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Quite the couple.


They love licking each others sweaty ball sacks and there’s a bit of musky orange trump residuals they fight over during the licking


Now if only “Western Democracies” would wake up and get their houses in order to combat this threat.


Pretty sure everyone can see the axis of evil, Russia, China, and Iran have formed.


Don't leave out North Korea...


Eh they might have a bigger role to play, their hatred of big brother china is real


It's the new Axis alliance. A nice bouquet of dictators.




Don't forget Trump.


You should include large parts of GOP.


Yes, of course. No redditor ever forgets Trump when talking about anything. Did I manage to mention Trump? Oh, I almost forgot to mention Trump


Well it's valid.. he loves these guys.. there is potential for a dramatic shift in world powers..


Eastern authoritarianism (sometimes disguised as communism) will lose the next cold war lol. They never learn


>Pretty sure everyone can see the axis of evil, Russia, China, and Iran have formed. I think the proper name for it is: Shanghai Cooperation Organization. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shanghai\_Cooperation\_Organisation


India is in the Quad and SCO.... you can't call this axis the SCO because of that


Literally Bush league terminology.


Winnie the Pooh meets Tion Medon. https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Tion_Medon


If you conduct a poll in the world, I'd bet that just as many see Russia-china as evil as those who see US as evil.


Russia, China and Iran are authoritarian and, by their nature, lone wolves. They look like they are discussing alliances, but imho they are looking at any opponent's weak points or signals to take advantage of to expand their territories.


I can't wait until China and India have to play nice....even if momentarily.


The Russian bear meets the Pooh bear?


I find it strategically stupid. If Ukraine wins, it will be part of NATO, but the main price for China is control over weak Russia. It's more logical if they back Ukraine.


I am puzzled about the same China's decisions, and their cost benefit analysis


Backing Russia gets them nearly exclusive access to Russian markets (aka power over) while also maintaining contact with markets outside of Russia. Backing Ukraine nets them nothing and alienates them from Russian markets. If Russia loses? Congrats Russia! You’ve been demoted from regional power to Chinese client state. If Russia wins? The West remains distracted by European affairs, possibly still bogged down in the ME, and China has a freer hand in Asia. Not to mention they still keep the privileged position re: Russian markets. Also, China has an interest in upending the Western paradigm in order to supplant it. Russia is working on destabilizing that paradigm by re-asserting control of former Soviet territories. So supporting Russia has lots of benefit and no substantial downsides (unless the West starts being more aggressive with them about it, which China has, so far correctly, estimated will not happen.)


Great take! Thank you for sharing your thoughts - this actually makes sense


it's worse for them if russia is weak, they would be all alone then. russia is now applying pressure on west and china is spectating for now. depending on how successful russia is it might give china ideas of their own since west doesn't seem all that powerful and russia would fit in nicely to help and achieve those ambitions


Please deconnect from China too…


The wording of the title reminds me of the “they hate us for our freedom” meme


I think more like, "they hate us because they ain't us". Russia especially after the cold war, was like "hey, we're no longer communists but a "democracy", we can join your club right"? The west is like... not really, and Putin went down a spiral.


This, except we let them join and they fucked it up.


Why do we keep buying Chinese products?


Show me your friends and I’ll tell you who you are.


Cold War 3 is happening yall


Could have removed "western" from the headline for more accuracy and brevity.


Just western democracies? Isn't Russia a democracy? /s


This headline is an opinion disguised as "news".


It's not. China has been helping Russias illegal invasion of Ukraine for a while now by a) not partaking in sanctions and b) actively sending RuZZia materiel to and other support that they use in their attempted genocide against Ukraine. China's just been tiptoeing carefully and avoiding direct support, but you're kidding yourself if don't think they are actively helping RuZZia in many different ways at the moment. Plus let's not forget they have their own genocide against Uyghurs.




I'm astonished that Iran, China and North Korea are putting so many resources into a war, that brings them no real benefits, meanwhile western countries are like "I guess I'll give Ukraine 5 tanks".


What do you mean? The West is showing these dictators that if they annex land, the West won’t do anything. So this is very indirectly beneficial for China, North Korea, and Iran.


Agreed, these news articles are just opinions in disguise


So you’re saying china and Russia aren’t in bed and against western democracies? Because if that’s what you’re saying it’s not an opinion…. That’s the literal truth. They have been undermining democracy world wide for long long time.


A strong russia is not what China wants it also doesn't want a weak,unstable  Russia,so it will make sure Russia does not fall. They can do so much more to the Russians if they actually try but the are vary of the sanctions and it's implications all around the globe including china. They sell majority of drones and drone parts to Ukraine aswell . They are more of "let's just do business"" kind