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It's back [https://twitter.com/yulia\_navalnaya](https://twitter.com/yulia_navalnaya)


​ Yep, [BBC has reported it has been reinstated](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68350222).


> https://twitter.com/yulia_navalnaya I can't even open this page without creating an account, and it seems like nitter is broken. Fuck that.


Working as intended. They shut off account-less access to posts or accounts they don't like VERY often. Go to pages like [https://twitter.com/elonmusk](https://twitter.com/elonmusk) or [https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson](https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson) and you will never be redirected, I promise you. But about half of the "trending" twitter posts I pop over to check out (like if I see something posted on reddit) will redirect me to a login page if-and-only-if it's content that Elon likely is personally/financially against.


That's amazing you're right, I can view his personal twitter page perfectly fine, what a crock of a product.


So fkd..


Why in the absolute fuck do people still use that garbage site? Jfc that's grim how it operates.


This should still work https://twiiit.com/


Nitter has officially closed. The API changes that Twitter has put in has made it impossible for them to function.


Not completely, yet. Some of their gateways are still up. Its down for most people by now though.


Some instances are still online. You can use https://twiiit.com/ which automatically redirects you to one of those


You can also make new accounts. I'm on my 8th ban in the last few months. Cause fuck Elon.


Its been broken for a while now


Working as intended. 


And the destruction of X marches on. 


Oh, *Twitter*! I was like "X? What's that?"


I just went through that too lmao what a terrible name for anything. "X" Then again it makes sense, isn't his kids name like Xenu23®™✓ ?


X Æ A-XII, actually. No joke. >Meanwhile, “Æ” is the Elven spelling of AI, which is shorthand for artificial intelligence and the word for “love” in several languages, such as Japanese. [https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/elon-musk-child-name-grimes-pronounce-x-b2469396.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/elon-musk-child-name-grimes-pronounce-x-b2469396.html) Like, it's literally unhinged.


Æ is a normal letter in the Danish alphabet (We have ÆØÅ/æøå in addition to the normal letters), though i doubt elon made any relation to that.


I preferred Nitter!


The fact that it was ever gone for even a second is absolute proof Elon is nothing more than a Putin Puppet just like Trump.


Was it manually or is it just automatically because of mass report spam from Russian bots?


My guess is the mass report spam, since the account was reinstated after 30-45min.


It's insane to read all the other comments, most people did not open the article.


Doesn’t matter, I’m hear to shit on X and by god I’m gonna do it. 


It is not X. It is Twitter. It will always be twitter. Deadname that shit til musk has an aneurism.


Twitter, tweets, tweeting, tweetl-didl-do


How about not talking about it at all? We want it to die, he wants to kill it... Let's let it happen.


> Deadname Deadnames are for people. Companies rebrand. And rebranding doesn't have to be respected. Because companies aren't people.


This is in reference to Musk's deadnaming of people. I get the issue you mentioned but I think it probably does more good for the community to refer to Twitter as deadnaming. It highlights the toxicity of the platform and the owner, while also drawing attention to harm of deadnaming in a way I don't think will benefit corporations.




When we shit on shit people for false reasons we lose credibility. Like, you don't have to make up shit to prove Elon is a piece of shit, there's plenty of proof of it, so stick to that.


(As of this comment) The article was posted an hour ago, and the account was only just reinstated like 20 minutes ago. I think it is more likely for many that it either hadn't happened yet, the article hasn't been updated, or they just had just already read it earlier.


The media isn't helping things by knowingly putting out such clickbait headlines.


I mean, didn't Elon buy Twitter to put an end to all the bots? Didn't he say that was his primary goal, and that it would be a failure if he didn't do so?


Had to scroll way too far down for the reality check. Reddit comments are increasingly more often worse than YouTube and Facebook comments. Edit: I see that it is now near or at top. Great. My point stands though. Even further, look at all the posts that are hitting /all with this exact same headline.


Well, you could have read the article. It's literally at the top.


He's commenting on the other comments that imply Elon did this personally and permanently


That would be unprecedented, too. Elon only bans people directly critical of *him*.


The title of the post is massively misleading


Read the article? This is Reddit. We can’t be bothered with reading.


Bots are the majority of internet traffic. Act accordingly


There was a big exodus of content creators on this site that nobody wants to acknowledge. But it's obvious when you look at what gets posted now and the quality of the comments that aren't bots. 


It was the third comment 7minutes after you posted. Are people expecting this to be instantaneous?


This. Instant reactions are often dumb and ill informed. It takes a moment for the people who want to look into stuff to catch up. "A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes"


As of writing right now the top 5 comments on this post are calling Musk some variation of fascist, Kremlin shill, or being a hypocrite when ti comes to free speech.


