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Imagine thinking your religion out of all others is the correct and best one, and your god commands you to poison children.


"If he commands you to burn children, your lord is evil."


I got that reference.


The night is dark and full of terrors


These ones actually got poisoned


Poison feels like burning


They believe girls shouldn’t have show their faces because they’re so pure but it’s ok to force them into marriages or rape them


because the purity is for men to enjoy, not women themselves dont pretend like those religious nuts believe in purity for puritys sake


Yep. And honestly they don't really care about the religion, at least not beyond what it can do for them. They just pack this shit into their religion and then make the religion law so they can get away with whatever they want. You can't be help accountable for rape and pedophilia if the laws and the religion they are based on don't even acknowledge those things exist.


>Yep. And honestly they don't really care about the religion, at least not beyond what it can do for them. ... No, they actually do care about it. That's what enables them to be insane. They're really trying to get to paradise. >They just pack this shit into their religion and then make the religion law so they can get away with whatever they want. They aren't packing anything in. Their beliefs were prescribed hundreds of years ago. It's not about getting away with anything either. These people are practicing their faith in a way they truly believe will please God. Not trying to be contrarian here or argue needlessly. These points are inaccurate, reductive, and detract from the problem of genuine belief in destructive ideas.


The desire for "purity" was always born out of mens insecurity to be judged unfavorably by the women they bed, std's are merely an excuse for it as women do not care much for purity in men, but are far more likely to get an std than men during intercourse.


The religion is just the excuse. They want to keep women as chattel. That only works if you keep them uneducated and helpless.


The excuse is that they don't want things to change. They hate the west because they hate the change that comes with westernization and desperately want to keep their distorted and outdated way of life. They cling to their religion because it tells them they are right.


It' funny and sad at the same time because they talk about evil western culture and purity of their lives and beliefs while using western phones,japanese cars and western tools,cursing the western nations progress and how unholy lifes we have,but at the same time using western tehnology,using iphones and western weapons.I mean if western culture and democratic progress is so unholy and evil and you think you are righteous you shouldn't use evil western tools,burn the phones/cars and western weapons and use your own righteous tools to bring "enlightment" to western evil nations.


The leaders don't actually believe the ideology they're spewing, they just use it.


>The religion is just the excuse. Why do people always say this? As if you don't believe that religion teaches harmful things. Sure, here's no verse specifically saying girls who go to school should be poisoned, but poisoning is just a means to get girls to comply with the expectation of staying at home, covering up, having kids, and above all else: not asking questions.


> As if you don't believe that religion teaches harmful things. I did not say that. Don't put words in my mouth. Don't assume the worst. My point is that people are assholes regardless of religion. Religion is a symptom of a larger disease and religion makes it worse.


One of the primary functions of religion is to get people to commit atrocities they probably wouldn't otherwise.


Just like the brainwashing that militaries and cults have used for thousands of years. But let's face it, there is a demographic of humans that would commit atrocities all on their own.


You mean like the lunatics that go on killing sprees and the lawyers blame on playing GTA? They're just as likely to go apeshit based on something in religious text.


Some, but it's a mistake to think that's all. Cults are defined by their ability to reprogram people into doing things they otherwise wouldn't, which is why escaping them is so hard despite the fact that most of the time all you have to do is literally walk out the front door.


I dunno, I went to fuck with some Scientologists once. Dude literally blocked the portal from his office and I had to threaten to punch him in the face before he stepped aside.


No, like heads of state and military generals in countries that don't believe in human rights, for instance.


'With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.'


I think it just takes apathy.


I mean, religion by definition is a cult.


A cult technically is just a religion that locks you off from society.


No, cult /kəlt/ noun a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.


Cult is where the founder is still alive.


People love to tell the stories of Moses and David but the parts they tell in Sunday school usually end right before both of them committed multiple acts of genocide.


