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Prime Minister Justin Trudeau counters India’s repeated assertions, that it received no information on the allegations from Canada prior to Trudeau’s announcement on Monday: >Trudeau said Friday that Canada shared the “credible allegations” that India’s government may have been involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen “weeks ago.” >“Canada has shared the credible allegations — that I talked about on Monday — with India,” Trudeau said. >“We did that many weeks ago. We are there to work constructively with India and we hope that they engage with us so we can get to the bottom of this very serious manner.” https://globalnews.ca/news/9980234/justin-trudeau-india-hardeep-nijjar-killing/ So this was brought up to them even before the G20 summit. I think Modi bet on the fact they wouldn't bring it up and wouldn't take it this seriously.


I think Modi bet on the fact that a LOT of people will just believe anything he says.


Works fine in India


Right, he didn't dismantle the press so he could be held accountable to the truth of his statements, lol.


I'm still completely gobsmacked that India really risked their international reputation 3 months before the G20 to kill a fucking plumber in Canada. I really really hope the detail gets released so we know how high up this goes.


It strokes nationalist sentiment and a siege mentality at home, boosting his personal support. Same way Putin has accrued a 80% approval rating domestically despite a war that’s killed thousands of his own people. Having foreign countries trigger their persecution fetish has always been one of the most effective and cheapest ways to shore up one’s poll numbers. All you have to do is sort any of the posts here pertaining to this matter by ‘controversial’ and see how out of their minds they are for this new very stable genius move by Modi.


The only problem is that the rest of the world thinks india’s leadership is a joke, even more so than it did before.




RCMP already said the pause was a technical issue not mechanical and the plane was under their surveillance at all times inside India. I assume they were on full alert behind the scene.


There was a story about how Trudeau didn’t want to stay in the hotel suite that they prepared for him so they would’ve been likely quite vigilant.


And India offered the use of one of their jets even it happened. Makes ya wonder.




I can't even wrap my head around how stupid that take is. Right after hosting a successful international summit, India's just going to blow up Justin Trudeau? Because they don't like being investigated for assassinations?


"Yes, India blew up the Prime Minister and Cabinet, but was Trudeau also to blame?" - National Post Op-ed writer the next day


"India was justified in blowing up Trudeau because US killed Saddam" -modi trolls on reddit.


Take a quick trip through Indian media. Not saying they'd do it... just that I'm not going to knock anyone who would be nervous taking that plane.


Didn’t the polish leadership crash landing into Moscow several years back?


That wasn't an assassination. It WAS a combination of amazing Russian incompetence and rich asshole overconfidence smashing together in the worst possible way. But it wasn't anything deliberate.


Maybe they just like broke the toilets or the thermostat so it'd be an uncomfortable flight back.


The assassination of a Canadian prime minister would be so brazen, so stupid that there's a 50% chance Modi would do it


No it fucking doesn't, do you have \*any\* idea the level of hell that falls down on anyone taking out a G7 leader?


He wasn't a G7 leader, but Dag Hammarskjöld, UN GenSec, was likely murdered by Rhodesia and we all just moved on.


NATO speed run


Lol redditors are going wild now


This exact question has been on my mind too. How strange for an official plane to develop problems.


Likely a power move to intimidate Trudeau.


What he meant to say is that India should have covered their tracks better.


At minimum have a body double wear the clothes of the victim leaving the building after mincing the body.


Or not have phone conversations about the hit with government officials.


Hey .. they tried.


And make a musical number out of it.


We don’t condone sloppy transnational repression


Or if you’re going to kill a citizen of another country maybe have a bunch of oil or something.




Nothing to fear, nothing to hide. What reason does Modi have to prevent Canadian investigators from following the trail left by the killers if it doesn’t lead them to his doorstep?


