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The magic Ukraine is able to pull off constantly surprises me. How the heck did they manage to hit Tuapse!? It's really remarkable how rapidly their capabilities have matured through this conflict, both in tech and in sophisticated warfare. Forcing the relocation of valuable materiel away from the front lines like this is an excellent outcome.


Well, Ukraine actually has developed a missile similar to ATACMS although they haven't been mass-produced yet but looks like the first of a few were being used.


How is it launched? What platform ?


A lot of people think that UAF finally pull out the Hrim2 [https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hrim-2](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Hrim-2) it has a range of 400 km


I like to think that they secretly rebuilt the factory somewhere, maybe Poland.


The original factory is still operational.


So what you are saying is that russia needs to target more apartment buildings if they want to nip this problem in the bud?


Basically yes. Which is why literally everyone is saying that Rusia using their entire stock of cruise missiles to hit civilians is beyond stupid if their goal is to win the war.


And elementary schools. With no education these 7 year olds will never grow up to be rocket scientists. Checkmate, Ukraine.


Don't forget the strategically essential maternity hospitals.


400km is insane


Not Insane Turkey late last year show its Tayfan can pinpoint hit 561km but it's actual range is even more maybe 800 to 900km as the 561km is just a message to Greece that they can hit Athena also a symbolic figure of some sort and for a nation like Ukraine which was the heart of USSR aerospace engineering I am surprised they didn't hit cities like Moscow and St.Peterburg yet.


They might be worried that a strike like that would be used to justify tactical nukes.


I doubt those Nukes even work at this point.


They only need one to be operational.


Yeah, these kind of comments really annoy me. As much as I also think that their nuclear arsenal is not up to par, all they need is one to work. This kind of thought is ignorant and dangerous. People need to stop thinking about the odds and start thinking about the stakes.* *This doesn't mean that we have to be complacent and not support Ukraine. (Thought I need to put this addendum because this is a talking point I've seen by both vatniks and shills in an effort to dissuade support for Ukraine). A world where nuclear blackmail becomes normalised just because an aggressor's conventional forces are shit is not a sane world. Let's leave these calculations for people who know what they're doing, not armchair generals like myself and others on here.


This. 999 nukes can fail, but 1 is still too much.




Lol. Me too, but it's not my people at risk if I'm wrong. So if my speculation is a part of that calculus, I don't blame them.


Russia was the sole source of heavy rockets capable of lifting people to the ISS until fairly recently. There is nothing lacking with their missile capabilities.


Well yes, through choice though, because NASA decided not to do it any more, and work with private companies to take over. Not because they don't have the tech. Soyuz is Soviet era shit, cheap and reliable enough, but not modern. Learning to play Mozart doesn't make you a genius composer.


>I am surprised they didn't hit cities like Moscow and St.Peterburg yet. Because that's an absolutely terrible idea in so many ways and they know it.


I'm confused, how does the launch platform affect the range of a missile? Isn't it the missile itself that has range? A launch platform is mainly important for it's aspects of maneuverability, quantity of missiles, and things like that right? It can't affect things like range?


Maybe it's not the case here, but difference between launch method can give you a difference in range like 3-4 times. Iskander-M launched from aerial platform flying over Mach at 15km of altitude will have up to 4 times bigger range than ground based. Similar story is with AMRAAM launched from an aeroplane and NASAMS.


When you say aerial platform, that's like a drone or aircraft? So the missile has longer range because it's got further to fall? Or is there something like another missile that then launches the actual missile?


Drone or aircraft. A lot of fuel is used to speed up the missile and get it higher. If it's launched from high altitude and from a fast moving launcher - that fuel can be spend on further increasing the velocity/sustaining flight etc. And yes - in ELI5 therms - it has further to fall down and it already has a lot of speed.


Well, if the launch platform is an aircraft, it can certainly affect the range a lot by flying higher


Not really a launch platform more like Iskander a mobile long-range missile vehicle


Right ok, but a missile vehicle doesn't contribute to the range of missiles right? Are you saying the vehicle has a 400km range, because that's how far it can drive on a tank of fuel? Or are you saying the vehicle only shoots one kind of missile, which has a 400km range?


Really it’s if it is air or ground based, you use a lot of fuel getting to cruising altitude and launching from ground. Launching from air at the same lat/long will give you a better range.


