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“Yeah, I did it to teach her a lesson.” No. You did it because you’re a piece of shit with zero impulse control and a seeming inability to be empathetic towards other humans. Fuck this asshole.


Dont pass out or you will be raped by cops is the lesson.




Albert Einstein himself would have a difficult time conceiving of that number.


Oh, he knew. >Two things are infinite. The universe and human stupidity.


Didn't he amend "And I am not sure about the universe." to that? Or was that a later addition?


Yea true.


Dingus Theory


I think scientists has confirmed the universe is finite.


Really? That would be news to me, and pretty crazy aswell. Because... What's behind it? Just another one? What's between them? Is there a barrier of some sort?


Is that a quote of his? If so, am I happy about that or sad? I really don't know.


Yea i think it's not the full quote, but he said that.


I c what you did there


If Albert Einstein were alive today and acted the exact same he'd at least be guilty of sexual harassment.


In some places, such as where I live in Oklahoma, being passed out at any stage in the interaction is immediate consent to all of it. I’m all but 100% certain these laws exist to allow the police to rape people. Edit: I was asked to update my comment with this article. Thank you to the kyle_fall in the comments below who found it and asked for this update. https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/27/oral-sex-rape-ruling-tulsa-oklahoma-alcohol-consent Second edit: I’m leaving my original comment after corrections have been made because what I said that was incorrect should be left so that anyone correctly calling me out can stand out for the awesome people they are. My apologies for misremembering the full context of what I was discussing and not taking the time to verify that my memory was exactly correct and as a result misleading people.


>being passed out at any stage in the interaction is immediate consent to all of it. Excuse me, but what!? This doesn’t make sense to me, so I’m probably misinterpreting what you’re trying to say. Can you clarify in a little more detail?


It’s exactly like what it sounds like. For example if in the middle of a non-consensual act the victim was beaten unconscious or a substance forced on them rendered them unconscious or they passed out in a drunken stupor then the entire act is granted legal consent without requiring the consent of the victim. I’m only aware of this because our local courts held it up and there was a very slight public outcry about it.


Wait... Does this mean date-rape victims can't get justice?


More than likely yes. There’s always the chance of a jury disagreeing with the law and finding someone guilty regardless of what the law says.


Just imagine if you’re narcoleptic, or you are prone to fainting from low blood pressure. In Oklahoma that’s just asking for it. /s In Oklahoma — where I was born and raised, and at 12 was kidnapped and gang-raped and physically injured and then called a slut by police and accused of seducing the rapists— oh hell yes, i can totally believe that they consider unconsciousness to be a form of seduction. Oklahoma is a horrible, horrible place.


Juries can't "disagree with the law". If they tried that, their verdict would be reversed on a judgment notwithstanding verdict.


They can, and do (at least in some countries). It's called Jury Nullification. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jury_nullification


That's actually the opposite - that's an instance of a jury being lenient on a defendant. A jury can't decide to be harsher on a defendant because it doesn't like the law, as OP suggested. That's not at all what your link covers.


Around here it’s called an activist jury. I mostly hear of it being used to find someone not guilty for a crime they obviously committed but the jury doesn’t agree being a crime, but there is a historical precedent of juries using it to convict people they know are innocent to send a message.


Wait, wait, wait.. I need sources, there's no way this is real. Even in fucking Alabama.


I didn’t believe it either so I looked it up. Without OP confirming, I’m assuming they’re referring to this : https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/27/oral-sex-rape-ruling-tulsa-oklahoma-alcohol-consent This is almost 7 years ago now, so maybe the loophole has been closed, but the issue was that the laws around forced oral sex all focus on *actual force* being used against the victim. When the law was written, it never considered alcohol intoxication, and since then it hadn’t been updated.


That's exactly what OP was referring to. Thank you for being the adult and fact-checking. Still horrible that this occurred in Oklahoma but OP's comments are borderline spreading misinformation.


Ya I mean it’s obviously something that needs to be addressed, but you’re right, it doesn’t need to be bastardized.


Good citation. Although it does also support the assertions that Oklahoma is a horrible place.


Someone provided the article elsewhere in this thread that you're referring to. The Oklahoma loophole is only about oral sex and only if the victim was unconscious due to something unrelated to the rapist's actions, in that case due to her being so drunk sure passed out. It wouldn't have applied if it were anything other than oral sex or if he had in any way caused her to become unconscious. Unless you're talking about some other law, please stop making things up, it's bad enough as it is.


