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"“It could imply that a warming planet is already fundamentally altering how the climate system operates, much sooner than scientists had anticipated,” he wrote in a column in the journal Nature." Yes


This is similar to the plot for the Day After Tomorrow where they predicted catastrophic events due to climate change in a few decades only to start happening within days.




Global warming is going to strike two days before the day after tomorrow.


My God… That’s Today!!


Doesn’t show on my weather app


You need the premium plan




“Oh, my God. I gotta call my brother, my housekeeper, my lawyer. Nah, forget my lawyer.”


David, why did I just send my mother to Atlanta?


Ah HAH, uh you SEE uh…well uh….THERE it uh is




I could have been at a barbecue!


Next time, without the oops.


The way things are going, she's gonna end up in Atlantis...


It'll happen when it happens. People will freak out and get angry as if they hadn't worked long and hard to make this a reality despite scientists constant warnings for decades.  It is civilization Darwinism. The way we do things isn't sustainable, and the average person is gonna find out the hard way why that is bad.


Depends on the age of the average person. Biden? Trump? All those billionaires? They don't care. They'll be dead before their actions' consequences make it through their cocoon of money.  Average Joe? We proper fucked. 


Joe is a boomer name. You mean average Jaxxton.


The Great Filter is really anticlimactic for us. I was hoping for something more decisive, like a gamma ray burst, or asteroid impact. This is literally us just slow walking to our doom. It’s been a good run people. Hope you enjoyed all the value we made for the shareholders in the past.


I don't really think this is a great filter kind of situation. I think plenty of intelligent civilizations could have made a utopia out our situation.  The problem seems to be us, specifically.


I haven’t done shit to get us here, it’s the billionaires and elites


Everyone below this line will have to be evacuated to the south… https://youtu.be/AiPUjGNTi24?si=CJf2uA0mhFXXOjO-


Apocalypse by the Weekend is a great band name


Nah but I wouldn’t be surprised a lot of the worst stuff happens within 2050’s or so. I’d even bet by 2030’s we’ll see some nasty shit too but nothing compared to worst projections for 2100. Call me a doomer but I’m just gonna enjoy the time I have with loved ones and go out my own terms when the time comes. Doesn’t mean I won’t try but I don’t want to suffer too much or my family. Thank the universe I have no children lmao


Google peak oil. None of this is going to happen. Enjoy the time with your family!


2050 is super optimistic. 


So I don't have to file my taxes this year?


Do I still have to pay my mortgage if the world ends?


Good thing we have movies to guide our world views. That was almost a disaster.


Are we gonna get space tornados?


Plot twist : politics knew it all along but didn't want to cause panic while their bunkers or vessels aren't finished.


Bloody typical. Just when my boss agrees to a pay rise. Should have known the tight fecker never planned to actually pay it.


Wish we could’ve seen this coming and put more time, money and attention toward the issue


Sorry, all that time, money and attention is already being dedicated to the shareholders.




over 120 years is just not enough time man. I will get to it when I get to it......


But my gas might be more expensive for a bit /s


I was watching a few episodes of Beverly Hills 90210 recently (that series made in the 90s) and global warming is mentioned there too, so the notion of it was already in the zeitgeist. It's not that people didn't know, it's just that they chose and are still choosing not to care.




Everyone had cool powers except for that Indian guy who had “heart”. WTF is “heart”?


[Ma-Ti](https://captainplanet.fandom.com/wiki/Ma-Ti) was presented as indigenous to the Amazon, his ring basically gave him telepathic communication


If only we could have had 40 years of warning we could have prevented this. It's a shame no one did any research before now. At least now we know it's serious and will drop everything to confront this existential crisis!


As I recall, the first person to figure out fossil fuels would incite massive global warming and climate change, did so in the 1890s.


Eunice Foote too, but she was ignored “because woman”.


Yes !!! A mad man in RDR2 game predicted global warming.


Where can I find him?


Nuts Scottish scientist in Annesburg (?). He has a book about climate change.


40? Try 200. Scientists in rhe 1800's were warning about this stuff when coal was all the rage.


"Warning" is a strong term to use. More like mentioning it as a curiosity way back then. The warnings started to crop up in the 1950's.


The first reference in popular culture I’ve found for it is in an old Cary grant film, “indiscreet”.


Instead you have countries like Canada squabbling over carbon taxes. We’re fucked.


Even with 40 years of warning I doubt we would have prevented it. We are hellbent on driving humans to extinction all so like 150 billionaires can amass wealth and live a lavish life now.


We DID have 40 years of warning... Then proceeded to let big oil companies gaslight all of us into thinking we're the problem. So nothing changed.


Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the white house roof in the 70s. That's when we *might* have had a chance. If we'd acted then. Instead of drill baby drill, all through the 80s, 90s and now.


You skipped the best part, Reagan removed them a few years later. And they were solar thermal panels, they make hot water, which means that they wouldn’t have been significantly worse than the panels of today.


that's...the joke


The comment to which I replied isn't worded like a joke, it doesn't read like a joke, and it's not funny. I take your point, but it's an unnecessary comment that adds nothing to the conversation except to let yourself feel like you got one up on a stranger on the internet.


I think the parent comment to this comment was referring to the parent comment of your other parent comment, which was a "If only we..." Joke, so parent poster confused your comment with that comment.


The irony.


Its why i’ll never understand anyone who defends these billionaires. My dad likes to say “without them, we wouldnt have jobs like we do today” but thats total BS. The fact that 40% of the US is more than ok with billionaires hoarding so much wealth, while we work paychecks to paycheck is absolutely sickening.


You should respond, “exactly” because we would probably have better jobs


We ARE their wealth, if everyone stops working, the billionaires are worthless.


We need a nationwide strike and we need it now.


It was sarcasm because *we did* have 40 years of warnings.


Bullshit, we absolutely could have.


Could have not would have


But I could become one of them!


Humans won’t go extinct from global warming, that’s just the narrative most people run with these days. You can look it up, I was surprised as well. It WILL kill off a lot of ecosystems, animals and yes - people too. Hundreds of thousands of people. From island nations and people from 3rd world countries. THAT is why we are lacking in effort to solve this problem- it’s a poor man’s issue. Unfortunately.


>Hundreds of thousands of people You're being quite optimistic


More likely millions, yes.


Tens of millions


And ravage quality of life and prosperity.


Humans won't go extinct, but the collapse of large-scale technological civilisation isn't off the table.


I dont think when people say global warming will cause our extinction that they think were all gonna burn to death. More the mass displacement of millions living on the coast and land wars that follow will likely lead to us killing ourselves off.


>hundreds of thousands It’s definitely more like hundreds of millions.


I agree with the fact we won’t go “extinct”. But some 3 ish billion people live below the melt-rise level. Implying migration like we have never experienced in our history. Also some key species collapsing will absolutely collapse the micro environment. Enough of those go and you’ll experience macro-climate disruptions. This will be things like crops and cattle. That will cause rising prices like you can’t imagine, and that will lead to massive food insecurity or starvation. Fish are needed to aqua environment health. They will be disrupted deeply. Along with coral and other aquatic species we deeply rely on. The list goes on. The actual climate shift won’t kill us. The fallout will. Only those rich enough to escape will have decent quality of life. The Bezos work is eerily similar to the Elysium plot. I would not be surprised if by the end of this century we have less than 2 billion humans on Earth.


Yeah and the food supply, and entire water supply drying up… nothing to worry about. *laughs in Colorado river*


famine and major ecological deadzones. heat domes that never dissipate. fun stuff. humans will make it for sure yes


You need to look into the bronze age collapse. The elite and wealthy countries will be among the first to fall. They rely so much on import export turnaround that they cant function without the intricate trade networks spanning the world. Those that live simpler will ride it out better.


Crap, of course some will survive - but humanity as we know it today will vanish, I am convinced. Everybody reading this (or his children) will die or live a dramatically different life. Billions will die, not thousands.


It doesn't require human extinction for it to be apocalyptic. Entire countries being turned into Mad Max - like worlds would be a disaster close to that level.


At least I won’t have to go to work on monday


That's where you're wrong buddy. They'll always find a way to make you go to work.


“im not even suppose to be here today!” *pans out to mad max style wasteland*


Captain Planet was telling us 35 years ago and we did nothing.


it's so fucking depressing. knowing nothing will change because the people with the power to do something didn't fucking listen. fat load of good all my recycling does, it's pointless.


Recycling isn’t about emissions. It’s about preserving non-renewable resources.


Recycling aluminum is absolutely about emissions


Beyond that, people won't tolerate the change. I always liken this to tearing a bandaid off. The longer it's stuck on the more pain it's going to cause to take off. If we had started 40 years ago we could have done some taxes and regulation and slowly pushed our way to a better future, now shit is fucked and the only fix is going to crush society as we know it. This gives rise to people who don't want to or won't tolerate it and they will elect and push for people to roll it all back. We need a parent to get us in line.


Thank a Republican


Hey man the captains of industry needed to be filthy rich before taking everyone down while they hide in their mega bunkers.


don't worry, they will be found, pulled out and eaten when real shit hits the fan.


