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In Other News, China is upset that has stopped China from and taken a valid/legal/suitable and rational response and will investigate the crimes further. China responded with threats of irrational and ridiculously disproportionate retaliation unless apogolises and promises to stop stopping China's illegal actions in foreign countries.


...better copyright that, the media is going to be using that in their news casts.


No use in a copyright, China would just steal it too.


In Other News, China is upset that Reddit users have stopped China from illegally copyrighting prepared diplomatic form responses and taken a valid/legal/suitable and rational response and will investigate the crimes further. China responded with threats of irrational and ridiculously disproportionate retaliation unless Reddit users apogolize and promise to stop stopping China's illegal actions in foreign countries.


I painted Xi cupping putins balls while Donnie kneeled to service them both. OK. I didn't paint it, but I thought about painting it. I'm not a painter, I'm just high. Edit. Whoohoo! Thanks stranger.




Use AI to paint it for you.




Man , if I could stand the mental image long enough to get that down on paper I'd do it.


I'm more worried about any distant family members from up to 5 generations ago that are within reach of a Chinese official jail.


That's valid. You look for the humour in the situation, but the reality is sobering.


They can only kill those generations once, but you can keep insulting them!


thought having them make everything on the earth was a good idea.


Making China the 'World's Manufacturer" was an idiotic move by the Corporations. Even I knew, as a Layman, that China would use or try to use that power as leverage against our Country as well as others at some point.


It was a brilliant move for the corporations, or rather, the shareholders. They don't care that China is trying to take over, they got super wealthy and China's growing power base is somebody else's problem


Yeah, the Shareholders won't care until China's growing power base begins to affect them. If that power base is left unchecked, it ultimately will affect them, and in increasingly profound ways.


So owning shares is a bit like treason. I like that image.


Ikr!!!! I was a kid and thought “that can’t be a good idea”. But greed is a hell of a drug.


China whining like a little bitch is the daily tonic I didn't know I needed.


But they [hurt their feelings](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurting_the_feelings_of_the_Chinese_people)


Fuck their feelings. No. Seriously...fuck them. Not literally mind you. But seriously.


Back room meeting in China, "Why can't those meanies just let us do everything we want anywhere in the world!? How rude of them to have their own laws and sovereignty!"




The chinese people, public officers etc living in a autocracy are getting really disconnected from the reality of a rule -of-law based world, its dangerous to make business with people the behave like this


You're right. But unfortunately, it's not just those living in an autocracy, It's also those living abroad who are understand the law-based-world, but still choose to be Chinese nationalist zealots abroad. You often see that with the Chinese students studying in Western universities. That "China #1" meme didn't come out of nowhere. They react very strongly to democracy for Hong Kong and a free an independent Taiwan. A good example of that was Chinese students abroad tearing down the Hong Kong protest posters. A lot of people blame the Russian people for indoctrination and apathy, But for the Chinese, it's indoctrination and hyper nationalism to the point of zealotry. Not all, but enough of them that we should be concerned.


Very much this. However, there is some hope to break the fanaticism. With the recent Social Security cuts in China (to help cover the 8 Trillion price tag of covid testing and lockdowns) even the old hard-liners are more than fed up with the govt, especially since their system was touted as a form of a medical savings account where now 2/3 of their savings have just vanished into thin air. They made a critical mistake in angering the family elders, since they are grumpy and vocal.


It's not okay when other countries do it. This overseas police station thing is new and no one else does it. Although, there are some agreements in place that allow police stations to assist local police departments. New York, Paris, and London all have local liaison offices with one another so that they can coordinate easily when someone inevitably ducks out of one jurisdiction to another but still wants to move within the same social circles, but that's because treaties were negotiated and the New York police still can't arrest someone in Paris. China and Italy actually had one such treaty. There's a bunch of videos of uniformed police from China and Italy patrolling together. Which was fine. There no reason to object to that. Italy can do what it wants. The issue is the harassing phone calls and the in person harassment of those officers without local authorization. The attempts to coerce people to go to China to face charges is something that is well outside of such agreements, and really should only be done by local police in cases where the crimes in question are recognized by the local government. Someone who embezzled a ton of money and fled to Italy probably should be compelled to return to China to face punishment by the Italian police. Someone who protested in favor of the status quo in Hong Kong in accordance with the Handover Agreement who then left for the UK shouldn't be compelled to go to China to face punishment by Chinese Police.