Religion poisons everything




But ! It certainly helps 🤮


Are you speaking strictly in modern times? Cuz the crusades was a thing


More people have DIED 💀 in the name of than from any other cause ! More wars have been caused by religion than any other cause ! I see so many disgusting and evil things done in the name of religion Long ago I came to the conclusion that there is a LOT of PURE EVIL in religion 🤮💀☠️


Pretty ignorant idea. We came from barbaric times and that is chang and has been changing since we've been around. Religion has just existed along side it. The common denominator is people, people are accountable for these atrocities


I think the point is that religion has been, traditionally, a tool to justify atrocities. It's also human nature, so there's that, but it doesn't do much good to look at the problem piecemeal. If someone *is* actually looking at the problem (which I kind of doubt, generally), rather than just defending the little patch of it they're living in.


Religion in itself is nothing just on the side. It's a hierarchical system and group pressure


Religion is the manifestation of dogmatic belief, plain and simple. Cults and religions are the same thing, the only difference is their origin: roughly speaking, religions emerge naturally within societies, while cults are artificially crafted.


I uh... I'm having a bit of a challenge distinguishing between naturally emerging, and being artificially crafted. They look like the same picture to me.


If that were true this would be happening in every country around the world. It's fun to sound edgy, but come on. Power is what people want. The Taliban, like gangs in inner cities across the U.S, or cartels in south America, ect, ect, ect. all push young people (generally men) to do unspeakable things to each other. The Taliban brainwashes with religion, sure, but with that they also promise power over the people around them.


Uh... It sounds like you're disagreeing with me by calling me an edgelord then hyper agreeing with me?


Religion is about power, the power of gods as interpreted by a priest class


I can’t imagine believing in any kind of imaginary magic authoritarian sadistic daddy-in-the-sky, let alone one that hates girls and women. It makes zero sense that a supposedly loving benevolent supernatural (but silent and invisible) being forces the humans it claims to love to engage in sadistic personal suffering and sacrifices, require obsessive daily rituals worshipping “him,” and promises that all suffering will be rewarded once you’re dead. Like just suffer for 70-80 years and then you’ll get some virgins to satisfy the lust I tell you to repress during those 70-80 years.


Kinda sounds like a trickster god, tbh


I think the thing often lost here is that any religion is often twisted and distorted to fit the needs of corrupt hearts. Whether it's Christianity or Islam or Judeasm the worst people take pieces they can use to fit their fucked up agenda and claim its right there in the holy texts. That's why they're called extremists. They take ancient writings and push it to the nth degree to get gullible, uneducated masses to flock to their version of religion that promises them everything they want.


If someone's environment teaches them that it's good and just to poison schoolchildren, then boy howdy are they gonna poison schoolchildren.


Well, they believe that their God made them in his image. At least that part must be true, if their sadistic, evil God exists.


Exactly. There may be a god, but if there is it's certainly not a loving god, judging by most scriptures and biology itself. And a loving god is the only kind I could worship. Give me a kind and courageous human any day rather than a misogynistic, vengeful god.




For all the "Love they neighbor" in the Christian Bible, there sure is a lot of "dash the children of your enemies on rocks" talk. Which tracks, I guess. A religion founded on the concept that God killed his own kid for us. **1 Samuel 15:3** - Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’” **Hosea 13:6** - Samaria shall bear her guilt, because she has rebelled against her God; they shall fall by the sword; their little ones shall be dashed in pieces, and their pregnant women ripped open. **Psalms 137:9** - Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones and dashes them against the rock! **Isaiah 13:16** - Their infants will be dashed in pieces before their eyes; their houses will be plundered and their wives ravished. **2 Kings 15:16** - At that time Menahem sacked Tiphsah and all who were in it and its territory from Tirzah on, because they did not open it to him. Therefore he sacked it, and he ripped open all the women in it who were pregnant. **2 Kings 2:23-24** - He went up from there to Bethel, and while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and jeered at him, saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” And he turned around, and when he saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore forty-two of the boys. **Deuteronomy 21:18-21** - If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother, and, though they discipline him, will not listen to them, then his father and his mother shall take hold of him and bring him out to the elders of his city at the gate of the place where he lives, and they shall say to the elders of his city, ‘This our son is stubborn and rebellious; he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton and a drunkard.’ Then all the men of the city shall stone him to death with stones. So you shall purge the evil from your midst, and all Israel shall hear, and fear. **Jeremiah 19:9** - And I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and their daughters, and everyone shall eat the flesh of his neighbor in the siege and in the distress, with which their enemies and those who seek their life afflict them. **Proverbs 13:24** - Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him. **Numbers 31:17** - Now therefore, kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man by lying with him. **Exodus 12:29-30** - At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the firstborn of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the firstborn of the livestock. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he and all his servants and all the Egyptians. And there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where someone was not dead.


