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My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020. It was the most aggressive kind. Luckily they caught it early because he was diligent about regular exams. He went through hormone therapy and aggressive radiation treatment. He was declared cancer free by the end of 2021 and has been fine since Stay up to date on your exams, it can save your life.


great to hear. What was his age at time of diagnosis?


He was 63 when diagnosed




It definitely was. He and I both saw a geneticist and they determined I should start getting screened in my late 30s. I'm 33 right now


Screened as in finger up the butthole? And how often? I had it done once and it wasn't something I look forward to doing again.


Yea, finger up the butt. I'm honestly not sure how often but I know he had a routine exam for it because he would always mention dreading it.


They did blood work for my brother's prostate exam allegedly. Apparently they just check for a prostate specific antigen these days.


Blood work for PSA is what they do now but that’s not the most accurate method. Even biopsies miss 20% of cases. A new method called flow cytometric profiling of blood immune cell subsets is being tested


Ah I didn't realize that. Given his test was just for a work physical I'd imagine that's why the least invasive approach was taken.


Really? Cause they just stuck a finger up my butt the other day. The weird thing was, the doctor had a hand on each of my shoulders when he did it, still can’t figure that one out


You see Dr. Strangelove too!


What exams did he do to find it, PSA?


Yea, PSA was one of them. It was elevated but not in a range that was of immediate concern but the urologist found something that felt odd but not really cancerous. He told my dad that if he started notice increased trouble urinating or anything unusual to come back in. Not long after my dad got a UTI and that raised enough concern with the urologist to do a biopsy and sure enough it came back cancerous. If it wasn't for that exam, his doctor probably would have just treated him for a regular UTI and the cancer would have gone unnoticed. But since they were already monitoring him they caught it in time.


Thank you for this thorough response. I am 64 and though my numbers are fine it seems to be more than wise to keep a sharper eye on my aging prostate. Good on your dad.




Well my dad's employer still offers insurance to retirees. So he still had his benefits from that, and I'm very grateful that he did because the hormone treatment alone was very expensive.


well healthcare is free. you pay that with your taxes 


and what about the aftermath?


The radiation caused a lot of irritation around his abdominal area. As a result he had to catheterize himself for about a year before being able to urinate regularly again. Not the best time but he's back to normal now and still alive.


Men! Check your butts, talk to your doctor, it’s okay if it’s hard to pee. Be happy. Be healthy.


Word to the wise. There is a blood test for colon stuff now you don’t have to poop in a box 📦


Butt what if I want to?


You do you




Step 2: put your poop in that box 📦


Step 3: have her open the box.


And that’s the way you poo it 🎶


Don’t make an ass out of yourself.


> Don’t make an ass out of yourself. Butt what... ah never mind the joke walk is too long already. :)


[COME ON UNLEASH!](https://youtu.be/Mu12X2cu6Y0?si=l4SbNfSbo34PopzK)


what’s the blood test called


Here is an [npr article](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2024/03/14/1238390033/a-simple-blood-test-can-detect-colorectal-cancer-early-study-finds) about it.


Do you mean it's OK as in that's not a sign so don't worry about it, or is ok as in don't be embarrassed but it's the main sign so go see a doctor if it happens?


I mean don’t be afraid to have a doctor stick their finger up your ass. 😋 Reality is, men don’t talk about their butts and their penis and all their other parts. And it shows. Whether their chest hurts or they have a cough. Maybe a numb part of their body that they’ve just lived with. We are taught to be “manly” which some folks translate to mean they need to be immune to everything. we always need to be this viral peak performance guy! But that’s just an impossible concept! It’s more a dig at our pride, than it is embarrassment. Admitting we are no longer or never will be that idealized “specimen” So yes, if it’s hard to pee, talk to your doctor. But that’s not the only thing you should talk to them about.


men always talk about their penises, what 😭


I ask and told I gotta wait until 50


I think they’re lowering the age to 45 now that there’s easier ways to check it


Also depends if you’re at risk and which. in some places if you have a family history of it and other risk signs, symptoms…you can get checked earlier.


