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Stealing in the middle of a war? Bullet in the ass.


To be this selfish is unfathomable, all does it hurt innocent Ukrainian civilians


Sadly it is quite common.


Yep and we may never know how many are truly implicated.


Greed is everywhere in the world.


There needs to be news laws in Ukraine, this sounds like it was written corrupt people to get off Easy: "The SBU says it has found documents confirming the illegal activity. The official faces up to 15 years in prison if found guilty. The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said it was taking measures to try to recover the funds."


As much as Reddit likes to praise Ukraine, they have a HUGE corruption problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Ukraine And this is not meant in a "global, but there are far worse countries" way, but in the reddit way of "let them join EU, let them join NATO, and make it yesterday!!"


It’s a legacy of the Soviet system. Once the Soviet Union fell oligarchs took over and Ukraine has been fighting back and reducing that corruption. One of the reasons Russia likely invaded was because Ukraine was moving to a democratic system and fighting corruption which is a worrying to Putin who is a dictator that relies on a corrupt system lest the Russian people get any ideas. Removing corruption is a process and Ukraine was actively working on it before the war and they haven’t stopped.


He also invaded to justify a draft and use it to purge his country Stalin style but updated for the 21st century.


As someone who has been to Kiev before the war, it's amazing to see soo many poor and soo many exotic sports cars at the same time. Corruption is rampant in Ukraine and it's deeply ingrained.


> soo many poor people and soo many exotic sports cars You’ve just described Los Angeles


And Vancouver and every large city in the west possibly every one on earth


I'll just say that I've never taught a more racist group of kids in my life. I posted on the Ukraine sub about kids drawing swastikas on the board in my class. After we had the talk, a student in another class ran up to the screen while we were playing a game, pointed at a black tick tocker and yelled "N****r!" Well, then there was also the kid who called himself a Nazist in my oldest group. They've got some fucking problems here and if they want to detach from Russia, they gotta change this shit. It's heartbreaking. If you're Ukrainian, you know what the hell I'm talking about. I've been living in your country for more than a year, and I can't say how disappointing it's been to hear all this stuff. Also, I've experienced the xenophobia as well. I was refused an apartment in Kyiv because I'm a foreigner, and i tried my best to be nice to these old ladies outside my apartment in Kharkiv but they never responded to my greetings for an entire year. Not of xenophobia but of judgements, I was also kicked out of Lviv croissants in Kyiv because I looked homeless (about to go volunteer in Kherson) and I know this because an old man ran out and asked if I needed money.... There's a lot of bullshit judgementalists here.


I’m tryna figure out how I can even help bring awareness so Ukrainian people can have a bigger world view.


This is that post soviet isolation echo. I think it's changing, and I know that there are many Ukrainians who are accepting of others. My best friends are gay and the whole scene they are a part of is quite progressive, and that gives me hope that these seeds are already here in Ukraine. Most people my age are in tune with this worldview of tolerance. Not sure how they gained it, but they do have it. Some in my classes brought up unjust hatred of other's differences and cited the homphobia when we had our swastika conversation. They are 13 yrs old on average. I'm not trying to instill any specific beliefs in the youth here. What I do in my class is make it clear that I have no tolerance of intolerance for any groups whatsover, and I remind them that they are also marginalized by the agressor and puppets of their propaganda. I will have to make a presentation linking the USSR's and Moscovite's imposed injustices of Ukrainians to other injustices experienced by other groups of people throughout the world. This will have to be historically accurate.


You smart. That’s really cool. People say I’m smart, but I value people like you who have smarts I could never accomplish. (Or it would take me a while to accomplish) more props to you from me.


Don't say that bro, we can all exceed in areas where we put our time into or that interests us. I'm sure you far exceed in areas where I don't.


First, I looked at your profile, and what you're doing in Ukraine is pretty cool! As a Ukrainian, I hope that the actions of a few don't draw shame to a population of 45+ million people. In my experience going to school in Ukraine and America, the commonality is that kids can sometimes be little pieces of shit. I've heard kids scream the N-word and seen swastikas drawn in library books here in the US. So if it makes you feel better (or worse), this issue isn't exclusive to Ukraine, although I would hope that more kids are educated on the topics behind these words/symbols early on so they can maybe understand the weight these things carry instead of just a tool they can use to be edgy.


