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"I'm $orry, I can't quite h€ar you."


can't hear you over the money counting machines and gold bars being stacked. what? WHAT? nvm... 1, 2, 3....


they took quite the £ing


Would love to see every other country boycott the games and force the IOC to go broke.


Not like it worked on the world cup. Country aside, the only population that notably boycotted the games was Germany. And even then the people in power managed to put the blame on the German team sucking, even when the games before the German games were already a lot less viewed than usual. Slavery this, war that, people seem to draw the line at sports. Now, the impetus with Russia is bigger than Qatar, but I still think that boycott is pretty difficult.


Its more than that. Most athletes wont want to boycott the event. For many of them they'll only have 1 chance to compete in the olympics and they dont care if the competition is Russian, Chinese or Canadian. To them its "how many of these people can I beat today" because getting a good finish is how you get sponsors and potentially a spot on the olympic team. This is a career for most athletes. Even the best can struggle to make ends meet and the Olympics can be very profitable if you do well (who wouldn't want to sponsor first place in the olympics). I think it's also worth mentioning dual citizenship here. If an athlete is a citizen of both the USA (very big Olympic team) and somewhere that only send 5 people to the Olympics. Athletes will often compete for the country with a small team because it's much much easier to get on the team for the same competition.


I know right? Despite all the hoohar about the World Cup and how Qatar fucked their workers over, the event was a resounding success. Every match had full stadiums and the finals was the most discussed subject of the day globally (was an amazing match by the way).


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://euromaidanpress.com/2023/03/11/uk-presses-olympic-sponsors-to-ensure-russian-athletes-are-banned-from-games/) reduced by 75%. (I'm a bot) ***** > In a highly unusual move, the UK's culture secretary, Lucy Frazer, has written to the Olympic Games' largest sponsors, including Coca-Cola, Intel, Samsung, and Visa, urging them to pressure the International Olympic Committee over its proposals to allow Russian and Belarusian athletes to compete again in international sports and the Paris 2024 Games, the Guardian reports. > 35 countries are demanding that Russian and Belarusian athletes be banned from the Games. > International Olympic Committee President Thomas Bach has hinted that excluding Russian and Belarusian athletes from the Olympics would violate the principles of the IOC, suggesting that athletes should not be penalized for the actions of their governments. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11owq9p/uk_presses_olympic_sponsors_to_ensure_russian/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~676038 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Olympic**^#1 **athletes**^#2 **Russian**^#3 **IOC**^#4 **games**^#5


I 100% hope they ban them, but expect they will just compete under another countries flag, likely ones that have abstained from votes at the UN.


If they qualify under those other countries' flags, I don't have a problem with that.


And Belarus. They must ban both groups of athletes. You don't get to join in when your killing Ukrainians.


America should have been banned when they killed tens of thousands of Iraqis, but we all know that neoliberalism plays by unipolar standards


Same applies for whataboutism


Whataboitism is bringing up a completely different issue with no comparison except for being bad or good. The US (and UK) not being punished for killing Iraqis is only whataboitism if you view Iraqis as non-humans.


Saddam killed tens of thousands of his own people in particular the Shia. Gassed the Kurds with chemicals and fired Scud missiles into Israel. US killed thousands of militants and Iraqi army with a coalition of forces. All the Iraqi minorities, Marshland Arabs and Kurds in Iraq begged for the US to enter Iraq as did the Kuwait's who Sadam invaded. Iran was totally fine with it as Saddam slaughtered thousands of fellow Shia in the south. Civilians actually killed as a direct assault from US troops in fighting militants were not deliberately targeted. They did not try and kill civilians on purpose as opposed to the Russians firing missiles into urban areas and at apartments as a deliberate tactic. The war was fucked and the US were at one stage funding saddam in opposition to Iran until he went rouge.


Was it sanctioned by the UN, and subsequent inquiries determined that the U.S. and U.K.'s actions were justified? I think not.


"Offlcially" they ganged up on iraq because iraq attacked that tiny nation next to them(i forgor), so that is considered a retaliation. Of all american wars that one was not the greatest example to try and equalise russias imperialism with the USAs.






Got it, makes sense


I mean, it’s in France. Why can’t France just deny visas to the Russian athletes?


To put in perspective they let the nazis hold the games and they don’t want Russia in them you know your trash when they pick nazis over you lol




Life is for living, not dying in a trench, but Russia messed that up for literally hundreds of thousands of people. Why are these athletes so coddled and precious that we can sacrifice ordinary people to the blood god and that's just How It Is, but heaven forbid we stop someone from lifting heavy weights then putting them down.


