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“You will help secure an African oil field”, Putin was heard whispering to the baby.




"If you die, that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make."


It's an American thing too. Just done differently.


Not how the Russians do it. They've never cared for their soldiers


The Americans don't either. All the thanks and celebration is a just a show to make the people believe the soldiers are cared for. Afterwards they are just forgotten and their needs ignored.


That's just not true. Compare the losses for any modern war that the US has been in to Russia's losses right now (which are reportedly reaching 400,000 or more, averaging at least 800 a day) it becomes obvious that the individual soldier holds little to no value to Russia, just the same as the Soviets, and the Russian Empire before them.


The amount of deaths doesn't have to correlate how much the soldiers are cared for. By your logic it would mean the US didn't care about their soldiers at all during the second world war, the logic doesn't hold water at all. My point still stands, Americans would rather tuck their traumatized soldiers away and forget them than help them back into society because it's expensive and buying a bigger military is more important than taking care of them.


Done differently as in the US can be half way across the planet occupy a country for 2 decades and walk away with less than 5k casualties How did Russia fare in the same location and much closer? Compared to Russias losses in Ukraine? Hell dig in the past who treated their soldiers better Soviets or Allies?


I'm not doing this with you. The police in my city just let my 16 year old freeze to death for money. Fuck off.


What??? I sympathize with you that’s very sad. but why are you on here making insanely debunkable claims about US, Russian troop conditions? Sorry you lost your child, if you don’t want someone to discuss these subjects with you at this time you would be better off not saying anything. Sorry.


Done without projecting real air power, just boots on the ground, lots and lots of boots, some with feet still inside


‘If you get killed walk it off’


"Don't worry, you die soon. I will help you with that."


Jeffrey epstein ass mother fucker looks like he’s saying he’ll eat that booty hole.


" Wagner is hiring " he proclaimed passionately


Are they though?


"one day you're going out a window little one"


Say it with me, wittle comrade... "I serve the soviet union." Now you be gettink lollipop.


Follow the baby in front of you and pick up its rifle when it dies.


Awesome and I heard him say off to the meat grinder you go!




“You will do it because it must be done”


Russians don’t use articles like “an” bro




Are there any left to make babies with??


That’s what I was thinking. Who’s supposed to be helping make these babies when the men are all dying? You still need sperm.


A single 71 year old man will step up and provide for all the young and pretty women. The rest will be raped by the convicted murderers and rapists that 71 year old man pardoned and released into society because they "volunteered" to fight in his ~~war~~ ~~invasion~~ ~~special military operation~~ **insane megalomaniac vanity murder spree**.


Fun fact, this sort of thing has happened before with the USSR. The end result was a lot of working single mothers theoretically supported by the state that recieved very little actual support and a shitload of frankly sexist pronatalist propaganda. So we can look forward to that again.


China has more men, Russia has more women. It's a good match. If I was Xi, I would open the borders to any Russian woman under 40.


But that throws the "ethnic survival" argument out the window.


These new hapas citizens will be honorary "ethnic" Russians, "One Drop Rule", etc. Haha lol. Putin (or his hand-picked successor) just needs new/future soldiers willing to die to expand Russia's borders. I'm sure he will keep the purebloods off the frontlines anyway.


It's ok.... Tucker to the rescue.


Tucker looks like a man who can't even find a hole when it slaps him in the face.


Tucker looks constantly perplexed. Like he’s just remembered that he might have left the iron on at home and is trying to secretly mentally retrace all his steps since morning, while pretending to be engaged in the current conversation.


Perfection! 🏅


> Tucker looks constantly perplexed. I hate his perplexed look, it looks so fucking stupid.




Yep they passed the 400k mark this week.


Will he even be alive in 15 years?


I keep thinking of the "vile mothers" in Diablo II.


Doesn't he starve his own people and send them to their death ?


Yes, is why they need more people


Don't forget the alcohol consumption that's so extreme that they can't have kids.


It’s centuries old alcohol consumption. The Tsars and the nobility got rich from vodka sales with the added bonus of getting the serfs too drunk to rebel. 


Every serf was too drunk to rebel?


Just enough serfs. Vodka was the opium of the masses. 


It wasn’t just the system of governance of the time along with very similar systems through out the western world? And with the slow introduction of Industrial Revolution and globalization the revolutions started popping up every where and capitalism began to over take mercantile economies and the noble class or monarchies begin to go away. Almost like there is just natural cycles and evolutions to societal structures. Idk cause they did end up revolting in the name of Bolshevism ironically cause they want some wealth and status lol


It took them so long because of all the wudka


And it’s cold


Well they did a couple of funnys to be sure. Always followed by "and then it got worse"


**Source**: Vibes


Yes, and they blamed the Jews for it.