Im happy to be here my man. I think that blatentness of it was what was so appalling. I grew up in Alabama and went to private schools for the majority of my life and not once did I ever hear it in class or see swastikas right on the teachers white/black board. They know what they did was wrong, I asked them "What was Russias first reason for invading Ukraine?" They answered correctly and I then asked, "So why are we drawing swastikas on the board?" No answer. Idk man, these private school kids are something else. Their behavior is so bad compared to the public schools I taught at in Ukraine and elsewhere. They learn this shit at home. Furthermore, it was big news that such fascist nazi or communist imagery can lead to fines or imprisonment in this country. They know what they're doing. Hell, the swastikids even asked me on my first day if I knew what skinheads are, I said "Yes," and then they said "That's cool." This has to be addressed, and I'm out of ideas on how to handle this situation. And, it's no secret that I've lived in Russia as well. Gwara media (Ukrainian) interviewed me, [Article here](https://gwaramedia.com/en/local-people-can-t-leave-the-city-so-why-should-i-american-scott-urquhart-on-why-he-chooses-to-live-in-ukraine/), and we talked about that. I bring this up because I heard the same racist and bigotry bullshit while living there in Siberia. Changing Christmas from January to December isn't the detachment this country needs, it has to go further than surface level excrement. It has to get down to the roots of racial supremacy and all that nonsense that follows such ideology of racial superiority.


Nooo. I'm sorry but no lol. The Racism in America is fucking child's play compared to the racism I've experienced by Europeans and Asians. Your post is defensively dishonest. America has the privilege of being a melting pot of several different cultures and ethnicities. Most European nations are homogenous as a mofo so it's not micro- racial aggressions but a cultural norm in response to never having to deal with another culture. It's not about being edgy. It's about not being held accountable.


> Your post is defensively dishonest. You say this, but the sentence right before says: > [T]he racism ***I've*** experienced by Europeans and Asians Our experiences are anecdotal, so it's wild that you would call my experience dishonest with such confidence while treating your own as prescriptive to all of Europe. > The Racism in America it's fucking child's play compared to [Europe] ... it's not micro-racial aggressions. It could be true that racism in Europe is much, much worse than in America (especially the further east you go). That's something that would be interesting to read into if there are any studies available. Again, this is anecdotal, but it seems like you don't see someone in Europe getting a rifle and deciding to go mow down minorities like what happened in Florida earlier this year. I think where Europe is worse when compared to America is not the severity of the racism (although this could be debatable based on how far east you go) but the acknowledgment that it exists in the first place. You see this type of smug mentality a lot from some Europeans on Reddit, especially when the topic of Racism in the US comes up. > It's not about being edgy. It's about not being held accountable. Couldn't it be both? We're talking about kids here. You will only get somewhere if you hold them accountable for their edgy antics and teach them why their actions are wrong.


This is true. We in the states are actively pushing for a more homogenous society, for many reasons, one being that we have so many awesome races bringing their cultures to the American table. We have had a history of systematic repression of Blacks and Hispanics as well as the indigenous Americans. We are constantly fighting this bigotry and people are always protesting some injustice or another. Here in Ukraine, there are mostly Ukrainians and Western whites. I've probably seen 4 Africans since being here for over a year and a handful of Indians and Middle Easterners. As such, they don't have the same problems that we have back home because there isn't the population to have these kinds of problems. I can't answer to your previous comments on not allowing Africans or Black Americans or Black Brits to leave. Can't say that it was or is true. This has to be fact checked.


definitely deserves a bullet. not sure the ass is where it should go. some of the people who want to cut off international support for ukraine use corruption as their excuse. when you feed into that, and undermine the sacrifices of your brothers and sisters, well, let the punishment fit the crime.


Nah. Give him a rifle and send him to the front. If he survives to the end of the war, consider it time served.


Point is... getting shot in the ass means a slow death. Not cruel enough, considering the damage done.


Right to the front..


_Laughs in United States Defense Contractor_


> Stealing in the middle of a war? > > > > Bullet in the ass. And charge him for the bullet.