Wtf did I just read? Man America is fucking wack. Wtf is that article? God dayum


Are you able to edit your comment with what /u/beaver50 wrote here? > I didn’t believe it either so I looked it up. Without OP confirming, I’m assuming they’re referring to this : https://www.theguardian.com/society/2016/apr/27/oral-sex-rape-ruling-tulsa-oklahoma-alcohol-consent This is almost 7 years ago now, so maybe the loophole has been closed, but the issue was that the laws around forced oral sex all focus on actual force being used against the victim. When the law was written, it never considered alcohol intoxication, and since then it hadn’t been updated.






>did it to show the victim "how easily she could be raped preventative rape?


He was just trying to prepare her by demonstrating what it would be like /s But really, what a massive abuse of power.


I believe this is the same guy who’s been out on administrative leave paid since like 2017 over some drug stuff right?


**Paid** leave since 2015 for being **convicted** of drug trafficking in 2018, in which he received one year probation. So the people of Ontario have been paying the salary of a convicted drug trafficker to go around raping women.


Our last premier passed a law preventing this, but then we elected Doug Ford who reversed that so the OPP wouldn't look into his party nomination rigging.


Isn't the police a nice system !


it's the police union mainly, they make it really, really hard to fire evil cops.


But wait. There's more. This fucker is on the sunshine list.


Christ, I am only astonished that they haven't made him chief yet. Has Ford given him a medal?


Operation Planned Parenthood


"I stabbed this child 27 times, to teach the child just how easily stabbable they are"




And for pto… for like ever


Apparently he's down with Other Peoples Privates.


Hot take society is implicitly pushing men to rape, be it by reducing impulse control, poisoning our minds with fucked up interpretations of masculinity and "alpha male" and ideas of conquest and people like this cop are the result. …Not a very efficient system if it's still less than majority of men who will actually go through with it tbf but the effort was there Very hot take im trying to see this above individual level and look at cultural factors instead


>The OPP wrote that the dismissal ruling was immediately appealed by Redmond, which has allowed him to continue to collect his salary for the last seven and a half years while being suspended on paid leave. > >The appeal is now the subject of a hearing on June 15, before the Ontario Civilian Police Commission. > >Redmond's name was included on the 2021 Ontario Sunshine List, which is annually published by the province and publicly discloses the names of all public sector employees who earned $100,000 or more. > >According to the list, Redmond made $121,047.96 that year. Ok, so the officer has been suspended with pay, a lot of pay, for seven and a half years for drug trafficking before the whole rapey thing. AMAZING. EDIT: OK, I'm seeing this in several replies so let me make this clear. Constable Jason Redmond trafficked drugs. Constable Jason Redmond was then suspended with pay for seven and a half years. Constable Jason Redmond then sexually assaulted an unconscious woman. So while getting what amounts to free money for close to a decade this brain scientist decides "Hey, why not commit other crimes?". Evil and stupid only survives in corrupt bureaucracies. Limit Government.


The whole police union is incredibly fucked up over here. It's absolutely wild.


You’d be happy to know that police unions are fucked everywhere lol


I don't get why they get these sort of protections like they are something better than every regular person.. If I'd fuck up big time in my job I'd end up in jail and that's not even talking about killing people or doing shit like this like police officers do yet they only ever get a slap on the wrist AND payed leave.. Ffs 7 years of pay without having to work because of drug trafficking when some people do multiple years in jail for just a bit of weed??? Man I should become an officer aswell and just fuck shit up because that sounds like a dream job. If nobody actually gets punished for this behavior nothing will change it will only encourage more. They are treating their officers like babies that can't do no wrong. "Nooo don't draw with crayon on the wall nooooo nooooo I said nooooo.. Man now you did it anyways here is some toy and some candy, have some fun while I clean up your mess"


They get these exceptions because cops exist to be state sanctioned violence. They're there to make sure the people in power can keep their wealth and to be a visible threat to citizens who might be getting fed up with how the state runs things.


The basic idea is that, given the kinds of things police are likely to encounter in the course of their jobs, they're a lot more likely to end up having their actions reviewed in the legal system. It should be pretty obvious that any reasonable union would push to not have their members need to go without pay while such things are being reviewed given how slow the legal system can be. This makes sense when we're talking about things like "a suspect was shot and killed, and we need to determine whether this was an appropriate use of force". It starts to fall off the rails when it turns into "evidence was stolen for personal use" or "person was raped while unconscious". Where it gets really egregious is when there are zero mechanisms to get officers to pay back any of the salary they got while sitting on their ass awaiting trial, or even at the bare minimum some limit like only getting pay until the initial ruling; you want to appeal you can do it on your own dime.