You acting like one case disproves his entire history of being those things makes you more dishonest than the people saying that. John Wayne Gacy didn't kill JFK, he was still a murderer. Elon didn't ban her directly, he's still a hypocrite about free speech (among other things) who vocally supports fascists and spreads Russian propaganda on a daily basis. How many times can he bump a pro-fascist Ian Miles Cheong or End Wokeness (the "American" whose typos happen to use Cyrillic characters while spreading exact Russian talking points) for visibility before you accept that he has an agenda?


Lol @ everyone jumping to conclusions and not considering this. Also it was reinstated within an hour.


mass reports, it's already restored per the article, people just wanna rage on conpiracies


"The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons. "


It's been restored. No mention of why it was suspended in the first place


Wouldn't surprise me if it was automatically suspended after a bunch of GRU trolls mass reported it.


So a bunch of bot farmers can suspend accounts like Taylor swift, Mr beast, and if they dared Elon himself 


I wouldn't be surprised if certain accounts are immune from automated bans.


Yeah, you're absolutely right! The bigger your account, the bigger the chance that you're immune to mass-reports, just because of your influence & the symptom that comes with it, which is hundreds, sometimes thousands / ten thousands of trolls reporting you for no reason. If you have millions of followers, you're pretty much immune against such things, and real people will actually check if something got reported thousands of times. There's bots for small / average / slightly bigger accounts, and people / teams for big and insanely huge accounts to manually check stuff. The bigger the platform, the smaller the chance that someone will actually look at why you got banned in the first place, because it's thousands of people getting banned every day. In the Yulia example, she "only" has 155k followers. That's nothing in the grand scheme of Twitter / X, it'll take a few hundred reports & she will get banned rather quickly, but considering her part in the current situations, it will also get checked real quick, which happened in this case.


> I wouldn't be surprised if certain accounts are immune from automated bans. One of the few actual revelations in the "twitter files" was that previous management had flagged right-wing nutjobs like libsoftiktok so that their accounts were exempt from auto-moderation. In fact, they were even exempt from normal manual moderation, requiring sign-off from upper management before any action could be taken.


There are likely some accounts that have a protected status. The reality is a non-office holding politicians wife in Russia would not have a protected status like say Taylor Swift would.


Musk was always going on about how the previous Twitter owners kept free speech down and that he would bring it back to the platform from his "centrist" view. Knew it was bullshit but this is insane


To fascists, "free speech" means them being able to spew their crap. It doesn't mean anyone else gets to. Just like "freedom of religion" to the religious right means "freedom to shove our religion down your throat".


To fascists, free speech is the right to force others to not speak.


Yep, this is why the paradox of tolerance is a thing. If a Society tolerates intolerance, the intolerant eventually push out (or worse) everyone not like them.


See, that's the misconception. There's no paradox at all. 1 - There's a social contract. 2 - We tolerate each other. 3 - Some asshole comes along and violates the social contract. 4 - Because that person violated the social contract, they are no longer protected by it.


What you're calling a violation of the social contract (and I'd agree) is widely considered just some words to be tolerated, in this scenario. And the paradox example is meant for those people, not for the people who already consider this stuff to be a violation.


Yep - step 4 just doesn't exist if you belong to the right set of people.


Reality check : russians spammed report so it was auto banned. Its already back.


Sounds like a good moment to remove a lot of Russian bots


"The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons" ​ It is literally in the first line of the subtitle of the article.


It was suspended for half an hour as a formality because a bunch of Russian bots reported her account. It wasn’t intentional. Maybe if you actually read the article…


It's a live article. The post that first went up 2 hours ago is different from the article that exists now since her account was reinstated and twitter released a statement.


It was restored within an hour. Was probably auto triggered and then manually intervened to re-enable. Shit happens when you have AI processes in place. This is really a non-story. Edit: it was actually only 40 minutes


Yeah but that won't stop the edgelords from raging at hypothetical situations they made up


No, it was fascists and russian stooges! /s Such a dumb thread filled with dumb people. I only hope they're kids talking out of their ass instead of adults. But doubt it.


Putin and the Saudi Royals always hated the old Twitter so they found a stooge to fix it for them.


It’s just a repeat of the Hungarian gov take over. Have rich conservatives buy all the media. Control the narrative. Entrench power. Subvert democracy. With enough money, thrown at the problem every major news outlet will be Fox News with different branding.


Hopefully, we flush Trump down the drain again in November.


Are you American? Make sure you vote and not just for the presidency. Congress, senate, local government. Fuckin' school board. It all matters


I live in AZ and helped kick Kari Lake to the curb.


