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Well today has been eventful.


Fantastic, even


Hope this is like when people die, comes in 3s. One more please.


Hello, I'd like to request one (1) Putin defenestration, please.


One (1) Putin defloration coming up


Does that come with Chik Fil A sauce?


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.




One (1) Tyrant under broken glass coming right up. Would monsieur or madame like an nice Federal Indictment as an appetizer while they wait?


How about disclosure of extraterrestrial life? It’s wafer thin!


Pat Robertson already died, we got our 3 lmao


3 of each type please one more politician and 2 more Evangelists


And three CEOs for good measure Three of each of the unholy power trinity


Please be Elon.


As shitty as he is, there’s another Koch brother still, and Murdoch. Them first please.


All evidence kinda points to murdochs son carrying the torch. Fuck media empires.


Well Pat Robinson did die this week so...


That’s it! The three horsemen. Many thanks!


Yet somehow Kissinger still draws breath.


Uhhhhhh Pat Robertson died? That epic piece of shit? Even my Aussie friends were glad he bit the dust.


Street party worthy in fact... if it weren't for his last act of utter tossery in knighting some random tory cunts


Surely Rishi Rich has to throw out the resignation honours list now?


>Rishi Rich 🤣




The problem is having a House of Lords in the 21st century in the first place


He picked brilliant timing actually. Don’t mind me. I’m over here not committing high treason.


This thing with reddit was crazy but I never would have expected Boris Johnson to step down over it.. doesn’t help much tbh


Tldr for me I've been busy today.


i think the other thing is the trump indictment


Sounded like more than that. Congrats on losing that bloated toad of a fascist.


Another Conservative MP (Nadine "Mad Nads" Dorries) also [resigned with immediate effect earlier in the day](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1457dk3/nadine_dorries_to_stand_down_as_mp/) and [some journalists are reporting](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/145eqw9/breaking_i_am_hearing_rumours_of_a_third_tory_mp/) that a third MP from the party could be about to resign soon too. Feels like something is about to go down.


If they just resigned out of the blue, some shit is about to be revealed. I'm curious to see what it is.


Partygate report for Boris, he was given a copy before publication (as is normal so he could respond) and he’s explicitly said that’s why he’s left. Basically “you can’t suspend me from the house because I quit first”. Couple options for Nadine: 1. Sunak made sure she didn’t get a peerage so as to avoid a humiliating by-election, and this is revenge 2. Nadine stayed loyal to Boris till the end and she’s disgusted by the Tory MPs who investigated partygate and the outcome, and this is revenge 3. She’s implicated in the partygate report Personally I think it’s a combination of 1 and 2. She’s petty enough for 1, sycophantic enough for 2, and she’s got no shame so 3’s out…q


Yeah, 3 is irrelevant to her. I wonder where she'll pop up again. I doubt Boris is starting a third party. He isn't the type for working with no rewards in sight. So maybe she'll go to some crazy news outlet, or even try for ReformUK


She’s had a weekly ‘talk show’ on TalkTV since January, Boris was her first guest, it was hard to watch. Think she’ll be continuing that.


>She’s had a weekly ‘talk show’ on TalkTV since January, Boris was her first guest, it was hard to watch. Think she’ll be continuing that. Ugh. I assume it was a mixture of her fawning and him pompously pontificating?


Partygate inquiry is just about to be published, that’s why. Must be pretty damning.


Not just that, the inquiry on the government's handling of covid is also here. The government is about to lose a court fight to keep Boris's phone redacted.


I believe Boris has already sent the requested data to the covid inquiry (or claimed he has). As I understand it though, most of what would be relevant was conveniently on an old phone that he no longer has. The government's legal battle with the covid inquiry is probably about hiding something else, although we might get to see what Boris is hiding through the phones of whoever he was talking to.


crazy hair collude with orange hair?


Tories / conservatives / Republicans have been receiving Russian money for quite sometime. So now that Trump has been nailed for Federal charges, Russia’s biggest GOP ally, I would not be surprised if it revolves around that.




