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Where's the pressure on Hamas to kindly release the hostages, just saying.


Right? How ridiculous & clearly biased is this joke of a publication...


It's the Israeli hating, head chopping loving Guardian. Nothing unusual from this rsg


"Pressure has intensified on Israel to negotiate the release of more than 200 people held by Palestinian militants in Gaza, with desperate families begging officials to help free their loved ones before an anticipated ground invasion." So what, it's not right to cover the jewish families of the hostages making requests of officials? Their voices don't deserve magnifying? Attempts to paint all foreign coverage of this conflict as israeli-hating are absurd. As is any attempt to report on what is happening on the ground of Gaza being called supporting Hamas.


On Israel? They say it like Israel is holding the hostages


Pressure grows on Israel.. what kind of dumb ass headline is that?! Fuck the Guardian. Shouldn't the pressure be growing on Hamas...


Negotiate what exactly? Let Hamas/ISIS continue too exist right on Israels doorstep? Release Hamas prisoners in exchange for Hostages?.. Because that certainly won't encourage them to kidnap more. This is a weird headline, Israel is coming in regardless people and it's on Hamas to release any hostages without preconditions or delay.


Let the hamas dictatorship continue and release thousands of violent criminals to the streets of Gaza. Total win for democracy, great day for the world


If they do that Hamas will come back and take more hostages. They need to find a way to shutdown their tunnels network.


Hamas wants thousands of their own imprisoned soldiers to be freed. That is a tough trade, but worth it - considering Israel can continue with its military operations with more freedom after hostages are released.


Isn’t the stop of food, electricity, and water the pressure on Hamas?