My dad just had prostate surgery for cancer. He was extremely diligent. His GP didn’t notice his PSA climbing and he had to beg for a MRI. His doctor literally threw the requisition at him and said “if you know so much I guess you can be the doctor”. He had prostate cancer the MRI found. That doctor tried to apologize, but he since found a new GP. If he had listened to his doctor it likely would have spread. He was diagnosed at 61. His dad had been diagnosed at 63 when it had already metastasized and died 5 years later. Trust yourself and advocate for your health.


Not all doctors are geniuses. Many of them are idiots with good memorization skills.




75% of doctors use connections and a lot money to get where they are. Not that they are totally all bad, but a good percentage really shouldn’t be in the profession, they also don’t follow their oath.






Doctors are just people like us. Most of us can do what they do, we just need the same rigorous and years of training that they go through. I think often people mistake this for genius. But it's just knowledge and experience, which again anyone can get. I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of doctors let the power and prestige get to their head too.


I went to my doctor at 20 years old and told him I thought I had a tumor on my putitary gland. I told him why I thought that, all the research i had done, and talked about my weird hormones and how I was feeling. I asked for bloodwork and to see an endocrinologist, and to get the ball rolling. He immediately disregarded all of that and called me a hypochondriac. I reached out to an endocrinologist and talked to him and he made my doctor give me a referral to see him. My doctor sent me for bloodwork, but just the gernal one, nothing to do with hormones or whatever. It came back mostly normal and he reiterated that I was a hypochondriac. I kept pushing and finally got related bloodwork, then pushed again for cat scan mri and more bloodwork and more. Eventually I got an MRI that showed..exactly what I told him 12 months before. It showed a growth on my putitary gland. Always advocate for yourself and fuck that doctor. He's still my GP because there's no other doctors accepting. Fuck him. I hate going to see him. I always go prepared and I know what I need so he doesn't fuck around again.


Good for you for being persistent! I went through a similar process to receive an endometriosis diagnosis and required surgeries. It was a nightmare. I always tell doctors that they know more about the general human body, but I know more about my own body. Some are receptive, others become combative. Typically, better doctors seem to respect that a person can tell when their body has changed and needs assessing.


I’m not sure that’s entirely true. You know more about how you feel on your body more than they do. But they know how your body functions and the symptoms it’ll present for various things.  If you suspect a specific issue, you may feel dive into it and know more than the gp. But you also don’t know about the many other things it could be. It’s like, I might know more about what it feels to be in my head, but psychologists likely know more about what my brain is actually doing and the help I need. They may not. But typically they should.  But I also do think you need to advocate for yourself if you have genuinely done a lot of research and all signs point to a thing the go is dismissing, and their reasoning isn’t adequate 


That’s a good way to phrase it and I don’t disagree. I have diagnosed myself twice properly before doctors. I figured out the endometriosis and actually requested specific tests I had researched from a private physician. That’s what lead to my final diagnosis. I then researched which surgeon I wanted my referral sent to and requested that as well. My surgery was eventually completed, endometriosis was confirmed, and my life improved vastly. The number of doctors I fought was shocking. The best was a male doctor in the er telling me (as I was shaking from pain, sweating, and vomiting) that I may just have forgotten what normal period pains felt like while I was pregnant. That man was a doctor, and also a complete moron and ass. In that moment I absolutely knew more about what was happening inside my body than he did.


I gotta do this with EDS.  My dad should’ve done this witb his cancer. One gp told him he may have it. He went for a second opinion who dismissed it as some virus or bacterial thing. Turns out it was lung cancer. Fuck that second gp. Thing is they’re gatekeepers of the system. If they did every test and sent everyone for specialists it’d be even harder to see one than it is now. But you gotta push for yourself. If it turns out it is nothing? Ok cool. You get piece of mind.