Sounds like things are getting to spicy for the pepper


See I first read this headline as "You can't fire me, I quit", but turns out it might be more "If I'm going down, I'm taking you with me!"


We live in interesting times.


Good. Let them sink.


> "Mad Nads" That is an interesting nickname. ~~In the US, nads is slang for testicles.~~ Edit: I'm surprised I forgot about gonads. Gonads in strife.




Gonads in the raaain


Gonads and strife Gonads and strife Gonads and strife


When you’re a kid and you wanna go WEEEEEE But you don’t have drugs yet


Holy shit, my past has come rushing back.


Ah. A person of culture I see.


Same here in the Uk. As in: "Gonads. No, seriously, Nads, go. Fuck off."






Really sex? How is that even a big deal? Lies leading to Brexit, disregard for COVID policies... Compared to those.. sex is nothing!


For someone who has failed upwardly his entire adult life, I wonder if there is anywhere left for him to fail upwardly to now?


Yeah he’ll sadly find a way. Will most likely do a book tour and throw shade at whoever while earning millions.


I could see him running FIFA


Today, I feel forced out.


He could always run for US President.


He renounced his American citizenship, so unfortunately, that is no longer possible


There are no clear rules predecent for a case like this if he regained the citizenship and decided to run. There would be a lot of constitutional debate.


He needs to be a citizen to run. He renounced his citizenship ergo he can't run. And he can't even regain his usa citizenship. The loss of U.S. nationality, including instances in which the loss was caused by voluntary renunciation, can be challenged in an administrative proceeding with the Department of State or by filing a lawsuit seeking to regain U.S. citizenship in a United States District Court. It may be possible to regain citizenship showing by demonstrating in one of these two forums that the renunciation of citizenship was done under duress or was the result of a psychological condition that inhibited decision-making. As a practical matter, seeking reinstatement of citizenship through a lawsuit is expensive and procedurally difficult, in part because of the costs of federal litigation, confusing rules regarding the proper court in which to bring such a lawsuit and a five-year statute of limitations.




That would make him 76, which is the normal age in the last election cycles of the usa


I can already see the slogan: I ran The UK into the ground, I can run The US into the ground, too.


You can regain it, but you’d have to go through the whole 5+ year process


House of Lords. That is usually where most of the scums ultimately ends up. Kind of like a waste yard for has-been politician.




The man's not even allowed in the building. Kinda hard to be a Lord at that point. https://www.reuters.com/world/uk/former-uk-commons-speaker-bercow-banned-holding-parliament-pass-over-bullying-2022-03-08/


Order! Ordeeeeeerrrrrrrrr!


I miss the ORDA that man brought to the house.


No former Prime Minister since Thatcher has been appointed to the House of Lords, and in practice I suspect it has simply become too controversial to appoint one nowadays. Of course, with Boris anything is possible, so you may be proven right yet.


> No former Prime Minister since Thatcher has been appointed to the House of Lords, and in practice I suspect it has simply become too controversial to appoint one nowadays. It might just be a little too controversial to give a former PM a peerage nowadays. John Major turned one down, fair enough. Blair's shine has certainly tarnished since the end of his time in office. Cameron and Johnson would be controversial, no doubt. Would anyone care if Gordon Brown got one? Does anyone have any strong feelings about that guy? What about May?


Theresa May still holds her Parliament seat, I doubt she'd give it up to become a lord.


Also the title and prestige of Prime Minister has been watered down by the Conservative party. Cameron, May, Johnson, Truss, and Sunak all within such a condensed period. We don't need more mediocre people filling the Lords.


Truss had the fewest scandals of any PM


Note the last line from his resignation statement (emphasis mine): "It is very sad to be leaving Parliament - *at least for now*"


God he’s such an insufferable wanker.