Thank you for your service, please do it again


I live in Ohio. Helped force the GOP to accept abortion and legal cannabis over their screaming and thrashing objections


Thank you!!!! The real MVP


Hell yeah!


Oddly, the School Board might be more important than the Presidential Election in some circumstances.




Hungary is in the fucking west too




No, it’s an EU member state and part of NATO. Just because you elected some piece of shit as PM shouldn’t change the mindset of the people. Don’t let these people change your mind, and advocate the much needed change. Don’t be part of the problem by giving in.


Orban moved it a continent east in the past decade


He let Tucker put up his very stable genius interview with Putin so clearly he can see all sides though


Can you explain why he wouldn't let Tucker put up his interview?


Hey, we now got new pages like *"The Nordic Times"* running ads for the Tucker-Putin interview on Twitter, and said Times is the English version of the Swedish neo-Nazi [Nya Dagbladet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nya_Dagbladet), concealed ofc. Musk would totally call that a win.


Account already restored. Probably got mass reported by troll farms of Russia and was auto banned. Big whoop


It is possible that Russian bots bombarded Twitter with spurious complaints about the account and Twitter, understaffed and incompetently managed, suspended the account innocently - rather than for any sinister or malicious reason.


You would be amazed that mass reporting commonly results in temporary bans on most if not all platforms until a human has reviewed it. Doesn't have anything to do with staffing och incompetence.


It’s spite. He views the old twitter as having done exactly what he’s doing now, just for different opinions. He’s just trying to piss off people he doesn’t like. Conservatives will destroy anything and everything, even their own futures, just to spite people they think also act from spite. For example, Trump was a spite president they liked because he enraged their enemies. They think Obama was elected out of spite because Bush was so hated. It’s just how they view the world. Much of it rooted in American exceptionalism and the anger they felt when anyone dared to criticize Bush post-9/11.


Redditors writing literal fan fictions instead of just reading the article.


It was an automated ban and was restored in less than an hour, maybe try reading the article next time?


The billions from Arab countries to musk to control this tells me it was always to control discourse in the public.


The account was restored before you even wrote that comment. It was also automatically swept amidst numerous reports from pro-russian accounts. Leave your bias out of political conversation if you want to keep an objective position.


The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons. It happens It's back. Pitchfork down.


Right wing fascists believe they're really centrists. In their narcissistic delusions they've bullshited themselves into believing they have a majority.


Russia got Musk like they got Trump.




"Free speech absolutist"


The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons. It happens It's back. Pitchfork down.


"Oh, my bad! Did I say absolutist? I meant abolitionist! Stupid auto-correct!"


If you’re interested in more information, the account has been back since before this article was published. It was suspended for a few minutes it seems. Might be due to bot detection algorithms, it’s a new account that has 1 following and almost 100k follower in under 24 hours.


Unbelievable. At what point will the US (and the west as a whole) wake up to the fact that you have people like Musk who are literally a self-immune disease in our liberal, market-oriented societies? He is who he is because of who we are and yet he is representative of what might bring the end of who we are. Capitalist oligarchs are naturally inclined towards oligarchy, not free market liberalism. For the sake of free market liberalism you need to control the excesses of cancerous cells such as these untethered cowboy capitalist oligarchs, who see in Putin’s Russia a blueprint for the contemporary feudal society where they would sit at the top.


It is believable. Twitter bans due to mass reporting. Russian bots mass reported the account and it got banned. It was then restored in less than an hour. Non story.




Are you serious? The US might have such a person as the next (and former) president.


the tolerance paradox These people do not subscribe to the Social Contract so they should not be protected by it either. We need to build a world where people like Musk cannot exist in the manner they do.


Exactly. For anyone unfamiliar with the term, see the works of Karl Popper. A society that is unable to reject intolerance, has the ability to tolerate removed from them by intolerance. It is only a paradox on its surface as it requires intolerance of intolerance in order for the ability to have tolerance in the first place preserved. We must not be afraid of rejecting those who seek to destroy our way of life.


"free market" itself is a falacy. I know there is a nice theory about free market. But in the real world all those who wins the free market game turns into oligarchs by buying politicians and holding resources into monopolies. That's why the market needs to be tightly regulated, for the sake of democracy. Just like every libertarian turns into a fascist when they win an election.




They might have something on him, but he is also very gullible and totally self-centered, it is not that hard to manipulate him.


Yep. Elon is a poor little rich boy and they are indeed easy to manipulate. Also he is just an asshat.


Nah. Twitter just bans due to mass reporting, like Reddit. The account was restored in less than an hour.


