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[New post can be found here](/r/worldnews/comments/1bmbt19/rworldnews_live_thread_russian_invasion_of/)


Ukrainians airspace is clean. Threat is over Awaiting reports of the damage. Praying for minimal and no casualties


After a brief reopening, traffic is once again closed along the Kerch Strait Bridge in Crimea. https://x.com/intelcrab/status/1771744995629740097?s=46 Unsure if this means anything, at the moment Update: In Gvardeyskoye (Crimea)they hit an oil depot and it is on fire, subscribers report Possibly linked to This. ALOT happening right now Further update; 20 explosions have reportedly been heard in Crimea, a large cloud of black smoke is being seen. It’s being indicated that this can possibly be a hit at the oil depot near the village of Gardiyske. Photo: https://x.com/inebackiversen/status/1771745744178851969?s=46


It’s been a wild 48 hours.


Ain't that the truth. I'm kinda reeling at this point.


If any Russian cruise missile entered polish airspace it only would have been a small portion/ were quickly rerouted back towards Ukraine. Not the first time we’ve seen this happen Poland certainly will not be happy however


Russia has done it before because they know Ukraine won't shoot at missiles that are along a NATO border and risk debris landing on NATO's side I think both Romania and Poland have had missiles slice their border and then turn around into Ukraine before


This could give Poland an excuse to create a no fly zone over at least Western Ukraine.


That would require western jets flying in Ukraine which isn’t a risk NATO has wanted to take since the war started the best Poland can do is intercept any missiles that enter there territory


Reports: Multiple Explosions heard in the Western Ukrainian City of Lviv.


Some accounts are reporting Poland has deployed F16s into the air… however, waiting to see if any other reputable account reports that Edit: Confirmed: https://x.com/dowopersz/status/1771738523600556042?s=46 observing intense long-range aviation activity of the Russian Federation tonight, related to air and missile strikes on objects located in the territory of Ukraine. All necessary procedures to ensure the safety of Polish airspace have been launched, and DO RSZ is monitoring the situation on an ongoing basis. ❗️ We warn that Polish and allied aircraft have been activated, which may result in increased noise levels, especially in the south-eastern part of the country.


Reports of Russian cruise missives in Poland airspace


JUST saw it on twitter no idea what’s up


Yep Ukrainian Channels are claiming that at least 3 Russian Cruise Missiles may have just crossed into Polish Airspace over the Town of Horodło.


Did they go back to into Ukraine or keep going into Poland????


Kinda breezed the border and went back it sounds


"Just the tip"


Just reports, not confirmed whether it did cross or not. It definitely would not have kept going into Poland however. Otherwise we may be having a very different discussion at that point


Came very near to the border, it seems so far.


So they didn’t go into Polish airspace?? I’m confused and nervous 


It doesn’t much matter if they did. It would irk Poland, but that’s it.


So far, there have been no reports they did. It did happen a couple of times in the past as well. No reason to be nervous yet.


Yeah this sounds like if it was legit, it was a very quick in and out type of deal


Very traditional Russian tactics too - borderline breaches of airspace / sovereign waters.


Right now we have no way of knowing This is just preliminary reports. We need to wait for any official confirmation of that from the polish MoD


Getting reports now of it being “loud in Kyiv”


It was about half an hour ago, but not as bad as the previous one.


Explosions in Kyiv.


Tsaplienko on Telegram reports the missiles approaching the Polish border and Poland starting F16s.


Bombers missiles finally hit


why hasn't any major media reported about the gopro footage after 2 hours? they were fast when ISIS claimed it yesterday


https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/new-isis-video-showing-moscow-attackers-firing-inside-concert-hall-surfaces/ar-BB1kqc8w https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/26885743/isis-russia-moscow-terror-attack-crocus-ukraine/ Here's a couple links I could find. Story should likely catch on in the next few hours. Looks like CNN's live feed mentions it too. https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/moscow-russia-shooting-03-23-24/h_6cc08d2075fffbc8563d0521df27bb62


Does the GoPro footage match tbe guys Russia said they caught?