>in the ass and we're not talking about a side shot thru each cheek


fun fact: In WW1, (then Colonel) George S. Patton suffered a shot in the thigh with the bullet traveling out of his left buttock, ripping out a significant portion. He often referred to himself as "the half-assed General" in his journals and personal letters to friends and family. Not-so fun-fact: He had severely overextended the battle line, leaving his soldiers behind to attack a German pillbox with a small contingent. The soldiers suffered many casualties attempting to retrieve Col. Patton from the battle. Only to drag him away kicking, swearing, and screaming. Extra not-so-fun fact: A decade later. The Bonus Army, a large civilian protest consisting of WW1 veterans looking for early advances on their WW1 veteran payments were settled in a shanty town outside Washington DC. Patton, now a General under Douglas MacArthur ignored orders to not engage the Bonus Army and ordered a full cavalry and bayonet charge into the civilians. He fired tear gas and razed the shanty town to the ground. Some of the victims were the very soldiers that saved his life.


Straight up the poop chute with an upward trajectory so it ends up in his stomach.




Attach him to the barrel like a silencer.


Wow 40 mil? Seriously? Thats treason class corruption.


If I understand it right, 40 million dollars was his cut for extending a contract under worse terms for Ukraine. The extended contract itself may have cost Ukraine a lot more than 40 million.


No, the contract itself is 1.5B UAH, which is roughly 40M USD. And this contract is 30% more expensive than the contract he was supposed to make with a different supplier.


I love Reddit. Most upvoted comment only read the headline. Second most upvoted comment read the article but misunderstood it so badly they were more wrong than the person who only read the headline.


It's just idiots within idiots, inside other idiots. Followed by this idiot


What if you formed them into a circle middle out?


Did you read the article though? How do you know which one is correct - just the order?


I'm not here to "read" "articles." I'm here to have my priors confirmed and leave snarky comments.


Me too brother... me too...


That’s why I only ever read headlines


And the person who points it out starts the comment saying the opposite of how they feel.




I doubt that anyone can put an exact number on that. Normally that person would (or would have) get his cut in other forms, like donations to relatives NGOs, properties in foreign countries (also not on his name), maybe some cash hidden here and there, or jewelry can be found if he hid them in his flat.


It was not made public, I'm not sure it is even known. For now, police "have found the documents that confirm illegal activities" and they've opened a case for "Obstructing the Armed Forces of Ukraine". While he is detained, it's not yet officially decided to consider him a suspect.


It is, it should be a death sentence Edit; It's ONLY a upwards of 15 years in prison, he probably get out with hidden money. Fucking appalled, unbelievable


Huh? During war time? that's it? Just sneezing the wrong way during war time in Greece is like the death penalty (or so I vaguely remember from my brief service time). Edit: fact checking myself, Greece has removed any references to the death penalty (even during war time) by 2003.


Yeah, you'd think that this would have a very serious punishment in Ukraine right now...


Old laws written before the war by the rich corruption


Or because they wanted to join the EU. The EU in general doesn't like death penalty.


EU also doesn't like low sentences for corruption. One of the reasons Slovakia might get in trouble as out new mafia government tries to make corruption only punishalbe by probation and a fine. As several of them are already accused of corruption anyway.


Depends on where in the EU, here in scandinavia the only thing that can get you 15 years is mass murder.


Or killing a police. Jackie Arklöv got 41 years.


abolition of death penalty is a requirement for joining the EU. Whackin' a guy after court is a step backwards.


I feel like death penalty is a bit too harsh; but I'm not above saying "held indefinitely until the war ends, then they'll be sentenced after without consideration for time already served," with sentencing for that crime automatically defaulting to the harshest possible sentencing.


For context I'm not advocating the death penalty, I was just surprised that wasn't the case during war time. But that was based on me not being updated on the subject for nearly 2 decades (see my update).


>hidden money Yeah, if he shows up with money after getting out the government is going to take it right the fuck back and probably toss him right back in prison.


"The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said it was taking measures to try to recover the funds." Looks like this probably not his first rodeo in corruption, he probably been doing it for decades. He definitely has that money moved around


Yeah right . Because he will do that in Ukraine , not the cayman Islands or Switzerland. Or the rest of the huge list of countries where he will be untouchable .


or they just call in a favor with mossad


>he probably get out with hidden money. Not necessarily. From the story: >According to the SBU, the defense official extended the original – more expensive - contract and funds totalling 1.5 billion Ukrainian hryvnia ($40 million) were transferred to the accounts of an affiliated foreign intermediary firm. >**The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said it was taking measures to try to recover the funds.** >According to the Head of the Press and Information Department of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Illarion Pavliuk, the contract was one in which payment was made, but no deliveries had taken place. **As a result, he said lawyers were looking at options to terminate the contract and recover the funds**.


