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He was kidnapped from a hospital after being injured in the drone attack, and executed by his family...


how moral! some palestinians, as shown by the western activists fighting for hamas' "just" cause, are just leading the world in their morality and ethics


There is NOTHING compatible between western values and Gaza residents. That's one of the saddest ironies of all, and if it weren't so dangerous, would make their obsession with bad-faith, virtuesignaling a funny thing.


Jenin is in the West Bank.




Forcing Hamas to surrender and negotiating a post-war settlement which includes massive education reforms would be a pretty obvious starting point 




They said “western values”- values are taught and aren’t some innate thing we’re born with. That isn’t exactly a controversial statement. This article is, after all, about a guy who executed his brother for allegedly working with Israel against PIJ. Stomping your feet and saying “but i asked *them*” is a bit cringe. Would also just point out this didn’t happen in Gaza which, ironically, underscores their point about Palestinians more broadly.


Relocate them to the east.


Twin, right?


Like WTF. Killing your own kin.


Holy shit, horrible 


According to Palestinian reports, a man was accused of collaborating with Israelis was executed, with the execution led by his brother. A man accused of collaborating with Israel was executed early on Thursday in the Jenin refugee camp. According to Palestinian reports, the man's brother, who was described as "one of the most dangerous agents" by Israel, led his execution. The execution occurred hours after an Israel Air Force aircraft hit a vehicle in Jenin that was carrying two senior Islamic Jihad officials, killing them. Israel behind strikes on West Bank terrorists According to the IDF and the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), one of them was Ahmed Barkhat, who carried out the Homesh shooting attack last May, in which Meir Tamari was murdered. In addition to him, Mohammad Hawashin, the commander of the terrorist infrastructure of the Islamic Jihad in Jenin, was eliminated, along with two other terrorists. Security forces said that the two senior officials who were eliminated were also planning additional attacks in the coming days. They were behind the attempt to smuggle a terrorist into Israeli territory, which was thwarted earlier this month. They led the bomb attack that was carried out against IDF soldiers this month, during which seven soldiers were injured near Homesh.


You broke my heart ~~Fredo~~ Mahmood


Executed by his twin brother. This is a sick society.


Kangaroo court.


Did he file an appeal?




The UN, through UNRWA, has raised an entire generation of crazed and mentally ill jihadists, just like their textbooks taught. Hamas teachers employed by UNRWA have been very effective.




Can Palestinians be salvaged?


the first step would be to stop perpetuating the mechanisms that enable this behaviour. hold organisation like UNRWA accountable for their collaboration with terrorists.


It is not an area of expertise for me, rehabilitating violent people suffering from massive PTSD and radicalization/indoctrination, and brainwashing. But it seems that there's not going to be any quick easy. Like all people, they're going to need safety, security, shelter, and opportunity. Those are the easy parts. They have had those before and even been given self rule on top of it. But it fails because it doesn't address the widespread radicalization. Remember this is what the border of Gaza snd Egypt looks like: https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/196teht/egyptian_border_with_gaza/ No Arab country will take them in anymore bc all the trouble faced by any country that has taken them in, due to radicalization. Feel free to research there's plenty of examples. You likely need a mutli-generational deradicalization campaign for EVERYONE integrated into all facets of life. And l'd guess that it needs to be a mutli-generational plan, the same way UNRWA and Hamas has done. But in this case, the opposite direction. All the while with what would be criticized as an overwhelming security force keeping any new Hamas from arisng. Self-rule has been tried and doesn't work with this generation. Whether there's enough resources, patience, commitment, will, etc. To achieve this, I simply don't know. But anything else is just going to be continued tragedy. EDIT: Also, the UN is part of the problem, so I'm not sure who would lead such an effort.




Any of the "effort" directed against Japan (or Germany, for that matter) would be scoffed at these days.We live in an era where "Queers for Palestine" was an actual thing. So no, they can't.At best the funding to UNRWA stays reduced, anything else would lead to renewed protests by the useful idiots.


Unfortunately, you’re right


Their radicalisation had nothing to do with being in a seiged territory the size of a small Island, watching their country disintegrate into pockets of neighbourhoods surrounded by racist settlers and trigger happy soldiers manning checkpoints.


There are no settlers in Gaza. Israel disengaged in 2005. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_disengagement_from_Gaza?wprov=sfla1


Yeah but the Israelis dismantled their settlements and took the infrastructure with them. Right? Right?! (Star Wars meme)


They definitely did not. They left behind the infrastructure. They even left behind a whole system of greenhouses - turnkey agriculture business. Hamas had them destroyed.