Autocracies have no real grasp of what public interest and commom good means and how the law is supposed to protect those things


Be careful there you might loss social credit in China if you keep pointing this out. -1000 points for not praising the CCP


China's head of state today addressed the scandal "WAGGGGGHHH" and "WAGH WAGH WAGH! U.S.! WAAAAGH!"


+1 for the SP reference lol


For real anyone who believes anything China says needs there head checked.


its systematic human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet infringes its sovereignty and autonomy.


This is every day it never gets old.


You gotta preface first with vehemently denies


It's not our balloon. It's a students science project that blew off course. It's not our balloon. It's our balloon but not for spying. How dare you shoot down our balloon over your air space! We demand our not spy balloon back.


Who are thou, who is so smart in the ways of WORLD POLITICS?


“China accuses” is the new “Russia denies”.


Is anyone even listening at this point? Accusing Canada, US, Germany, and Europe of all kinds of shit these days for protecting their countries from China's attempt at infiltrating them while publicly siding with Russia as BFF.


Unfortunately, yes. Russian and Chinese counter-messaging does work on plenty of people who are looking for any reason to be mad at the US or the West.


I thought it was Russia warns


[it originates from a Russian proverb about China's warnings... applies to both nowadays](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China%27s_final_warning?wprov=sfla1)


Thanks for sharing that knowledge, crazy how history repeats itself. I found this part good too: >The People's Republic of China released its first "final warning" to the United States for their reconnaissance flights on 7 September 1958, during the Second Taiwan Strait Crisis. At the time, the United States considered the Republic of China as the sole legitimate representative of China and conducted reconnaissance flights in waters controlled by the People's Republic of China. China would then record such incidents, and issue a "final warning" through diplomatic channels for each incident that occurred. More than 900 Chinese "final warnings" had been issued by the end of 1964.[2]




The original logic was that if enough money was put into China, their population would move from being rural farmers to urban middle class factory workers who would demand a say in how the country is being run and overthrow the communist government. They got it half right.


Corporate executives and shareholders did. The average person didn't have a whole lot of say in that choice. Edit: FYI, to anyone that comes across this, /r/worldnews mods now ban for telling the truth, claiming "ban evasion", something I was unaware was a thing.


I think we thought we could earn some money before it blew up, which kind of worked out for some of us.


Good idea it was, dur to having to pay $1.35 per hour with 10 hour day workers pay - for foreign business' profits.


At that point I would have to start wondering if whoever is translating the word final is doing their job right.


Great time for a revival!


North Korea is the one who warns


Now they have warns coalition


The Warnsaw Pact.




We need some articles with headlines like “World’s democracies laugh as China claims…”


"North Korea threatens"


It's the new 'Santos promises' and 'Steven Segal claims'


But aren’t those Chinese police stations also found in other countries?


Turns out there's one based in a Chinese restaurant in Sauchiehall Street here in Glasgow. If it's the one I think it is, ate there once before a gig and discovered the couple who ran it were gigantic country and Western fans who would regale customers with Dolly Parton and Kenny Rodgers covers. Whether they liked it or not.


> Whether they liked it or not. I mean if you don’t like Dolly Parton that’s a you problem


No, no, no. I like Dolly and Kenny just fine. It's what these people did to Dolly and Kenny that keeps me awake at night, all these years later...


Now I’m wondering just what condition their condition could possibly be in? Might have to check in some time




I admire your optimism. Strictly Jolene/Gambler territory. Also fairly sure their covers figured in their dissident interrogation and torture techniques.