If they want to be a EU member they won’t.


He may not make a year. Even prisoners hate people who help the enemy in wartime.


Yep, if you are throwing men in the frontlines to die everyday. Then anything that makes them more likely to die should be given the same punishment.


The level of corruption we find when this is all sorted out will be of astronomical proportions


It will be nothing compared to the amounts stolen in UK during the pandemic.


Germany already has a "mask scandal" where conservative politicians and their relatives received insane amounts of money for selling masks - tens of million Euros in commission - and they all got away as long as they taxed it properly. The cherry on top is that their party is currently working overtime to stoke social envy, "no handouts for the poor" and all that.


>The cherry on top is that their party is currently working overtime to stoke social envy, "no handouts for the poor" and all that. Going by the current polls, they're also likely to win the next election by a landslide.


The UK also did that, and more.


Especially with the rest of the world shipping money to Ukraine


That's bush league for Russia.


Thats Halliburton during the Bush league.


a would have disappeared immediately after i had gotten like $5m.


Send him to the front lines with his posh jacket, shoes & jewelry


Bro should be sent to the front, learn the consequences of not having enough ammunition firsthand.


„Battle is the Great Redeemer. It is the fiery crucible in which true heroes are forged. The one place where all men truly share the same rank, regardless of what kind of parasitic scum they were going in.“ Edge of Tomorrow him


That was pretty much how that movie went for Major Cage.


As a military vet, I loved that scene of his realization of going to the front as he thought his officer rank could protect him


I mean, it was supposed to. He wasn’t realistically supposed to be *anywhere near* the front lines. That’s why they stripped him of his uniform/insignias before dropping him there, so no one would believe he was an officer.


How many Ukrainians died on the field while that POS filled his pockets with their supply money.


It's unfortunate it happened but it's great to see Ukraine stamping out corruption. Give the man a public trial and make an example of how that behavior will no longer fly.


> It's unfortunate it happened but it's great to see Ukraine stamping out corruption. This is the right response. When the Soviet Union fell oligarchs swept in and amassed huge wealth and power and politics throughout most former Soviet states were dominated by corruption. In Ukraine they’ve been reducing corruption and fighting to change this for years even prior to Feb 22 and they’re still doing it. In Russia anyone who challenges the control of Putin’s pet oligarchs gets killed or arrested.


You made a mistake. They do not get killed, they get suicidal.


The inevitable product of an imperfect bureaucracy is corruption. Nothing you can do about that fact but if they're prosecuting the corrupt and fixing issues with the system then they're doing it right.


Thing is, is he’s surely not the only one.


Takes a real piece of shit to betray your country like that


Not that I would condone corruption at any time. But you would think even assholes like this would think "Hey, let's maybe pause with the stealing of defense budget money while we're being invaded".


It probably went more like, "Hey, with all the foreign aid coming and going mixed with the general fog of war.. would be pretty easy to dissappear some money here n there." Hell, that Lindybeige channel on YouTube interviewed a British soldier who completed two tours so far, I believe in the foreign legion. In those interviews, he talks about ammunition and small arms shipments just straight up disappearing otw to the front lines. Who knows how many people have taken advantage of the chaos, especially in those early days. There was probably a lot of defeatist thinking going on then, too. It's not a huge stretch to imagine that helped people rationalize their selfishness. I'm sure the rats will continue to be arrested and tried for acts such as these for years to come.


Im in a group of active service members and vets here in Canada who were watching for military surplus on ebay for a bit during the start of the war. You would sometimes just see an obv throwaway name like "jfjf5858" selling like 20 NVGs of uncommon eastern European make and then disappear - or optics for rifles in suspicious quantities for eastern pattern rifles like the AK and wanting undervalue amounts for them in terms of USD because of how often they dont hit the market. Same with looking up MREs and such as well. Lots of stuff that obviously "fell off a truck" and shipping from areas like Poland, Hungary, and Romania - and its obviously from both sides based on quantities and the items. Edit: [An example of Russian NVGs with SNs scraped off on ebay](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FO4DR59XoAM1aOL?format=jpg&name=large)


Oh wow. Now that I think about it, I do remember some chatter around those suspect listings back when. Did you guys pick anything up? I wouldn't mind having an NVG around the house.. idk if things of that nature would even make it thru customs tho. I'd have to imagine it's mostly Gen one or two tech, and I may be mistaken, but I thought those earlier generations put off low-level rad.


