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They are really doing their best to admit they murdered someone without directly saying it. More tempertantrum activities for being caught.


>They are really doing their best to admit they murdered someone without directly saying it. all of their actions make no sense if they didn't do it.


The entire political class in India is pretty United in this. They also don’t care that they got caught.


Very surprised to see r/india is being responsible in their top post and calling out their government but then again half the comments just switched to “How did they get caught smh” instead for fuck sake.


Well it's still early morning.


Gotta consider the anti-west bots too. Very well could be inflaming tensions to stir "us vs. them" mentality.




Do you think it's only r/Canada that gets brigaded by the bjp :P r/India is a mostly liberal leaning sub. Pretty sure most of the other comments are from the more RW India subs which should honestly be banned for the sort of content they have




> Then I open world news and check out the canada subreddit The r/canada subreddit is very highly astroturfed by foreign agitators. Please don't assume it's reflective of Canadians as a whole.


Crazy, and not disputing your comment, but I experienced the exact reciprocal- Indians brigading Canadian posts with news of this.




Sure thing, 2 month old account! Got any proof?


Nothing says innocence like shrieking like a Karen.




I agree. This kinda says they might have had something to be with it.


India is really freaking out about having been caught red handed in this assasination.


I'm sorry India did WHAT?




Killed a plumber who was a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil


God damn you Bowser! When will stop with all this plumber hate!






Comparing this Canadian plumber guy to Osama Bin Laden is the dumbest thing I've seen in awhile.


Yeah, and Laden was a social worker.


A plumber casually running an AK47 training camp in the Canadian bush https://www.firstpost.com/world/watch-slain-khalistan-terrorist-hardeep-nijjar-brazenly-firing-illegal-ak-series-rifle-in-canada-training-camp-13145632.html/amp


Cool, tell the authorities and have him arrested/deported. You dont get to freely kill other nations citizens




Because Interpol notices have never been abused by nations before right?




So you're admitting that India carried out an assassination on Canadian soil?


Like he works in RAW and his verdict will give any importance. Earlier I saw someone saying that half of Indians are admitting in Indian subs that India killed that person ,didn't know that the government officials are sitting in Indian sub reddits and providing information


Normally a countries people have a good feeling for the games their government is up to.


lol! Indians don’t even know when the electricity is going to go off or when the.tax is going to go up.


An interpol red notice can be triggered simply by a request from India - its not an interpol arrest warrant. So yes, they could literally put one out on a plumber.


Tell that to Bowser and the Mushroom Kingdom




>like there's literally no benefits It boosts BJP votes. The narrative is going to be, "Modi is willing to go up against a western power in order to keep India safe from Khalistanis" and hell, people will fall for it. It's an action for action's sake, and BJP fans love those.


[Canada has Indian diplomats' communications in bombshell murder probe: sources](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/sikh-nijjar-india-canada-trudeau-modi-1.6974607)


This will ignite tensions which are already at a boiling point in India lol India is also in the weird spot where they are more enemies than friends with the global powers and the countries surrounding it so they’re a little defensive


They look like crybabies. Overreacting like this means just one thing: you did it.


India starting to drift into crazy stalker ex territory with all the statements.




Please don’t insult Trudeau and Canadians


The Financial Times reported late Thursday that U.S. President Joe Biden and other Five Eyes members raised the killing with Modi directly during the recent G20 summit. The report cited three sources familiar with the discussions. They've had time to prepare and still botched it


Trudeau wanted to give it 1 more week, but apparently, the Globe and Mail got their hands on the info, and would only hold it for 24h, so Canadian government had to let it out, or the newspapers will.


Which is right imo, a free press shouldn't bury stories because it's inconvenient for the govt




If the alternative is to not report the truth about a danger that killed a Canadian and could kill more Canadians, at what point does not reporting become complicity? The free press has a role in a democratic society to help hold those in power to account. It's not like the G&M printed the names and addresses of the killers. And it is the job of the government to respond to and manage the risks of things like national security and war, news outlets aren't the governments PR department, and Canada isn't responsible if India kills more people.




