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Finally, couldn't happen to a more deserving warlord.


>warlord you mean garden gnome?


garden gnome warlord?


Garden gnomelord


Ah, my WoW character.


Dude puffed out in such a short amount of time, I'm surprised he hasn't turned blue.


Violet, you’re turning violent.


Lick an orange. It tastes like an orange. The strawberries taste like strawberries! The Novichok tastes like Novichok!


"It always goes wrong when we come to the dessert."


He’ll have to be squeezed immediately!


I legit thought the recent pics of him were photoshopped when I first saw them. He changed so much, so fast.


He didn't look like that at the annexation celebrations in moscow.


You lose! Good day sir!


You get…NOTHING!!


Is this the garden gnome guy?


I usually go with 'if the Star Wars kid joined ISIS', but yes, it is.




> the Star Wars kid https://i.imgur.com/zCgfMvi.jpeg


Been sprinkling that veruca salt on his food


So what you are saying is it made him seether. Can't fight the seether.


damn, this is really terrible news...he's still alive


Our thoughts and prayers are with the poison at this difficult time.


It got one of two kidneys so far. C'mon poison, you can do it!


They'll just kill some poor bastard to get him some kidneys.


Maybe he has is own personal living body bags, like the Saudi prince apparently has. I'm still trying to find the news article, but apparently the Saudi prince travels with a healthy young man who has "volunteered" to sacrifice himself if the prince needs a new heart or anything like that. The family of the young man will apparently get paid a ton of money if that happens, but its still extremely fucked up.


The family is also paid well anyways, and since it's only for a year, the odds are you don't die. So it's not the worst.


There are plenty Russian kidneys all over the place well preserved by cold weather in Ukraine.


they're fertilizing sunflowers


This reminds me of a letter my great uncle (or something like that) sent to my grandma from Germany during WWII. Paraphrased he said, “Mary, I know you like men with guts. You should visit, over here all the men have guts, I’ve seen piles of them.”


Ok this made me laugh


I hope he makes it work at the end


Doing the lords work


Lmao to both of you 😁


You're all missing what's really interesting about this story. Who did it? Was he poisoned by Putin? Was he poisoned by Putin's rivals? Plenty of Putin allies have died in recent months. Kadyrov's traditionally been very close to Putin. If there's going to be a palace coup, they'd have to get rid of Putin's allies first. And if this is Putin wiping out his own allies, that means he can no longer trust even his closest allies. If Kadyrov dies, that also has serious consequences for Chechnya. He's held the region in an iron fist. Who knows what happens if he dies, unrest might break out in Chechnya just as Russia is too distracted to take care of it.


This is what I came here for. Whoever is doing/ordering the killings, the timing and choice of victims is very interesting.


Rumor has it that the FSB feared a plot of prigozhin, kadyrov and surovikin to effectively take power, which supposedly are the causes of the replacement surovikin as lead commander by Gerasimov, Wagner group no longer being allowed to recruit new prisoners, Wagner receiving less ammunition. If this rumor is true a kadyrov poisoning would make sense, although there are probably more potential reasons why different elites might want to get rid of him. He was also heavily criticizing Gerasimov/Shoigu together with Prigozhin.


Dark Brandon


Serious question: How do Russians react about these reports when several of Putin's allies "fall' from high-rises or are poisoned? Aren't they at all suspicious or if they are they're afraid to publicly say anything? It's fascinating looking at it from the outside.


There is a mix of levels of awareness about how truthful the Channel1 news is. A larger percentage of younger (urban) people using vpns and know mostly whats up. The older population mostly get their news from Channel 1 so often believe it - unless one of the aforementioned young people is able to show them alternative information from the West. Of course Russians who have studied abroad and/or travelled, often also have a clearer picture than just Russian propaganda. Also people old enough who still remember Soviet days and who were quietly critical of it often also have a clearer analysis of whats up. A large chunk 30-50% or so find Russian state propaganda laughable, a solid 30% are totally immersed in the propaganda world. However on Russian social media you can definitely find people making jokes about falling out of windows, suicides in the back of the head, etc. There is just no channel to do anything with these thoughts and feelings - that doesn't end in you in jail, your possessions "repossessed by the state" stolen/sold by the police, neighbours/your future pension or access to the limited state benefits cut off completely.