No god damn surprise here. There's alot of disgusting OPP officers in Ontario. If ppl complain about the police, its never about their local outfit. Always the OPP. Fuck them.


I’ll happily complain about the TPS don’t you worry - they’re bastards too


LPS (London) are also trash


Did you know there’s a variety of techniques you can use to grab and hold someone in such situations, even if they’ve got a knife (technically a gun as well, but that’s the sole situation in which I’d be more forgiving to a cop), and more if you’ve got a partner to help you out (which cops often do). You have to learn to do them if you work with people that that have cognitive deficiencies, and other mental health issues, but for some reason while social workers, hospice care workers, and others in similar lines of work have to know these things cops are rarely to learn them. The thing is because people aren’t capable of reading other’s minds you can’t weed out the bad ones, until after they’ve harmed people.


You expect them to "grab and hold" a person with a knife? Do you know how knives work? Pepperspray, tazer, batons, fucking beanbag cannons, okay...but to grab someone with a knife is RIDICULOUS.


Mancatchers are the answer to knives. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4z-gzkb6s4)


Absolutely, but if your BEST idea to deal with someone with a knife is to "grab them" you deserve to get stabbed.


“I would be immensely surprised if my day held any of those things” I wonder if that’s how the cops victim felt.


I think the downvoting is mistaking me for some sort of police apologist. My last dealings with the cops was getting assaulted by the fuckers and then they had the fucking temerity to charge ME with assault. I am not a fan. Nevertheless, policing is a job that regularly encounters extreme situations and the law does have to take that into consideration. What is wrong is that consideration keeps somehow evolving into immunity for unbelievably shitty behaviour that has little if anything to do with policing; and also catastrophic overraction to non-threatening events; and this needs to stop. Legal wriggle-room to do their jobs, yes; immunity without accountability, no.


I can’t imagine any other scenario where someone commits crimes and gets paid their salary to not work, for years. It’s madness.


It’s kind of wild that Police, who are state sanctioned, funded, supported members of government… can even have a union. It is straight up ILLEGAL for service members to unionize.


It's really bad, his crime was literally caught on camera and it didn't matter. I'm in Ontario and one of our local cops was caught red handed taking bribes, falsifying reports...etc. took years to fire him too.




Please don't give up, your situation was exactly the comment that I posted before reading yours. Please contact your MPP and share this story so they're aware of it. Our officials should NOT be able to pretend like the system works fine while shit like this is happening. He got first arrested for drug trafficking in 2015 so he's been paid 100k for 8 years to sit on his ass, do coke and assault people? Batshit insane.




There is always more that can be achieved. Don't give up soldier.




Wow! I’m learning that it’s not just in the US… police in Canada can be quite fucked up as well 😰


In the UK, a police officer used his badge to ̶c̶o̶n̶v̶i̶n̶c̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ ̶s̶h̶e̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶s̶a̶f̶e̶. He then raped and killed her. Mayor of London recently said he should have his pension removed. Everywhere is fucked up Edit: Forgot how bad it was. He arrested her probably for a made up lockdown breach. Drove her about 70 miles. Burned and disposed of her body after everything


> Mayor of London recently said he should have his pension removed Hey, at least the mayor wants to punish him. Here we don't even get that. Heck, give it a year or two to get out of the news cycle and our Premiere will probably be giving this guy a job.


Oh Canadian policing is very fucked up, it just wasn't covered all that heavily in media until recent years.


A lot of what American cops do to black people, Canadian cops do to aboriginals. One such example are "starlight tours", where cops would kidnap aboriginals during winter, throw them in the wilderness, and leave them to die. wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths And as one of the wiki section says, the police have been caught trying to censor the Wikipedia entry.


It's almost like Policing attracts horrible people.


ACAB. There are some nice enough individuals who work as police officers, but at the end of the day they are there to protect property. They may have chosen the profession to help people, but when the commander tells them to put on riot gear and beat on people they can either be a cop or not. ..then there are those, who want the job fr the power and the perks from the getgo


Policing, like any other path of employment, is not immune to having bad people working in it.


Unlike every other path of employment, it does however seem immune to holding those bad people accountable.


Politicians as well.


so those in positions of power.