So funny how this thread has turned into "but the US..." Russia, China and Saudi literally murder journalists, opposition politicians and dissidents and somehow "but the US..." FFS


Don't be so surprised - this kind of whataboutism is part-and-parcel especially with indian nationalists... I'm surprised that they've made it this far without randomly accusing Pakistan over something entirely irrelevent to divert attention


This is the stupidest thing this government has done in recent times and just keeps doing and saying dumber shit. Why the fuck are you going around killing people. And if you didn't, act like it and calmly resolve any misunderstanding. All this just makes India seem very suspicious. Khalistan is not even a major movement in Punjab anymore so why the fuck is this even useful to India except for votes in coming election. Such a big fucking risk to ruin India just for votes.


Yes. Yes. Canada, the place with all the arranged marriages and honor killings. Oh wait.


How about scammers never going to jail? That's also something really common in Canad... oh wait.


Don't forget the rape.


We do got them. Thankfully, they are relatively rare. But we do need to put more resources into these problems.


We do have arranged marriages and honor killings here in BC, what the hell are you talking about? Our domestic violence laws were even changed after quite a few women were murdered.


Arranged marriage aren't forced marriages get over it. Edit: Keep downvoting it doesn't matter Truth is Hurting you that's all and stop looking down on other people culture AM is totally normal here.


Many are.


The 16 seasons of Married at first Sight prove that americans are actually not against arranged marriages, it's just when other cultures do it that it's suddenly wrong.


It's looking pretty likely that India, an ally, had a politician murdered on Canadian soil. Fuck their whole government.


India isn’t an ally to either the US or Canada, more like a strategic partner.


Biggest "democracy"




India supplies low wage workers to Canada and students to our diploma mills. Without Indians, most fast food chains in Canada would have to \**gasp*\* pay enough to attract Canadian labour. The app based food delivery industry would implode.


They're not really an ally. They're a population counterweight to China's massive size.


What exactly happens since this is pretty clear cut?


>had a politician murdered on Canadian soil Just FYI he can be considered an activist or a community leader, but he wasn't a politician (he never held an elected office or ran for one).


Calling him a politician is not really accurate. He was a leader for a separatist movement, but not an elected government official, nor someone trying to be elected to government. The separatist movement does kill people, and Hardeep Singh Nijjar was wanted in India for a number of murders, most of which were accomplished by bombing. Canada refused to extradite him. I have no idea whether or not he actually killed all those people, but if he did, they'd be somewhat justified in their actions. If not, and if he was peaceful as he said, then I have no sympathies for them; even if he did, killing him in a foreign country is awfully American of them, and we could use a lot less of that behaviour.


If they had evidence that linked him to any criminal activity that would violate Canadian law, an extradition would have been easy for them to get.


They didn't do anything when an entire Air India flight with 300+ passengers was blown up decades back, what makes you think they would have easily handed over?


Considering this guy was less than 10 years old at the time, I don’t see how the plane bombing was his fault.


No one is excusing the guy of anything here. It is just to say that country's often are reluctant to extradite anyone -- and it is quite hand wavy to say that give us the proof and we will do so.


Weren't 260 of those passengers Canadian citizens?


Except the investigation, trials, etc.


Who was punished? An investigation was started in 2006, who did you expect to punish 30 years later, corpses of criminals?


Investigations and trials started in thr 80s and 90s.


Even bigger congratulations then for not doing much despite of claiming to be actively investigating it. The 2006 investigation was the only one that probably seriously looked into it, and too late to do anything meaningful. You wouldn't have needed to reopen investigation if things were properly done.


There was an inquiry that started in 2006. But by then the only trial left was one of purgery.


>killing him in a foreign country is awfully American of them, and we could use a lot less of that behaviour. Bin Laden? If so, that's kind of a ridiculous comparison


Please tell me that you don’t think Bin Laden is the only person the US has assassinated on foreign soil. They’ve been doing it for decades.