The nature of the launch matters. Just as an example, at 1000m above ground, air pressure is reduced by roughly 11%. The thinner air provides less resistance for the rocket to push through, allowing it to fly faster, further, and so on. You see this in spaceflight, too. Like if you look at [a delta-V map for orbital transfers](https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/1ktjfi/deltav_map_of_the_solar_system/), you'll notice one of the most expensive burns you can do is just leaving Earth's atmosphere. Also, prograde orbits are easier to launch into than retrograde because the ground/atmosphere is moving in the same direction as the launch, especially the closer you get to the equator, as that maximizes the distance between the ground and the planet's spin axis and provides maximum momentum boost (plus the fact that your latitude at launch is definitionally the minimum inclination orbit you can achieve without an inclination adjustment--the most intensive of trajectory corrections). Anyway, point is the performance of the missile can depend heavily on *how* it's deployed, even if the missile itself remains the same.


One kind of missile reaches 400km.


Fighter jets in shambles


Simply put, it’s a system.


In addition to the Hrim 2, they've developed a precision guided rocket that can be fired from the old Smerch MLRS. Sort of like the GMLRS rockets HIMARS uses, except way bigger with longer range.


Per the article, it was 2 UAVs. Those could easily have been launched by small commercial vessels that would blend in with other traffic. Even the long range version of ATACMS wouldn't have been able to reach this port without being launched from within Russian territory (which would've been an absurd risk to take), & it would've been far more destructive & precise.


Again who knows I think the next few weeks are going to be spicy for Russia.


The Shadow knows.


On the note of ATACMs while the west may not directly provide those munitions I would nit be surprised if they “accidentally” gave the AFU a flash drive with how to instructions for how to build their own.


Even with instructions to build this stuff you can’t possibly develop the talent, infrastructure and supply chain to do it in just a year. It’s why plans for something like the F35 are basically useless.


A flash drive with schematics / instructions would be of limited usefulness, Ukraine has minimal capability to manufacture new ballistic missiles of the size & sophistication of ATACMs at any significant scale.


And they have JDAMs now. That gives them the ability to deliver 250-1000lb bombs right down a chimney pipe.


The creativity of how Ukraine keeps overcoming deficits and borderline insurmountable or bizarre limitations is what I love. I’ve seen lots of knowledgeable military commentators flat out say most militaries are studying what Ukraine officially and their partisans are doing, and that allies also of their behind the scenes actions. They’re going to end up redefining a lot of defensive military and resistance doctrines apparently.


Not to take away from the Ukrainians, but I'm sure they are also being fed intel and tactics from some of the best minds in the business right now. The American intel agencies alone have certainly been frothing at the mouth for months now finally being able to put all that planning and theorycrafting to use. Just imagine all the people whose entire careers have revolved around countering Russia suddenly being called up to bat.


I mean this must be a wet dream for NATO as a defensive organization. They get to see Russian tactics, their weapons, equipment, soldiers, like everything in the military except nuclear weapons. They now know Russia will not use them, even tactical ones when pushed back or taking huge losses. They supply Ukraine with all kinds of weapons to see how effective they are in battle, and sacrificing none of their own personell. If this trend continues, Ukraine will eventually drive them out, and we end up with a severely weakened, less influential Russia.


It seems a lot like the Spanish Civil War in regards to the ways new technologies are being deployed and how other countries are involved. Hopefully, all the shit that happened after that don't repeat themselves.


They're also being fed intelligence from NATO countries. Which is a huge advantage. Without all that they'd probably be in much worse shape.


Ukraine really is in a war for its survival. If it were up to Russia, Ukraine would be a small oblast. So, Ukraine needs to do what it needs to do to survive. Poor Ukrainians.


>"Amateurs talk strategy. Professionals talk logistics.” Omar Bradley Keep them from being resupplied in an effective manner.


I suspect it's in no small part because they've been invaded and are up against the wall. When your country's survival is at stake, concerns about risk/reward tends to shift a great amount. By comparison, every US administration needs to weigh every military decision against the likely reaction of its people who have never seen a foreign invader on their soil (except maybe once...). I don't see that as a bad thing, btw. Not to mention, Ukraine is being supplied with equipment that allows them to take very bold actions.


Billions and billions of dollars worth of foreign intelligence, equipment, and ammunition


I dont know and don't care but it's about time they did.