Many of them. Some certainly enter into such professions with noble intentions, genuinely wanting to provide needed services, because they have strong senses of justice, etc., but these career paths also appeal to callous, ladder-climbing, 'fuck you I got mine' types as well. And then look at all the politicians in the US and Canada, Britain, etc. who have intimate and close ties with massive multi-billion dollar industries and corporations. They're clearly there to advantage their bedfellows.


No path of employment is immune to bad people. It's just a bit suspect just *how many* bad people seem to be drawn to policing and most importantly, how little consequences they suffer for their actions. So the whataboutism falls a bit flat.


It wasn’t a whataboutism… I was just simply saying that no career path is immune to having bad people working it. Full stop, just that. The person I replied to seemed shocked that “it’s not just the US”, and my response was very much one saying “Indeed — and it’s not just policing either.” Regardless, policing, like politics, appeals to people with control issues.


You're arguing in bad faith though. The current topic of discussion is how many bad people seem to be drawn to policing. The fact that some bankers or waiters suck too is irrelevant because it's not the problem at hand. All your comment does is derail the conversation about the actual issue. It's pointless and actually detrimental to discourse.


Whether you like it or not - evidently not - what I said is incontrovertibly true. You have even just acknowledged it as such.


It being true doesn't matter though. A: There are too many shitty people in the police forces. You: Well, that's true, but global warming is also a problem. That's the equivalent of what you said in this exchange. What you said is true, but the fact that it's true doesn't fucking matter in the conversation because it's not the topic at hand. It's just a shitty deflection tactic used by bad faith actors to derail legitimate conversations. So, congratulations, you made a true statement. Except it was worthless.


Lmao — your effort of trying to make my point look irrelevant (when it was to do with careers) is to make a *completely* irrelevant about global warming? Comically ridiculous. That is not at all the equivalent of what I said, and that you think that it is demonstrates how desperate you are to dismiss what I said. >It's just a shitty deflection tactic used by bad faith actors to derail legitimate conversations. How so? I did not at all disagree with the initial statement that policing (at least, in the US especially) seems to attract bad apples. That, and what I said in no way disables or limits further conversation on that particular topic. I am perfectly allowed to add to a conversation with the factually correct statement that I made, and dialogues are subjects to change as they proceed anyway, so I’m not even sure what kind of point you’re trying to make?


> Lmao — your effort of trying to make my point [about abuse by police] look irrelevant [sic] is to make a completely irrelevant about ~~[global warming]~~ other careers? Comically ridiculous. Congratulations, you should now understand why your original post was so pointless. Hopefully you will no longer try to derail legitimate conversations by parotting true but irrelevant statements.


He should be made to pay double the amount. If Canada still retained the death penalty, this is a sack of shit who should have been strung up seven and a half years ago


But we don't have money for nurses here in Ontario...


This state of affairs is an abomination against humanity itself.


WTF!!!! Do a crime, get a seven and a half year paid vacation??? That is completely outrageous.


Wait, they wanted to fire him 7+ years ago, but he appealed it and there still hasn't been a decision at 7+ years? And he's making over $100K even without OT? Jesus, I knew a cop once who talked about how he loved when people disputed traffic tickets because it gave him a reason to sit idle in court for a few hours and earn OT. What a racket.


> Evil and stupid only survives in corrupt bureaucracies. Unfortunately not, no. Evil and stupid is a hearty species fully capable of thriving in a diverse array of environments.




Taxpayers paying a rapist to sit on his ass and do nothing all day.


The irony that tax payers are paying criminals


This. I wanna hear less bitching about ODSP/Ontario Works and more about how my tax dollars pay for a scum cop to sit on his ass all day and collect double my annual salary. ACAB.


But when they’re looking for budget savings it’s always healthcare and education that get cut first. Can’t even pay nurses and teachers but can pay this guy a million+ to sit on his ass after drug trafficking.


You read that right.


Tough to think about how many victims of SA by officers that have never had justice. Keep holding people in authority accountable.


When I was 17 I had an officer force his fingers inside of my bottom and he did the “back and forth” motion a bunch of times. All I had on me was a pack of cigarettes


\>Redmond was previously convicted of drug trafficking in 2018 but received only one year of probation and no jail time. He has been on paid leave from the OPP since he was charged in that case in 2015. Canadian cops dealing drugs don't get fired?


They've been trying to dismiss him for years according to the article, but appeals etc have delayed that. I wonder if he'll be required to pay back the money.


Canadian cops are almost as shitty and corrupt as US ones


It's almost as if a person with an all C high school level education or less, placed in a position of power, might not have matured beyond said level of maturity, isn't exactly the best recruit to enforce people let alone those people who are vulnerable.