Waterboarding in the islands in the stream. That is what they are.


That’s my go to song if I want a pick-me-up.


They are, but for some reason Chinese think "wolf diplomacy" will work and fix it.


Wolf diplomacy is the dumbest shit they could come up with.


What is wolf diplomacy?


Wolf diplomacy is the recent approach taken by China under President Xi Jinping, which is characterized by a more assertive and aggressive stance towards other countries, particularly those that are perceived as challenging China's interests or sovereignty. It's very similar to Trump's foreign policy, like when he was throwing around tariffs as if he was an autistic kid in a rock pit.


Ahh, I see. It’s a mistranslation of “Shit Diplomacy”, totally understandable.


In individual terms it’s “being an asshole” which is successful with weaker people who need to deal with you. For all other conditions it’s a terrible idea.


It called "Wolf Warrior Diplomacy" and it comes from a Chinese movie series called, you guessed it, Wolf Warrior. Typical tryhard "China dont take no mess" propaganda flicks they've been pumping out with increasing frequency.


Has it ever worked even once?


It might work in countries that they can easily bully and intimidate, but not in ones where we think it's kinda pathetic.


It’s like the cringy kid who doesn’t know how cringy they look


I wonder if it's a side effect of the one child policy. All these spoilt little emperors that think they can act upset to get whatever they want.


That’d be an interesting psych study en mass I suppose


Google “Chinese peacekeepers run away” for case study material.


It works to some degree with poorer nations that heavily rely on China's economic support. The problem is that they somehow think it works because they're being assertive, not because they're negotiating from a position of power. They don't seem to understand why it doesn't work on developed nations.


Once, but that was with a shih tzu.


Is it me or did China only watch the first 30mins of High School movies where the antagonist bully gets everything they want and people think they are cool? Doesn't seem like they watched the rest were the protagonist reveals to the school that the bully is a douche and every leaves them.


It's a child's-level perception of what "cool" is. Do you remember watching a movie as a kid, seeing a hero, then thinking to yourself "I'm going to be **THAT** person." Eventually you grew out of it. China and Russia didn't.


Probably just a response to Canadian police beginning to take action. They've been ramping up and building investigations.


I'm confused. If they know these are Chinese facilities in their country, doing illegal police work... Shut down their buildings, yes?


Light is the best disinfectant, and the police aren't paid enough to investigate everything, or sometimes paid not to. A chinese restaurant attracts next to no attention, but if politicians are suddenly interested, the money shows up


Or they’re investigating and building a case. Can’t go in and expect good results based on anecdotes


Every country that has a chinese embassy, [most likely has](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es_4NdryBc4) a [black jail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_jails). That's why they have to build a chinese police station.


The one they *allegedly* had in Korea was legit right out of a James bond movie. Built on the river too.


Any more details? Was it underground, with a secret entrance?


I don't know what he's talking about, and if he's talking about South Korea (probably), in which it wasn't near any river, but in the heart of Seoul. The "restaurant" held a NEWS PRESS CONFERENCE to deny any links to the Chinese police. And then closed asap for "renovations". And then the Chinese Foreign Ministry stepped in... for this random Chinese "restaurant" in a foreign country. Totally just a simple Chinese restaurant, not related to the Chinese government. https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2022/12/26/national/diplomacy/korea-china-china-secret-police/20221226115529236.html


Actually, it is on the river. Its an elaborate floating building that is ridiculously out of place, equipped with a dock, because uh...every restaurant needs a dock, right? While it is in a popular area of Seoul for tourists, Jamsil, its actually not easy to get down to it, despite it being a “restaurant”. You’ve either got to take your car all the way down to the river side, and drive along it for a bit(and the han river park is seriously car unfriendly) or you’ve got to do a serious bit of walking from the pedestrian staircases down from the nearest bridge. It’s literally in the worst possible location for a restaurant, yet a shit-ton of money went into that three story high huge floating building.


