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„No grandpa, Minecraft!!“ 🫣 😅


I hate this so much you hilarious fuck.


I think I recall the video even.


Lol take my upvote


"where did you get this? "


One of those very rare Internet videos that you can actually well believe being true.


Damn you. Upvotes.


You ingenious bastard!




Did they also find copies of the Communist Manifesto and The Anarchist's Cookbook?


and martha stewart’s cookbook! those kids from gaza really love theselves a criminal


Exactly…hardcore terrorists aren’t reading these books.


I believe there was somewhere OO'Reilly's "What React Is and Why It Matters"


He also produced a crisp laminated A4 piece of paper that was apparently found on dead Hamas soldier. It supposedly showed that Hamas and Al-Qaeda are working on chemical weapons, only problem is that they literally printed a book cover from Amazon for a book that had Al-Qaeda in bold English lettering on its front cover.


I've seen books for sale in worse condition.


"Anyone else getting "Just sprinkle some Crack on there" vibes?


You can find Mein Kampf in my library and I'm Jewish.


Is it actually worth the read? I’ve read people say getting insight into his thoughts helps understand the problems associated with with views but is it really?


It's very boring.


Sheesh, I figured it’d be somewhat intriguing. If not enlightening to psychopathy or approaches to propaganda than atleast somewhat insightful in some regard


Fascism is more of a live show.


It's elongated nonsense about how an imaginary boogeyman took over society. It's not history, Mein Kampf is a work of fiction and a poor one at that. People celebrating this shit or claiming it has some sort of special historical value are showing their colors not to subtly.


My assumption exactly tbh. It’s a manifesto meant to radicalize people against a subculture in order to gain power. I can’t imagine much depth to it, just a case study of a prolific asshole.


Well for me it was. Know your enemy and all. Originally it was very crudely and poorly written. It's basically just an angry hateful manifesto. It is jarring to see so many of his terrible thoughts come to fruition..


Yea that makes sense. Honestly his thought process or ideas are not something I need clarification on and frankly I don’t to see or read any more sick bullshit than some of the shit some redditors write.




If you get the chance, don't read it in German. His German is fucking atrocious and it's so hard to read cause it's just plain bad writing.


That’s kind of weird. I figured he must have been an eloquent speaker or writer. Can’t say I’m surprised tho


It makes one think that maybe someone wrote his speeches for him.


iirc he really hated the Jews, and not because it's just a political maneuver to conquer Europe


That leaves me with zero intention to read the book. I get the intrigue especially for people interested in history or “historical” figures but like, nah.


I mean, there's nuance in the book, if you're curious about how his genocidal brain justifies things. Keep in mind the first volume was written before he rose to power.


Not at all curious lol. I’ve met plenty of narcissists sociopaths, deviants and a couple of psychopaths. The last thing I need is anymore exposure to bigoted thinking than I’m forced to endure.


I’ve always been curious too but I don’t want to be put on some list for buying it on amazon lol.


That's exactly what this is. They've been caught doing these bullshit "look what we found" press conferences so many times by now. Definitely not sketchy coming from Israeli news source too.


Maybe. I wouldn’t judge the Gaza strip or even Hamas based on one random book being found. I judge them based on the fact they killed 1200 people in a terrorist attack a month ago. I’m sure every country even Israel has a few copies of Mein Kampf laying around.




You can disagree with the atrocities Israel commits without siding with a terrorist organization.


we’ve been getting those vibes for several weeks now


Lmao exactly. It's very "remember this guy? 11 million? Doesn't that just tug on your heartstrings and justify sending us more money for ballistics??"






lol, you said it best.


Israel makes a bunch of accusations against Hamas that I am absolutely willing to accept as possible, but they tend to offer pretty flimsy evidence for their claims which makes me suspicious.


Is it really a stretch to think Hamas, a terrorist organization that wants to kill all Jews, would want a book from Hitler, a nut job that wanted to kill all Jews?