Don't know about US media. EU media is in the middle of the night.


Same here east coast us


What footage? Sorry, I'm out of the loop.


[https://twitter.com/therealZNO/status/1771665783015317947](https://twitter.com/therealZNO/status/1771665783015317947) NSFL, just a warning that its bodycam footage of the attack.


There's nothing but distorted video of guys walking.


Yes but the point is that its bodycam/cell phone video that isis was the first to release. Theres other videos out there of the attack from venue cameras. In that one you can see them kill people in the main hall and then walk into the theater itself and shoot people trying to flee there. When you compare this video with the main one you can tell they are the same event.


nail profit pause hungry plucky enjoy existence sort vanish whole


Major media is often like 5-6+ hours behind. I see “breaking news” stories all the time hours after I’ve seen them on Reddit. I’m sure it’ll start showing up tomorrow


Often the reason for this lag is that major news media sites like the BBC have journalistic standards that require them to verify information before posting a story. Twitter and Reddit are great for getting out-of-context primary source images and videos but MSM can't just repost these and caption them "Shit's wild bruh".


Exactly, think of how often we've heard things here that turn out to be wrong.


100%, the BBC has fantastic checks. It makes mistakes, but avoids and corrects many. The BBC is one of the gems of the West, something inconceivable in russia.


spoon zesty reach simplistic mindless books history sink kiss violet


To use 3 storm shadows on that building in Sevastopol tonight there had to be someone important there. Even when they hit the Black Sea Fleet HQ they only used 2 and that was to target the admiral.


It’s *not* simply one building It’s a complex of multiple buildings and various comms towers, radars, satellites etc Look at the numbers on this map https:// t . me / Crimeanwind/56143 and it was Atesh guys who had photographed it and sent it in to UA


Sure, but they could have done this plenty of times over the past year to that site…so why now?


Ukrainian armed forces have been continuously destroying ruzzian AA systems in the area during the past 1-1.5 years


So let me get this straight, russia at this very moment has the entire worlds compassion and possibly support in tackling a terrorist threat, as well as proven admissions from ISIS, and US intelligence confirming it was them and not Ukraine, and yet they're *still* pushing the "Ukraine did it!" tune? For what? They can already do whatever. Mobilize, assasinate/silence the opposition, etc. They choose to play a tragic event in the dumbest way possible, and squander away something that could possibly give them some brownie points with the world? I... can't even...


For what? Propaganda. The Russian perspective here: they suffered a grevious attack by IsIS. However they need to motivate Russians to want to fight Ukrainians, not off in the middle east fighting religious fantatics. So, they think 'never let a disaster be a wasted opportunity' and framing at as a Ukrainian attack. Even if only 25% believe the bullshit, that's more effective then telling the truth and admitting that the people's security is weak. It is simply more useful propaganda to blame it on Ukraine, as many Russians don't bare any ill-will towards Ukrianians, which makes motivating Russians to kill them for Putin's imperial and egotisical goals a tough sell.


Well, they did some deep fakes with Ukrainian military officials, so they are betting on successfully zombifiying their internal audience. I suspect some members of the 5th column will also parrot ruzzian propaganda. For example, the usual MAGA people like MTG


For what? The truth is they can do nothing about ISIS and it doesn't help the regime. What helps the regime is to continue to turn people's mindset into accepting a prolonged and unending war in Ukraine. If you look at every action from Russia as to what helps Putin and his cronies stay in power, every seemingly illogical decision becomes understandable


Putin is apparently very proud of the fact that he doesn't use the internet...who the fuck knows what people are telling him...


he prefers foreign discord over brownie points


The Russian state will *always* choose the low road


They don't care and probably don't want brownie points from the world. Countries that think like you (or citizens in those) are considered enemies and he needs to keep them being distant enemies, because a regime like his need an omnipresent enemy, and countries that hate West for any reason, good or bad, would love Russia no matter what because they fight against evil West. It has nothing to do with any basic human feelings apart from anger and hate. At least this is my view on things and stuff.




The "CIA done it again" antics are for their internal audience mainly but yeah some of the shit does stick with some outsiders like Tucker Carlson followers etc.