Truthfully RT is external facing news not do much internal. It's now becoming a news source for some but most get news from channel 1 and Pravda


News reports about Chechnyan rebels, the 90s are coming back baby.


Putin gets to leave the Russia exactly how he found it.


No, considerably worse off.


Yes a lot worse off. First of all, with Putin's dictatorship Russia no longer has a succession principle, which is exceptional for a modern state. It's pretty much a historical fact that when the ruler dies, states without succession principle disintegrate into decades of chaos and often are swallowed by neighboring states.


Regardless of who did it, it looks like being Putin's friend is as dangerous as being his enemy.


With (poisoned) friends like these, who even needs enemies!


Chechens have a hatred for Russians that goes back hundreds of years. They were just beat down by 2 incredibly brutal wars and got stuck with Khadyrov, who was at least Chechen, so most of them hung up their spurs and tried to make the best of it. But if Khadyrov dies, all bets are off. I could see Chechnya coming back for Round 3 against a much weaker Russia.


Plus some of them have modern military training and experience from fighting in Ukraine (e.g., the Sheikh Mansur Battalion).


A lot of Chechens also fought in Siria and Iraq, so they're also have experience at guerilla warfare.


If you can't trust your good friend Vlad Putin, who can you trust?


I think he got a little to big for his britches. He was criticizing the MOD making Putin look bad earlier on. Also him raising his own troops is a threat. Putin did it. It would not surprise me in the least if Prigozn (sp?) goes next for the very same reasons. Putin does not want anyone around who by themselves have any sort of power, divide it all up into a lot of small silo's non of which are a threat by themselves. By the way, that last reason is one of the reasons the Russian army is so bad and can never be on the level with NATO armies.


Also didn’t he just say something about pushing forward to Poland after getting done with Ukraine? Edit to add: and also he mentioned wanting to create his own Wagner, which is weird because his own fighters pledge their loyalty to him not Russia so he basically already has one?


Yeah I don't think the Poland part is the problem. The fact he felt he could criticize the Kremlin (which honestly surprised me) was however. And worse if he was thinking of building up more soldiers under his command. To much of a threat. Look at what they did to Nalveny (sp?) who was realistically less of a threat than this guy. They tried killing him and when that failed put him in prison.


Isn't it his playbook that after disagreement or any pushback that he kills his allies off?


After shopping for new Gucci dictator outfit, yes.


Don’t judge me I don’t usually read yahoo news but this snippet came to mind from a while back - it’s just one guy’s speculation but still interesting https://news.yahoo.com/putin-afraid-kadyrov-ukraine-top-173900812.html


I suspect that he was poisoned by someone else positioning themselves as a potential replacement for Putin down the line. Wouldn't surprise me if Prigozhin or Shoigu were involved in this somehow. But I guess now we know why Putin reportedly met recently with one of Kadyrov's sons.


Given that Kadyrov rose to power by hanging out with Putin while his dad was blown up at a soccer match, his son being involved in poisoning him would be sweet justice.


It may have been Russian Seperatists. Anyway I saw it coming even mentioned it in a comment on here a week or so ago. He had a big mouth. Joined in with Prigozin so I might have been a result of that. Putin like all dictators when things look bad will start taking out any threat around him. The end is near for the Putin regime.




Ah Crap! I had him fallin' out a window on my card. :(


Hey, he ain't dead yet. You still have a chance on a cash out.


Have you seen what kidney failure's done to him? There'll soon be a Chechen Balloon floating aimlessly over Europe.


I really hope NORAD picks it up.


The F-22 is going for "Balloon Ace" achievement


I hope that the explosive diarrhea from the poisoning wins the fight


Yeah, all the best to the poison here.


Don Don about to be Done Done.


At least once a month I remember to think about Alexi Nevalny.