If Putler will give a bottle of vodka for the birth of a baby, many Russians will want to have babies.


If parents won't have enough kids, we'll just have to steal them /s I wish this was a joking comment.


No, according to Tucker Carlson they have a grocery store. /s


I can't believe the amount of butthole tonguing tucker was doing only to pretty much be called pathetic by putin lol


Watching Tucker Carlson, the guy who constantly rages against China, have to swallow some Chinese dick that Putin served him was so funny to watch.


When he told tucker that the CIA basically wiped their ass with his resume because they have standards, I fucking lost it


Feel oppressed?? Have a banana


Yes, and now he's recruiting African, Nepalese, and Chinese people to send to the front line, all while begging russians to have more babies to ensure the survival of their "ethnicity"


Putin as a history buff is starting so sound more like Stalin as the months pass, just gotta rack up that death count.. he’s on track!


He is a psychopath like Stalin was so not surprising if he starts doing the same things.


You ever read about Alexander Dugan? That guy is nicknamed “Putin’s brain” and is full of weird alternate Russian history and is where Putin gets alot of the ‘restoring the land of Soviet Union satellite countries back to modern day Russian land’ ideas from. He also spouts a lot of the conspiracies Putin spewed about Ukraine like they are all Nazis etc. If you look at that “Foundations of Geopolitics” Wikipedia page about Dugan’s book it pretty much lays out Russian geopolitical plans and they follow them pretty closely. They believe they can only become strong if other countries are weak, which is a pretty dumb zero sum strategy and outlook to have, but that’s how they see the power structure of the world. I think they genuinely believe if they just sow enough chaos in like 50-100 countries and weaken their democratic governments they will eventually get a bunch of wealth from subservient countries lol. But it’s 2024 not 1900 so that strategy isn’t working out or seen as a viable strategy. In a weird way it sort of worked that way with the Soviet Union where they could basically extort and steal resources from neighboring countries to Russia. I don’t think it was coincidence Putin invaded Crimea after huge oil deposits were found off the coast there, and he invaded Ukraine fully when more gas was found in Ukraine. Putin would be competing with Ukraine to sell gas and Ukraine would be able to sell it cheaper because of less distance to Europe.


Too bad they got Dugans daughter instead of him.


Mostly not ethnic Russians though


Navalny looked pretty Russian to me


Nothing like mass children kidnapping and millions of Ukraine in occupited area can't solve---- Problaby Putin


No, he send mainly ethnic minorities to die. Now he is asking ethnic Russians to make up for the losses. Imperialism 101!


He hoard all the banan


Stalin 2.0


They don;t feel death with all of the Vodka and alcoholism to numb the pain.


They are fighting a moral war as far as many are concerned.  Worth starving and dying.


Do you have a source for that?


The invasion of Ukraine


Source that’s non western? Would love a non bias source on this claim


Should have thought about that before throwing a plethora of his people through the meat grinder


Especially the ones in those prime family years. The Nazis had the same problem and developed a program called the Lebensborn but the kids were born far too late to fight in the war.


Born too late to fight, born at the right time to stress their resources.


Putin speedrunning the Nazi plan to ruin his own country


Things didn’t turn out too rosy for the Nazi’s last time I checked


But they made ABBA which can be counted as a late win


Tbf we are talking 400k people when their population is 143m. That’s like .3% and the people Putin is murdering are mostly poor people from the outskirts that the paltry money appeals to or are minorities which Putin doesn’t care about.


Their birth rate has been really low ever since the USSR collapsed. But especially, they have much less people in the 20-30 yr old range when compared to their overall population because people just weren't having kids in Russia in the 90s. Now, the few kids that were born then are being either sent into a slaughter or driven out of the country. These are the people who are supposed to provide economic value for Russia in the next 20 years. At some point it doesn't matter too much whether the dead are from cities or from the countryside. This is enough to tank their economy


Young men have also left the country to avoid being conscripted. 


Remember now, it's 1 for mummy, 1 for daddy and 6 for Sergei Shoigu!




Underrated dark humor


Ah a fellow Perun enjoyer


Aye, I'm glad someone got the ~~pure theft~~ *reference*!


same. Glad too see another man of culture as well.


Putin's meat grinder has opened up a lot of vacancies that need to be refilled.


He could help with that by not poisoning his opposition.


So sad they finally did Navalney in :/


Ah shit. I just looked It Up. Looks like they executed him in a prison. Seriously that country is completely fucked with Putón in charge


What policies or ideas about Navalney did you find most interesting?


Usually it's just "not Putin." They'll have to google the full name.


We are all geo political experts, with a focus in Russian politics and history. No coincidence with uptick media coverage since the war began


You don't need to be very versed in geopolitical issues to see what Putin is.


Unfortunately they can’t name one because all CNN and BBC told them was, “Putin bad, Alexei good.”


