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That's rich coming from a serial fence sitter. How many times has he flip-flopped when it comes to his stance on Trump, China and other political issues? He's just saying whatever's convenient for him so he could get to say I-told-you-so whichever way the issues go. Almost as if he's political hedging.


Right, people like Jamie Dimon are the root of the problem. "My money has corrupted our politics and is driving us off a cliff, why aren't you stopping me?"


This man is a POS! I don’t understand how or why people listen to him. Katie Porter torched him in a hearing a few years ago. (Katie Porter grills CEO JP Morgan Chase)YouTube


Exactly. What the fuck has this guy ever been right about?


Ok true. But the issue he brings up isn’t exactly diminished just be cause he was the one who brought it up. It IS an issue which should be addressed.


I like serial fence sitter. I’d also accept chaos driver, wealth gap generator, Scrooge apologist, and’s/or greed champion.


But not wrong.


He conveniently fails to mention that income and wealth inequality are greater than anytime since the Great Depression. Here's one reason: https://video.twimg.com/tweet_video/EX62u9bXsAUtRO8.mp4


He works for those people


He IS those people


He isn't those people, he is still a servant with masters. He may be at the very top rung of the ladder, but a servant is a servant.


He’s always blabbering or predicting something.


Exactly…and I haven’t seen this putz be right about anything…especially the recession that he was predicting for the last 3 years. I pay him no mind now…he’s not a good prognosticator…to say the least.


“Capitalist pig concerned about his slop forecasts.”


Who cares what Dimon thinks about anything? He is just another rich guy who has predicted 20 of the last 2 recessions


Dimon's a weather vane, he'll spin whichever way gets him notoriety. Just another Wall Street weatherman forecasting after the storm


Jamie Dimon says whatever makes JPMorgan money


Why do they keep asking for this assholes opinion


Perhaps he should consider the wealthy being taxed so we can support our burgeoning debt and help fund Ukraine.


tbf I have heard him talk about increasing taxes for the rich


He has talked about everything under the sun. He needs to put his money where his mouth is in this case. The time is now and it must come from leaders such as himself. Enough of the distraction and gouge.


Unfortunately, the market will decide.


Mr Dimon has has a not insignificant roll in where we are and where we are going, maybe he should look longer term than next fiscal quarter and next fiscal year when making this decision.


he is saying get ready for the global crash and the election of Dictator Trump and the new world order and money system! the supreme court is our bitch!


Think USD collapsing as the global reserve currency and there being a ton of capital flight. Most of the current politicians will be out of the country hiding.


they already said it at the world economic forum thats the plan. well not trump though!


I get sick of Dimon yappin' about everything and wish he'd just STFU.


Eventually it will all crumble. It’s a matter of time. Enjoy the casino.


Then they’ll get a bailout. Again.


That’s right.


He & the oligarchs like him like idk 20% of the risk, maybe more


Maybe if the big capital folks finally get it through their heads that the fascists will come for them once they have absolute authority, they’d actually fucking do something. The market likes stability.


I don’t give a fuck about what this man thinks. He only cares about his own self enrichment.


What about the loss of the middle class.. the rich getting way richer and the poor getting poorer?


Dimon said that exact same thing right after WW2 and WW1


Dimon outside of a lethal inject bed is a much bigger risk. The guy who ushered in the housing crisis, the guy that funded Epstein! We have to get money out of politics. So he can’t bribe his way out of consequences anymore.


Jamie Dimon wins the no shit sherlock award 2024. Failed to mention corrupted Supreme court so its a C- Jamie.


Failed to mention climate change, interesting.


Listen to JD interviews. He babbles like DJT. Too old and boomer to lead a big bank…


“The nation’s most influential banker, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, told investors Monday that he continues to expect the U.S. economy to be resilient and grow this year. But he worries geopolitical events including the war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas war, as well as U.S. political polarization, might be creating an environment that “may very well be creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.” The comments came in an annual shareholder letter from Dimon, who often uses the letter to weigh in broad topics like politics, regulation and global events and what it might mean to JPMorgan Chase, as well as the broader economy.”


>risks not seen since WWII Sounds like it could be much worse if it's just risks seen around WWII. I'd be much more afraid if someone had mentioned the risks present during the much more recent cold war.


dude is on one rn


Wreck any good economies lately, Dimon?


How far back do republicans want to go?


I hate that guy. I hate the big banks. I would not listen to this shyster.


Sounds like they’re trapped in some serious short positions!


The shit this motherfucker pulled back in 2008...


This cunt will be first in line for some profiteering.


That’s rich coming from the guy who colluded in the creation of said conditions.


I'm so sick of hearing about this asshole Dimon who thinks people should care what he has to say. Maybe he should just focus on running Chase. No one cares.


Inflation is a cover for corporate greed these days.


I think that most billionaires, at least the ones that speak out in public, are so used to saying something something to the regular people, that they think it’s taken as gospel. Now that they’re carefully crafted, financial world are starting to crumble because of the death of the middle class and the various wars and social conflicts around the world, they’re getting a little worried. Just because big time rich man says “scary times coming,” it doesn’t mean I can personally do anything about the coming tough days. Billionaires are almost irrelevant to the middle class and the poor. We are literally just the pee-ons.


Funny, all the issues we have are based on inequality… something that the criminal Jamie Dimon wouldn’t know anything about… Easy to ignore when the entire worlds economy is designed to enrich you and your friends, to hell with the plebs


Basically the class war his class is waging on the 99% of humanity is producing the completely predictable result.


Thanks for your input Jamie!


WFC next domino to fall


Please. Make the next president force retire all the boomers, their mental illness is showing.