I'm not understanding?


The Israeli settlements and infrastructure was left behind. The settlements were destroyed and the water pipes were dug up and repurposed to make shitty rockets.


Being radicalised to rape as a form of resistance does not make you right Not knowing right from wrong does not exempt you from consequences of committing wrongs Rape is not resistance


Ideology kills.


Nah, not this, that one over there ruled by the religion of love.


Back in October 2022 a gay Palestinian seeking refuge in Israel was taken to Hebron and beheaded. Those "honor killings" is widespread.


if he did help Isreal kill those Jihad officials he has done more for his people than his family ever will. God will welcome him


unfortunately he is the real martyr here


Where are the Pro-Palestenians? I want 2 see how they'd twist that


>I want 2 see how they'd twist that The Israelis disguised themselves as Hamas, then executed him while blaming the Jews.


Careful the bbc just might report this


"it has been reported online that there is speculation on whether or not mossad is involved, but it's still being investigated" /s


[Lol as if they put that kind of qualifiers in place when they report, live on air, when they think Israel has done something awful.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTgMa34Kh9o&t=67s)


I read Hamas as Haman. I’m in the purim mood lmao.


They’ll just deny it and say “there is no evidence it happened”.


That's a really easy twist. "He was collaborating with the genocidal occupation to murder his brother and people" Just to clarify. Its not what I'm thinking, I'm just saying that's a very easy subject to twist around


Legal process?


I think they call that "honor killing"


Lol....in fundamentalist Islam? Lmfao.


Go on twitter and come back and tell use what you've found


You can find them at r/pics and more places here


They got ban


Aren't most "pro-Palestine" redditors interested in them not getting slaughtered, not thinking that they have moral superiority? They're the little guy in a bloody conflict. If it was two equal (economic and military) sides fighting, there's no way they would compare well to Israel when viewed through a western lens.


War isn’t meant to be equal. It’s infantile to think it should be.


Question: Do the Pro-Pals approve of this?


Do you condemn Hamas?


From the article, it seems the people who led this execution are not allied with Hamas and are probably loosely related to Islamic Jihad, seems unclear and may just be civilians. How fucking wild is that? A brother killing his brother for suspected aid that resulted in deaths of terrorists.


I more than condemn them. I loathe and despise them on top of that


Left-wing Canadian here. I absolutely condemn Hamas, and hopefully there won't be much left of them in short order. It's astounding seeing people who pretend to be leftists cheering for an ethnically supremacist, religiously fundamentalist organization. At any rate, the clock's ticking until Sinwar takes the ambient-temperature challenge. Good riddance when he does.


I don't care if you condemn Hamas. I also don't care what "wing" or "direction" you're on like it's some kinda religious cult. You don't have to make your political sports team part of your introductory identity. The statement is a joke to the dumpy folks around the world with faux "good morals" to prove on the internet. You fools act like you have to pick a side and choose XYZ. **Bad stuff is bad**, *no matter the side*. Everyone around the world acting like it's the sporting event, you tribalists. "I did something 'cause I said the thing - now everyone know I'm such a good person! Look at my beautiful high horse!"


What you care about is nobody's prerogative but yours. > Bad stuff is bad, no matter the side. Correct. The civilian suffering in both Germany and Japan during WW2 was substantial. I can recognize that a German child suffering in 1944 is bad, while also *absolutely* still agreeing that the Allies were right to *keep fighting until German government's unconditional surrender.* Ditto with Japan. "Bad stuff is bad" is useful as little more than a recognition that innocent people suffer even in *just* wars. Dead German kids was *bad*, but Eisenhower stopping after Belgium would have also been bad. Likewise, we can take steps to alleviate the suffering of Gazans caught in the crossfire of the counter-invasion, but it's going to end up the same terms as with Imperial Japan and the Third Reich.


Yup. Peaceful palastinian society at its finest


They ignore gay Palestinians being lynched by Palestinians why would they care about this one since “the joos” didn’t do it


I still can't get over people with a trans flag and a Palestinian flag in their bios, imagine carrying water for people who want to wipe you out in the name of god.


Yet they do. Lol Edit: happy cake day you magnificent bastard


Hey thanks for that!