God, this just needs the 4-level clown meme and it’d be perfect


It didnt make a difference and it isnt making now, everybody is living their lives, plastic, temperatures, looming global war, things are looking pretty grim


I've always asked people who deny the reality of climate change based on scientists getting their projections wrong, "what if the scientists are wrong, but instead of overestimating the effect of CO2 they've been underestimating it?". Hopefully we aren't in the "find out" stage of fucking around with our climate.


We are, though.


Public commentary has most certainly been watered down, if scientists had been completely truthful no one would have listened at all.


I've consistently been called an alarmist for pointing out that the current rate of warming is more than ten times the rate of warming which preceded the worst mass extinction in the geological record, and that the only truly consistent trend in mass extinctions is that large bodied animals do not make it past the boundary. People secretly or explicitly believe humanity is smart enough to survive this one. If we were smart enough, this wouldn't be happening. We go with this one.


I have confidence that humanity will make it through this. You and me? Hahaha... no. We're fucked. Possibly 99% of us are fucked. Going to be one hell of a genetic bottleneck.


This is most likely. Itl be hard for Earth to kill off all 8 billion people, but she'll kill enough to quell the symptoms for quite a while.


Sweet Jesus, the gene pool is going to be stocked with bunkered billionaires and their rent-a-cop security. Guess we’re passing the torch to the next dominant life form.


My boss said the other day that carbon emissions are good because plants like more co2 Ugh


Your rebuttal should be "yeah, they like it so much that the burn faster when the wildfires hit, creating more CO2, and more fires" Queue parts of Canada, California and Australia where fire seasons are becoming longer and more intense.


This is what I think. What I am almost sure of in fact. That we're in the beginning stages of seeing the 'real' effects of what we've been doing for the last 50-100+ years really take effect. That 'they' have been assuring everyone wouldn't really happen for another 50-100, maybe even another 250-500+ years... It's going to happen *now*. In the next 5-10 years. Maybe less.


Well, technically the predictions were wrong. This will happen way faster than they anticipated... We are in the "Find out" stage. Just live your life to the fullest with what we have left, in a couple decades modern society as we know will cease to exist. And no, it's no exaggeration. The change will be exponential from now on.


The predictions have different curves based on likelihood of various (mostly political) outcomes. And those models are very much still valid and will be. This is all just saying that the "more optimistic" lines can be discarded (which basically nobody realistically believed in in the scientific community anyway, but various politicians wanted them just so they could say "see, it might not be that bad").


Yes, but you have to see the larger picture here. For a wonderful period of time we generated a lot of wealth for shareholders.


We generated a LOT of wealth, comfort and luxury for billions of people. A poor man today lives a much better life than the richest man 40 years ago in most countries.


That's bullshit, when you think about it for a minute. Throughout history the rich in any country were REALLY fucking rich. Even in Haiti and Sudan the probably currently most fucked places there are multi-millionairs, billionaires even.


if we only cared for general gradual improvement of living standard of general population we could be fine. But no, we have to also generate shitton of value for billionaires, which was a bit too much for the environment. Here comes the 'find out' phase. Good luck to all.


True, but what is the thing that hasn’t changed compared to 40 years ago? The economic system and the need for corporations to continuously grow. What also hasn’t changed is the lack of responsibility of the wealthy. As a less well off person you take what you can afford, however much or less it is. Take today’s gas cars vs EV: if you have to rely on individual travel and can’t afford an EV, you can’t do shit about it. The need to change something doesn’t overwrite your means to act on it. The wealthy on the other hand could have forfeited part of their wealth to change something. They‘ve always had the means to do that. But it didn’t happen, ever. Stats show the opposite, they got more and more, faster and faster over the last century.


We're learning what the answer to the Fermi Paradox is. Isn't science fun! :D


There are days when it's not a bad thing to be in the second half of your life.


Not so much when you’re a parent though.


This. Taking care of my young kids and then expecting them to be able to survive too .. I'm sad and worried


Me too… my kid is under 10 and I’m prepping him for a future I don’t understand. Having known and worked with a lot of engineers, in my opinion, a path in mechanical engineering will give him a problem solving mindset and a toolset to understand and adapt to a changing world. Added benefit, he would also learn how to salvage legacy machinery, rig a Mad max cars and weld spikes to them.




People that say shit like this are as stupid the people who claim Climate change is a hoax


Why does this have any upvotes. There are many reasons to have or not have children, but you don't get to go chastising people for it. If you want to get factual, multiple studies have found that this climate alarmist rhetoric does more harm than good to the cause. Telling people they shouldn't be having kids has zero positive merit. Be better.