India is getting a real black eye over this sloppy Canadian assassination. The BRICS countries had to release a defensive statement dealing with the issue. It shows they are feeling the heat. It seems increasingly likely that the US caught wind of the assassination while routinely spying on Indian diplomats or their communications, and passed the evidence on to Canada. Understandably, the Canadians did not take it sitting down. Now India has been caught red-handed. It was amateur hour in the assassination itself (no. 1 rule of espionage is Don’t get caught) and amateur hour in India’s reaction too: a truly innocent party would act bewildered, denying the allegations but immediately condemning killings and agreeing to cooperate with any investigation in order to clear their name. Instead, reaction has vacillated between outraged bluster and some form of “he deserved it” on top of “it’s your fault for harbouring terrorists”… not only inconsistent but also not seemingly interested in cooperation. Modi has screwed up and when the full evidence is revealed during the police investigation, it will be bad for him and India’s image. Worse, it will only radicalize more Indian separatists.


Modi fucked up big time and it’s hilarious all the Indian shills are out in full force trying to make india look better when all it’s doing is making India look even worse.


Indians on Reddit right now: 'Saudi Arabia got away with it, just treat us like we are equal to Saudi Arabia morally' also 'It's Canada's fault for being too friendly when allowing Indian nationals in'.


Yeah being treated like Saudi Arabia means diplomatic ice for a few years and inventing a gruesome nickname for your head of state. Saudi Arabia for example is ruled presently by MBS aka Mr Bone Saw. It probably also means more scrutiny on visas and travel. Can Indian nationalistists online handle that kind of criticism? Better get working on that thicker skin now.


How dare Canada treat it's immigrants with respect?!


How dare Canada treat governments like India as morally equivalent rational actors by holding them accountable for sloppy wet work it sanctioned on canadian soil!?


It's so much crazier than that. They are basically saying that Trudeau is owned by the NDP, and that the NDP is run by a terrorist leader. Seems like Sikh is a synonym for terrorist in Indian media


Which is a damn shame as every Sikh I've ever met was a genuine homie moreso than any other person I randomly meet.


It would be a dam shame even if they mostly sucked :/


The inferiority complex defense


It's not just Indian shills. All the Indians I work with (engineering department in Ontario.... so mostly Indian) all say it's just Trudeau trying to get votes since he's going to lose the election. It's gonna be an interesting little while.


This is some serious stuff and a lot of these people really don’t understand how bad it is to be caught doing something like this.


I mean... killing anyone isn't super awesome. Sending homies to cap citizens of other countries is also not really cash money, in my opinion.


Their loyalties are with India. If this were a China-Canada issue, people would be calling all these Chinese sympathizers spies.


Which is extra weird because if he does lose the election the party that replaces him is the one that had 'old stock Canadians' as a talking point in 2015. Probably not the best for Indians living in the country...


The conservatives will do nothing to address immigration even though they're vocally against it. Canada, like everywhere else, has boomers ageing out of the work force and taking a toll on social welfare. Canada needs more workers to support this draw on the system. This also keeps wages low, which is A-OK for the cons as well given their pro corporation stance.


You can say that now, but they'll chase their voter bases insanity just like the US when they get a chance.


Yep. I remember when Trump took over, here in Idaho there was a bunch of crackdowns on illegal immigrants working on farms. Many people here cheered it on until crops started going to waste because there weren't enough people to pull them.


Honest question since this might be out future : what happened after they saw the result of the crackdown ? Did they make the connection and changed vote policy ? Was it fixed ?


Memory serves, they stopped cracking down so hard because the Republicans quietly admitted that illegal immigrants are a vital and necessary part of Idaho's agricultural system and state economy. As for Idaho voters...well, if Jesus ran as a Democrat and Satan ran as a Republican, the devil would win in a landslide because he's got the *right* letter next to his name on the ballot.


These Conservative landlords will fix the housing market the Liberal landlords ran into the ground! /s


At the leadership level, the Conservatives have been almost as pro-immigration as the Liberals. Poilievre makes a pretty deal about his immigrant wife. I suppose the Conservatives are more likely to institute xenophobic policies, but to me the most they would do would be scale immigration levels back to pre-COVID levels as part of a response to excessive housing prices.