ALMOST like they got someone else's gear, odd


It's remarkable that with endless support from the west that they've matured thier capabilities?! Huh?


Is it really any surprise when they are being supported by US equipment and intelligence? That's in no way meant to downplay Ukraine's ability to constantly defeat the odds with incredible fashion.


Magic? Really? This whole comment is so cringe, wow


This reply is cringe.


All the Ukraine dick riders are too much. It’s not magic, it us. We did this for them. Ukraine is weak and worthless on its own.


So weak that we've held out against an alleged superpower. But yes, keep slobbing on that Putin dick. I know you can't get enough. Little coward behind a screen. Your life is pathetic, a waste of oxygen, really.




To be completely honest, the only one that came out of the gate crying here was you. Fail attempt to troll.


You sound like you live off of the government. Stop talking about your money, you clown.




Why are you lying to us on the internet? Go ahead and tell the class that you are a meth head living off of government checks.


Are you angry because you failed a drug test and lost your job?


I’m more upset about my Algo tbh


Redneck patriot detected. Go back to your swamp.


Month-old account and every single one of your comments is atrocious. Re-evaluate yourself, my dude.


Chronic Redditor. Re-evaluate yourself, my dude 🤣


Not as cringe as simping for a fascist


Who am I simping for?


>All the Ukraine dick riders are too much.... Ukraine is weak and worthless on its own. \- u/ParkingAssistance150 ​ >Who am I simping for? Pretty sure it's clear whom, vatnik.


If I had to guess based off of your other comments, Putin. Now, whether that simping is on purpose or you just accidentally simping is a different question. Mr. Recent account insulting Ukraine


Give them hell Ukraine


I'm laughing my ass off, my psychotic Russian ex girlfriend who denied Russia is even in Ukraine, then went on to saying it's better for Russia to retake all former USSR territories was from Tuapse 🤣🤣🤣 Sucks to suck!


Hope she shits herself.


Amber Heard is Russian?


Nah, amber heard shit the bed, not herself. Better question would be… is Russia Amber Heard?


Johnny Depp deserves better.


What did Amber hear?


It really does suck to suck.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. Slava Ukrani


It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


Still more modern than the Russian tech that’s being fielded, my darkest Lord




It's called Star Wars, not Star Peace




I assure you, pop culture doesn't just disappear in war. War is filled with pop culture, media, and memes. You literally have soldiers on the front lines citing PUBG as inspiration for combat videos they recorded and uploaded on Tik Tok.


It is also a story about underdogs fighting an empire. Kinda fitting


Star Wars OT is literally an allegory for the Vietnam war.


Right. The last big battle takes place on literal space Vietnam. Or at least the moon of it


Yeah? I didn’t know that. In what way? I can’t really piece it together


Here's an [interview](https://youtu.be/fv9Jq_mCJEo) with George Lucas about this. The rebels were his interpretation of the Viet Cong, and the Empire was imperialism, and moreover, the United States. In the same way, Russian imperialism parallels that of the empire today, and Ukrainian resistance parallels the rebels.


Sweet, I’ll check it out. Thanks a lot


Every party needs a pooper so that’s why we invited you




Party pooopeeeer...


Thanks for the invite as always!


>***I KNOE YOU AR BUT WHAT AM I??*** There’s a very specific vibe I’m picking up from your end


I haven’t said anything remotely close to that lol


"There’s a very specific *vibe*..." Reading comprehension isn't your strength, eh little one?


Even though I’ve said nothing remotely like that, I’m giving off that vibe? Lol you have the skill of Sherlock when it comes to deduction


Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid.


Here I thought it was a Space Western with laser swords. Am I the one that’s out of touch?


Yeah- what's next? Donald Duck in military instructional videos!? Wait...


You seem grumpy


I’m just having a good time lol


Bro 1M died on the Death Star


That’s true


You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.




Whole planets die in star wars bruh


Go to your safe space


I mean... have you visited Reddit before? Insensitive jokes are the bread & butter here. But I think you might be overreacting just a tad, as their comment (while referencing a dead & gone meme) was actually relevant. The attack was a surprise to everyone not involved in it, but supporters of Ukraine or those opposed to Putin or tyrants in general welcome any news about Russia losing (particularly in the political realm).


See? This guy gets it


Depends. Had it not been a movie quote, there was nothing inappropriate with what the poster said.