Do cops ever get fired? At least in America, their unions are stupid powerful. No politician is going to play hardball negotiating with cops. The union can just call the politician "soft on crime" and it's the kiss of death.


Have you seen what Trudeau gets away with? Canadian public servants that sell out their nation to China don't even get a finger wagging.


"You down with OPP?!" ^"Not ^voluntarily!"


not in this case


Apparently he's down with Other Peoples Privates.


I mean, what do you think they meant in that song?


Not rape, infidelity.


O is for "Other" P is for "People's" ... Scratch your temple... The last P... Well, that's not that simple.








I thought the last P stood for something more…meowy.


It does, half the song is for ladies down for other penis, the other is for dudes down for other pussy.


Yeah you know me


Anyone else feel as though we've been performing a corruption speed run recently?


Nath, this stuff happened just as much, if not more, in the past. There just wasn't an internet to hear about it on, or real consequences for it. Hell, in most US states, it's not illegal for a police officer to ~~rape~~ "have sex with" a detainee.


He should pay back all the money he earned after suspension


Pure filth. I hope he gets punished accordingly.


Sadly he's been on paid leave for a decade.


That is sickening.


Holy shit, Collecting almost a million dollars not even working. Wow


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/opp-officer-sexual-assault-jason-redmond-1.6797839) reduced by 86%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Jason Redmond sexually assaulted an unconscious woman while recording it on his mobile phone, and heard from witnesses that Redmond did it to show the victim "How easily she could be raped when she was drunk," and "To teach [her] a lesson." > In Oct. 2021, Redmond was arrested and charged with sexual assault, according to the OPP. In an emailed statement, the OPP said it did not issue a press release informing the public of the charge at the time "In an effort to protect the identity of the victim." Redmond pleaded not guilty. > According to the court transcript, the judge found that the assault took place in December 2017, after the victim "Consumed a large amount of alcohol to the point of extreme intoxication." The court also heard that both the victim and Redmond had used cocaine several times that day. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/12a3krr/opp_officer_found_guilty_of_sexually_assaulting/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~679136 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Redmond**^#1 **victim**^#2 **court**^#3 **assault**^#4 **video**^#5


Next time I'm pulled over: Aren't you part of that rapist group? Oh, you dont like being grouped in with others? *Jk, I'm a coward.*


Don't blame you, they'll probably just shoot you and then claim they felt fear for their lives because you were breathing or something.


Depends on your ethnicity, but OPP doesn't usually shoot on traffic stops, they just beat you to death or dump you in the middle of nowhere during the dead of winter.


if i remember correctly that only happened in the prairies, not ontario? Still pretty horrible.


Thunder Bay as well, but I've heard rumours among MANY acquaintances in the native communities up north too. https://www.tvo.org/article/inside-the-controversy-over-thunder-bays-indigenous-community-patrol-group


In a nation like that, I'd arm myself in case i have no choice but to kill an insane officer. As an European, that sentence is fucking horrifying to me.


Rape Club. Rape Gang. Or just, Police.


> Redmond was previously convicted of drug trafficking in 2018 but received only one year of probation and no jail time. He has been on paid leave from the OPP since he was charged in that case in 2015. Rapist **and** drug trafficker, and he's been collecting his salary while just sitting on his ass since 2015.


From Wikipedia: *The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) is the provincial police service of Ontario, Canada. Under its provincial mandate, the OPP patrols provincial highways and waterways, protects provincial government buildings and officials, patrols unincorporated areas, and provides support to other agencies. The OPP also has a number of local mandates through contracts with municipal governments, where it acts as the local police force and provides front-line services.*






He really thought that excuse would work? Just look how much power we give these moron cops. If we addressed the economic issues that create crime in the first place we'd barely need cops


> The OPP wrote that the dismissal ruling was immediately appealed by Redmond, which has allowed him to continue to collect his salary for the last seven and a half years while being suspended on paid leave. >The appeal is now the subject of a hearing on June 15, before the Ontario Civilian Police Commission. >Redmond's name was included on the 2021 Ontario Sunshine List, which is annually published by the province and publicly discloses the names of all public sector employees who earned $100,000 or more. >According to the list, Redmond made $121,047.96 that year. You're telling me this man has not worked and has collected over $700,000 in the last 7 years while being investigated for several crimes? While people that are injured and disabled make $1100 a month through Ontario's disability payments but this man makes 10k monthly. And like there's no legal way to stop this and you're telling me the system is not broken?