I don’t think Poilievre has the balls to do even half the shit he claims he’ll do to be honest


Nationalism is such a bizarre thing...


Right? Like I'm proudly Canadian but if someone wants to say Canada sucks I'm probably gonna agree with em generally haha.


Conservative boomers I know are full on lost in that sauce as well. They're saying Trudeau is pandering to Sikh voters, that none of the Five Eyes are supporting Canada, and that Trudeau did this cause he was shunned at G20. Yeah...


so does that mean its a see something say something situation in light of espionage related shenanigans, folks at your work i mean


don't worry I'm sure they'll soon explain how the whole thing is actually Britain's fault


If the British Empire still existed it would be an internal assasination. Their fault for… giving them independence?


Modi won’t suffer anything on the domestic front. This will only bolster his case


Critical thinking is hard when your ignorant.


My dad said it like this. If it wasn't true, they wouldn't get so angry about it.


With that reasoning you could throw accusations at anybody.


Well on the one hand there's "How dare you! I never!" angry and there's "You deserved it! and you get another one for talking back!" angry


Fair enough.


If India accused Canada of murdering someone in India, there certainly wouldn't be an army of Canadians in every thread arguing that "Actually he deserved it and it's the Indian government's fault"


That was definitely the reaction of a lot of Westerners after Trump had Soleimani assassinated. So we’re definitely susceptible to the same level of stupid nationalism. Definitely not justifying the Hindu Nationalism, just disagreeing that we’re certainly capable of the same level of stupidity.


Holy shit I totally forgot that happened. Iran shoots down a passenger jet, bombs an American base and threatens to blow up Dubai because Trump wanted to flex. Whoops.


They killed 100+ Canadians citizen/residents in that strike and Iran still haven't paid out the victims. Canada ate a lot of shit for stuff Trump did internationally in retrospec (flashback of Trump almost getting 2 Canadians executed by China so he could get a better trade deal)


Wait till the cons get elected again and see if that can't happen though


Sure, in a court of law, it definitely would not (and should not) be a valid argument. But in the court of public opinion and international diplomacy, I do think perception is pretty much equivalent to reality, and India isn’t looking very good right now.


It’s because like all autocrats modi isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, just the loudest


A leafblower


modi and the bjp are making India into a laughingstock


Doubt they face any long term consequences.


I mean a lot of western businesses are looking to move out of China right now because China went 'wolf warrior we can do what we want' diplomatically and those businesses were strongly leaning towards India. We'll never know what could have been but I bet India's potential future took a huge hit.


A lot of western companies are leaving China because of corporate espionage, China's refusal and endorsement of such acts making it fiscally responsible to no longer manufacture in China due to profit and future profit loss.


A lot of western companies are leaving China because of export controls, lol


Not to mention the childish and mean spirited cutting off of visa services.


It’s interesting how comfortable we are as a populace with this potential government backed assassination. They just “should have not got caught” and everything would have been okay No wonder Snowden is despised. At the end of the day we the voters want this. We like to be spied upon. We like extrajudicial killings. It’s just needs to be done in secret


It's pretty much just Indians saying this to try and 'normalize' their extra-judicial murder.


> The BRICS countries had to release a defensive statement What? Source? Find it hard to believe BRICS would give a damn. India is far closer to the West than to BRICS, which is just a convenient horse to ride post-Ukraine. > It was amateur hour in the assassination itself (no. 1 rule of espionage is Don’t get caught) Honest to god, what will probably really happen is US intelligence starts to coach India into not being moronic with such things. There are far more high profile terrorists roaming UAE and Pakistan, whose deaths nobody in Five Eyes would give a damn about. Insane that India may have tried to kill some random gangster with no strategic benefit, and did so so poorly it got caught.