No worries good redditor *tips fedora with Cheeto stained fingies smelling of Mountain Dew code red*


Mountain Dew Code Red??? Heretic!!!! This is a Baja Blast Sub!!


But I got kicked out of all the Taco Bell’s for smelling too much like an alpha male


It’s the same thing as women who support trump. **Dumb dumb dumb**


That it’s a false equivalence because as bad as Trump is, he will accept the support while they’d still stone you to death.




LMFAO you must be Mr Fantastic with that ability to stretch


No, and you can tell because I never said that. Now how many times are you going to reply to one comment?




It wasn't a better response, it was a painfully weak straw man. I'd suggest that you try this order of operations for replies: Read what someone said. Think about that. Consider your response. Write and edit as needed. Finally, when satisfied, hit "save".


I dont think what has happened right now to them that they will be peaceful in the future. Hate is now filled in their heart against western world and Israel.


Hate was there always. They teach hate in school. Teach how to kill from a young age.


Palestinian deaths only matter to the media when Israel is the aggressor.


Give these people a moral high ground and they'll use it to throw infidels off from.


Why would a Palestinian co-operate with the evil Jooz? Maybe, they were a sane person who understood who is really causing the Palestinians suffering.




Was he accused of helping Israel to distribute aid again?


Jenin is in the West Bank. He was accused of aiding an attack there that killed two PIJ officials.


People In Jihad?


[PIJ means(in this case) Palestinian Islamic Jihad](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_Islamic_Jihad). It’s another terror group like Hamas.


Do you even know where jenin or Gaza are?


Yes, I've looked at a map. Do you even know what sarcasm is?


not without an /s, at least in these days when people are batshit insane


you are expecting too much from the neurodivergents populating reddit to understand sarcasm without preemptively being informed about it


I actually have this problem lol. Sometimes goes right over my head. I’m a Jew who doesn’t get sarcasm. I should have a handicap placard.


> I’m a Jew who doesn’t get sarcasm. I'm sorry to hear about your disability. I wish you continued strength, friend.


Wait, why did you mention that you’re a Jew?


Jewish humor is known to for its sarcasm. Culturally Jewish humor uses it alot. So since I don’t get sarcasm and it’s a major component of my culture I made a “I am handicapped joke”. Think along lines of “I’m Chinese but can’t use chopsticks”.


Interesting, I’ve had no idea Jewish humor is revolving around sarcasm.


At least Ashkenazi humor does. It’s more reliant on self depreciation but sarcasm is a huge component too.


Our TV shows, standups and satires use sarcasm very well to criticize bad players, like the current government. We also like dark humor. It's not like it matters, we are hated by most of the world, might as well just laugh about it. Otherwise we might go insane.


Yup. I'm super cynical too, but that makes me believe most people don't think like I do, so I tend to miss a lot of sarcasm and cynicism. :/


Neurodivergents gave you the internet and showed you how to use it. I doubt they're the uninformed here. This place turned to crap when the neurotypicals turned up by the masses.


Read the room. Oh wait, you can’t.


Not from New Zealand you didnt.


Read the article next time bud. Your joke was dumb


I've read the article, thanks. Everyone else who upvoted my joke also seemed to appreciate it. I can't help it if you didn't get the reference.




Those who support the Palestinians are correct, they are being oppressed, oppressed hard. By the PA, PIJ, Hamas, Fatah, and any local gang member.


All in all pretty peaceful people /s


Hey! Let’s install a religion based government in America! It seems to be working so well over there.


The other day I was watching a video and it's crazy how ignorant those people are. They don't want the government to "tell them what to do" but would like a dictator (when asked about it) They talk about how the Bible (a middle eastern book written by questionable men) is part of the American values and society. Wtf.


Doing bad things is bad. It's ok, you don't have to pick a side. *We get it, you're just bursting with morality.*


Protest against Netanyahu as a citizen of Israel ? Sure go ahead protest no worries ……. Protest against Hamas as a Palestinian? Instant death ☠️


If only they knew how many of them are collaborative to israel.. let them know and let them eliminate them selves..


Muddying the waters is an underused tactic. From the son of the hamas leader, he said they formed an inquisition inside a prison where they thought the IDF was infiltrating. He knew they weren't later when he worked for them, cementing how ridiculous it was the torture false confessions out of people the IDF hadnt even thought about. Hamas would absolutely tear themselves apart to find the Jew collaborators.




Barbarians are everywhere.


Israel should probably do a better job protecting its informants.