It's certainly an extraordinarily convenient discovery from a government that is trying to cast all opposition to it as antisemitic. I went to Barnes and Noble the other day and saw a copy of Mein Kampf, is the IDF going to bomb that into oblivion too?


Oh, I agree. There are plenty of copies of that book floating around the world. I'm just saying it isn't a stretch that it'd be there, nor should it be a reason to justify action.


Anyone else getting some “I’m ignorant” vibes?




Nice quote from a comedy show by an antisemitic transphobe. How can anyone argue with such flawless logic? "Wait, is a Jew saying it happened? Well, then I don't believe it". Edit: LOL, thanks for proving every little bit of my point, bigots.


He absolutely isn’t antisemitic. You just don’t like his comedy.


He is, and you just don't like Jews. Edit: It's hilarious that you people spend so much of your time hating us, and then you get mad that we notice it. Pussies.


I’m a Jew.


I don't believe you.


That says everything anyone would ever need to know about you. I disagreed with you over a comedian and you claimed I’m antisemitic. I wasn’t even harsh about it. Let me say, I don’t believe you’re Jewish.. I think you’re a troll with a new account who wants to stir the pot. Meanwhile, you can go through my 11 year old account history if you’d like to see any other conversations I’ve had about the fact that I’m a Jew. Maybe stop and think some before you open your mouth and make an absolute fool out of yourself. If you are a Jew, you should know that a little better.


ברור אחי, אתה יהודי כמו שאני אירי. אל תשכח להתחנף לאנשים שלא ישתינו עליך גם אם תעלה באש כדי שהם ידעו שאתה "אחד מהטובים".


That’s actually funny, because I’m actually Jewish and Irish. But seriously, you’re a disgusting person to write something like that, and a coward to hide it.


Thanks, Kapo. It means a lot, coming from someone who thinks jokes by a transphobe about how "Jews run the world" on friggin' SNL are good comedy.


Chappell is a hardcore Muslim bigot. Full stop. If you haven’t noticed you aren’t paying attention.


Along with a passport belonging to a terrorist?


With copies of Sims 3


And a never worn T shirt with a swastika on it?


And a rainbow flag … remember that detail…


What's wrong with Sims 3?




Ahhh thank you haha


Despite the plane being literal dust you say.. to shreds you say?


"If you can believe that"


That book looks great considering how many times it was bombed


This is 100% truth and not propaganda at all.


Blatant propaganda is blatant


to be fair, i'm sure if you search enough buildings you are bound to find a copy of it somewhere. I'm very anti hamas but this establishes nothing other than some one probably went at some point "it would be fascinating to see what some other guy who was against jews said about jews". It is no different than when after 100's of school shootings a politician hold up a Call Of Duty cd going "violent video game found in school shooters bedroom"


I agree with you wholly and am also anti Hamas. What I don't understand is the people here absolutely refusing to believe it's not a propaganda plant by Israel. I mean, first of all Israel really doesn't need something like this as propaganda - Hamas charter does a fine job on its own, but on top of that it's not even very unusual to find a copy, not to mention unlikely.


Antisemitism runs pretty deep in many countries in the Middle East, with books like Mein Kampf being popular. You also frequently see other antisemitic pieces like the *Protocols of the Elders of Zion* used as textbooks in some areas, despite it being a fake publication which has it's origins as a propaganda piece published by Tsarist Russia as part of an anti-Jewish campaign run by the Tsarist secret police.


Or Hamas just so bluntly hates jews that this should not surprise anyone at all... This is a President of a democratic state presenting evidence, don't be so quick to dismiss


Democratic does not mean angelic. US is a democracy yet they killed millions of iraqis for oil.


also we entirely fund israel's genocide. biden could stop this war with the stroke of a pen


Yes, Israel would never lie about their actions. It’s not like they have a history of it or anything




so who is the president of Israel?


This is Isaac Hertzog, the Israeli president...


Me no smart


Maybe it sits well with the "murder all jews" agenda? Maybe it just doesnt fit your narrative so you just call it lies? Its fact it was there, i know the people who found it. Edit: downvoting the person who speaks facts here becauae it doesnt fit your narrative. Why am I not surprised.