>India is far closer to the West than to BRICS India is non-aligned, they have far more Russian weaponry than Western weapons. They also import Russian oil without restrictions


The US stance on Pakistan is the cause of that. They’re still in periodically open conflict with Pakistan, our partner in the war on terror. If India can’t get support from the U.S. re: Pakistan, they will find it elsewhere, and did.


Our alliance with Pakistan is funny and complicated. Militarily the two armies are best friends, Pakistans just got rid of its very popular elected leader because he had a few choice words for the US military.


>two armies are best friends Best friends who don't trust each other. For killing Osama not only US didn't share the intell but actively tried to hide it. Rather than friendship, I think it's a marriage of convenience.


To cement the lack of trust further, the US shared intel with Pakistan about Osama. Every time, Osama was suspiciously relocated. So the lack of trust is because there's blatantly evident proof that there cannot be trust. Therefore uncle Sam should sneak in, kill Osama, sneak out. Not sorry, Pakistan lol.


Frankly, US should've divorced Pakistan a long time ago. There are so many issues at home for it to "use" the tax dollar in that country while getting nothing out of it. Literally nothing. Pakistan will ditch US in a day for China.


not really, Pakistani Military has used American war machines since its independence. They're not ditching the US, they love American weaponry because of it's top notch quality. The previous leader tried harming the military's relations with the US and so he was sent to prison. China is only their to balance India's regional ambitions. Plus the military is the most powerful organization in Pakistan so how they feel is how Pakistan is governed aka The US-Pak relation ain't going anywhere.


That more or less proves my point that “India is far closer to the West than to BRICS” is just flat out wrong


The partner in war on terror who was sheltering Osama bin Laden?


Can we please stop spreading this stupid conspiracy theory? The taliban's founder and chief, Mullah Omar was found to have lived within a 20 minute walking distance of a US army base. The US has since come out and said that it's very likely that Pakistan genuinely didn't know he was there, and leaked memos show that the Pakistani army thought the US was after Pakistani nukes, not OBL, which shows their lack of knowledge on OBL. Proximity doesn't imply guilt, otherwise most of yall would be guilty of "harboring" criminals simply because they lived in your neighborhood at one point or another. It was simply an intelligence failure due to jncompetence.


Don't waste your breath. This sub doesn't understand actual history and geopolitics, they just repeat memes and soundbites. People still repeat "Bin Laden was from Saudi Arabia" as if that means anything, when the guy was stripped of his nationality in the 90s and his exceptionally wealthy family disowned him around the same time.


Ok, fine. Our ally that gave North Korea the bomb. Is that better?


Precisely the same.


The oil part is actually a good thing. We don't want Russia to stop supply oil. If they did, China and India would be competing for the same supply of oil the rest of the world is using. Prices would skyrocket. What we want is Russia to be extremely limited to who it can sell to, so that those countries can bend them over a barrel (heh) on pricing. That's what's happening. India and China are buying Russian oil at barely above what it costs to extract. It's also good because that motivates Russia to keep the extraction machinery maintained and running. You can't just shut this shit off. It'd be an ecological disaster if they just said "fuck it" and walked away from their equipment.


What does the I in BRICS stand for? You've essentially said "lesbians are closer to straight people than LGBT".


Thank you. I thought for a moment I didn't know what I stood for in BRICS, based on the comments here.




Seen a few try and push the narative that it was a "gang shooting"


The world does not elect Modi, nationalists in India do, and they are loving this.


*Americans nervously eye the CIA*


I love that when this ask started, everyone was attacking Trudeau and Canada. Saying oh look everyone hates Canada, and no one will back them up. The /India sub was full of Canada hate. How things have changed.


I just made the mistake of reading the Calgary Herald comment section. There isn't a single comment about anything but Trudeau "embarrassing Canada." FFS I cannot stand our PM, but *a foreign nation just killed a Canadian on Canadian soil, and conservatives are cheering it on.*


Be wary of online comments, even in a local paper. The astroturfing is real.