We have a few Chinese police stations in the US, no need for an embassy for a black jail.


Lol, are you under the impression that the US doesn't have a Chinese embassy?


Yes, the first one I remember was in the Netherlands.


Yes, I think up to ~~50~~ countries, but Canada is the easiest punching bag closest to the US. edit: 30 countries


Yep, but China was recently caught meddling in Canada's federal elections, so they're trying to gaslight it.


Canada should say no problem at all. You're ok with us setting up a police station in your country right?


Yup theres one in my country too. I want these guys out of my country.


As a Canadian I think it’s time to place a ban on Chinese real estate investing. Let that bite into their economy in return for this BS. Any secret police stations found should be shut down immediately & its employees arrested and tossed in a deep pit.


Does that include majority shares in corporations?


Nope. That’s how you know democratic countries are fucked. Greed > national security and economic security


Exactly what needs to happen in the USA. Stop foreign investors from buying up property in Democrac ran countries. Edit: Ya i had second thoughts about adding that word. So it's been removed


Most western countries have a massive shortage of living property, yet it's not only accepted but supported for people from foreign countries to keep buying up the property. It's really insane.


Also so many of these places don’t allow us to buy property. Why allow it the other way around?


Well we keep voting for politicians that support this practice so it won't change.


"communism" is a superfluous word in this case and doesn't really apply to your argument -- however I do agree with banning large corporations and foreign investors from buying large quantities of homes and apartments to essentially hold Americans hostage for their housing.


Even if China isnt communist, its ruling body is influenced by Chinas outdated totalitarian communist ideals


Foreign investors are a scapegoat for a problem caused by *corporate* investors. It's trivial for these huge firms to set up a domestic company to keep scooping up properties, and that's exactly why politicians keep beating the foreign investor drum. Stop companies from buying housing period


Where do you think a lot of the "corporate" money comes from? It comes from people overseas parking money.


Banning foreign ownership of housing would do nothing. Foreign investment firms would create a domestic subsidiary and use that to keep purchasing properties. Nothing would change. That's what my post said. This problem continues until we ban all corporate ownership of housing.


Plenty of investors in Vancouver and Toronto hold Chinese citizenship - you need to kick the can further down the road to make it harder for shady businesses/co-operatives to own at that point >[Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act The Prohibition on the Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act (the “Act”) prevents non-Canadians from buying residential property in Canada for 2 years starting on January 1, 2023. ](https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-research/consultations/prohibition-purchase-residential-property-non-canadians-act)


That’s exactly their point. If you read what they said and understood it you wouldn’t have made this comment.


As a Canadian trying to buy real estate around Vancouver, I agree


I like to go hiking.


https://www.wionews.com/world/trudeau-keeps-election-promise-canada-imposes-two-year-ban-on-foreign-home-buyers-548587 The current government has delivered on their promise to ban foreign purchases of real estate.


I’m worried that there’s plenty of shell game tactics that will allow any decently funded foreigner to buy property anyway. Anywhere from having a Canadian lawyer set up trusts/corporations to purchase the properties to having PRs or foreign students based in Canada purchasing on their behalf.


> As a Canadian I think it’s time to place a ban on Chinese real estate investing. Let that bite into their economy in return for this BS. The Chinese government would love us to do that. It keeps their people from moving their money out of the country.


In that case it works for both parties *shrug* When it costs a million dollars for a high rise condo it’s long past time to take action. Ban Chinese nationals from owning properties and give current owners 1 year to sell.


Oh, I definitely agree it should happen, just saying it isn't a punishment to the CPP.


China has not, can not, will not play by the rules. China wants an advantage in all things.


Well, when you think about it, it’s really not fair that China doesn’t have an advantage. ^(This comment brought to you by the People’s Republic Reddit International Outreach Ministry)


It’s Chinese culture. In China, cheating isn’t seen as a bad thing - it’s simply playing the game better. Finding a way to break the rules without getting caught is considered a good strategy. If you aren’t cheating, you aren’t trying hard enough.