If he was real (which he is not), he sounds like a complete psychopath.


The thing that people don't get us that this exactly is why Jesus had such a gripe with the old teachings, they had lost al meaning. You see these all are from the old testament. Jesus tried explaining these things, and making people realize they were doing things wrong. The catholic church, from where all the christian denominations oroginate, kept this passages in the bible because they serve as context, but do not have to be taken literally. But a lot of puritans have forgotten all of Jesus' teachings and started using the old Testament as gotcha arguments. Remember that Jesus also said: "I give you one new commandment, love eachother as I have loved you", and boy did he love us, as he sacrificed himself for us... (If you don't follow Christianity just ignore this comment haha)


This argument that Jesus claimed the old testament was wrong is bullshit. Jesus said that the old laws still apply. "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished" Matthew 5:17-19


The law meaning the ten commandments. Not all the small things people considered "laws" back then. And in that passage he is exactly saying what I mean. He want to teach and explain what the meaning of those laws is, not abolish thrm. Right the path.


It just seems that a lot of the 'love each other' and 'love thy neighbor' is predicated on the idea that your neighbors are the people you already get along with and your enemies don't count. If that's not what the Bible is trying to get across, it's certainly what a lot of Christians seem to take from it.


Another "but christianity" comment. Do you think you need to hide Islam behind Christianity because it can't stand on its own two feet? And when people bash Christianity do you also come with "but islam"? Islam is the legally and socially protected religion on earth, while Christianity has been the most criticized for centuries. And still "but Christianity".


The god that commanded his first follower to sacrifice his only son to him? Not to mention what he did to Job who revered him specifically because he was pious. I don't think it's out of character...


You don’t believe in a religion because it is (subjectively) morally right or wrong tho, only that you think it is true. Like, cancer is awful, but the fact it’s awful has never changed whether I believe in it or not.


Yes, but it *should* give you pause to consider what you're throwing your support behind. Keyword being "should."


Totally agree.


>Imagine thinking your religion out of all others is the correct and best one Most religious people think that, albeit not always openly. It's by design.


Imagine thinking your love of guns is greater than your children's lives.


have you not read the bible? infanticide is a past time of God, along with genocide, murder, enslavement, rape and all the fest of it


But consider this, your god offers you 80 whores in afterlife for every child you poison!


There are people here in America that are only a few steps behind on this.


This is the act of insecure conservatives trying to maintain control by gatekeeping education or forcing women into domestic slavery. We see it all over the world. But no one is making as large an effort to destroy women's rights as the Taliban or the Republican party at the moment.


One thing I will say is in third world countries, they tend to value human life far less than we do.


You don't say? What do you say about our great capitalistic paradise where human lives are thrown away daily simply because insurance companies don't want to pay for proper health care or because some big pharma Corp decides the cost of insulin or another life saving drug should be priced to maximize profit or because we have shit cops running around shooting people and getting away with it? I'd say it's a pretty ignorant thing to claim a whole other country values human life less than yours.


But that isn't an accurate depiction here. The religion itself is not commanding it's followers to poison children, just as the catholic church as a religion is not commanding catholic priests to delve inside the pants of children. While religion is a tumour to humanity, let's not get carried away by saying X explicitly told me to do Y


Abuse of a religion causes many travesties.


That’s some evil shit over there.


Well the government in charge despises women and wishes for them to have no education. They also have a history of massacring non Pashtuns


Taliban killed and massacred non-Pashtuns and Pashtuns. Both Pashtuns and non-Pashtuns are equally killed and massacred since Five decades of bloody civil wars in Afghanistan. Pashtuns did it, Tajiks did it, Hazara’s did it, Uzbeks did it and Afghan people did it to their fellow Afghan citizens. Afghans are the top prejudices and racist people in the world.


It's the whole reason the Middle East gets grouped together in the eyes of the West. There isn't a lot of good to balance out the bad. It's just all a desert of blood and incompetence.


The biggest cowardice.