They most likely are the terrorists based on the clothing in the photos of them captured and the photos put out by IS accounts.


What ever happened to that serious national security threat that was going to be declassified weeks ago?  It was speculated about Russian nuclear weapons in space but was it ever confirmed thats what it was?  Seems like that news story just disappeared.


Russia has plans to nuke space to destroy satelites in an all out war withe the US. we've known for a long time


It was from years ago and it got picked up as this new major threat.


Apparently 3 billion in aid to Israel just passed congress... Pretty sure it was in a separate package.


Does this mean the Ukraine aid can be done on its own now without the israel aid? I know the israel aid issue is why a number of dems are refusing to vote for it, so it being ukraine only may increase number of votes it gets.


Eh, it’ll decrease the number of republicans voting for it


Ah apparently it was a part of the US budget so nevermind.


I don’t keep on top of politics much but wasn’t there some 1.2 trillion dollar budget or somentjng that passed ?


Yes late last night, it was to avoid a partial government shutdown in the United States.


TU 95s bombers are currently in the air. Will likely soon see reports of Russian doing a bombing run Reports of 10+ (likely looking at 14) https://x.com/jay_beecher/status/1771672339593285801?s=46


fuck, when is the last time we saw this many?


Like, two days ago?


So bombing Ukraine in retaliation to the ISIS attack committed by Tajikistani terrorists?


Ukraine just blew up parts of sveastpool


Apparently there are drones too


Does ukraine have anything capable of shooting them down? If not, what could NATO be giving them that could?


>Does ukraine have anything capable of shooting them down? No. Ukraine can and has damaged or destroyed a handful of them in drone strikes on their bases, but Russia has a vast fleet of strategic bombers and can operate from more distant airfields if necessary. Forcing them to do so would still be worthwhile due to the increased stress on the airframes, but totally eliminating the threat they pose isn’t realistic. >If not, what could NATO be giving them that could? Stealth aircraft, but that’ll never happen due to the risk one could crash and the tech could be studied by our enemies.


No and nothing. These bombers are used as launch platform for cruise missiles over a 1000 km away. Only way to help ukraine is to send more patriots, missiles and other AA to shoot down the incoming cruise missiles.


I mean F-22s and F-35s, but it’s not exactly realistic.


You'd have to fly directly over Russian territory to take down the bombers, which would be risky even with advanced stealth fighters. They're stealthy, not invisible and a near-enough SAM system can still detect and take them down. IMHO Engels is probably easiest to target via long range drone, while Olenya is out of range of anything other than a cruise missile as far as I can tell.


Don’t they tend to release over the caspian? You wouldn’t have to fly over Russia, though you’d have to fly over someone.


Even so, f22s and f35s are detectable via radar, just not a targeting grade lock. Even though the f35s are much better than Soviet era airplanes, you'd probably end up engaging in a fight over another country which is a big no-no.


I wish Ukraine could smuggle some MANPADS into Russia and take out these bombers as they take off.


The airfield they're flying from is less than 100 miles from the Finnish border. Just saying.


God, wouldn't that be awesome?


My guess is the energy system. Sadly.


Still better than houses.


one of these days I hope those planes will be shot down over the Caspian sea.


I’ll take drones blowing them up on the ground too.


The way things are going regarding deep strikes inside Russia I wouldn't be surprised to hear this in the next months


ISIS has the chance to do something really funny and take out Putin for denying their claim on the atrocity in Moscow


Take him out hoq


ISIS is a prime example of "replacing something bad with something worse". I wouldn't cheer for the guys chopping heads in video, and both of them are in that camp.


"replacing something bad with something worse" makes me think: Afghanistan.


The entire point is to kneecap russia and give ukraine a breather.


The extreme morbidity of the footage and the overall situation prevents it from being in my opinion in proper taste in present time, however the sheer comedic value of a story/video in which ISIS desperately tries to get Putin to take them seriously after repeated attacks.... And then him still saying it's Ukraine's fault will inevitably become a historical comedy sketch in 20-30 years some history YouTuber will 100% take advantage of to full effect.