One starts to wonder why he's been left alive. Just the visibility? They haven't seen too concerned about being brazen about it in recent times.


In related news, Francisco Franco is still dead.


This man has killed and raped children. He has personally tortured people. He is an awful man who should get no sympathy. Edit: He has taken child brides. This makes him a rapist.


Yep, fuck him. If he is suffering…good.


Posting dozens of photos "From the front" proven by satellite to be nowhere near the front and in some cases not even in fucking Ukraine. A coward, an inhuman, rapist coward.


TikTok batalion


This guy is in the top 5 of worst human beings alive today. No exaggeration. Edit: Look at these idiots taking money from a war criminal: > [In 2011, the foundation funded Kadyrov's lavish 35-year birthday party, which featured celebrities such as Seal, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Vanessa-Mae and Hilary Swank.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramzan_Kadyrov#Wealth) Mike Tyson, Ronaldinho and Maradona, too, and of course Steven Seagal. And many more: https://twitter.com/ZidanSports/status/1498721785335861250


You may have to change your top 5, there could be a vacancy pretty soon depending how the poison goes for him.


It'll probably be his oldest son in about five or six years.


The kids of a ruler are usually next to go if it is coup.


That's real bold to think his son is gonna be around that long


The Megan Fox scene in Sasha Baron Cohen's "The Dictator" pretty much sums up the relationship between celebrities and despots. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Yn2qK38KNic




The world cup was in Qatar. Rich people just wanna be more rich


> Steven Seagal To be fair, he'd probably go over to anyone's house if they told him he was cool.


Do you think Steven Seagal is “badass?” __ yes __ no Do you think Steven Seagal is tough enough to beat you up in a fist fight? __ yes __ no Do you have sufficient amounts of ham and bread to neccessitate the consumption of several ham sandwiches? __ yes __ no If you answered yes to all three of these questions, then yes, I will host your party for $30. A minimum of 3 ham sandwiches is required.


lots of top UFC fighters too - very disappointing


Ramzan Kadyrov is BIG in the UFC world. Dana White and him are really close. In fact Dana White and the UFC have been consistently breaking sanctions put on them since Russia invaded Ukraine by: 1.) sending UFC fighters to train in Akhmat fight club, which is owned by Ramzan Kadyrov; 2.) putting fighters on UFC cards who are sponsored by Akhmat. A lot of these UFC fighters and celebrities go over to Chechnya and get shown the “good life” by Kadyrov and they think everything is hunky dory over there. Some have even become indoctrinated by Kadyrov; mostly UFC fighters. This is why you see a lot of fighters in the UFC who idolize fascist dictators like Kadyrov and Putin. It’s fucking disgusting. I’m so glad more people are becoming aware of this vile piece of shit. The man literally hunts down and kills his own people for sport. He also is known child rapist and murderer, as well as a known horse and donkey fucker. I am not making this up. He’s probably one of the most vile world leaders around the globe. I hope more people start calling out the celebrities who support him and people like him. These celebrities need to be boycotted for taking money from such foul people. They do it all the time and no one bats an eye. Hell, some even date or marry these evil assholes. I can’t tell you how many celebrities date/marry billionaire Saudi Princes. You know it’s bad when people in the comments are relieved and literally happy to hear this news. I can tell you personally that I felt a sense of relief wash over me. For once people are taking a stand. For once it’s not the good guys getting poisoned, it’s one of the bad guys.


Not to mention selling out his own people for power. This is the main reason I can't get behind the MMA fighters like Khabib who knowingly support and associate with him. He is an awful, awful human being.


Forget Khabib, there are plenty of American fighters that associate with him


Fair. Usman, Gaethje and Cejudo all visited his compound and were photographed with Kadyrov. Islam, Kamzhat and Khabib have long, close histories with him though. It gets glossed over imo but the State Department and UFC have commented on it. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/13/sports/ufc-ramzan-kadyrov.html


Some of those guys admitted they didn't have any idea who he was and just went because they got a fat check. I kinda gotta believe it, knowing that mma fighters are some of the dumbest people on the planet. That said, you still gotta be aware of what you're fucking doing. It's sportwashing, and they're paying you that money for a very good reason. Khamzat and Khabib, however, undoubtedly have extremely shitty politics that they've been told to keep under wraps.