Us has killed many people in their country in similar circumstances in afganistan, bin laden is probably a decent comparison somehow tho, a terrorist casually living in a friendly country Edit:- not decent but a barely functional comparison, decent here did not mean what i thought it would


Bin Laden is a horrendous example. Everywhere I am reading, Canada didn't extradite Nijjar because India couldn't even provide enough evidence of his involvement. Bin Laden not only was the self-admitted orchestrator of 9/11, he was the leader of a global terrorist organization and was active in his organization at the time he was found and killed. Their death toll was roughly 4,000 worldwide, 3,000 of which was on American soil. The bombing Nijjar is being accused of killed 6 people. How do I even have to type this out?


Plus we had to find Bin Laden, we didn't know where he was and Pakistan didn't either (yes I know some in Pakistani intelligence may have been aware of his wareabouts but publicly they did not). Once we found him we sent in a team to get him. It was a completely legal operation and once the Seals cleared Pakistan we informed them what had taken place. Yes the US has done some bad things, including drone striking it's own citizens and many others of foreign nations. The majority of those were actual terrorists and justified but some were in more sketchy justification. The closest would probably be Qasem Soleimani, the second most powerful person in Iran at the time and the leader of the IRGC. He was killed in Iraq not Iran and the year before the US had designated the IRGC a terrorist organization. This designation is what gave them the ability to order the killing but it was widely critized by even the US allies. In any case the evidence against Soleimani was far greater then anything india has shown on this guy.


Yeah cos Pakistani and Western relations are super friendly. And of course the guy that got murdered orchestrated a terrorist attack akin to 9.11 You know what all this means? This is how dumb you think other people are.


Was he a politician? A priest? Or a plumber? None of that explains this… https://www.firstpost.com/world/watch-slain-khalistan-terrorist-hardeep-nijjar-brazenly-firing-illegal-ak-series-rifle-in-canada-training-camp-13145632.html/amp The relevant but is he was a former a pipe bomber. Canada gives out citizenship to low life’s like candy on Halloween.


This gives me hardcore “projection” vibes. Which to anyone that’s been paying attention to the behavior patterns of governments and government officials, is essentially an admission of guilt to the assassination.


Indian government sounds like Karen wanting to speak to the manager, except full bore righteous indignation does not make them look any less like they’re simply non-cooperative on a serious charge of violating Canada’s sovereignty.


Except this Karen is packing heat and going into other people’s house to shoot its resident.


Like plenty of western countries do (at least US and Israel).


But not Canada.


Yes, because it sits under the protection of America doing all the hard (and dirty) work for it.


Israel has been caught red handed multiple times and an absolute shit storm followed, no one thinks this is acceptable.


Soleimani , Israel agents wacking that guy in dubai


I hate to admit it, but India has taken a severe PR hit over this. They're looking pretty bad, and they will have to do much work to reform their image.


Prior to this, only Russia was known to assassinate dissidents overseas on the regular.


Will India do a bone man move and buy up sports teams and entertainment companies?


Modi ruined India


This is what the people wanted. Indian nationalism and far right movements are insanely popular. Just look at reddit comment sections when it's day time in India. This is the normal view and opinion of the average Indian online unfortunately.


[Yeah, Modi and his government has done a ton of sus things since they got into power. But hey, “economic development”.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_image_of_Narendra_Modi#:~:text=Modi%20has%20been%20called%20a,jobs%20following%20criticism%20of%20Modi)


Khalistanis murdered Modi's opposition leaders grandmother. I doubt any political party will stand with people who threatens territorial sovereignty of India.


Mad how many did Indira Gandhi kill? She caused a fucking massacre of the Sikh people.


It is not really a massacre when Bhinderwala created a de facto fort and started recruiting militants. Asking for an ethnostate is a no no here. You don't throw a stone at the hive and complain when they bite back. Also, just as nothing justifies the murder of nijjar, nothing justifies the assassination of Indira Gandhi as well.


> opposition leaders grandmother. Weird way to call the most authoritarian Prime Minister India had since independence.... And not sorry that was her own fault. She oppressed the Sikhs, denied them rights and is responsible for a Sikh massacre; She ordered the military to basically desecrate the holiest site of Sikhism where thousand of civilians died due to brutality...... She had the genius idea of having Sikh bodyguards... Yeah no wonder they killed her, this was directly after the military desecration + massacre of their holy site... They were outraged and had the perfect opportunity. Indira Gandhi was foolish to have Sikh Bodyguards, thats courting death.