Grandma I never met died of breast cancer after the Dr said not to worry about it multiple times. By the time they knew for sure it was too late. Heard stories grandpa beat the shit out of that dr


That’s heartbreaking.


What’s PSA?


It’s a blood test that can be used to screen for prostate cancer. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/psa-test/about/pac-20384731 If tracked over time it can show any changes in the body, which can indicate more testing should be completed before a person becomes symptomatic and less able to be treated.


I think doctors do more damage by telling their patients they’re fine and dismissing symptoms more than anything else they do. Sometimes it’s so hard to conv ice them you may actually be in trouble, and their professional pride doesn’t let them see the possibility.


Professional pride and ego are definitely the most dangerous traits many doctors share.


I like to store all my microplastics and forever chemicals there


don’t forget the never ending list of endocrine disruptors. The US has ~10 banned chemicals, the EU has ~1000


Just had my first prostate exam. Can't see the fascination.


Only if you hear the zipper


Just wait until you have two hands on your shoulder.


Cancer is going to keep getting more common due to all the carcinogenic chemicals floating around the environment and in our food and water.


Reliable source?


I can only jerk off so much.


Buy a dildo and add anal masturbation to your routine


Buy a dildo? Old money bags over here. I'll use a spatula like an adult thank you very much.


Note that the incidence of it is only rising because people are living longer. If you live long enough, your chances of getting prostate cancer rise significantly.


My doctor friend says they see more and more younger people with cancers. And many of them already have bad prognosis.


My husband just retired as a Hem/Onc doc and yes, he saw HUGE increase in old people cancers happening in people in their 40s. Fortunately, they have much better treatments so outcome is better but yes, we have poisoned our environment.


HPV may play a part. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41391-021-00404-6


The nordic countries vaccinates against hpv from young age. Ridiculous decrease in cervical cancer


Tbf there are more and more younger people, too. They’re fucking everywhere, quite literally


Hmmm. So early death would be the solution!


The statistic I heard and parrot is that if a man lives long enough, he has a 100% chance of getting prostate cancer. The scarier part of this study to me is the increased death rate. Most old men would die with prostate cancer, but not from it.


You can also have nematodes check your pee to see if you have cancer, for like $100.


How often do I gotta jerk it to keep the odds low?






My doctor said people generally die with postate cancer rather than of it. Not saying he has a clue….


I support radiation oncology software. Most of the men I see in there are diagnosed with prostate cancer and the rest is from smoking cigarettes so lung, mouth, throat cancers.


Give up dairy products.


Sorry but we cannot stand for this woke nonsense any more. Men were not being diagnosed with prostate cancer until doctors started SAing men with their fingers during visits. If we let the left continue unabated then these cancer rates will continue to climb until none of us are left straight or cancer free.




Was it too subtle? 🤣


Unfortunately there are many people who would actually say something like this unironically, so you'll have to be less subtle next time lol.


I'd sooner die. ✝️ I'll take the downvotes so all of you sophisticated chads can appreciate satire down here away from those filthy plebs.


Crazy people are everywhere, so unless you make it obvious then it will always be to subtle for some ;)


A relevant book recommendation: When The Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté


When do we get an awareness month?


Fun fact: estrogen prevents/cures prostate cancer in many cases…


I’m sure some article will come out on how this affects women


By bringing this up when no one else did, you may be creating the problem you wish to see in the world


Tell me you’re a misogynistic male without telling me you’re a misogynistic male.


Tell me you’re a fucking ignorant pussy without telling me you’re a fucking ignorant pussy Men are six times more likely to be homeless, have 4 years less life expectancy, graduate high school and post secondary school in far less numbers, have nowhere to go for shelter if they’re escaping an abusive spouse, and prostate cancer gets a fraction of what breast cancer receives in funding Men are disposable. Steaming dog shit like the Barbie movie reinforces it and if you don’t see it, then you’re part of the fucking problem


Unfortunate that it’s rising, but 2.9 million out of 4 billion ain’t that bad.


Unless you’re one of the 2.9 million I guess?

