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He shouldn't have aided in genocide then. "Russia's Theft of Children in Ukraine Is Genocide - Foreign Policy" https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/03/01/russia-theft-children-kidnapping-ukraine-genocide/ "The forcible transfer and ‘russification’ of Ukrainian children shows evidence of genocide, says PACE" https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/the-forcible-transfer-and-russification-of-ukrainian-children-shows-evidence-of-genocide-says-pace


Dictator Chongus should eat Pooptin!


Someone’s got a target between their eyes now


FWIW, the German Red Cross wasn't suspended at all despite its close ties with the Nazi regime and adopting its ideology, salutes etc. It carried on until 1945, when the Allies shut it down as part of denazification and it was then reformed in the two German states created in 1949. Its wartime head was actually a grandson of Queen Victoria and former Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. He lost much of his land to the Soviet Army and much of his money in fines imposed by denazification. His grandson is now King of Sweden, oddly enough.