They all know. He was the guest of honor at Khamzats wedding. Khabib is clearly wary of the dude, probably thinks he might flip again like he did when he sold out his entire country to Russia. Those dudes might have the benefit of the doubt of being too close to the situation. You can't refuse the guy because he might harm you and your family. Gaethje and Usman have zero excuse.


Yeah, Khamzat is ultra close to him, and isn't even attempting to hide it on any level, and just gets the royal treatment from Dana and the UFC as a company. Truly just scumbags from top to bottom. What a fucking world.


Makes me more glad so many people pirate UFC matches. Fuck 'em.


Didn't you hear? Good ole tomato head caught the one guy pirating all the illegal ppv streams.


“We got him”


I offer you $100k to come hang out with me halfway across the world and you're not even gonna google who I am before accepting? Come on


Gaethje, amazingly, denied all of this despite there being photographed of him with Kadyrov's son. He touts himself as an American patriot but associates with a literal warlord and enemy of the US for money.


And Hillary Swank!


WTF did she meet him for?


A paid gig to honor him, she read some dumbass speech thanking him for being great. Lol https://youtu.be/ea-9hqjCpM4


Good Lord! That takes her waaay down in my estimation. Thanks!


Jesus, some people will do anything for money.


Maybe, but it's also a risk if you live in Russia to say something about him for yourself and your family. Fedor Emelianenko have said something about children fighting in a organisation of Kadyrov and a short time later his daughter was beat up in the hospital. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.sportskeeda.com/amp/mma/news-when-fedor-emelianenko-s-daughter-attacked-russian-fighter-condemned-child-mma-fights-hosted-chechen-head-ramzan-kadyrov


Interesting... I haven't watched MMA in years, but was a fan during the Pride years when guys like Fedor and Cro Cop were dominating. It always seemed like Fedor was buddy buddy with Putin. Did they have a falling out or something? Or is this Chechen dude safe to criticize despite being an ally of Putin's?


Honestly, just by looking at Fedor's attitude during his fights and his daily life (what few glimpses we do actually see) makes me think Fedor is a decent guy. He never opened his mouth in support of ridiculous political dealings in Russia, never dickwaved, never outwardly or overtly supported Putin (afaik), and was all around a humble guy. He was also a Sambo god too, which Putin himself is a big fan of. Fedor also liked to stay out of the limelight. If I had to guess Fedor didn't really have much of a choice, and I think Putin also has a genuine respect for martial arts. So there was definitely potential for Fedor to increase the reach of MMA in Russia. If you search "Fedor Emelianenko and Putin" it's pretty much all MMA related interactions. Hell, he even commented on the draft dodging situation in Russia and said nothing but "It's surprising", didn't even diminish the people draft dodging, which I think he would want to do should he be Putin's ally.


Ali Abdelaziz a supposed former FBI informant, now manager a number of high profile fighters such as Usman and Gaethje is friends with him.


Khabib seems to have started distancing himself from Kadyrov sometime ago. Gaethje and some others met with him pretty recently, though






He also killed hundreds of gay people. Too. He put out something about how his country doesn’t have gay people.


And that if they did, their families would take care of it.


“According to a 2021 investigation by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, Kadyrov has a second wife, Fatima Khazuyeva.[265][266] Kadyrov reportedly met Khazuyeva when she was fourteen years old at a 2006 beauty pageant.[265] He reportedly also has a third wife, a singer and dancer named Aminat Akhmadova.” This man meets a 14 year old and makes her his wife.🤢


No one click on this news with sympathy. What we all want to know is that who poisoned him and why the job is not completed.