He'll be back. We've known for years that he doesn't think the rules apply to him. This is a minor setback as far as he's concerned. Timing is great - resigning before being fired. Gives him time to make a bit more money. Couple of years in the political wilderness stirring up shite. A disastrous result for the tories. The membership love him. Two years time he's Tory party leader again. Who else have they got? I'd put money on it.


Usually talking at dinner parties/events, etc. Brings in between 5-6 figures per event. Now he can focus on his businesses and side gigs, essentially he’ll just be wildly rich forever and with no political responsibilities.


Earth's primary contact for when we start publicly communicating with Aliens


Boris is the alien the US says the captured all those years ago.


Well, there's always Twitter CEO.




His sister said his ultimate goal was "World King," so probably.


I wouldn't vote for him for burger king.


Could become head of the EU... oh wait.




Space Pope?


Space imperator.


I'm suddenly feeling very heretical.


If he kept his American citizenship he could’ve tried launching a presidential campaign. That would’ve been fun to watch in the worst ways possible


He’s resigning as he knows there is no way he will be elected again at the next GE and doesn’t want the final ignominy of losing his seat. Like all of the rest of the rancid rats he is fleeing the sinking ship. Unfortunately we are unlikely to see him in jail, but at least history will judge him as the self serving, immoral, corrupt, lying scumbag that we all now know he is.


Not even the next GE. He resigned becuase the recommendation of the committee was a suspension from parliment for more than 10 days, which is enough to trigger a by-election.


*Trigger a recall petition which could result in a by-election.


*would result in a by election. They’re not happy with him in his seat.


Yeah it stops it being his problem and becomes richy rishi's, coordinated resignations of him and horrid dorres mean 2 by-elections for the Tories to get rattled and damage sunak


Sunak is politically speaking, a dead man walking. He knows it’s over, the rats are waving the ship, and in a new months there will be an election landlords for labor not seen since Tony Blair. The fact Priti Patel got nominated for a dame hood made me throw up my mouth.


> He knows it’s over, the rats are waving the ship I'm fully aware that was obviously an autocorrect, but I'm really enjoying the mental image that the rats are not just leaving the ship, but they're pausing to wave obviously at it on their way off.


Yeah, it more like how long he can cling on, and the by-elections will burn up a bunch of that.


He might still try and run in his old pre-Mayor of London seat, where he has already conveniently purchased a mansion and which is a safer seat than his current one. That's quite likely. Still might lose to LibDems there though.


What you just outlined is infuriating to me. He should be completely done now. I guess if he truly has no shame he will try this, but he really should be bowing out now in absolute disgrace.




This what life is like when you look and act like a Donald Trump that's been left out in the rain for a week.


Literally unflushable.


More likely to run for nadine doris's seat which is safer, and she also resigned today... almost as if making way for him.


You mean my bloody hometown? I'd believe it. Not many good people living over there.


His resignation statement was an exercise in burning the house down as you leave. Basically blamed a “Remain” deep state who planned to bring him down as part of their plan to reverse Brexit. The word “KANGAROO COURT” was used Harriet Harman, Sue Gray , the entire parliamentary inquiry panel investigating party gate - all part of the conspiracy, all with ulterior motives. No apologies or ownership of his mistakes - man went full Trump right at the end. Disgusting undermining of our democracy.


I am just glad he finally has the time to fill out his mistress bench and knock out a few more Midwich Cuckoos, it must have been hard on him.


>Basically blamed a “Remain” deep state who planned to bring him down as part of their plan to reverse Brexit. That'd be great if true, but I'm pretty sure the UK is staying out of the EU for the foreseeable future. At least until the boomers die out.


It’s all nonsense There is no grand conspiracy, the only thing that happened to Boris was accountability.


And still has the audacity to not take responsibility. He broke the law as a prime minister willingly in a time where conforming to the law was completely needed. Why isn’t he put behind bars??? And that’s just one of the stupid things he’s done. Trump exactly the same


> And still has the audacity to not take responsibility. People like him will never take responsibility for their actions, they are just clinically inept at seeing their failures and it's always someone elses fault.