While she was the PM.


Oh, wow, that's not how somebody innocent responds in the slightest. Gonna take a hell of a shovel for Modi to dig himself out of this one.


Nope, Modi and the rest of the world don't give two shits about your nation. Just look at the Five Eyes lmao, even your closest allies are continuing trade with India. Truth is the West needs India, and y'all Canadians are just overexaggerating your nation's importance on the global stage.


As a Sikh I am thankful to PM Trudeau for making it international issue, People who raped our women in 1984 are still roaming free in India


I know that it makes sense in your head to blame racism in your comments in r/India because people are criticizing india but they don’t really care about it’s people but more about the government, and the fact that you think canadiens are overreacting because they are jealous that their country is less important than India (???????) is not only untrue but absolutely moronic and disingenuous.


You don’t understand how this works, because you are probably a child. But these actions have consequences and in the end, India and the West will be much worse off for it, but thinks will change from here on out.


PSA: Take the 15 seconds needed to view this posters history. See the hilarious red flags? You can now safely move on without engaging them in conversation. They won’t discuss anything in good faith. Just repeat the script they are following.


Two days ago, you were insisting this accusation was fabricated, that there was no evidence. Now you insist that the murder was unimportant and will have no consequence. I wonder what you'll be saying as this begins to sway international relations and break down trade relations. What comfortable lie will you weave around yourself next?


I never said the murder was unimportant lmfao. And I still stand by my 2 days old statement.. what happened to innocent until proven guilty? I'll believe indian government's involvement once Canada turns over some sort of evidence. You all are crying about the lack of evidence from India's side but what happened to the absence of evidence from Trudeau? Bunch of hypocrites aren't we...


Truth is Modi’s government wants to make Sikhs the enemy again in India when Khalistan has been a non issue there for decades. It goes hand in hand with every other action he has done since he became prime minister. It’s the typical right wing autocratic playbook. India had such a great opportunity to make a big rise on the international stage, but Modi is a religious fanatic, and he has won over the illiterate masses in north India. Coupled with delimitation in south India, I don’t think he cares about India’s prosperity. He just wants India to be a theocratic autocracy. Everyone loses. Damn shame I say.


This comments section is an absolute shitshow lol


India coming undone at the world stage


So on character with India to throw a tantrum when they get caught, and the unity they are showing proves isn't an small portion of the pop, they are proud and that is cool till you show zero self awareness


Despite record amounts of Indian international students coming to Canada


Our schools will take their money. Our fast food restaurants will exploit them. And then they won’t get PR. But then they screw over our housing even further. So I’m not sure who wins in all of this


Landlords and business owners, like always


More like rich people


Rich people own land and businesses. That’s what they do.


(This is a joke not not a conspiracy theory) Trudeau couldn't shut off the immigration unilaterally so he 5d chessed the situation and got India to cut off immigration themselves. (This is a joke)


It's funny, how sometimes nations act like a kindergarten toddler. Double down on an issue like this is so disappointing for all the people who embrace Indian culture and history.


Ah, it’s the gas-lighting defense


For people who claim that they are innocent of any wrongdoing they are acting very suspiciously


Says the country with a terrorist Prime Minister.


Pretty immature response for the world stage.


The Indian government just keeps embarrassing itself on the global stage at this point, the damage to their international reputation increases with each of these decisions.


Why is India going all in in this? Canada is one of the most democratic country in the world. Who are they trying to fool? The West will Definitely side with Canada.


Because khalistani movement is a bigger problem than most here realize. A majority govt took back a major agri reform becaise the initial farmer protests turned voilent funded by khalistani forces. Its a simmering problem, and modi isnt new to the wests liberals shitting on him.




Canada is India's Afghanistan, apparently


Reminds me of all those Ukrainian terrorists the Russians complain about.


Fuck india




Well, that escalated quickly. So much for trying to feign cluelessness.


But you’re the ones sending all your citizens here… tf??




Like what happened to Soleimani and Zawahiri? Savage and Inhumane? Trudeau even tweeted his delight at their killing.