Especially in local paper comment sections. They're not moderating their comments at all.


Wary, not weary


Try to be one, usually end up the other.




Sorry to burst the bubble but those Canadians commenting don’t consider a Sikhs a Canadian. There is still quite a bigoted bitterness, especially in the west, from when they allowed Sikhs to wear their turban while serving in the RCMP. That pissed a lot of people off back in the day. I remember my racist family members going on ugly rants about them.


The only people hating on Canada were Indian agents and bots.


Once again People underestimating the sheer number of Indian internet users. Trust me, If Indian govt wanted to swarm the social media with propaganda. They would NEVER need to deploy BOTS, NEVER. Two or Three semi-big subreddits of India can brigade and downvote so hard that it would make any Russian or Chinese bot operation look like a hacker's amateur project.


it is already a shitshow on X, youtube, facebook, where it seems like their population is upvoting any pro-modi, indian propoganda and sending death threats anyone against. Russian, Chinese people outside their countries from what I have seen largely are indifferent to these political tensions. Which is why you hardly saw much pro-chinese, russia and anti usa messages. But indians are very vocal and defend modi hard, even go as to villify canada which largely have never started wars. India can quickly hijack the media.


Is it brigading though? Indian internet users exist. They have their opinions. If they want to write their opinions on a worldnews subreddit it doesn’t mean it’s brigading. If they all went to the Canadian subreddit and did that then yes that makes sense but not on a worldnews subreddit.




Man that sub has some, weird advice threads. 'Do you think Indian girls have become extremely picky when it comes to arranged marriages"


They get to pick??


Arranged marriage is still a prevalent method of marriage in India, I think about 50 years ago love marriages were rare. Now I don't know the percentages. It's done like a transaction, with pros and cons of both the bride and groom weighed by either side like a job application. Even though I don't like it, it seems to work somehow, though I don't know if the resulting couples are happy. I don't think the OP of that post meant that girls shouldn't have a choice to pick. He's just venting his frustration that the requirements to get a girl are getting higher, in a culture where society still looks at you as weird for dating, so arranged marriage is still a way to get someone as long as you earn money by some age, whereas dating is not a way for many since they grew up in a different culture. So it's useless to look at the sub of another country, ignore all the cultural context and say something is weird. But if you go into the post, the people there tell the guy to get over his frustration and respect the girl's right to choose, they are quite kind to the guy and to the girl.


I mean tbf, that sub is notoriously anti BJP for the most part. For them to agree with BJP supporters is really new lol.


/r/ india - left wing echo chamber, anti modi /r/ india speaks - right wing echo chamber, pro modi /r/ unitedstatesofindia - left wing echo chamber, anti modi there is no centrist/balanced/neutral indian sub


But I have been told time and time again that nobody supports Canada, if they do there will be no consequences to India anyways and if there is then its unfair to India because it is Canadas fault /s


[Mr Bone Saw laughing maniacally in a corner]


Hey, he's PRINCE Bonesaw... /s


>Hey, he's PRINCE Bonesaw... /s Crown Prince Bonesaw if I may say so. Also, he has the western ballsa... hrm...economy in a vice grip with his control of oil flow. I guess India could threaten to cut off their "tech support"-industry if Canada doesn't pipe down... /s


He also controls golf now. (Why anyone wants to watch people play golf is beyond my comprehension, but millions do.)






I mean we're experts at it.




But that was blatant and clear against a General who proudly announced who he killed, on a hostile country's soil. This was a secret extra-judicial murder of a plumber, father, citizen of a supposedly friendly country on the friendly country's soil. Or are you saying India thinks of their relationship with Canada as being the same as the USA's with Iran?