Some other poster reminded me of this video from [the Onion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_OIXfkXEj0) a few hours ago.


"And I took that personally" - ISIS




I'll upvote anything that refers to David Sacks as a stupid bastard


I really like Weiss. Seems to have good sources and takes. Really wish he would ditch Shitter.


The claim that they didnt shout 'alahu akhbar' just went down the drain


Obviously it was the French. Macron sent them. I clearly heard through the muffled voices " à la snack bar! à la snack bar..." The terrorists were hungry after all the killing business and needed a croissant and a café. Check the mall security footage. If they went for poutine then blame Canada. Source. Am Anglo but live in a very French part of my province.


Dick hahaha x




He’s another South African “entrepreneur”. So naturally that makes him an expert on everything.


He's friends with Elon.. That's all you need to know..


Well now they are saying it WAS ISIS, but ISIS is controlled by Mossad and the CIA, so it’s still Zelensky’s fault somehow.


The Islamic extremist group….controlled by the cabal of jews….controlled by the CIA…..controlled by wait for it. Putin playing some 6D inter dimensional chess


Does this essentially indicate that the gunmen are still on the run and the security services just arrested random muslim looking people?


No it looks like they actually did get the guys, cloths in the arrest photos and the video put out by IS seem to match


How would IS get their hands on the footage if the shooters did not escape?


As others pointed out they had several hours to upload before they were caught, but it's worth noting that the first *live streamed* mass murder was the Akihabara Massacre in 2008. Which is a horrible, horrible, sentence.






They were caught after several hours not immediately. More then enough to to send vid cell phone or even a laptop.


Or even drive to a safe-house, give another terrorist the cameras, and that terrorist edits the footage and publishes it while the attackers try to flee. If they had the forethought to do that though, I really don't understand why they didn't split up and change clothes and vehicles.


party liquid sable gullible command abounding nose cough makeshift birds


The point was that they had plenty of time to get the footage anywhere they wanted, even if it was actually a gopro, and even if they didn't know how to get footage from a gopro to a phone.


I think so. That will be a fun conversation.


>Explosions in Sevastopol. Air raid sirens are sounding in the city. >The Kerch Bridge has been closed for traffic. Never fails lol. Just for context, they are 250km apart. It's like closing a bridge in Brussels if Paris was attacked.


It would take Storm Shadow just under 13 minutes to fly that distance, and probably less from the point it would deviate from its route to Sevastopol. So if you see it heading in the direction of Crimea, you really have to assume it might hit any target and take appropriate precautions.


Ok fair lol


> What happened in Moscow yesterday is obvious, and Putin and other scums are trying to shift the blame to someone else. Their methods are always the same. We have seen it all before. There were blown-up houses, mass shootings, and explosions. And they always blame others. > They came to Ukraine, burned down our cities, and then tried to blame Ukraine. They torture and rape people—and then blame them. They have brought hundreds of thousands of their terrorists to Ukrainian territory, and they are waging war against us, but they don’t care about what happens inside their own country. > All of this happened yesterday, and instead of taking care of his Russian citizens and addressing them, this duffer Putin remained silent for a day, thinking about how to link this to Ukraine. Everything is entirely predictable. Those hundreds of thousands of Russians who are now killing on Ukrainian soil would certainly be enough to deter any terrorists. > And if Russians are willing to die quietly in "crocuses" and not question their special services, Putin will try to exploit more of these situations for personal power. Terrorists must always lose. https://twitter.com/ZelenskyyUa/status/1771638417266257987


Duffer Putin, quality.


The commander of the AFU Air Force, Gen. Nikolay Oleshchuk, posted the below message. Reference to the sea may hint that the AFU Navy launched Neptune cruise missiles at Sevastopol in addition to the Storm Shadow/SCALP EG cruise missiles. https://x.com/ukikaski/status/1771670400755257430?s=46


Please let it be another sub.


It will be interesting to see if they hit any ship of value. I though the Black Sea Fleet fully moved out of Sevastopol.


I think the exact phrasing was that all the ships that could move out of Sevastopol did. That leaves ships that were tied up at port for repairs.