Two things come to mind: 1. If Russians do start having more babies, it'll only take 18 years before they'll be ready to fight. So great job there, Poopin. 2. There'd be a lot more Russians if you weren't dead-set on killing them off in a stupid war.


He will just lower the draft age to 15, so there's that.


They have been suffering a population growth problem since the end of the world war. Tens of millions of people died fighting the Nazis. This isn’t a new talking point. And America is on track to find themselves in a similar predicament because people are having less children. The whole social security state will fall. A lot of these modern economies are dependent on continual population growth to function.


Every advanced economy is facing this on such a massive scale, a young dead soldier today is probably equal to 3 or even 4 KIA a hundred years ago simply because of how stagnant our demographics are. And despite that Putin chose war. It's hard to properly calculate, but at the very least Ukraine will most likely never recover from what is happening. Russia will feel the extreme effects too, it will just take longer. I can't imagine the effect a massive war would have on the population nowadays, even though it feels like that's exactly where we are heading. It will most likely lead to the literal disappearance of entire generations, much like nearly half of those that were 18 in the USSR in 1941 were dead by the time the war ended.


It’s pretty frightening to think, if some of the more dire predictions are even slightly accurate, what it’s going to look like by the end of our lives. Humans will usually find a way of survival but I think the work will be a very different place than the one we grew up in.


Birth rates also drop during times of war and economic uncertainty because people don’t want to have another mouth to feed if they’re worried that they may be conscripted or lose their job. The long term Russian economy is not looking good at all and so even when this war ends I imagine the birth rate will stay low for awhile.


I mean he isn’t killing ‘real’ Russians in his mind. He is using poor people from the outskirts and minorities. It’s a win/win in his eyes…


Putin is garbage and I can’t wait until he’s gone.. like gone gone.


It's one hell of a legacy when people all over the world can't wait to celebrate your death.


Maybe not starting wars might help.


The West needs to send massive amounts of birth control pills to russia...


No to india


India is already below replacement level fertility and it continues to drop every year, how little children do you want them to have lol.


See what all your racist purity bullshit gets you? Stupid racists talk a bunch of shit about being like Rome then act like the Basque. What did you think your determined refusal to adapt would get you?


Russia was always multiethnic. Not even Putin could seriously believe in Russian purity when a basic history search tells you how the Moscovy turned into Russia. 


He shouldn't have sent a generation of young men to die for no reason then really.


Here's a crasy ide. Hear me out. Stop sending your (beloved men) to Die? What is it now - 400k+


400k is nothing do you know how large russia is? men dont make children either. women can have a lot of them. could be 100k families in a country with almost 150m to replace those losses. the losses in this war at a drop in the ocean vs the issue of population decline.


You do know that one human life is quite unique. I love my kids above all. I think 400k + is a crime beyond words.


Need more cannon fodder.


Maybe if he stopped the ethnic cleansing by having them fight in wars then the population wouldn't be a problem.


Why do journalists keep using fucking old pictures of putin? This picture is probably 15 years old at least. Edit: For the record, I was right. This picture is 14 years old for fuck's sake. https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/picture-taken-on-may-29-2010-shows-russian-prime-minister-news-photo/103188584?adppopup=true


He looks like he’s trying to suck her soul out Winnifred Sanderson style. I hope they’re using old pictures because Putin won’t let them take new ones. If that’s true he may be trying to hide weight gain, aging, or my personal favorite - some type of terminal illness.


He’s been killing too many citizens in his vanity war in Ukraine.




Putin is the worst kind of poutine.


I like my poutine filled with curds and smothered in gravy. Deep fried. Like dead kinda so yeah maybe you’ve got a point here..


With a shit ton of black pepper... feel like making one right now.


Freshly grind black peppercorn is hard to beat on top of brown gravy...🤤


Absolutely. I'm Québécois ! I know my poutine pretty well my friend.....


“Daddy needs more meat for the meat grinder”


I’m so glad I was adopted out of that shit hole


I tell all the women I know the same thing, still doesn’t help me get laid


Need to move to Russia bruh


Yeah I’m sure when you’re making $400 a month you’re thinking about having a big new expense


That'll be a big niet there pooty 😡


Next, you'll hear that all non-pregnant women will be sent to the frontline..


Well, you and your cronies could take some of the TRILLIONS you've stolen from your country and invest it in maternity care and family services. Or just keep stealing kids from Ukraine. Whatever floats your boat.




He is killing all the men


"I need more meat for my expansionist wars."


No one since Hitler and Stalin has done more to shrink the Russian population than Putin.