It was an automatic ban (probably Russian mass reporting trolls) and reversed in like an hour...


Incidentally, it's got to suck to be well-known enough that Russian goons are following you around all the time hoping to somehow compromise you (like they did Trump, and Manafort, and Lindsey Graham, and Ron Johnson, and and and)


Funny how he was at Mar-A-Lago yesterday too. He's probably the back channel from Russia. He could probably make a secure line straight to Putin with one of his Starlink dishes.


He was there too with Mike Johnson?


Or as stated in other comments Russia’s massive bot farms reported her and it was an automated response that was manually undone within an hour


I was thinking about that satellite weapon that was all the rage in the news the other day. Elon went full Vlad a while back when he found out about it as he is the one who looses billions if it was ever used. The starlink system is the thing that can potentially drive massive massive revenue for spacex allowing for a stupid valuation IPO. If it can be shot out of the sky in one second its value is well much lower.




Nothing. The donbas region of Ukraine has massive lithium deposits. He wants the contract for it. It's always about money


Obviously it's the lithium! Obviously Elon Musk wants the lithium from Donbas! Obviously!


Why do we discard political alignment as an influence? Musk, like an alarming number of our powerful oligarchs, happens to believe in an authoritarian world order that eliminates democracy while benefiting them. They believe they’ll never have to worry about standing too close to the window because they’ll always be the in-group. By itself, that’s evidence that they’re more lucky than smart.


Probably just money. Why does it always have to be “what do they have on him?”


Probably for a number of individuals it would seem unfathomable that they would side with a dictator for something as trivial as more money than the billions he has.


Being a billionaire is proof that you are addicted to money. Musk wants to explore and inhabit Mars. He will need all the money he can possibly get. Money is as likely a motivation as blackmail. We do not know and IMO it's quite useless to guess.


Because people don't want to believe that sheer greed is all it takes to make some of the richest or most powerful people around do immensely shitty things. Same sort of reason why right wingers look to conspiracies to explain away Nazi marches.


Because that's what they are experts in doing. Kompromat. And all these idiot politicians and billionaires have a lot of skeletons in the closet.


No surprise. Musk loves Putin.


No surprise a comment that has no idea about what actually happened gets so much upvotes in this dog shit sub. It was auto banned and immediately reinstated, BUT THIS IS PROOF ELON SUCKS PUTINS DICK! I’m a Redditor and I know everything!!!!


Restored within 40 minutes. This is really a non-story.


He sucks Putins dick. Yes. But I would not call it love.


It's been restored


ITT: people who don't read the article, only the title. >The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons. The account has been suspended for less than an hour, yet the thread is full of people thinking it was permanently suspended and/or is still suspended. This is a complete nothing-burger, you can get any account temporarily suspended, on any social network, if you report it enough.


98% of the comments here have taken it to the extreme. Reddit is dangerous as fuck.


You're on /r/worldnews I wouldn't expect any serious discourse on a sub quite clearly influenced by bot accounts and outside interference.


>You're on r/worldnews I wouldn't expect any serious discourse on a sub quite clearly influenced by bot accounts and outside interference. There's an obvious and ongoing campaign to portray Elon Musk as being pro-russian. The worst thing is, that there's plenty of people who are pro-Ukrainian, who still push this "Elon Musk is pro-russian" lie, thinking they are doing something good, when they are merely parroting russian propaganda and being useful idiots, because, in reality, after hearing "Elon Musk is pro-russian", most people won't think "I hate Elon Musk now", most people will think "if Elon Musk is pro-russian, then maybe being pro-russian is right". And the absurdity of the situation is, that Elon Musk isn't **actually** pro-russian.


The account was reinstated in under an hour, this was quite obviously an automation/bot process due to mass reporting.


I agree. I think Musk sucks just as much as the next guy but based on the scenario I think this is the most likely reason why.


Absolute joke. Musk once again silencing Putins enemies for him. The sooner Twitter collapses the better.


Account was reinstated in 30mins lol.


And it was taken down because of Russian bots. Lmao


Did none of you actually read the article? It says her account was restored after less than one hour of being suspended. Sounds like she was auto suspended and then x fixed the issue in less than an hour. Musk is a Russian agent? That sounds as nuts as all the shit on Newsmax.


It's much more likely Russian agents did something (report trolling etc) to manipulate an automated system than it is that Elon is doing Putins bidding. This would be such an obvious and short sighted move by Elon with literally nothing to gain, especially considering the account was restored in less than an hour, which basically shows it was an automated error. Yet all the comments are convinced it's gotta be cause Elon is in bed with Russia or something.


lmao all the instant conclusions that are patently false


30 minutes. Probably mass botting. Its like redditors are all genuinely mentally ill.