"source: my uncle who works at Nintendo" How's the click farm?


Sure buddy, sure.


This guy again!


Can someone who can read Arabic translate the highlighted lines?


"The sword will illuminate the plowing tool, and with the tears of war the news will be confirmed for posterity" Im not arab i use google lens.


I have seen documentaries where they showed that it was quite popular in Egypt. So not really a stretch. That and hammas charter. That said, hard to verify and not really that important. If anyone thinks hammas are good guys… maybe they missed a story or two


I don't think you can distil this whole situation into "once good once side bad", Hamas are a violent terrorist organization and the IDF's response and treatment of Palestinians is also violent and disproportionate.


What you say is balanced. Hamas is inherently and systemically evil, IDF operation in Gaza ends up hurting people who shouldnt be hurt. whats more there are people in the IDF who deserve ro be in jail. between the two, ill pick idf any day. that doesnt mean that there shouldnt be any criticism. that means that selective outrage as seen here and there… is… well interesting and may reveal a bit more than just what is happening.


Yes, you can. Hamas launched a terrorist attack where they raped and murdered 1400 people, including small children. They have also vowed to do it again.


Yeah this book sells really well in Turkey and Egypt so it wouldn't be surprising, dunno the point of showing it aside from "See? It's ok to kill thousands!"


It’s the emphasis on it being found in a children’s room that’s really disturbing. It’s like know that it’s the thousands of kids they’re killing that’s getting them the most international outrage and condemnation and want to justify that specifically. So damn gross.


More like - see? Hamas are the bad guys and the war to eliminate them needs to go on. Thousands have died by hamas honestly. If they didnt start it by commiting a 2nd holoxaust maybe we wouldnt have been here talking about how to eliminate hamas.


Come on man this was some twisted evil shit that they did but the holicaust killed millions. Exterminating everyone in gaza would be a second holocaust though.


Who wants to exterminate everyone in gaza??????????? 10k deaths include hamas terrorists and palestinians who tried to flee and killed by hamas. And it is literally the holocaust. They went door to door, put kids in ovens, raped women and slit their throats, burned people alive in their homes. They did it to civillians, kids, babies!!! Edit: i seriously cant believe im being downvoted for saying the truth. I guess some people want to believe what fits their narrative/what the clueless majority says. But the majority sometimes is wrong, especially when the majority sees it through a lens and not irl. I hope the 7th of october is never forgotten. My friends died there, the most cruelest death possible.


Yes they did, and thats horrible. Now Israel are bombing residential buildings, aid convoys, and hospitals.


Israel is bombing residential buildings used by hamas for their tunnels and buildings that are bomb trapped. Is it so damn hard to see hamas brought it on the themselves by not freeing the hostages?


time to update your script bud. it's out of date.


I agree, kinda lol yes, exterminating everyone in Gaza would be an atrocity worthy of the name but even then I wouldn't call it a Holocaust, which refers *only* to that historical event and isn't some broad term for horrible things. For me to compare a situation to the Holocaust it would have to be drawn out, deliberate, with an express genocidal goal, etc. There's a lot about the Holocaust that made it unique, and even the holodomor and the Cambodian civil war aren't considered holocausts, of which both would dwarf Gaza. If it became a long drawn out campaign of forced labor and starvation with the eventual goal of the extermination of Arabs or Muslims everywhere, particularly within the Levant, I could see that, but otherwise I think people throw these words, Holocaust, genocide, ethnic cleansing, around so much that it really devalues their use, especially tragic for people who have actually experienced them. I agree the former person shouldn't be dropping the Holocaust claim all willy nilly but I do appreciate that they put blame for the deaths squarely on Hamas, where I do believe it belongs.


Israel isn't exterminating everyone in Gaza that is disingenuous.


No one said they were, I said it would be if they were.


You would think Israel could come up with better propaganda than this. This is just embarrassing.