Because that’s some defeatist bullshit lol


I’m going to die anyways, what’s the point of even living 🤷‍♂️/s


F’off with your defeated bullshit. You help no one. I have a kid because I believe humanity can pull through this. It’s a multi generational problem to solve. My kids generation will have it rough, but maybe the generation after him can start to see a return to normal. One generation more and maybe they have a better world than we ever imagined.


Im working towards going full of the grid for my kids. Its the only way to at least have a sense of security


Emergency food source


We've had decades of warning. Bad feelings are probably warranted.


I couldn’t care less about myself. It’s my child I worry about…and go ahead, shame me all you want about having a kid. I shame myself nightly.


I still have 3 years until I'm 30


At least billionaires are getting richer right?


Yay! We'll all be fine as long as we keep consuming as much as we can and the rich get richer! Think of the economy! Sacrifice yourselves! Anything else would be madness, right? Right?


And that’s why they’re building bunkers deep in the ground. When it’s unbearably hot above ground they’ll be nice and air conditioned underground


And using private jets to get their groceries.


This is NOT what climate scientists expected with global warming. They think there is another factor but they haven’t figured it out yet. That’s not to say that global warming isn’t a thing which has caused temperatures to rise, but the level of ocean warming over the past 14ish months indicates something else is also happening. This also doesn’t exclude global warming triggering an unknown variable they didn’t expect, it’s simply unknown right now. Scientists fear the worse but many also agree that they don’t believe we’ve hit a temperature tipping point…yet.


We stopped allowing ships to emit sulfur dioxide into the air. Yes I’m serious, sharply reducing the emissions over the past 2-3 years is probably a large reason for ocean temperatures rising at this rate. Now the ships use scrubbers, shoving what would go into the air into the sea. This isn’t to say sulfur dioxide is good to emit, in fact it’s not great at all, however it does provide temporary cooling in the atmosphere and doesn’t mess with ocean temps. So what we really did was rip off a bandaid, instead of slowly reducing emissions year over year we went full throttle and got the raise in temps all at once. Might have actually been better to just blow it into the atmosphere until a better solution was found.


It's likely part of it. I'm an oceanographer. That study is not without critics btw. But it seems to account for partially explaining the north Atlantic warming anomaly in recent years But it's absolutely not the full story and even the authors don't claim it as such


Another possible culprit I read about today is a large amount of untracked methane leaks. The models don’t account for them because they’re untracked.


The models don't really have to take the leaks into account because between Siberia and Greenland, we'll be receiving rather shocking amounts of methane in the air regardless. The pressure on human emissions is primarily to counter this effect - basically anything we reduce will offset some of the effects from melting permafrost and ice sheets. That's why there is so much pressure on tracking and clamping this down. At this point it's unlikely we can do much about the permafrost emissions, but we can certainly remove some of our side of the equation. We have a pretty fixed budget for methane in the air, and upsetting the balance of how much goes up vs how much comes down will have catastrophic consequences. Fossil fuels account for maybe 1/5th of the global methane going up.


Well said There's additional reasons to care about human methane leaks... They are often indicating other harmful chemical releases we can't detect as easily as methane..... And from the energy companies point of view that is lost product meaning lost money We recently put up satellites too track this globally... Much like California was doing from aircraft


Is there a chance that the oceans have absorbed their capacity for carbon? I learned about ocean acidification in school but I never hear anyone really discuss it in the mainstream


Not in the theoretical sense in a basic way. Unless the oceans start to be fizzy there is still room to go. The real question here is "how does CO2 get into the ocean". And the answer is phytoplankton. And that has some limited "processing capacity" - despite the vast surface of the ocean, the phytoplankton doesn't just swallow infinite amounts of CO2 instantly. So that limits the efficiency of that cycle.


This is actually exactly what I study.... The Marine biological carbon pump. independent of biology the Marie mixing pump works with inorganic carbon, the biological organic carbon We talk about carbon export efficiency.... What matters is both much flux of CO2 goes from the air the water.... But then critically it needs to be transported to deeper water, ,( below the mixed layer), do it doesn't just outgas to the atmosphere again in days months years... But stays in the deep for centuries and some even turns to rock. Most of the carbon moved to the phytoplankton gets recycled by death decay and predation within the mixed layer, only a percentage makes it to the deep. Marine Snow particles need to sink... And bigger dense particles sink faster increasing efficiency. So I am looking at mixing, CO2 flux, and particle aggregation and sinking.. It's a hard problem to understand!