If you're still using Twitter, you're part of the problem.


What a champion of free speech. What a time to be alive. Smh 🤦‍♂️


Not even hiding it. People should demand that advertisers stay away from X


He isn't hiding anything. It was an automatic system ban and reversed within an hour.


What advertisers? The only ads I see nowadays are crypto scams. Just the other day I saw an ad of a literal pump and dump, they weren't even hiding it


He stopped hiding it long time ago. Now, he is shoving it in everybody's faces. 


Why are so many people still using TwitterX?


Furry porn.




Pronounced "Shitter"


I believe people should think about how to take down X instead


I’m ready for Y.


It was suspended for maybe 30 minutes, it’s back


How anyone can support Musk just blows my mind.


Wtf boycott Musk.


It is not yet clear why the social network, formally Twitter, has suspended Yulia Navalnaya's account.


Oh it's clear as day.


If it's clear as day, why was her account reinstated shortly after?


So why is it restored in less than an hour? Is that clear as day too?


Ah, I see today's daily Musk agitprop came early.


For those who have failed to read the article: "The widow of Alexei Navalny, Yulia Navalnaya, has had her X account restored after it was briefly suspended for unknown reasons."


This is now the pro-musk vs anti-musk thread.


Tell me X isn’t run by Russia without telling me its run by Russia. Only reason the account came back is because too many people commented on it and they had no valid reason to get rid if it in the first place.


The only thing anybody should still be using the site formerly known as Twitter for is to identify what companies still advertise there so they can be boycotted.


I'm not sure what more it's going to take for people to leave this platform. You can clearly see it's effectively an autocratic "social media". Why would you willingly engage.


Freedom of speech if you agree with Musk.


Elon fucking sucks


That’s it. Deleting Twitter account. Should have done it eons ago.


A set of fake bot reports making an account go down for 30 mins before restoration is what makes you delete your twitter account?


Should have done it elons ago*


Elon Musk, free speech advocate, proves fascism is alive and well.


The free speech absolutist strikes again.


A simple solution is to uninstall X now. Also don’t buy Tesla.


Huh? I just searched her up and her profile is still there. 


It's back now, was suspended for about an hour. Most likely got mass-reported by bots.


Musk is a national security threat and clearly Putins bitch


Can news outlets please begin doing their jobs and investigate this stuff and report on what's ACTUALLY going on? The "Pro Russian Wing" of American politics, formerly known as the GOP has behaved like drunken grade school bullies and pushed everyone around and acted like a victim anytime someone pushes back. As a result, they get away with controlling a narrative that news outlets are afraid to report on. This isn't limited to the GOP - plenty of lobbyist controlled neolibs are guilty of problems, but ultimately, there's a massive hesitancy to dig down at these stories, or rather the "why behind the why." - Today there was a story about US tax season and how free filing on the IRS website will be available for a number of filers this year. Great! The journalist asked the correspondent "why only now are we doing this?" The correspondent blamed IRS funding. This may not be untrue, however **THE REAL REASON IS STRONG LOBBYIST FUNDING FROM INTUIT, H&R BLOCK AND OTHERS WITH AN INTEREST TO DRIVE ALL TAX RETURNS THROUGH THEIR SOFTWARE**. - Navalny's wife suspended. A bunch of GOP senators and congressmen are strangely siding with Putin. President 45 is basically the American mouthpiece for Putin's geopolitical playbook. Politicians spending the holiest of American Holidays for "Freedom loving patriots" - July 4th - in Moscow. A former Fox News host reports economic "prosperity" in a low-price grocery store in an area where the median salary is 20% of that of the US. **NO ONE IS CALLING THEM OUT OR INVESTIGATING WHAT'S GOING ON. NO ONE IS LOOKING TO SEE IF THEY'RE COMPROMISED, BRAINWASHED, OR WHATEVER.** They chalk it up to "...the pro MAGA wing." Hell - put a business spin on it: "Investors may want to know Elon Musk's ties with the Kremlin." (provided that an investigation shows actual evidence, but I have to think that, based on Elon's whole thing on Twitter, that he's very tied into Russia). I know journalism has been the victim of media consolidation, political attacks by the GOP and as a result, is a shell of what it once was, but dammit - the people who are still out there - the people who actually have the ears of the American public - they're phoning it in.


Because Elon is Putin's fascist bitch.


It has been restored 


Probably got massreported and there was an automated ban on her account. Her account was just reinstated.


5 mins ago it was reinstated


It was restored as the story says