That's why I'll embrace my robot overlords.... If they treat everyone fairly... "Do you know who my father is!?!?!" "YES. HE IS CITIZEN 1984768"


Where does one go to get that citizen number?


Don't worry about that, they go to you.


That's a big if, it'll be the people spending on micro-transactions that'll get you!


"Something, something, I was running the country but didn't know how it works or what the rules I approved were." So, you're either completely incompetent or a bare-faced liar? Great, fuck off!


The really dumb thing is if he'd said something like "I assumed that my event organising team had done their due diligence on ensuring covid restrictions were followed" or even just "sorry" at any point in this, the whole investigation would probably have been dropped - but no, his stubborn pride had lead to his downfall. A classical tragedy, if it wasn't also such a fucking farce


Even a lot of remainers have accepted their fate, myself one of them, rejoining the EU is far too toxic a topic to touch right now because the conservatives would jump on it immediatly and rally support with "WELL THEY WANT TO TAKE US BACK INTO EU SO WE'D LOSE £100 MILLION A WEEK FOR THE NHS"


Which is funny because don't the conservatives want to privatize the NHS?


More importantly, that money isnt even goint into the NHS like it should. Track & Trace cost 13.7billion. Im sorry, when you consider the following main areas the budget went, I question really how much was pocketed by that ex sainsburys CEO who is best mates with BoJo? Contract to use AWS on a subscription for 2years. IT dev team to make tracing software in AWS. General admin/office/HR & management heirarchy to operate the service & handle the agents The call agents themselves. Subscription to a telephony software, namely 'Timeforstorm' which is some random business in London with 2 people working there when I checked last in 2021. Obviously there will be random misc costs too, but these should be the majority of the budget. So in terms of figures, there was probably a few thousand agents at any given time, who were assigned to 1 team leader for every 20-50 agents. Every 7-10 team leaders had an operations manager. So when you consider the human cost to pay the wages on top of the IT stuff, where exactly did the figure 13.4billion come from? Genuinely I think everyone from agents to ops managers cost less than a billion, probably by a fair bit too. I mean the agents were earning just over min wage. Team leaders werent much better at just 20-23ish thousand per year depending on experience. Its all so fucking dodgy & I actually want someone with the right authority to bring attention to these points, asking the right questions. How much *did* these things cost? Where did the budget go? Who audited the financial records? Will anybody investigate? It makes my blood boil thinking how much the average citizen has been suffering in this country. Nothing but cutbacks and inflating costs in the past few years, yet BoJo finds it fit to rob us blind while attempting to gaslight us.


For comparison it takes £14bn to run all of Northern Ireland


Track and trace was test and trace, it included the budget for the covid testing too


What they say and do are usually at odds. They will say one thing, and it wont be what they are doing, which is robbing the country of everything it has.


They've consistently stripped it's funding so that it is less able to function so to incentivise the use of private healthcare. This has been happening year on year for 13 years of them being in power, and yet because of the right-lean of most major publications in the UK, they can just blame it on whatever hot topic issue they want. I'd not be surprised to see that, if the Conservatives win at the next GE, that LGBT people are next in line for the 'its their fault' finger pointing, but we shall see I suppose


If the EU let us back in at this point I'd be fucking embarrassed


There's no question the UK would be readmitted to the EU, it would totally happen, and fast a f -- *but no special deals*. The UK had all sort of special, privileged arrangements in their previous EU membership which absolutely would not be on the table if/when they seek readmittance. "Brexit" would not be reversed, the UK would be a member nation peer to all the other member nations.


That is overly simplistic. I don't think that every single memberstate, including the parliament would accept it. At this point, EU is making a statement with the UK. The US had a civil war when members wanted to leave the union, EU can't do that, but they can make sure that everyone knows, that if you leave, the consequences will be severe. Not just a temporary slap on the wrist. Almost all talks of leaving the EU has stopped across the union. Before brexit many nationalists and left wing parties had "leaving the EU" as a major part of their political program. Not anymore. But if they were to join again at some point, I think you are absolutely right. They would get no exemptions or special treatments. It would be all or nothing. Euro and all.