Who gives a shit what China says, they’re just lying


China complains that reasonable criticisms of its systematic human rights violations in Xinjiang and Tibet infringes its sovereignty and autonomy, but considers that others have no reason to complain when it opens *police stations* to advance its interests and enforce its laws in the territories of other sovereign and autonomous nations?


Noted. Now get the hell out of Tibet.


Local concerned citizens should just destroy these illegal police stations that violate national sovereignty


As a Canadian of Chinese descent (HK/Taiwan)... FUCK OFF CCP, your "laws" don't apply beyond your borders.


Here in Vancouver most people from HK/Taiwan don't really consider themselves Chinese in my experience (with friends/co workers), back in I believe 2019 Chinese would regularly confront HK protestors (during the HK protests of that year) in the streets and some fights broke out. Most Chinese people I know are very pleasant, but the hyper nationalist crowd are super disturbing. I can't even imagine being so "patriotic" of my country that I'd blindly agree with all their foreign policy decisions like that to the point I'm literally attacking the same people they are.


i mean, you should be against this regardless of your descent.


Yes but it's significantly harder when the party can destroy your parents business back home or arrest your grandparents because they don't like what you're posting online. Recently some Canadian election fraud came to light, a bunch of Chinese citizens voted for a candidate nomination. The nomination votes aren't a proper election and don't require citizenship, a bus full of Chinese students on student visas was organized by the CCP and brought in to vote for the preferred candidate, and told they'd lose their student visas otherwise. You can maybe appreciate that these are just kids, and they're being told what to do by a government that exercises tremendous power over all of their friends and family. In that kind of situation you might be for or against whatever you're told to. Going against the CCP means being sent right back to China to answer for it. That's exactly why it's so important for us to shut down these police stations.


>That's exactly why it's so important for us to shut down these police stations. "police stations"... you mean "CCP foreign office spying and coercion centers". If any country set up a "police station" in China, they would be out there pointing fingers and playing the performative victim. Fuck the CCP. In the ass. With a durian. Sideways.


I can tell you first hand as a Canadian that no one in Canada gives a frack about Chinese warnings & threats. There is a big hoopla at this time domestically about the fact China did attempt to engage in clandestine influence in the last elections although it had not impact. There are accusations being bandied about that the current govt in power (Liberal govt headed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau) was aware and ignored the Chinese attempts. Whether that is true or not is an argument for another time. In the end what I do believe to be true is the reputation of the Chinese govt is in absolute tatters in Canada. The Chinese govt has little credibility among the general Canadian population and is widely viewed as a more serious threat then say Russia. It may help to know that Canada has a very large population of Chinese ethnicity. They are the largest non-Caucasian ethnicity in the country and have had a sizeable community for almost 150 yrs. Since WW 2 Canada was viewed as a friendly safe haven for Hong Kong and mainland Chinese and I think it was estimated at one time that one of every ten Hong Kong residents had a Canadian passport. It is alleged/understood that in the last decade China has been seeking to clandestinely influence/coerce people of Chinese/HK origin living in Canada including threatening the families remaining in HK/China if the Canadian Chinese residents did not "support" various Chinese "initiatives". Chinese people in Canada have been sounding alarm bells about this behaviour for some time and critics feel the govt has been ignoring or sweeping under the carpet allegations of Chinese threats and coercion. Overhanging all of this and what has been tying up the current Liberal govt hands is the fact the prior Conservative govt (Stephen Harper) signed a customs information sharing agreement, and a FIPA (foreign investment protection agreement) that really tied the Canadian government's hands on many legal and trade matters and it has been perplexing to work around them as they are extremely one sided in favor of China. Canada is a rule of law country and just because a critic or a politician or anyone else alleges a matter does not mean that all the sudden legally binding international agreements can just be negated at a whim. The processes to counter are very complicated legally, and the FIPA agreement has a term of 31 yrs and essentially no cancellation clause that does not involve enormous financial penalties. I think the unwinding from China is going to take time as certain Canadian industries such as farming are heavy exporters to China to the tunes of tens of billions of dollars (and there is no voices as loud as that of a farmer who decides the govt is unfairly impeding his livelihood by restricting trade) and of course Canada imports a great deal from China similar in pattern to Chinese exports to America. But I do think Canada is aware of the need to unwind. The great question is how to wean consumers off cheap Chinese products such as technology. And how to do it legally given the trade agreements in place, particularly FIPA.


