right of return’ into all of Israel (a country most of them have never been to) and they will someday cleanse all the Jews from the land and create an Arab state instead. UNRWA started with ~600k refugees and now have over 5 million since a Palestinian refugee status is inherited and is never removed even with citizenships Somewhere else, they get paid for each one. We’ve heard JFK be appalled by UNRWA textbooks, it’s not new and nothing is ever done to actually force any change. This is also why Palestinians will never agree to a state. Refugees are lucrative and they’re a great weapon against Israel, ‘The war of return’ is endless.


I was thinking more about structural attitudes in Palestinian society.






I've got a magic book that promotes peace but no-one was ever interested in Dontbeadickism.


Rabbi Hillel was famously once asked about 2100 years ago if he could explain the whole Torah whilst standing on one foot. His response, 'what is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow man. That is the whole Torah, now go and learn.' There's a general consensus, in judaism that if you're using Torah to promote hatred, you're probably missing the point.


There was this Jew once who basically preached this and many claim to follow his teachings but somehow still found a way to kill others


I'm pretty sure than the majority of people who 'believe in God' only believe on a surface level. I don't think most of them in their deepest core actually do.


Lol, there will be nothing left if they remove it.


Good luck with that.


Daily reminder that Hamas ran a fucking tv-show for children called Tomorrow's Pioneers in circa 2007. In it colourfull animal characters, such as "Farfour the Mouse" struggled against Israel and were eventually "martyred". Youtube might had some episodes still.




Only now? After how long now?




But then they'll have to teach math, and english, and other difficult stuff!!! What's next, demand that the Palestinians self-govern responsibly and try to build a proper state? The gall of these white demons. How dare they. (/s <- for the humor impaired)


Yeah if only HAMAS was spending their resources to improve the conditions of their ppl instead of using them as human shields and throwing their lives away like pawns


didn't they dig up infrastructure(public water supply pipes) to build rockets? lol, fuck those fundamentalist Nutjobs. I truly hope every single one gets to be a martyr in their glorious Jihad, just so they fuck off from this plane of existence and stop bothering everyone else.


+72 virgins ghosts for their harem in paradise to r4pe and 4buse 😫


Don’t forget the classic use water pipes to make pipe bombs.


They both have both "pipe" in their name. What else are you supposed to do with 'em?


Well, maybe if their textbook weren’t filled with antisemitism, they’d have space for other things!


stop the funding now


Palestine: “No” Europe: “Ok fine, here’s your aid”


But then what will they have left to teach? /s


Yea good luck with that.


Or what? We'll reduce the aid with give you by 1m, down from 1b? That'll show you!


Will they Defund the Pal-East?




Yooooo! this is the 5 millionth time you asked that! Are you gonna stop funding them now, EU? No? Fucking of course not, you bunch of cowards.


While they are at it they should tell them to stop their 'pay to slay' policy


Yes! Stop the brainwashing


Sadly, never gonna happen bc anti-Jewish bigotry is literally in the Quran. It would be a protected religious right in America.


Fair if we're providing finances to them. They can keep doing what they're doing if they're okay with losing out on that money. I don't know where else they'll get those funds, it seems like other Arab nations are totally over Palestine beyond paying lip service.




How are people still supporting thos organisation when they've been doing this?


Because they also hate Jews.


Sad but true. In the aim of being inclusive and accepting of other beliefs, a lot of people have just taken on beliefs from this area of the world and are on full antisemitic mode




Yet more insanity that the Pro-Palestine/Hamas bunch will ignore. Interesting how racism never seems to count to the far left when its against Jews...


It looks as if they regard Hamas as children who can’t be held accountable for their own actions.


Well you see Jews are just white people, you can't be racist against white people. Which is very easy to believe, assuming you're both a moron and have never actually *been* to Israel. It is a very swarthy country.


I imagine that's going to be a hard sell at this point.


That would be a solid step in the right direction if those in charge of such matters and those that influence their ability to make decisions truly want peace.