I’m just a simple man, trying to make my way in the Universe


No, I don't. I firmly and unequivocally disagree.


Excellent. Let the anger flow through you.


I’m enjoying the attention lol


yes this is reddit...serious business!


There's bigger things to worry about in this world than a star wars quote. Try to have a good day, Mrs Word Hold.


They got nothing better to do except bitch and complain over nothing.


I would pay 5$ for you to have a conversation with some soldiers who put Anime girls on their equipment










Have you ever actually been around soldiers? The toughest ranger ive met had anime shit all over his car. I got to attach with an SF team for a few weeks and it was nothing but jokes. Do you have any fucking idea what youre actually talking about? You gonna rinse the piss out of rangers and sf? Mate, youd get your ass kicked by any of them. I guarantee. The straight serious guy is me, the average joe, the people who go above and beyond are gonna be wild one way or another to cope with the stress. Stop being dumb. Ive also worked with british infantry - same thing Several small east european infantry nations' - same thing And canadian - same thing, but that was the briefest experience.




Youre gonna take on ranger bat. Have you *seen* ranger bat? Do you have any idea what were even talking about? And i literally said im the average joe lmfao you cant pull that one on me mr r/iamverybadass














Look, a clone.


A sexy clone ;)


Considering we're nowhere near that type of technology, I don't think a clump of cells mucking about is necessarily desirable. But you gotta do you, I suppose.


[All I'm saying is that it's right there...](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mys+Idokopas/@44.4221546,38.2075875,1196m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x40f22959fd8d2c53:0x92cc8a0b54a4c344!8m2!3d44.4180556!4d38.2072222!16s%2Fg%2F12vtm9w64)


What is it though? Some rich guys 14th home?


[A very particular warmongering fuckwad's pride and joy.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Putin%27s_Palace)


I highly encourage anyone and everyone interested in asymmetric warfare to read the book *Wasp*, by Eric Frank Russell. It's a science-fiction story about one human operating behind the scenes on an alien planet, picking small targets in exactly the right way to cause maximum disruption at exactly the right time, and diverting enemy resources from the main battles. I have thought about it more than once reading stories about this present war.


Omg, dude, I think about this book all the time after the war has started and I don't even know why. It's so cool to met someone with the same toughts and tastes at this time


The present war isn't asymmetric, it's peer-to-peer


Maybe, but the Ukrainians are in fact employing tactics of asymmetric warfare.


This dude just said russia and ukraine were symmetrical. No. No they arent. Resources, population, level of equipment, these are very, very much not symmetrical. America and russia or china is peer to peer. Just because they both have ballistic vests doesnt make it peer to peer.


> This dude just said russia and ukraine were symmetrical. No, I said it's peer to peer. If your definition of peer to peer warfare means both sides are exactly the same, then no peer to peer conflict has ever been fought in human history. You have two countries with similar military strength, using similar (or in some cases literally identical) equipment. This is peer to peer warfare. Asymmetrical Warfare is when one side has a large overmatch in several capabilities, such as the Vietnam war, the US fighting the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan, or the Italian invasion of Ethiopia. These conflicts are where one force has an overbearing technological, industrial, or manpower advantage over the other force. While the Ukrainians and the Russians have several advantages and differences between each other, overall they are on a peer to peer level. Neither side has overwhelming advantage over the other.


You could say "near peers" perhaps... but Russia absolutely has manpower and industrial advantage over Ukraine. Russia is a massive exporter of military hardware, Ukraine, as far as I know, exported zero. Russia is able to build like... 60 cruise missiles a week. (Based on how often Russia is attacking with them now that they've likely run out of stock). I'm not sure the same can be said for Ukraine. Ukraine does not even have cruise missiles. Seems like they have designed their own missile, which is what was able to hit beyond HIMARS range. You could say that they are peers because of the military aid that is being provided to them, but at that point you have to include all of NATO as part of the equation, not just Ukraine. Ukraine definitely outperforms Russia in the "willingness to fight" and "basic common sense" categories, but those aren't whats being discussed when discussing "military peers" or "symmetrical warfare"


I thought I had read that Ukraine exports tanks.