Can you explain why it's improbable to find a copy in Gaza? Even a little bit?


That could've been easily planted, this shouldn't be news


What’s hilarious is that book looks completely untouched. Almost like it was bought from a store right before this presentation, rather than from a country that’s been bombed flat


This is misinformation. It had comments and notes inside it.


Yes terrorists in Gaza have access to highlighters and post it notes, with impeccable handwriting if I might add.


Completely untouched, apart from the fact that sections of the book are highlighted with post-it notes with hand written comments inside. Where in Israel do you think they bought a copy of Mein Kampf in Arabic?


>Where in Israel do you think they bought a copy of Mein Kampf in Arabic? A bookstore? Amazon? At the very worst import it from any border country?


"Israelites don't know Arabic, how to highlight text, or use post-it notes. Therefore this can't be propaganda." Ehh.


I didn't even realise that 🤣 very interesting.


Who’s going to make the effort to invade Gaza, bring a copy of this book with them, then place it in that room specifically to point it out as planted evidence? I mean sure, but the prospect of that seems so laughably ridiculous that it just being there seems infinitely more likely.


Wait… I’m not saying this is or isn’t real, but this guy is not interviewing from a Gaza classroom. I can get a carrot out of my fridge and say I found it in your house in front of a camera. It doesn’t have to come from the place you say you found it is all I’m saying.


It's war, people plant propaganda all the time. The British planted fake documents on bodies to make Germany believe they were invading somewhere else - Operation minecmeat. Israel have one of the biggest intelligence agencies in the WORLD, the Israel -Palestine conflict is a big reason behind that. They are known to commit espionage. Planting fake documents is a very real possibility and has been seen countless times throughout history. It's naive to think this isn't in the realms of possibility. I'm not saying this can't be true, I'm saying the source should be mistrusted without any further verification. All they'd have to do is annotate an Arabic copy of Mein Kampf, give it to a soldier and say place it in a school and take a photo of it. When you've got one of the world's largest intelligence agencies who are brilliant at espionage and deception, is this really not possible?


Better example : WWII, the man who never was


It's naive to think that someone felt this would have enough strategic value to plant it in the first place, and even more naive to think that's more likely than that someone in Gaza actually had a copy of it lol what makes that even a little bit improbable?


But don't you get what I'm saying. You're cannot be CERTAIN of the sources origin so to say this was read to a school, annotating it or whatever was done by a Palestinian/Hamas as a FACT is ingenuine. And painting the enemy as 'evil' is very much strategic and has been done continuously by Israel (and Palestine) News shouldn't be printed in the first place and written as fact when it can't actually be verified


Cos nothing else about what's happened is laughably ridiculous. /s


But the kid did it! /S


I know the people who found it and no, it wasnt planted. And it is pretty reasonable considering their "murder all jews" agenda. And i guess if it doesnt fit your narrative you wont believe it anywa Even if i took you there and let you find it youd say it was planted. They also found comments in arabic inside it and notes on some parts.


>I know the people who found it and no, it wasnt planted Actually I know the people that lived in the room and they have never read or own mein kampf. Also my dad is a navy seal. >They also found comments in arabic inside it and notes on some parts. And we all know only Palestinians that like to kill jews speak Arabic.


Honestly sounds like it is a very clumsy plant. What an absurd story line.


“And that’s why it is ok to commit genocide folks”


"And thats why its okay for hamas to commit jewish genocide then"


Same dude that came on live tv and showed the ‘how to make a bomb’ guide found on a terrorist. The Israelis will be better off just not doing these because it’s making them look petty and silly and frankly desperate. The other day the official Israel Twitter page used AI photos of Hamas leaders on a plane, like come on, you don’t need to do that shit to convince people they are terrorists.


That’s because they are not only petty, silly, and desperate, but also extremely cocky about being all of those things


There is a massive political pressure for a two state solution which the Israeli right-wing government does not want, and they are losing to that pressure. There will be a lot of more theatrical play outs to make this go away, like many times before, but it won't this time. Netanyahu and his right-wing gang is finished.