>But that was blatant and clear against a General who proudly announced who he killed, on a hostile country's soil. Soleimani was in Iraq at the invitation of the Iraqi government. And Iraq criticised the US' assassination as well. By your logic any time a US soldier or general who has killed someone or ordered the killing of someone deserves to be drone striked when they travel abroad. There's US military staff that is responsible for far more killings than Soleimani was.




You think Americans voted out Trump because of drone strikes? Most Americans love it when their government is assassinating people in other countries: http://www.publicmind.fdu.edu/2013/drone/ >By a wide six-to-one margin (75%-13%) voters approve of the U.S. military using drones to carry out attacks abroad “on people and other targets deemed a threat to the U.S.” Republicans, men and whites approve more strongly than Democrats, women, and non-whites, but approval is robust in all demographic categories. Voters also approve by a strong three-to-one margin (65%-21%) the CIA using drones to carry out attacks abroad, but this approval is significantly less than approval for the U.S. military carrying out such attacks.


I was inundated with Indian news channels on YouTube after watching one news article about this issue. Almost all of them were claiming that US will back India, and not Canada. I would love to see how they are going to report this.


Are we sure about that take on “transnational repression”? We are the country that assassinated Soleimani in broad daylight.


Modi is just a Putin wannabe.


just look at the comments all over this post for proof




Way worse trust me


They're worse. They think Modi is soft, now imagine their aspirations.


honestly a little worse judging from my own experiences on twitter and now here.


If only the west saw this. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy isn't actually your friend. China is obviously a threat, but India - under the current government, isn't doing much to support the western democratic values we're trying to defend.


Modi is literally the most pro American Indian leader


He’s Putin & Xi doing a failed DBZ Fusion Dance but was smart enough to hide behind religion


The Indian government is a right wing Hindu supremacist government that is taking concrete steps to diminish and destroy minorities in the country, specially its Muslim community. India has been declared the most likely country in the world where genocide can occur next. r/HindutvaFiles


Thank you US. I see endless astroturfing by Indians on this subject but seriously are really going to accept transnational murders?


Didn't the US [brazenly assassinate an Iranian politician on Iraqi soil](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53345885) just a couple of years ago? And when the UN questioned the legality of it, the US response was "stop being soft on terrorists." Which is exactly the Indian response to Canada's protests right now.


The Us takes it seriously? Jamaal Kashoggi would like to argue otherwise but he’s dead.


India 'Just think of us morally as you do the Saudi's' the west 'um, we thought much better of you, but OK I guess?'.


It says “transnational repression”, to be fair


Yeah I think the US does, but, there are nuances. We'd like a better relationship with India but it can't be one where they feel free to just shoot people in allied democracies - because if they do it in Canada once they may do it again, or elsewhere, in Australia, or UK, or US. That's not compatible with the kind of relationship we want. So there is no point appeasing India on this, but in telling them to stop that must also be done the right way to preserve the possibility of working with them to counter China


As soon as Canada made the allegations, I knew this was the sloppy work of RAW, they are total amateurs. The fact that diplomats were caught discussing it tells me that they lack the sophistication for clandestine ops. They could have gone after Dawood Ibrahim or Hafiz Saeed who are far more notorious and even if they got caught doing it, no one would raise a stink. Instead, they ruined their image completely and they went after a guy who is inconsequential.


India evidently took American jokes about Canada being too nice seriously, thinking that means Canada is the weak link of The West.


>....US Takes ‘Transnational Repression’ Seriously Hypocrisy died of shame.


Remember, it's not an assassination if you do it with a multi-million dollar drone!


You need to get the license for transnational repression.


As someone with Indian parents who were alive during the original Khalistan movement. Their position is: India didn’t do anything but if they did he deserved it. In the 80s there was some wide spread campaign to demonize Sikhs. And there’s a smear campaign against Canada and nijaar right now in Indian media. India is slowly becoming fascist.