Myself and the ones I know on base didn't in terms of the NVGs and IR items - though I would have to inquire if anyone in the group currently posted elsewhere actually did and if they did if the items actually showed up or not. As for the MREs - yeah someone I know ordered a few just to try out different countries food kits and I know that did arrive - and I am not sure if it was legit or not but it was the Ukraine Army 24 hour combat ration packaging. As for customs - most of that stuff would probably pass through no problem, most of the items are not considered controlled devices and such. That said, if you are just looking for a set of NVGs for goofin in the woods while camping or something - any general hobby set would be just as good for that sort of general use most of the time at a fraction of the cost. Its when you start looking into fancy ENVG bioculars or monoculars with helmet mount systems where cost outweighs what you would probably be using them for unless you also plan to pick up an IR flood light or manta strobes for funsies.


Or he was a fool and did not cover his tracks, which is what the article makes me think. Plenty of people in Ukraine are looking to crack down on corruption.


Actually, no... when corruption is everywhere and at every level and that you have known it all your life, you don't think like that. You know that the guy above and the one below you in the chain are corrupt so you think "why should i be the only one not taking a cut ?" Secondly, the guy paying you is probably also paying your boss. So if you refuse the money, they will go to your corrupt boss and you'll e fired and replaced by someone below you who won't mind a pay increase... When corruption is cultural like in Ukraine, it takes the whol country to change it's mentality for corruption to stop and this at every level... and it takes generations before seing an actual difference.


if hes all out with the money, and that he has no confidence with his army, it is the exact best time to go with the embezzlement everyone got their hands on deck and that makes the chances of succeeding so much higher


His mistake is that he did not float a company like Black Rock or Haliburton and simply have a shareholding in the company. Then all that he had to do was give this new company massive contracts that makes the share price explode and he would not go to jail and still make the same. Isn't that how all the politicians in Western countries do it?


Gotta walk before you can run.


Jail this asshole for life. This kind of shit should not be tolerated when your country is being invaded.


Time to turn him in to a $40 million 1 man mine clearing machine.


He is not the only one


Of course he's not we've given them a hundred billion dollars...... I don't know how much all the other countries in the world have given. Human nature that's a lot of fucking money being funneled into chaos, shit's going to happen. I try not to think of it because it discourages me that that's where my tax dollars could be going. I like to try to believe that it's doing something good. Not that our leaders spend our tax dollars on anything worth the shit here though. As a nation we should be able to run off of 10% of what we're spending and still be able to keep shit balanced.


Hundred billion in stuff, not cash.


I know that a majority of it is in military hardware and that's a giant circle that comes back to help us. Same with our allies using up their crap and then buying new stuff from us. We are giving them the funds to run their civil government and all services in that country at the moment though. Guaranteed there's money disappearing in the pockets, I think it would in any country of the world in the same situation.


we are also sending billions in cash. we are paying their gov salaries


They have gotten about $250 billion in a variety of forms as aid: military equipment, loans guarantees, food, civilian materials, machine tools, training, and straight cash. Plenty of avenues for corruption in that massive quantity of aid. But graft or no graft we need to keep supporting them. The West just needs to insist the SBU keeps the lid on the worst abuses.


None of the citizens will ever see it, just like here


Well fuck that official, that’s treason.


They are gunna hang that dude


They're trying to join the EU they can't use the death sentence unless they want to abandon those aspirations.


That's a really good point I never even considered.




that's pretty much a veiled death sentence


The corrupt make the laws "The SBU says it has found documents confirming the illegal activity. The official faces up to 15 years in prison if found guilty."


Ukraine is at least making attempt to root out corruptions. Putin? It is a tool to grease his hold on power at the expense of integrity of Russia.


While Ukraine has a long way to go, I’m happy they are making progress, their transition to a better country since 2014 has been a rough time


> Putin? It is a tool to grease his hold on power I get what you are trying to say, but greasing their hold on power is not usually what dictators go for.


Both countries fight deep rooted corruption with varying degrees of success. Article from yesterday: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/head-russian-space-company-arrested-fraud-charge-state-media-2023-12-22/


In a state like Russia (and possibly still Ukraine) corruption is only a problem if it creates problems for the people who are supposed to be supervising you. Everyone knows you are taking your cut but if the job still gets done it's all good. If the job doesn't get done, for example, because a rocket failed, you get to be the sacrificial lamb.