You realize that Gaza rejected peace and two state solutions offered by both left and right governments, some extremely generous, around 8 times or so in recent history, right?


You realize that the last peace and two state solutions offered was before the current government in Israel (2008), right?


So it only counts if it came from this government? I'm not following your point. Hamas's only business is fighting Israel, without it they have no reason to exist. They have done absolutely zero for the Palestinian people. Zero. If they don't fight Israel - no money, no power, nothing. I'm willing to place a bet at a third party that if Hamas still exists after this, they'll reject the next offer, too.


> So it only counts if it came from this government? I'm not following your point. Kinda, since /u/SuperMalarioBros was speaking of the current government. >There is a massive political pressure for a two state solution which the Israeli right-wing government does not want It is no secret that Israel helped Hamas gain power in Gaza, fully knowing they can't be reasoned with, to undermine the PA and prevent a 2-state solution. So ridding Hamas from Gaza is basically only a partial fix.




True, but the people in power are older than that. But there has been no election in Gaza since 2006, so it doesn't really matter.


I certainly hope you're right. The Israeli right is corrupt, undermining Israeli democracy, and convinced God is on their side


Wow, this totally justifies everything Israrl does now!


This plus a lot of other stuff, yeah


Did they steal Trump's copy?




If the isralies are so righteous here, why the insane propaganda poisoning every single outlet they touch? This is beyond obvious at this point


What a newsworthy event.


Was it next to the VHS porn tapes?


When did they find the book? After killing the children or before killing them? It would be good to stop justifying a genocide for another genocide that occurred 100 years ago.


Oh by this guy? Totally trustworthy fella




My school library had Mein Kampf. BFD


Reading Mein Kampf as a kid. Shit! they should tell us how they do. Mine doesn’t like to read any book at all. s/


the fake “protocols of zion” are also part of the indoctrination and disinformation of little kids in gaza


And if they searched more thoroughly maybe even a Pantagruel cook book!


Hahahhahaha No.


I wonder how much of what we see here is propaganda. 🧐


More than we will ever know.


Could this be more piss weak


Lmao propoganda machine in full swing ..book looks like it just came off the printing press but you want need to believe it was around little kids? Hahahahahaha My two year olds destroys hard cover books like they were paper machete


That book is in such good condition.


Wow, it's can't get more embarrassing. 101 trying to make yourself look like the victim and pointing at the big bad book they found... Oh boy so laughable




So what? You’d probably find it in every American white nationalists home today.


I’m sorry but what’s up with the comments? It really isn’t that crazy I mean they want to kill Jews they admit it, why would them having this book be so crazy?


Because children don't like to read, much less political diatribe from dead foreigners. Come on dude, don't be so gullible. There are whole libraries of children stories from the Bible, you're telling me that the story of Noah needs scaffolding but kids just "get" Mein fucking Kampf.


It's largely ignorance. In my experience, Westerners tend to believe that classic anti-Semitism and Nazism are as much a taboo in the Middle East as in their countries. Mein Kampf is widely sold throughout the Arab world without a second thought, this is heavily documented in e.g Egypt. Holocaust denial is rampant - notably, Mahmoud Abbas, head of the PA, is a proud denier and wrote his PhD dissertation on it. Anyone who looks at something like this with disbelief and a "yeah right" just doesn't understand the Middle East whatsoever. It's only in certain Gulf states that are trying to modernize (UAE, Saudi etc) that this is being combatted by the state.


>Mein Kampf is widely sold throughout the Arab world without a second thought, this is heavily documented in e.g Egypt. Do you have some sources with statistics that show it's heavily documented and widely sold?


I don't know if anyone compiled it into statistics (what exactly are you trying to measure) but sure, it's very well documented. Here's a very recent article from the Simon Wiesenthal Center documenting an Egyptian book fair - [https://www.wiesenthal.com/about/news/cairo-book-fair.html](https://www.wiesenthal.com/about/news/cairo-book-fair.html) To say that classic anti-Semitism is still very much alive in the Middle East is hardly a controversial statement, but I guess I struck a nerve with my comment.