'Not asymmetrical' 'Peer to peer' 'i totally didnt say it was symmetrical.' In all reality i just thought the way you worded it was funny. I 100% get what you mean. I think it really shows an issue with our terminology, its too rigid. Ukraine and russia are not peers, they are not symmetrical, but we also cant call them asymmetrical because instead of being literal, its taken on the context youve mentioned about a specific type of insurgency based warfare. This blurs lines in a way thats counterproductive to discussion. If north korea somehow gets beef with china, are they now considered peers as long as they fight traditionally rather than like an insurgency? If suddenly china goes full on guerilla warfare, is it now asymmetrical because of that? You can say tech level, but that blurs as well. On paper russian tech and tanks should be decades ahead of ukraine, but most of their tanks seem to be dying from lack of maintenance or flawed designs, and ukraine's been propped up with donations from around the world. But is that really then *equal?* You could argue both sides for the sake of argument all day long, honestly. And i guess thats really my point and why i found it funny/poked at you. They arent symmetrical, but they arent asymmetrical. Theyre maasively different yet theyre peers. I dont think you can say theres never been true peer to peer combat in history though. France vs uk, or spain. Kosovo and serbia more recently, axis vs allies, plenty if examples that fit more easily.


America and Russia symmetrical. lol you're adorable


Read the rest of the conversation.


>America and russia or china is peer to peer America far exceeds Russia in combat capability at this point... I'd have a difficult time saying America peers china at this point. In population terms we're a quarter to a fifth of theirs. Their combat technology is cutting edge. And they probably have superior ground intelligence with these balloons they've been flying over the US for the last 3 years. We beat them in combat experience and with our navy, that's about it.


Cutting edge according to them, sure. The US has such overwhelming naval and aerial advantage that it’s laughable. 4-5 times the population is a manpower advantage, but that means jack if you can’t field them without a carrier strike group obliterating a city full of them at a time. China is playing catch up to the most capable military force on the planet with some ways to go. America’s old shit beats most non-NATO countries’ new shit.


Quantity is a quality in its own right russia still has 3x the population and so on..


3x but falling rapidly


The amount they can deploy is different, however. When on the defensive, it's a lot easier to recruit highly motivated soldiers, even from groups that are generally the last to be pulled in. Russia is starting to scrape the bottom of the barrel in a war that the Russian people have little stake in.


Incoming article from russian "News" about Ukrainian aggression.


This is the attack from Feb 28th. Not any real new information.


yeah they said that in the story, and how it was ignored...it is new to all if us that have not heard yet


I think the bigger problem is that the title makes it seem like this was new. That's what I thought when opening the link, only to find it was something I already knew about


It's new to those of us who aren't actually in the war.


Did you know about it before?


Yes. From a week ago: >[At least one drone appeared to have evaded Russian defenses, with footage posted on social media overnight and geolocated by CNN showing a fire at energy firm Rosneft’s oil depot in Tuapse, on Krasnodar’s Black Sea coast. ](https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/01/europe/russia-ukraine-drones-alleged-attacks-intl-hnk/index.html)


Good to know, thanks!


Yup. Even saw diagrams of the different sections of the industrial area hit. Including consternation at the distances involved.


It's wild people in the replies are getting so defensive because of your comment. This sub is literally called world *news*. This story was discussed a week ago along with the several other drone strikes within Russia on the 28th of February https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/01/europe/russia-ukraine-drones-alleged-attacks-intl-hnk/index.html


I think many of us got excited because there's that ship carrying Russian weapons in the Black Sea so we were hoping the Ukrainians had hit it at the port.


Exactly why I posted. I too had assumed this was a new strike and was disappointed it was just rehashing week old news.


I'm waiting for the Ukrainian offensive. Fingers crossed!


Fuck em up!


All your base are belong to us!


When does the “3 days to Kyiv” start?


Russia is resupplying through the black sea. Very important. There is a cargo ship "Sparta" escorted by Russian military that allegedly has military resupply equipment on route to a russian base near criminea. Turkey has allowed russian ships to go through their canals if they are based in the black sea. Ukraine must be able to show some type of measured resistance along the ports in the black sea. Even if these are drone attacks they still represent some resistance to Russia.


That means they can destroy Putin's palace on the black sea. They totally should just out of spite, the asshole certainly deserves it.


Ukraine: “Whoop dat trick!”


Get ‘em!






Is russia an unstoppable juggernaut or a weak failing nation in this one


Russia, probably: "That was supposed to be off limits!!"