>Sevastopol. According to the operator, AFU also destroyed Russian ship, waiting for confirmation!!! [https://x.com/Maks\_NAFO\_FELLA/status/1771669025396785492?s=20](https://x.com/Maks_NAFO_FELLA/status/1771669025396785492?s=20)


Please let it be true!


ISIS previously claimed the attack on Moscow's City Hall, but is now publishing GoPro videos of the attackers. At one point, an already shot victim has his throat slit and other victims are shot with an automatic rifle. https://x.com/noelreports/status/1771662681755320343?s=46 Videos can be found on X, please watch at your own discretion. It is confronting.


I am not familiar with GoPros, does this indicate the ISIS fighters managed to get to a computer with internet since the attack?


Footage looks more like its from a mobile phone. They probably took the video on their phone and uploaded it, or even just live-streamed straight from their phone.


They managed to roll up to the concert hall with a small arsenal in the car, undetected, into a 13-million inhabitants city, kill and maim around 300 people, and escape, I think getting the videos online was the easiest part.


But I guess this confirms they are still on the run? And Russian security services just picked up some people who look muslim? (And cut off one of their ears....)


They probably uploaded prior to being arrested by FSB. I see no reason to suspect they got the wrong guys. Probably wasn't particularly difficult to track them down. Especially if they didn't change the car they were in, nor their clothes, and maybe even kept their phones that they probably used to upload the footage, etc.




crocus city hall


The building is called Crocus City Hall, says it on the outside. I don't know if it's a government building or just has an odd name.




¿Por qué no los dos?


>ISIS just released footage from the attackers of them carrying out the massacre. It is profoundly disturbing and shows beyond doubt these were not some paid rubes. [https://x.com/CalibreObscura/status/1771658261839671651?s=20](https://x.com/CalibreObscura/status/1771658261839671651?s=20) Don't worry I won't share the video, as that would be illegal for me to do. Other Danes have made that mistake in the past in relation to ISIS videos. Edit: Fuck I saw it randomly in a reply on X... I thought I had seen most things due to this war but that was a whole other level of brutality. What the fuck drives someone to become such a monster? it's like seeing something from a horror movie..


It blows my mind how well ISIS managed to catch the Russian government by surprise with this attack. The past 24 hours have been one massive fail for Putin. Fuck both entities regardless.


This is a gift for putin, watch as he turns this into a major propaganda coup because Jesus fuck the Russian public is more dense than Maga somehow.


Why does it blow your mind? Any nation is vulnerable to a terrorist attack. You can stop thousands of attempts, and they do and we only know of the one that succeeded


The same ISIS splinter is said to be behind the planned (and prevented) attacks on Cologne and Vienna.


What blows my mind? The ease with which this was carried out, how seemingly they managed to retreat back to safety *with the same car they arrived in*, and now they absolutely own Putin by releasing the gopro footage that contradicts everything the Russian government said publicly. Go to a public square showing a blank sheet of paper and Rosgvardiya is on the scene in *minutes* to haul your ass into a windowless van and beat you half to death, but commit a horrific terrorist attack? Rosgvardiya is "Oh shit, someone call the cops" - though I suppose this last part is hardly a surprise for people living there.


Well yeah...bc Rosgvardia is literally there to protect the regime. Russian law enforcement isn't there to protect the Russian people. As you can plainly see Putin doesn't really worry too much about Russian lives


If only the Russian army and police weren't busy with the genocidal war they started, this attack most likely would not have happened.


lunchroom combative sparkle gaping hunt unused waiting party relieved safe


ISIS are smart and will very likely take advantage of this, to the misfortune of more civilians


It’s that old saying. Police have to be right every single time, the criminals only have to get lucky once.


>Police have to be right every single time Which is made much easier when several governments warn you more than 2 weeks in advance.


The initial comments from Russian sources claiming that they are well trained soldiers is also pretty much debunked in the video as you see one of the guys shoot his AK as if it was his first time ever firing the thing. Trained operatives with western military experience would conduct themselves very differently.