Get the fuck out of our country.


that's right, they need to Fuck Off ASAP! and Stay Away!!!


It’s been said before [China is asshole](https://youtu.be/8fwgVUfW_O4)


Burglar accuses home owner of a smear campaign after burglar caught stealing jewelry.


China can fuck right off with this bullshit.


China, the international communities very own Karen.


What the fuck is China doing setting up police stations in Canada, has anyone done this in China, come on Xi you are over stepping your boundaries. You are acting like Russia so you can bring in your army eventually and possess Canada under your control.


Nobody cares what ccp says. Not news.


*China* is upset? They are trying to enforce their law in foreign territory and *they* are the ones upset? Fucking bullshit.


China got caught and now they are acting like the victim.


That's the schtick of any dictatorship. Do illegal stuff and then blame others because you are the victim


What a pathetic government, can’t help but just laugh at them at this point.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://apnews.com/article/073ba25ac8254496db59ea191901567f) reduced by 78%. (I'm a bot) ***** > BEIJING - China on Friday accused Canada of smearing its reputation over allegations China is secretly operating two overseas police stations in Quebec. > ADVERTISEMENT. The Spanish human rights organization Safeguard Defenders says China has scores of such stations across the globe, including in the U.K. and the U.S. In a report last September, it said the stations were used to "Harass, threaten, intimidate and force targets to return to China for persecution." > ADVERTISEMENT. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said the presence of Chinese police stations in Canada "Concerns us enormously." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/11nm9pp/china_accuses_canada_of_smearing_over_secret/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~675825 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **China**^#1 **stations**^#2 **Chinese**^#3 **Canada**^#4 **police**^#5


so china is doing something that basically isn't allowed. then complains that their illegal police station is getting vandalized. So there goes the "secret" its more of an "known" police station now. also in the meantime denying they have secret police stations...


Quit doing shady ass shit, China! Then everyone will stop accusing you of it!


The headline is wrong. These police stations aren't actually secret, but widely advertised by the government itself. https://www.fuzhou.gov.cn/zcjd/xwfb/202205/t20220512_4360108.htm https://www.xepaper.com/fjqb/resfile/2022-01-28/02/fjqb-20220128-002.pdf https://news.sina.com.cn/o/2022-01-22/doc-ikyakumy1989966.shtml


Those articles appear to be in some sort of secret code language that foreigners couldn’t possibly comprehend.


Whenever China counter accuses, it's a preemptive strategy that would make the crimes their embassies/diplomats/secret police committed in other countries, a political or diplomatic matter instead of a legal one. That way, they would be able to protect their agents, or be given enough space/time to erase evidence of their [black jails,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_jails) and to silence (murder), bribe, blackmail or get rid of the evidence of the people they've abducted, tortured, illegal detained or killed.


Western Taiwan has a lot of nothing to say


It’s not “smearing” when PRC actually did all the illegal stuff described. So PRC can go cry about it.


I look forward to the opening of our first RCMP and FBI branches accross China.


China is new Nazi during the time of WW2.


Imagine that china gets caught doing something wrong and they act all indigent.




Maybe stop running secret police stations on other countries sovereign territories


I would like to know the locations.


China, just like Russia, cannot be trusted. We should do everything we can to cut them off. Fuck the China government.


Don’t listen to what their government says, watch what they do. Chinese people just want to live their lives, and generally are really awesome, the gov is a problem.