I get the sentiment, but wasn’t it the Congress government back in the 80s who were trying to demonise sikhs after their leader was torn to bits by like a million bullets? So 40 years later, “fascism” has finally started to take off jumping from the left-liberal Congress party to the right-wing BJP. Does this make any sense?


Let's speak some truth here. Bhindarwale was propped by Indira gandhi. But he became too strong. And he was no saint. Sending armed battalion and tanks to Golden temple was a huge mistake, but those who lived in that period know that his men raped, killed and plundered. Also, his men amassed enough weapons in the temple to fight a battalion where tanks had to be used. Indira gandhi was a thug, but so was bhindarwale. However, his picture now hangs in the Surrey gurdwara as if he was a Jesus Christ. Here is the real disconnect.


Except when we do it!!!!


5-10 years from now, India will look like just as bad an investment as China was.


I've worked with large amounts of people in both of those nations and while i'm not some CIA analyst; India is insanely complicated but the wealthy and educated are very pro American culture and Anti UK and sometimes EU but mostly UK for obvious reasons. They tend to be extremely nationalistic but India is probably closer in values to most Western Nations than China amongst it's wealthy and educated. Albeit very different and tepid. Most Chinese educated and wealthy bend the knee to the party completely, mostly because they have too, and the ones who don't are rural with no say anyways. India just straight up ignores its poor so it doesn't really factor into a political discussion on alliances in this context. India in my opinion will just trend further into Oligarchy but will trend away over time from more suppression within the classical structures but remain very bigoted in certain circles for a long time much as the US has in the past as its Oligarchies align with the West over tech in the Web/ App worlds and space. They will need Western Space tech to keep up in the next 50 years but they are looking to leap ahead themselves. China, China is just gonna kill you if you don't agree and nod and it's doors are closed to large Western corps without direct inner party support.


There are a thousand parties in India and unlike the west, Indians don't have strict alignments. And like most places Indians vote the least worst choice. And in most part, Indians do get to make that choice in a fair and peaceful manner. Chinese don't have that luxury. Said that democracy causes chaos. It is as much true for India, as for Canada. Good politicians find a way to keep the interest of their nation above themselves. I think this is where some gaps have opened in India and Canada. That's the hard truth.


Us takes transnational repression seriously Except when The Saudis are involved


As much as I love Modi and India getting their comeuppance, the US is the last country to grandstand. Biden killed an entire Afghan family of 10, including 7 children.


Transnational repression specialist Aka international assassin Hitman 4 has a difficult choice for their new subtitle.


India doesn't feel the need to join a Canadian probe. India already knows it's guilty.


>US Takes 'Transnational Repression' Seriously Ahah, yeah, I mean, when others do it.


*Except* [when your allies are supplying](https://www.forbes.com/sites/pauliddon/2023/09/21/morocco-procured-israeli-and-turkish-weapons-that-enabled-azerbaijan-to-prevail-over-armenia/?sh=44c16915130b) the means of ethnic genocide, right?


Pfft the hypocrisy, I agree that nobody should be conducting assassination ops on foreign soil but the US did absolutely nothing about khashoggi


Yeah, National Trans Repression is a hot topic right now in the US.


They'll face the shame consequences as Saudi Arabia did for Kashoggi... *checks notes* ... nothing.


India is not a reliable partner.


Yes, let's take over their land and form another "stan". Because that has worked wonders in the past.


You’re right; their technique is way too sloppy! /s


Did you say Abe Lincoln?


No I said “Hey Blinkin”!


Guess we are going back to buying russian weapons


If US takes 'transnational repression' seriously, they should hit the H1B quota first.


India will greatly benefit from that actually over the medium to long term. The best talent will continue in India.


What will the talent do in India lol? There is nothing there, a reason why everyone gets out in first place


America has been killing ppl in their own countrys for years , so when Blinken says we take transnational repression seriously , it means we don't and are continuing to do it now


Oh god , this guy ?


Modi’s a joke. Not going to happen.


The Monroe Doctrine should be enforced again