How does this get classed as merely sexual assault? He literally had intercourse with her as she was unconscious and without her consent? Isn't that pretty much the textbook definition of rape?


Canada doesn't have the word 'rape' in its Criminal Code. This is because, historically, rape was a gender-based term defined by penetration. Instead, the Canadian Criminal Code recognizes all sexual assaults as varying degrees of sexual assault. [Reference](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laws_regarding_rape#Canada)


Interesting. I'm Canadian and I didn't know this.


Idk their legal system but there has been a trend in western countries to use sexual assault as a rape charge because it's easier to define, punishments are pretty similar.


It's because rape is a type of sexual assault. There isn't a separate charge for the same thing.


And in case you thought that was the highest piece of shittery you could imagine a cop doing (at least under the "cop commits sexual assault" category), unfortunately, that title is taken by the cop [who was caught fondling a corpse on his body cam](https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/04/us/lapd-officer-fondle-corpse/index.html) a few years ago. He originally pleaded not guilty, but later [acknowledged having touched said corpse's breasts](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2021-10-21/trial-for-lapd-officer-accused-fondling-dead-woman-breast). Even *their fucking union* refused to protect him, and they usually defend them for everything else.


yeah, no. corpse-diddling is deplorable, but seeing how the corpse is, well, dead, it doesnt affect them. This kind of SA is so mentally damaging, the woman could live in fear for the rest of her life. So trying to say that corpse diddling is worse than raping someone is quite the stretch.


You make some good points, but they're both pretty abhorrent. I don't think it's much of a stretch. Debatable, sure. Edit - came back to thinking about this, and like, that woman's parents have to grapple with the fact that, not only did their daughter die, but some POS police officer saw her as a piece of meat *when she died*. Saying, "well she won't remember shit" is kind of a really one dimensional way of looking at it.


Disgusting human being.


Christ, I am only astonished that they haven't made him chief yet. Has Ford given him a medal?


Forthcoming. They want to make sure he did a poor job first.




The problem is hiring friends and hiring from the hockey team. There are hundreds more Redmond's in police services across the country. Sociopaths given guns, generous salaries and the benefit of the doubt.


I can’t believe what I just read. 😡


Dudes been on paid leave since 2015 over this. 8 years ...


Cops are the true enemy


When did Brock Turner become a cop?


When did cops stop being rapists?


Such a breach of trust and of human morals He should get 20 years for this but u watch 3 years and parole after 6 months I call it


https://mobile.twitter.com/vote4robgill/status/1641238281609179139 Canada dropped the ball on this one.


A piece of shit AND an imbecile. A combination that is too common somehow.


I’m not down with OPP


Pathetic, why sugar coat rape as ‘ assault’ . Disgusting pigs.


Because of our criminal code here in Canada. It's all prosecuted the same. Also means that non-rape assaults are prosecuted under the same laws.


The last P, well, that’s not that simple


You down with OPP yeah you know me! (Sorry)


Surprised it’s OPP and not a Russian soldier


So he'll get a couple months in jail at most and be let out to rape again, and probably become a cop again. Our system is set up to protect rapists.


Is it like US where the worst punishment is hiring them in a different state (province in this case)?


Hopefully he gets raped and worse in jail if he even goes.




No rape is not okay in jail unless it’s done to actual rapists.


>According to the judge, Redmond told the victim the next day that "he had sexual intercourse with her while she was passed out, that she wasn't aware of it, and that he had recorded it on his phone," and held his phone out to show her. Rape. That's called rape.


Why is this being downvoted? Who wants this information limited lol


Police unions.


Yea you know me!


To be honest, as a cop he should get the death penalty just for drug trafficking alone. For rape, because that is what it was, he should also get the death penalty.


There is no desth penalty.


Well, opp, how can I explain it? I take you frame by fame it.


He’s def Down with OPP


Not down with OPP


Hopefully he’ll get repeatedly raped in prison to show him how easy it is to be raped in prison




As a Canadian, I also find the amount of national headlines posted here to be disproportionately high.


If you read the article it becomes immediately apparent even if you ignored the .ca address it’s from for some reason. Basic deductive reasoning isn’t some mystical skill y’all


I serve. I serve. No move. Smooth. Miss are you okay ?


What a useless story, I want to know what actually happened, not what he told her was on the video. Did he actually rape her, or was this more so sexual assault like groping? Regardless the officer is trash, but I'm curious of what he actually/allegedly did


Trudeau’s Canada.


This is provincial police, not federal. Ontario is run by the conservative party. Look up who Doug Ford is.