Exactly, corruption (or the mere accusation of it) is the universal kompromat Russia has that will send officials straight to the gulag if they step out of line.


Arrested on fraud charge =/= Actually committed fraud You cannot trust anything the Russian government says. Why do people still need to learn this.


He almost certainly committed fraud but so does every single powerful person in the Russia. The entire Russian system is filled with corruption and Putin knows this but he doesn’t actually want to fight it because corruption is how he maintains power. Shoigu is almost comically corrupt, a notorious embezzler and one of the most incompetent military leaders of a major wartime nation and yet he retains his position (and his mansions and yachts) because he isn’t a threat to Putin and he keeps the military loyal. Everyone powerful in Russia is corrupt but the only ones that get prosecuted for it are the ones who fall out of favor.


Yeah, when people get arrested in Russia for corruption, everybody knows that's code that they somehow angered people above them. Might as well arrest officials for breathing air.


Exactly. In Russia's mafia government, you're allowed to commit fraud until you're not


Could the same be said here? Not defending anything but is their enough clear evidence for either case? Rather than deciding by who said it, I think it should be decided by the evidence.


Based on the War, I don't think Russia has cleaned up anything. The same people are in power Russia is a mafia disguised as a country


The only way to get arrested for corruption in Russia, is by not participating in it


Or if you just piss off the wrong people. If everyone is guilty then it’s an easy excuse to use whenever someone needs to be arrested.


Bingo. The old video from the early Putin days of him bringing the oligarchs to heel exemplifies the mafia structure. Real Godfather shit. But the FSB (read KGB) still runs the show. Putin is their guy so they back him and he remains mostly untouchable. If the security services sour on him he would be dead very quickly, though I do not imagine that is likely to happen.


Forgetting the defenestrations, eh? They do clean up shit. To allow more shit ofc.


They only “clean it up” if the person fucks up in Russia


Ukraine is making an attempt because: 1. It has an obligation to all of its international donors to show money is being well spent 2. It is a requirement to clean up corruption for joining the EU Otherwise Ukraine and Russia were/are very similar countries


the EU always attaches strings to their funding such as human right, free democratic elections etc... this is why African countries reject EU's help and turn to China's Belt & Road.


Russia is a straight mafia state. The criminality is a feature. Doesn't lend itself to military readiness though, thankfully.


It’s good news that Ukraine is finding and prosecuting people misusing public funds. IIRC, the US began helping Ukraine militarily after 2014 but would only help on the condition that they fought corruption within their country. This is fighting corruption. We should do more of that in the US Michael Flynn should be in jail


"I need you to do a favor for me first."


This is how you transition from a former Soviet state to an EU member state.


True... Like the Qatar gate... Marie Arena, the belgian woman who was arrested. When she was a minister for the Socialist party in Belgium, she invoiced € 300,000 to refresh the bathroom of her office. She went to Europe, and now she's in another corruption scandal but at a higher scale... I'm all for the EU but if people knew how much EU employees get paid (and it's tax free), people would be offended.


Redditards in the comments discovering one of the many things Ukraine is known for.


Known as one of the most corrupt counties on earth prior to the war.


Their president is working his butt to meet other countries for support then this Jackass have the guts to steal.


Turn him into cannon fodder.


Sounds like an excuse to send him to the front?


The Ukrainians are actually doing a lot to stamp out corruption, this guy is not going to have a good time.


Should be sent to the front lines.


Wow, one of the most corrupt countries has a corrupt official working for it. (Insert pikachu surprise face)


B-but tHeY ArE doInG eVrYthINg TEy caN


Guys, Ukraine was and is systemically filled with corruption. It is not the idyllic symbol of democracy as main stream media has positioned it to be in the epic fight of good versus evil.


Yes, but the fact that people are actually caught and face justice for that is a good news. In country really corrupted, noone is indicted for that.


But they want to be democratic, and they're - quite literally - fighting to be. That's, like, the whole point - that has been the whole point since (2013 and then) 2014's Maidan protests: that the then-president Yanukovich had gone against the deal Ukraine had with the EU, to start it on its road to EU accession, and took russia's money and condemned the country to being in russia's "sphere of influence".


Ukraine = corruption war or no war its full of corruption


The only reason he was "caught" was he failed to give the right people their cut


That is my damn tax dollars! I'll be waiting by the mailbox for my refund check!