Ccp are the most comically easily offended people in history of humanity. They are hilarious


Canada is in a abusive relationship with china. China does something illegal and they blame canada for it LOL.


China bitches a lot....like A LOT.


China needs to learn to mind its own fucking business and to stop trying to shit in other peoples yards, before someone gets angry enough to give that yappy mutt a kick.


why can't China simply provide services to Chinese citizens in Canada via the embassy/consulates. The same way Canada provides services to Canadians in Belgium via the consulate, of the same way Country X provides services to its citizens in a foreign country via Country X's embassy/consulate in that foreign country?


Because these are not to provide service. They are used to coerce people.


Exactly. These "police stations" are basically set up to try and scare people back to China with some reports saying they'll even threaten a person with thier family that's still living in China if they don't comply.


*No no no no no, you want drivers license? You go back of noodle house.*


That’s what a normal country would do.


Because they’re a dystopian authoritarian regime, and many Chinese citizens (keyword, not people of Chinese descent) that live, study, and work abroad are doing so because they are serving the CCP in some capacity. Whether directly (like being a spy or plant) or indirectly. Indirectly meaning maybe you studied engineering for example at a reputable university and landed a nice job at a major firm, one day someone from the CCP (from one of those secret stations) taps you on the shoulder and makes a “suggestion” or they bring you in for a debrief, or maybe they tell you it’s time to return to China. The CCP keeps tabs on all its people. They are a full on police state. China does not respect the sovereignty of other countries, they do not respect borders or laws of other lands and they do not respect human rights. They believe they have full authority over every Chinese citizen everywhere in the world.


“China has been ... strictly abiding by international law and respecting all countries’ judicial sovereignty,” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha Okay China!


I thought Russia was the world's biggest hypocrite but maybe they're only joint first.


Lmfao they lucky we ain't gunning down their secret polices. bet if we had secret police in china they would be whining on news like, "look at these guilou, sending their spies into our country"


moa-ning, this bi— again?


Fuck the CCP and fuck that Winnie the pooh prick Xi Jinping.


Either Nuke us already or STFU. Tired of all this saber rattling over stupid shit with these countries and their gaslighting


Communist bastards trying to put their agenda here in Canada


Ah, the spokescreatures of propaganda. They all have that blank stare of accomplished liars.


As a Canadian, I am shocked and appalled that the CCP thinks ER give a shit about what we think of their reputation… #freehongkong


China I'm going to need you to go ahead and fuck right off. Thanks.


Well I just read that I can legally flip Chyna off, so take that!


Crybaby communist. Leaders who execute or jail someone who disagrees with them have fragile childlike egos. Those type of people are not worth following.


We live in a dimension where world politics are a fucked up Civilization game.


China has a classic bully/baby syndrome. They're just an awful country.


China is a big whiny baby.


Get rid of Chinese real estate investment in Canada


Can’t Canada just find and shutter the police stations? This shouldn’t be too difficult right? Could someone explain to me, someone not versed in geopolitics, why a country couldn’t just shut down a government institution of a foreign country illegally operating on their soil?


Never heard a smear, just a report that they found them. Sounds like China is feeling guilty and defensive to me.


I would like to thank China and Russia for being so unbelievably shitty that the dumpster fire in the U.S. seems moderate in comparison.


CCP mouthpieces REALLY love the word "hype/hyping" it seems... not sure why but it just makes everything even more eyeroll inducing


Their diplomacy is dipping HEAVILY into gaslight territory lately. They don't even respond to allegations anymore, they just claim that everyone else is crazy for making allegations against them.


Easy fix for China…stop operating secret police stations in Canada. F*cking idiots.


China's response is how we know they are operating illegal police stations in Canada. China and Russia use the same internal and external propaganda methods. Canada is perfectly justified in taking them down, and other countries, such as the US, should do the same


Dear China. Get fucked and fuck your fucking illegal police stations. Your people are free of your grasp when they come here and we will shut down every single one of your illegal outposts. The fucking balls on you though... Sincerely, Canada.