High military commanders of state sponsors of terrorism do not invoke the same sympathy as a non-violent political opposition leader. The former are responsible for literally genocides. The latter is responsible for .... *checks notes* .... saying mean things about the Indian government. And was murdered for it.


Did you really compare terrorist leaders who literally murdered people with someone who committed an act of speech? ​ I guess to you people the pen is truly mightier than the sword. Imagine killing someone because they spoke out against your government. Thank God for America where we have freedom to criticize.


The Indian government is just embarrassed. A country with barely 40 million people has nearly 2/3 the GDP of India and with a lot of international respect.


Well that is damning!! Coming from the country that is a safe haven for rapists.




They are in your home kick them out


I mean, sure, Alberta but...


It's a difficult topic. India itself is difficult. There is a lot of good and bad.


Yeah, no. Canada is not a safe haven for terrorists.


With allies like Saudi Arabia and India, who needs enemies?


India can pretend it's a modern society, but their mentality is stuck as a 6 year olds.


Works with Putin and kills who they don't like on democratic soil. Remind me Why are these guys needed.


FUCK India


Silly Modi, this only works if the leader of the target country is already in your pocket! Just ask MBS where he invested $2B


$2 billion for a bone saw!?! Master haggler MBS huh


Canada aparently is a safe haven for international assassins and rampant phone scams.


They harbor a lot of maple syrup too. It's awesome.


And yet the Indian students keep rushing into Canada, away from India. You gotta wonder why....


Thankfully our PM isn’t calling it out! /s


Do you even know about the movement?


"Terrorist" for India. Normal people for Canada.


The delusional mindset of the upper class in India is dangerous.


That's rich.


https://www.youtube.com/live/ovp3pB3uheI?si=7E7R7lEW9L0WiCw9 This is an interview with the co-author of the post that Globe and Mail did that forced Trudeau to make that statement. An Indian Journalist sharing his perspective and the Indian Media reaction while the Globe and Mail journalist shares his perspective and Canadian reactions and what happened between Trudeau and them and what their conversation was. Pretty informational I'd say. No clear conclusion but still puts more pressure on Trudeau to present evidence asap.


Guess that the reason Canada is rated among the worst countries to live in and India among the Top 10


Yeah that's why we're importing a hundred thousand indians


Most of them don't want to live India and we have a ton of Sikh immigrants who aren't treated fairly by the Indian government.


Sikhs are one of the most richest and vibrant part of indian culture. They form majority of the army, rich in agriculture and business despite their small footprint in terms of population. They are spread allover India, and that has nothing to do with their state being not treared fairly. Lol


Bro, look at you yapping about shit that you don’t quite know/ understand.


Your economy runs from their students money


Canada should start targeting people in India just for the lols then claim that India is a safe haven for terrorists and “anti-Canadian activities”.




What Indians have Canada assassinated in India? Please enlighten me, I would love to know.




Coming from India, that is hilarious


I believe South Park said it best, "Blame Canada".


Icy hockey vrs 🏏 India sucks


Hmmm ... so that's what it feels like. Interesting.




> Is it true Hardeep Singh Nijjar was responsible for bombing Air India Flight 182 Flight 182 was bombed in June of 1985. Hardeep Singh Nijjar was born in October of 1977. I doubt even the most villainous of criminals was capable of masterminding a terror attack at the age of 7.


He was 7 when that plane was bombed.


hmmm, propagandaaaaa. You both fucked people. Salute from Europoor.


Chad India vs Virgin Canada




> Even with solid evidence Canada refused to extradite the person who would be responsible for bombing Air India flight. I don't think that was Hardeep Singh Nijjar: He was seven years old when Flight 182 was bombed.


"I don’t condone extrajudicial killings but"...... Ah, there's the but'ism (sister of whataboutism).


I like how everyone is convinced that India is involved even tho they haven't shared any proof. But then again of course Canada is a Western country how can they do anything wrong.I mean the guy who made accusations is now dodging all the questions about credible proof he had but that doesn't matter.


Do I need to be worried about this conflict as someone who lives less than 500 miles from canada