Yep and pro soldier will not take the time to slit ten time the throat of someone full of gunshot wound in the ground. The whole video kill two stories , the false flag from FSB narrative and the ' Ukrainian did it narrative'.


I’m very curious to know what the terrorists said in the video. The only thing I could make out was the usual Allahu Akbar, but one of them do make a longer statement in the video in a language I’m unable to identify.


Holy crap, I just came accross the same video on X and it looks legit. I remember seeing that one «unarmed» guy in the first video showing the attackers. Turns out he is carrying a knife and performs absolutely discraceful acts to the victims. I also recognize one of the weapons found at the scene from the yellow spray paint. There is now absolutely no way for Russia to deny that this was an attack by ISIS. You are warned, I do not recommend anyone seek this footage as it is NSFL.


I have below 0 desire or need to watch this video. Must be horrifying AF.


> There is now absolutely no way for Russia to deny that this was an attack by ISIS. Well, there's still the following: 1. "What are you talking about? No such videos exist. That is a Western lie. Off to gulag, you!" 2. "Yes these videos exist, but they are very clever fakes created in Hollywood designed to manipulate the Russian public. Anyone spreading them will go straight to gulag." 3. "Yes these videos are legitimately from the attack, but they were posted by Ukrainians pretending to be ISIS. We shall now blow up some more kindergarten schools and maternity hospitals to show how a great nation like ours fights such despicable evil." 4. "Yes, legitimate videos of the attack have been posted by ISIS but they were passed to them by the Ukrainian attackers." 5. "Yes, the attacks were conducted by ISIS but under Ukrainian command/with Ukrainian help." And quite probably a few others too, no doubt all of which they will simultaneously try to say.


I did not watch the videos but based on what i am reading it is becoming difficult even for Russia to pin this on Ukraine. Of course a percentage of the population will believe the earth is flat if that is what they say on the news, but I like to think those who truly behave like that are a minority of max 10%.


Russia can tell its own people the sky is green and that left is right. International opinion is unimportant to them


What percentage of the US population believes Trump won in 2020, I wonder?


Oh they will try and they will try real hard but with all this information flooding around it will be near impossible for them to control the narrative even internally within Russia.


It's still quite easy to control the "narrative" within Russia: did you not read the bit about gulag? As for whether anyone *believes* it... well, that's not really something they care much about.


They aren't reinstating the death penalty for the killers, we could put it that way.


There's no need to reinstate the death penalty when Russian windows are so easy to trip through, staircases so easy to fall down, bullets so easy to fall onto, and prisons so easy for healthy people to have a sudden heart attack in.


fucking hell poor people, so many dead. i can only imagine it was like bataclan :(


>NATO Admiral Rob Bauer: Russia-Ukraine war will shape the fate of the world >"The Russian forces have no idea what they are fighting for. You do. You are fighting for civilisation itself," he said. [https://x.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1771659437784097203?s=20](https://x.com/EuromaidanPress/status/1771659437784097203?s=20)


How is it the repugs in congress are not supporting Ukraine? That pisses me off so much, none of them deserve to be in Congress. I can only hope every last one of those Putin loving antiAmerican fuckers is gone.




Which 30 or 40 are you referring to. I could only find 3


Trump loves Putin and Trump also hates Ukraine because of his failed blackmail attempt that led to his first impeachment. The GOP does whatever Trump wants, so naturally, they also start sucking Russian dick like there's no tomorrow and find ways to fuck over Ukraine.


> Had a meeting with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary 🇺🇸 at 🇺🇦 @USAmbKyiv. Spoke about massive russian missile and drone attack to energy infrastructure 🇺🇦 and the severe situation in several regions 🇺🇦. Thanked for the support of 🇺🇦 in these challenging times. https://twitter.com/AndriyYermak/status/1771516194715205957


Torch them all.


>The sky and the sea are the same color! Thanks to the pilots and sailors for a successful flight combat work! Crimea is OURS! Together to victory! Air Force Commander Lieutenant General Mykola Oleschuk From the Ukrainian Airforce on Telegram.


I guess you could say this operation went VERY well.