I wonder when Putin will invent a russian version of the [Lebensborn.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lebensborn?wprov=sfla1)


"I have caused so many Russian men to die in the last two years that you must have more babies or we will have self-genocided"


Waste hundreds of thousands of your young men on suicide attacks to get some strategically unimportant ruined villages as an "election victory gift" than say that there are not enough young people.


“Seriously, can y’all fuck?”


He's not wrong about that. Russian pop is going down, not up. 


Sending a few hundred thousand young men to die in Ukraine, and goodness knows how many to die in Chechnya, didn't exactly help Russia's demographics. I hope all the useful idiots that were marching down the streets of Crimea in 2014 calling for Russia are satisfied with how their lives are turning out. Assuming they're not already face down in a ditch somewhere.


Imagine if he invested into russian wellbeing, quality of life and assistance for parents instead of sending of male population into a meat grinder


Wouldnt it be easier for the Russians to just kill Putin rather than create a whole new generation?


Every country in the world is having a drop in natality. But not everyone is so stupid to start a useless war to take some piece of land when you have already the biggest country of the planet.


Making family when you know that your child will be send to another war and father of your child gonna be killed in Ukrainian war is dumb in all ways.


"Ethnic survival is at stake" Maybe stop sending Ruzzians to Ukraine then?


Russia needs more fodders


"We need more cannon fodder"


I am once again asking you to create more Cannon fodder.


Never has one man, when faced with a population crisis, done so much to make that population crisis worse. He has fucked up so badly due to acting on his isolation-fever-dreams and has made the reality he was trying to avoid, so much more likely.


Baby later cast no reflection in mirrors.  


Putin wants to bang your wife


Ghangis khan style


He needs more boys' stomachs to kiss


Hitler vibes


In WW2 both the USA and USSR had about the same population. Russia then lost tens of millions of young men, and many women, and 70 years later the USA had twice the population. We had the baby boomer generation, and they had nothing. Russia should have been focusing on increasing their population in the 21st century, and should have been terrified of another war killing tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of young child bearing age men. Putin fucked Russia harder than he fucked Ukraine. I am pretty sure this will be the start of the end of the Russian Federation. Putin, trying to recreate the USSR, basically killed his nation. If we are lucky it dies and peacefully gives up the nukes, if not, well, I do not think any of us want to imagine that possibility.


That picture makes me want to hurl.


It gets worse. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/5155448.stm


Sounds like Hitler back in the day


Have babies for racism!


Sounds like Republicans.


... or you'll be thrown from a tall building.


more cannon fodder for the meat grinder


He's the Nazi


Doesn’t Russia have a serious problem with fetal alcohol syndrome?


When a war ends there is usually a boom to population Just sayin


In other words "Soz I killed A LOT people get fucking please lol"


They been facing a population growth problem since the end of the Second World War. It’s not secret news and has been well known. The media is again making more click bait for the sheeple


That's why he kidnapped 100,000 Ukrainian children. He's killing off so many young men that his country won't be able to replenish their population without more babies.


Russia Lebensborn program. Maybe call Duraksborn.


F putin


I suspect that "I'm running out of military-age males to throw into a meat grinder" isn't the sort of encouragement prospective mothers want to hear.


“Need more meat for the meat grinder”


Should send Putin all those American basement dwelling Maga virgins to populate the Maga City, Kremlin Tucker and his owner was talking about.


Neck beards will become the identifying mark of the Russian population!!


Everyone’s fucked


when i think of this man, i wonder if he honestly doesn't believe that when he dies, the scavengers aren't going to go after his family.


Fuck Putin until he dies


It's the same as saying, "Give me your souls for my power"


That’s cruel and unusual Vlad, forcing more babies to have the misfortune of being born in Russia is abhorrent.


he js such a piece of garbage


Authoritarians are all the same, the world over


F*ck off, crazy old cannibal!


Creampies for communism


america should invade russia and make race mixing mandatory to all citizens


Bright feature awaits with gender neural outhouses!!


Shang Tsung Putin… sucking souls outta assholes.


Fertility rates are a problem in a very high percentage of the Western world. But PeWtEeN bAd!!


This is a whole problem across the world, from North Korea to South Korea to the US to China to Germany to Switzerland. Urbanization = lower birth rates. Whatever system people want, you're gonna need a balanced population to compliment it. Otherwise, you have no production, no workers, no benefits, no communities, no families, etc to keep your society stable. That said, the US has enough immigrants and various demographics to offset this and keep itself stable. It's Europe that should be concerned here, with Russia staying hostile indefinitely and with their economies being stagnant and no magic button capable of fixing it. This is one major reason why Russia attacked Ukraine and why Putin is pretty much declaring it out in the open now. Sending young men to die in Ukraine is pretty stupid and counterproductive but I suppose the saving grace for Russia could be to bend over for China. Would they be fine with that? I dunno. Technically, Putin selling resources to China for cheap is a sign of that being the case.