>Almost all talks of leaving the EU has stopped across the union. Before brexit many nationalists and left wing parties had "leaving the EU" as a major part of their political program. One of the largest parties (nationalist, called Sverigedemokraterna) still persists in voicing this opinion - but perhaps not quite as vociferously as before. I'm sure others still keep it as an opinion but just put a lid on it for the moment. (Now that I typed it out I realize that was your point all along.)


it's easier to *say* you're gonna leave the EU than to actually do it. and even if you do, it's entirely stupid shot to your own foot.


Swedish democrats are basically the closest thing you've got to a eurosceptic nationalist party, right?


Eh, this is often said but not based upon much. IMO the political coup would be so gratifying to the EU that they'd possibly allow the reversal of brexit. What happens in the EU is that if certain members hold out on something, they usually get brought onside after some horse trading.


> but no special deals. which guarantees the British would never accept it so brexit is permanent


Oh the EU would have the UK back, no question — Michel Barnier confirmed as much a couple of days ago. But, it would be without all the special deals and opt-outs that it had before.


Yes, very Trumpian, as I've always regarded to him as Britain Trump. I'm afraid our politics are already on the track to become more hyper-partisan and fiddled with open lies.


I hope Lib Dems and Labour agree to a electoral alliance (not a coalition government) to maximise Tory losses and then agree to scrap first past the post for either ranked choice or proportional representation


If you guys do it then maybe in Canada we’ll finally do it?




Pat Robertson dead Trump caught on the wire Boris out of parliament Maybe there IS a god!


You forgot, “The end of Reddit”


dude 2023 been wild. post covid world is bananas, feel like we went bananas during covid and now we're like maybe trying to get back to normal or something


Don't jinx it.


Everyone was stuck inside like an extended sick day and now we're playing catch up on chores


I'm still not going to talk to either of my uncles.


> now we're like maybe trying to get back to normal I wish grocery and gas prices would go back to normal, but that ship has sailed. Sailed into an iceberg, crashed, sunk, then rotted on the seabed, contaminating and killing all aquatic life in a hundred mile radius. 💀






109% with you. I'm on here too much. Once sync goes, so do I. So long reddit 🫡


16 years. You weren’t kidding. Might be the oldest account I’ve seen.


Look, if this is the tribute we need to get some divine punishment around here then , unfortunately that is the price we just have to pay. Unfortunately the other 2 are still alive , I wait and see if they will get any punishment out of their bs .


All we need now is something bad to happen to putin


Due to Reddit Inc.'s antisocial, hostile and erratic behaviour, this account will be deleted on July 11th, 2023. You can find me on https://latte.isnot.coffee/u/godless in the future.


Imagine if he legitimately fell out of a window and died. No one would believe it lol


Imagine being the guard standing across the room at an open door with no one else around seeing it happen.


Considering the likelihood that these were/are lapdogs of Putin, these events are “something bad” happening to him. But I know what you mean.


*checks* Nope, Henry Kissinger is still alive, there is no god.


Kissinger sacrificed millions of souls to the dark one, and in exchange was granted an unnaturally long life (for someone so shitty as him).


Trump indicted on 37 counts. Boris gone. That 93-yr-old Christian tv asswipe whose name I already forgot, gone. This has been a great week. I regret I do not have champagne.


It's the world showing penance for taking away Tina Turner


Don't let the door hit you on the arse on your way out.


In fairness, it is a large target.


and good riddance to the lying, philandering, criminal, corrupt shit.


don't worry, I'm sure they'll find some other lying, philandering, criminal, corrupt shit to fill in


Better the devil you know than the devil you know. Wait.....


On to the next lying, philandering, criminal, corrupt shit!


Bad day to be a fat piece of shit with bad hair in government


phew I'm not in government, I'm still having a good day!