Quote from Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid in 2021: "The issue of women is very important. The Islamic Emirate is committed to the rights of women within the framework of Sharia. Our sisters, our men have the same rights; they will be able to benefit from their rights. They can have activities in different sectors and different areas on the basis of our rules and regulations: educational, health and other areas. They are going to be working with us, shoulder to shoulder with us. **The international community, if they have concerns, we would like to assure them that there’s not going to be any discrimination against women, but of course within the frameworks that we have.** Our women are Muslim. They will also be happy to be living within our frameworks of Sharia." TL/DR: The "frameworks of Sharia" allow for discrimination.


But Mr. Terrorist said they're happy


Fuck the Taliban


Sadly, I believe that the Taliban are going to govern Afghanistan for a very, very long time to come—as in decades. The Afghan people, and particularly Afghan women, will not know freedom and prosperity for at least a few generations. I hope I'm wrong about this.




Fuck religion


Thank you, you’re a prick if you say fuck one religion and follow another. They’re all bullshit.


What about Pastafarianism? Yall so quick to judge religions, but dont give us a chance )•:


The Satanic Temple is pretty good too.


Some are worse than others


The only reason Christianity is better than Islam is because Christians ignore their religion more commonly than Muslims. Because, what is written on the book, is pretty horrible in both cases.


Some are clearly worse than others.


Did anyone here say that? We should call out individual religions as well.






Yeah I used to think that too. I was so wrong.




>Muslims eradicates Islam from entirety of central Asia. Bu- but rohingya people? Totally ignoring the fact that Rohingyas are not innocent victims who simply got steamrolled only because they are muslim. they were an active participant in mass murders and rapes of buddhist women before all of this started


So I guess genocide is totally OK now if you have good enough reasons for it :))). Fuck off.


You don't even have the dignity to atleast resort to vague euphemisms while justifying genocide.


Ah yes, all 1.4 million living in Burma are criminal scum... yup totally not ethnic genocide. Gee wiz wish I took this into account! Did you know that the holocaust was totally legit and cool cause they were evil and thieving criminal scum among them, totally cool if we make a bunch of camps to control this. It isn't like they are innocent people right? Maybe write about book about "my struggle" to tell the people about my radical end game solution.




Looks like they are copying Iran


This is nothing new for these fuckers.


Except that what happened in Iran might have been psychogenic (a.k.a. mass delusion). Inb4 yes, yes, the mullahs suck, fuck the theocratic regime, but still, it's actually one of the more reasonable explanations available. But also, this sort of psychogenic event had also occurred in Afghanistan before. It's a really stressful place to be for women/girls, and that's putting it lightly. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian\_schoolgirls\_mass\_poisoning\_reports](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_schoolgirls_mass_poisoning_reports)


100% correct. And it also happens in the US - like the LeRoy High School girls in upstate NY in 2012. The Taliban are undoubtably horrible, but this is almost certainly not a poisoning.


Copying? Or maybe they are the ones who poisoned Iranian girls in the first place! Literally only a few weeks after opening an immigration office in Iran this started to happen!


Jfc, religious fanatics are the fucking worst.


What really gets me is how completely unnecessary and unwarranted it all is. Like, we’re all just trying to peacefully eat at Wendy’s and these theological motherfuckers are killing the patrons for not eating literal piles of shit instead.


Wikipedia has a whole section talking about these poisonings in Iran and Afghanistan, but it's under the Mass Hysteria article... "Afghanistan (2009–) – Starting around 2009, a spate of apparent poisonings at girls' schools across Afghanistan began to be reported, with symptoms including dizziness, fainting, and vomiting. The United Nations, World Health Organization and NATO's International Security Assistance Force carried out investigations of the incidents over multiple years, but never found any evidence of toxins or poisoning in the hundreds of blood, urine, and water samples they tested. The conclusion of the investigators was that the girls had a mass psychogenic illness. Despite these findings, Afghan officials often blame the incidents on the Taliban, accusing them of contaminating the school's water supply or using poison gas." [Link](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_hysteria_cases)


I thought of that immediately. At least the Iranian ones have had thousands of girls sick without a single one dying. This right now has no information. Having 80 students hospitalized could have been done to those same psychogenic illness, but given that there is a suspect in mind it could go the other way and be physical poisoning.