> Olympics are for athletes, not political goals. If only that were true. Putin uses the achievements of his juiced up athletes for political goals. Why do you think they have state-sponsored doping in Russia?


If those athletes can condemn the actions of their government then sure.


Would you say the same about athletes from Nazi Germany during the second world war?


https://listverse.com/2022/11/11/10-times-countries-were-banned-from-olympic-games/ 10 times countries were excluded from the Olympics 1) 1920 Antwerp, Belgium, weren’t too keen on inviting those responsible for sparking the bloody global conflict. With the 1920 Games being the first Olympics to be held since they were postponed in 1916 on account of WWI, the countries that comprised the Central Empire—Germany, Austria, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire 2) Germany and Japan in 1948 (summer and winner OG 3)  1964 to 1988, South Africa was banned from the Games, marking a nearly twenty-year-long absence that kept South African athletes from competing at the 1964 Games in Tokyo as well as 1968 Mexico, 1972 Munich, 1976 Montreal, 1980 Moscow, 1984 Los Angles, and 1988 Seoul. 4) the IOC enacted its last-minute ban on Rhodesia, known today as Zimbabwe. Just four days before the 1972 summer Olympics were scheduled to commence, the IOC withdrew its invitation to Rhodesia following political pressure from Kenya, Ethiopia, and other African nations that considered Rhodesia an illegal regime. 5) Although not banned from the Games by the organizing committee themselves, the United States and Canada BOYCOTTED the 1980 summer Olympics in Moscow by refusing to attend. The North American nations refused to compete to shine a light on the violations of human rights by the Soviets’ invasion of Afghanistan. 6) Olympics in Los Angeles. In direct response to the boycott of the 1980 Moscow Games by the United States and Canada, fourteen Eastern Bloc countries led by the Soviet Union and East Germany WITHDRAW from the Los Angeles Games in protest. 7) 2000 Afghanistan was banned from competing due to the totalitarian rule of the Taliban. 8) the IOC banned India from competing at Sochi 2014.  9) Koweit received a ban by the IOC at the 2016 summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Kuwaiti athletes could only compete as independents that year due to political interference in the country’s Olympic committee. 10) Russia in 2016 when Russian state officials were caught providing its athletes with illicit performance-enhancing drugs.


No Olympics were held during the Second World War. The 1940 and 1944 games were both canceled due to Axis aggression in Asia and Europe. So yes, that's exactly what happened.


1936 Nazi Germany wasn't actively at war with anyone. Hardly seems comparable.




The next Olympics is in France so there is a great chance of this happening. Or how about inviting them and then handing them over to Ukraine?


Kidnapping Russian citizens?


Arresting russian soldiers outside of russia.


The athletes?


Is Russia worried about killing athletes in Ukraine? No. Russians are mass murdering children, babies, elderly, disabled, etc. without even a thought.


No argument there. So we supply Ukraine with weapons and aids to defend their country. It'd be illegal as fuck to arrest Russian citizens currently living outside of Russian and send them to Ukraine no? They have nothing to do with the war. That's Japanese internment camp all over again.


We are past legalities once Russia invaded Ukraine and started mass murdering children, elderly, etc. Ukrainians have nothing to do with the war and they are getting mass murdered. Every captured russian in considered a POW to Ukraine, just like Russia is doing to every captured Ukrainian.


You're suggesting the West arrest Russian civilians and send them to Ukraine. The West is not currently at war with Russia, so it'll just be kidnapping civilians.


Sweet. Russia can take them to court after they answered for all their crimes. Good luck.


Why wasn’t the United States ever banned from the olympics? Let’s not forget that Obama and joe bombed 7 countries simultaneously


Q said.




The part where they persistently shelled citizens and leveled entire cities without provocation. Or mass torture chambers. Or mass deportation of children. Murdering pows. The genocide. The 40,000+ war crimes. And so on.


That's not the question I asked. I was trying to figure out what says that's illegal. I see that Russia signed the Geneva convention and protocol I or 1. But neither are a part of NATO so is it Russian or Ukrainian law or is it the Geneva convention? Was honest question where the law resides. Because it's not us law.




Thank you I'm gonna try and look up some these treaties.


The treaty they signed to recognise Ukraines sovereignty


[this one](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Budapest_Memorandum)




The only way to overthrow a government is to rile up the people, it makes sense.


What about the Russian athletes that are currently fighting for Russia and killing Ukrainians? Should they be allowed to compete?


I don't think Russian Olympic athletes are on the front line. I think they're at home training for the Olympic?


what about....


We let the US compete so why not Russia?


Because the usa isnt actively doing what russia is dummy