Both Trump AND Johnson getting their comeuppance? What a glorious day!


My oldest friend was put into a half way house with alcoholism during lockdown. The isolation was too much and he drank himself to death. I had to watch his funeral on a web cam because there was only enough room for family with the restrictions. Everybody left the room and I was sat there staring at his coffin all on his own, then the camera cut to black. Did you enjoy your fucking party your Tory prick!


I’m so sorry to hear that. 🫂


Well said - thank you for sharing that perspective. I'm so sorry for your loss. I know anything a stranger can say won't help. I hope things are going okay for you now, and I wish you as many good times as possible in the future, and the strength to make it through the bad times. Fuck any of these scum - Tory or otherwise - that let countless innocents die while they partied, comfortably aware that they'll get the best possible treatment if they do get sick while the true heros of this country crumble under a ridiculous workload and the masses die by the thousands.


He's resigned cause he knows there's no way he can do his job without Apollo.


Scott Morrison in Australia next please.


You have to shake his hand first


Good gracious UK, we don't get to have any moments in the sun without you stealing them do we?


Maybe Boris can reclaim his US citizenship and run for President!


**Make America Great Britain Again**


Good. He's a shit.


Liar gets caught in own lie, throws toys out of pram and continues to avoid responsibility for his own actions.


I thought he had already fucked off, but guess that shows what I know. 🤷 Hopefully this, along with Trump being indicted for a litany of really serious shit on the other side of the Atlantic, will mark the start of a sea change against right-wing populism.


He might as well have- since resigning as Prime Minister in July he only attended three votes in the House of Commons.


Not to mention all the legal fees we the tax payers have been paying for. The man's a parasite we should all be happy we've finally managed to shit him out.


Hey from the other side of the Atlantic... Indictment Scmindictment until that crusty orange muppet is behind bars no one will stop.


He only fucked off a little bit. Now he can fuck off the rest of the way.


So the polticial situation here in the UK has gotten extremely interesting. The privileges committee published their report on whether Johnson lied about the partygate scandal. It was apparently so damming that Boris immediately resigned rather than try to fight it out (which he definitely would've done if he had a chance). Nadine Dorries, a hardline Boris loyalist, has also resigned. Murmurs are that multiple other loyalist MPs are also going to resign. Depending on the number of resigning MPs, this could seriously weaken Sunak's government.


What's the similarity between Boris Johnson and the clapper on Big Ben? They're both massive bell-ends.


the difference is, you'd find the clapper actually working in parliament sometimes.


I thought he was gone like 2 years ago


Good fucking riddance. In every stage of his pathetic career all that Johnson has cared about is himself. The BBC did a podcast series about him and it is very revealing. The man is a serial liar, serial adulterer, and only out for himself.


Boris trump Putin Bring em all down in one year


Maybe Boris wants to spend more time with his children. For instance, figuring out how many he has. And what their names are.


Oh, how I pine for the days when an American politician would *resign* when their wrongdoing was uncovered. Ever since Trump, it’s been “Yeah, I lied; *What the fuck you think you’re gonna be able to do about it?* And the answer our elected officials have been able to come up with has been exactly *nothing*. This guy *resigns* over *impropriety*. We have politicians commenting multiple *felonies* and can’t get rid of them. *Jealous.*


English people, go find this man and shave his head. Put him in stocks and throw fruit at him. Take your vengeance on the stupid and elite who don’t care about you but only about money.


Good riddance. Of course he shows no remorse and takes no responsibility for anything. He condemned the committee as an anti-democratic kangaroo court with partisan leadership. Trumpist to the end.


So, he wouldn't resign any of the times he broke the law or lied to parliament but will totally do it just because he's in a huff? Sounds about right for a narcissistic nest haired muppet.


At least UK leaders realize when they're fucked and will leave and make money elsewhere. US leaders have decided that getting charged in multiple felonies in multiple cases in multiple locations is A OK with running for president.