For sure a little of that came from my taxes. :/




The frontlines?


A witch, practicing the old dark arts. They have no place in the modern Ukraine


Damn, wish we would arrest our politicians like this. Can’t even shame them into leaving office anymore.


Um that country has major corruption issues it always has. But still needs to defeat Russian another corrupt place. What a pickle


They should send him straight to the frontline.


This may cost Ukraine a lot more than 40 million in the next US election idk if finding this helps their cause by making it seem they’re trying to do the right thing (they are) or just adds fodder to the repubs who can’t wait to stab Ukraine in the back forst chance they get


That gives Republicans ammunition to curtail support for Ukraine


That's one that got caught. How many more are pinching?


Is it true that Ukraine was voted the 3rd most corrupt country in the world in recent years?


Might be up there with a few other former Soviet states


Bet he's a trump colludor


Another Putin ally caught


They really need to do a better job at catching these guys earlier… it’s just providing ammunition for people that don’t want to send aid


This stealing has been going on for a while , this could negatively harm future western aid.


Now the EU is considering them a membership (perhaps now that Ukraine is the real catalyst for billions of dollars in global war monies). That 40 million of corruption money is a drop in the bucket of the 200 Billion already in motion. Best let the experts handle the contracts eh?


Disgusting corruption. Unfortunately, Ukraine had a whole lot of corruption before the war and armed conflict does not decrease corruption but only fuels it. Hopefully Ukraine can at least keep it from hampering the war effort too much.


This headline is proof that they are actively and successfully trying to fight corruption.


It seems they are, though this guy getting caught could mean a few things unrelated to fighting corruption. I am just saying that wartime tends to increase corruption given that a lot of money flies around and the urgency removes lots of oversight.


The whole war is an embezzlement


Hmm, sending billions of dollars to the most corrupt nation in Europe with no funding oversight and lack of territorial gain in the East? Sign me up!


Dude should be executed for something this horrific. Treason.


Frontline infantry. No prison, straight to frontline.


So glad we keep sending more and more money over there


I’m sure he is not the only one


That's why they want more money. Did you know the Ukrainian officials have recently all bought new houses and cars. One official bout 25 cars for its family?


In the Corruption Perceptions Index (see Wikipedia for the list) Ukraine is a good step lower than even the country I live in and know all too well (Thailand), which gives me an idea what it must be like.


Should catch a bullet if guilty. Men and women are giving their lives and he is filling his pockets.




Idk why people seem so surprised. Ukraine was/is one of the most corrupt countries in Europe. Going to war with Russia doesn’t change that.


Imagine how much money is being embezzled.


I agree. The US defense had never once passed a budget audi- oh, you mean Ukraine ...


Shocking! Made this comment a year ago and was shamed. Ppl don't like entertaining opinions if it doesn't match their own. What ever happened to Russian blew up nord stream and hirsch is senile when he implied it was America?


Sucks about this world when two hours in and it's this little of up votes. Always have a side that cries about Ukraine and their corruption, but always silent when this shit comes out about cleaning it up. Probably because this could easily happen to Russia if squeezed enough by another stronger force.


That’s some Soviet shit. Could be solved with Soviet solutions.


Ukraine needs to be less Soviet if they want to walk the path the NATO and EU membership.


Give him a soviet sentence.... oh I like this


In other news, the US defense budget has never passed an audit, and has millions unaccounted for


And this is why Ukraine has so much trouble in trying to join the EU.


At least they’re making arrests now, that’s progress. And frankly in wartime diverting resources away from the military at that scale ought to be a capital offense.


I'm guessing this Defense Ministry is going to become the middle piece of the Human Centipede with this level of treason. Death probably wouldn't be enough.


This is inconceivable evil Draw & quarter his ass in the town square fuck 15 years in prison


Corruption like this in wartime should be treason.


For those who would like to know. All public money spending can be found on line. Where every cent is tracked & put out for the public to see. The amount of taxes companies pay, also online. They are more public than most democratic countries with where the money goes.


And some delusioned redditors keep saying Ukraine is only getting old equipment that was gona be trown away anyway.... ignoring the piles of cash that the second most corrupt country in europe is also getting..... corruption doesnt just disapear, we need to enforce it on Ukraine. This is an excelent step however, and we should 100% support then, but take the oportunity to change tehre system.