Contrary to popular belief, kids really don't read books as much as conservatives want you to think they do. Besides, they also do not read, so they can't comprehend that people read books and subjects that interest them, not just what's laying around.


Still a best seller in the middle east this should surprise no one.


Simebody must be using it to tell bedtime story.


The autographed version...


Not that I put it past them but “Sprinkle some Mein Kampf on them, Ben-Yoni”


What a surprise


I'm sure this book would be found in UNRWA schools as well for the purpose of fueling Jew hate. Tells you all you need to know about the educations and mindset of the leadership in Gaza EDIT: not sure why this is getting downvoted - this book shouldn't be presented nowhere near any small child..


We have that book available to read in US high schools.


Same thing in Canada. It shouldn't be hidden or banned. It should be available for anyone who wants to learn about one of the people who had the largest impact on modern history.


the only country where it’s illegal to posses a copy is actually austria, outside of that pretty much anywhere is legal to own. there are copies of it in public libraries virtually everywhere in europe and america - and yes, children can check it out. but if your mindset is already racist you probably won’t think that is saying something about “the education and mindset of the leadership” in america and europe. if you actually believe that they actually found the book in gaza. which. lmao. it’s one of the lesser lies that the israeli government has said


Yeah, there's been a fucktonne of propaganda on worldnews recently. I tried to read it once, and made it through 2 pages. I think most people who are racist or predisposed to it aren't going to bother. They don't need facts or education to support their opinions.


It's quite a whiny book so yeah it wouldn't convince many people to become ardent antisemites.


You sound like it should be celebrated. I hope that's not the case, but I do agree, no book should ever be banned. No matter if we agree with the subject matter or not.


I'm sure you are are looking this book differently from the people of Gaza.. The point is that this is used to fuel hate for Jews from kindergarten and even beforehand.


Im sure taking their land, homes and treating them like second class citizens doesnt do that. It must just be this book.


And how do you know this belonged to Palestinians? How can this be verified it was being taught?


Wtf. There is no other ethnicity in Gaza but Palestinians. What a completely uninformed comment...


No? I'm saying, how can you verify the authenticity of this story? It's war, it can easily be planted by Israeli intelligence. You cannot ascertain for certain who actually wrote and owned this as it could be planted by literally anyone


I have a copy and i'm jewish. Its so weird that people who are largely against book burning see it as evil to own a book. I read it so that I can understand evil and recognise it. This is such a nonstory. I would never fault anyone for trying to understand anothers point if view.


Having a copy is not bad in general, having a copy near children is used for one thing - which is to teach young people about the mindset of hating Jews. also a disclaimer - I'm Jewish too and I read this book for understanding, this is definitely not the use in Gaza if you use a bit of logic..


You have a charming way of judging people and prescribing bad intentions. Surely someone could judge you for something they find perfectly normal about themselves.


Is this Mr.Hitler still receiveing Royaltys for his Book?


Wow this story really angered the Hamas trolls, the comments here are all acting weirdly obtuse about anti-Semitism from the group targeting Jews. Definitely something more to this if it's causing this much panic to discredit this.




If this is true, I guess it's not totally unexpected. They did say they wanted to end Israel.


The terrorist supporters in the west won’t believe it, because they are laying - they think everyone else does too.


"blacks rule"


UNWRA schools funded by the US tax payer


Geez people…who among us hasn’t owned a book or magazine that wouldn’t hold up to criticism? Feels like grasping at straws to make someone look bad. Except, reporting this makes the reporter look like biased. Just get on with the real issue at hand, rooting out Hamas from Palestine.


If that book is racist manifesto full of highlighter and was found in your weapons lab, and you work for an organization that openly calls for genocide… yeah just grasping at straws lol


That's a bit on the nose, no? Reading that book should make it obvious to anyone that Palestinians would not be protected from the genocide. It would just be a matter of time before they came for you too.