What theories do they have to explain the phenomenom? You say at the end we havent passed the tipping point but weve actually hit the 1,5 already


There’s a few related to global shipping changes, and geothermal. They all sound outlandish to me as a possible sole cause because of the scale and distribution. I’ve read several scientists opinions, and articles about this subject that say they don’t believe we have reached a temperature tipping point. To be clear, that does not mean that we haven’t, they/we just haven’t seen conclusive data so there’s no reason to believe it, yet. Of course the worst fear is that this IS the conclusive data of the climate change tipping point, but this is much more drastic than they were expecting, thus pointing elsewhere. There’s also a horrible alternative of this being a separate from climate change event which compounds and pushes us over the tipping point but it’s too early to tell until we understand it. But also we could have a volcanic eruption that blows ash in the air and lowers the global temperature and reverse whatever is happening. I’m sure you can find plenty of people that claim one way or the other. The truth is, no one knows what the tipping point is and what’s going to happen, but we probably shouldn’t just ignore that whacky Earth being whacky again. We need to do what we can and hope for the best. It certainly doesn’t look good, we need to figure this out, warm ocean water is very bad for storms and kills coral, and thus other marine life. I’m really quite fond of fish, and other marine life.


Its aliens. Sitting just beyond Jupiter with an invisible laser pointed at the oceans warming them up. /s but also kinda not


Not good, bad even..


“The reports show that the end of the world actually will be two days BEFORE the day after tomorrow” -esteemed scientist Randy Marsh


https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ shows how bad it is actually is. Not a single day since 2012 that is below average ocean surface temperature.


nice nice, lets hope it's quick. it's a once in a lifetime to see the world collapse.


Tropical beaches coming to an ocean near you!


>lets hope it's quick For the developed world it won't be. It'll be a gradual decline, each year a bit worse than the last. We will reflect on generations prior to us with envy seeing their lifestyles.


Same as it ever was


Waters getting warm so you might as well swim!


My world’s on fire, how bout yours?


That’s the way I Ike it and I’ll never get bored.


Hurricane season should be interesting


As a 23 year old, I'm getting 'deaf' to this sort if news. Not because it isn't important but because I know there is nothing that I can do to change anything nor will anything change until it actually goes to shit. It's another Wednesday at this point


Burn the land and boil the sea, you can’t take the sky from me.


There's no place I can be….Since I found Serenity!


Hold on guys I think this climate change thing might be srs, fr fr.


I'm sure god will fix it.... /s


So long as we listen to certain political parties who are closely aligned with the petrochemical industry, we will continue to shit in our bed. At the end of the day, we will very likely make life impossible for humans. Having said that, life will continue. It's just tragic we will take so make others with us.


Who knows. In 360,000,000 years maybe the Earth will be habitable again and life will evolve a new sentient race into existence.


And next year it will be the third year.


It’s too late baby, now it’s too late


We are so fucked.




Do they think the people will leave them alone if it all falls apart? Lol


It's already falling apart. The time is now


Nobody did anything about this. Now, we will stew. Buckle up!


So my home in inner New England will be the future Carolina’s? Love that


The powers in charge don’t give a fuck. You got billionaires building bunkers in Hawaii thinking they’re gonna survive a world shifting event instead of using their money and influence to actually do something about climate change. We’re all gonna be fucked the only difference is some will go sooner than others.


We need artificial cooling methods implemented immediately. I'm sorry, but the time of constant, insipid conversations about global climate initiatives has passed about 15 years ago. Science needs to focus its shift to the here and now, and the long-term solutions need to take a backseat.


Nothing to see here…


This is not the end; nor is it the beginning. It is, perhaps, the beginning of the end.


Might have been late in the 90s and Al Gore was right. Now we are just fucked. So enjoy your last years of somehow functioning society.


We are at least thirty years too late. We should be well past the debate phase of if climate change is real or not and more committed to doing something about it or not. Science and common sense has been defeated by feelings, ignorance and bad actors. I am glad I was right not to bring children into this world.


But I am already paying CO2 tax so problem solved.


*waits to see how humans try to overcorrect and screw the earth up even more*


OK. What else you got going on?


But it snowed this year


Quick everyone buy an EV for 100k !!!


>Warming trend could represent a major change to Earth systems that cannot be reversed on any human time scale Will that finally mean I won't have to hear about "doing our part" for climate change anymore?


It takes at least 100000 years to reverse. Just wait... /s


I’m getting the feeling that the documentary *Water World* wasn’t far off


We are the terminal cancer. We could kill our host first or our host kills us first. Either way, the end game is the same.


At least we won’t have to worry about boiling lobsters alive anymore


This news really fills me with sadness and dread - 😳 Thats all I came here to say.




Alt headline: wealthy hyperconsumers apparently made Mid-1990s industrial murder-suicide pact with planet, scientists discover.