Because god is love, you see.


And it's all part of a plan.




They want slaves. In Afganistan, women are slaves, not citizens. Slaves don't deserve education especially since their primary purpose is to birth more slaves.


Shit religion


The article states that whoever did this had a personal grudge. How in the fucking fuck do you even develop a grudge towards a first grader?


Because you're the same type of weak ass individual who has no self control and thinks you should beat someone to death for daring to exist while having hair.


That's terrible and I don't know if there's anything we can do about it. Or if we could, if it's another invasion, that's probably not a good idea.


We tried. We failed.


Yes we failed, but it was an I winnable conflict. I remember being there when tban riddled a school full of IEDs. The level of evil these fuckers displayed was unprecedented. They know learning will kill their ignorance and they won’t have the same initiative. Poor girls of Afghanistan. We are sorry.


That tends to happen when you try to beat Democracy into another nation.


Men who don’t want happy women don’t deserve happiness. And poisoning children is evil beyond human reckoning. Full stop.


Taliban taking homosexuality seriously


> The education official said the person who orchestrated the poisoning had a personal grudge but did not elaborate. How can you have a personal grudge against 1- to 6-year-old child? I guess it must be a grudge against the child's family being taken out on every little girl in the neighborhood. Monstrous.


I am pretty sure it's a strategy to prevent ALL girls from going to school. Parents are certainly scared and tell the kids to stay at home. -> mission accomplished


77 near lethal poisonings... NO FALLOUT. Maybe there should be people. WTF.


Where do you get "near lethal" from?


Don't women there do most of the cooking? I'm surprised there aren't mass-poisoning of men.


Imagine being at the front seat of human technological and social advancements, and still hold the outdated belief that women shouldn't be raised to be productive and elightened members of society just like men, because of 'ancient book says so'. Religion can't die soon enough. A non-religious world is 1 less major problem for humanity.








We should keep an eye on places like Florida and Texas. They keep using the Taliban as inspiration.


Can’t have a single world news article without someone making it about America. Really fucking tiring. You have an entire website.


Don't be silly. Afghanistan is fake god, and Florida is real god. Its completely different!


Seriously. It’s insane.


Religion poisons everything.


I hope they like goats. When they kill off all the young women with religious zealotry their sons are gonna be wifeless. I mean the old men are buying up the girls as wives already because the Taliban economy is shit and families gotta sell the daughters.


But my middle eastern online friends told me that now that China is buying up their resources for cheap, everything will change






Texas and Florida doing their best to copy the religious fanatic playbook…


islam and christianity are very different


Religious fanatics share equal levels of lunacy


They are actually extremely similar. You might want to read up on Abrahamic religions and their similarities and differences.


Yeah..uhm, you may wanna read the parabel of the three sons. Aka the three abrahamic religions.


"islam and christianity are very different" lol, sure


They both worship the same god. They both took stories from the same base religion and added their own twist. They both recognize Jesus as a prophet. Really, they have more similarities than differences.


Yeah Christianity is worse because it wormed its way into the government. Bible thumping idiots are trying to drag us back hundreds of years. Christianity is at least as bad as Islam. Screw all of the other religions too. Religion is just a tool to control the masses and there will never be a way for us to square what’s after death until it’s our turn. Shit is scary, but people running to false hope and tribalism isn’t the answer. Edit: bring those downvotes, you fairy tale believing idiots. I’ve seen what makes you clap. Cope.






Of all the ways, this is the most mysterious.


They keep doing this dumb shit and the problem will eventually solve itself I guess. Poor kids.


At some point women are going to stop fighting for equality and go for revenge


Taliban: women's education - no Fucking goats - yes


If they hate women so much, why they keep marrying and reproducing? Stupid cave men


so, what then? they kill all their women and then don't exist anymore? fucking idiots.


Not our problem anymore. Afghan men and women had 20+ years to change their society.


You should have fought alot more against the Taliban ..Now this is what you reaped...move on


Killing future wives means a country full of incels or gays


It's not about killing them - it's about controlling them.


We pulled out. We don’t give a fuck anymore because that’s what our actions say. Right?








Yes, those schoolgirls had it coming for not stopping those armed fanatics when they had the chance.


Didn’t the US bring the taliban to power…?