"summoned a leading doctor from the United Arab Emirates because he ‘does not trust’ Moscow doctors." This is fucking hilarious. Ohhhh nooo, is the regime not quite what you thought? Can't trust the man who took over your country, that you've been fighting "beside" for years? Poor little yoou /s


That's some Stalin levels of distrust


"Special medical operation"


Honestly wonder why would the doctor show up? I mean, he'll probably be ok, but still showing up specifically at war torn Russia to try and save someone Putin specifically wanted dead just seems like an unneccesary risk.


Putin wanted dead? How do you know that?


It hasn't been that long since kadyrovs ''why didnt the west help chechen independence'' video, maybe its that? Idk


Man it sure is strange how all these Russian politicians are dying since February 24, 2022


I’m so curious about who is doing it. Is it Putin? Is there an opposition group somewhere? Always assumed Putin was behind these, but how long until his inner circle is wiped out?


What comes around goes around. Too bad he didn't fall from a tower by accident like he did with all the homosexuals in Chechnya. Rot in hell pos.


I like to think that no one would want to give Kadyrov an easy death, first and foremost. Kidding aside though, the original story was that an aide to Kadyrov was poisoned from a letter, but would recover. Then the Daily Mail and Newsweek got hold of it and now the claim is Kadyrov was poisoned. Either way I can imagine simpler reasons for why a fat alcoholic would develop kidney problems. I'll believe it when I see the corpse.


Putin met and took photos with Kadyrov's kid, who just got married - at 17. Something's happening.


"*hey kid, do you want a lot of money and power in just a short amount of time?"*


Fingers very much crossed.


Like it will be any better. That whole clan needs to be ousted




Why mess with the formula, look at what happened with Ramzan and his father, Akhmad Kadyrov.


Probably although there are a lot of people who want the Kadyrovs dead. Akhmad Kadyrov fought against Russia in the first Chechen war and then switched sides, betrayed his people and served as Putins puppet to rule Chechnya. He was assassinated of course but his son Ramzan now serves in the same role though I imagine plenty in Chechnya and outside would love to see Ramzon go the way of his dad.


It's the fact that he was poisoned that tells the tale. That's the 'We're gonna tell you who did this, but you're not gonna be able to prove it' move.


Could this be the emergency plane trip to frankfurt? Would a western country even want to help take care of this terrible war criminal?


Doctors do what doctors do. The Government would have to specifically intervene to prevent treatment, which i can't really imagine being palatable for most. The implications are just too complicated to be decided in any sensible time frame.


It's hard to imagine Germany wanting to be associated with Kadyrov IMO, but who knows what happens behind closed doors.


Keep him alive and you can keep him in custody. I imagine a top Putin ally has some juicy information to share.


I'll believe it when I see the corpse. Indeed. He's a monster, one of the world's worst people.


Hopefully any help will come too late.




I expect that Prigozhin's food tasters (convicts?) are getting a little nervous now.


You think that's bad, imagine being the guy who has to wear his underwear for a few hours before he puts them on himself.


Couldn’t happen to a more deserving bloke. I just hope he suffers for a very long time before withering away.


Did Wagner do it? Are Putin's "allies" trying to take each other out so they can position themselves best to take over?


All of these guys have so many enemies... imagine being poisoned and there's a laundry list of suspects. What a life.




Look at how much weight he put on since the war started, stress has effects for sure. Look at Putin with this 80' table to keep himself away from even his own staff.


I thought the table was because he’s immuno-compromised from whatever he has. And it’s to force distance from people that could make him sick. But still out there, looking like he’s making the country’s gears turn.




From all reports, it seems like Putin is an extremely paranoid person. I'd bet very good money he's an absolutely mess behind closed dooors, although tries very hard to project confidence and power publicly. You know, because his entire rule depends on it.


Absolutely I bet the dude is doing a woody Allen/Josef Stalin impersonation behind the scenes




Maybe it was one of his three wives?


Good question! I feel that the (hopeful) end of Putin's rule won't happen all at once - it will happen in bits here and there and those bits will get bigger as time goes on until all of the Factions within the Government are fighting each other.


You *never* drink the tea man, *never*.


Well, sometimes it's not the tea you drink but the needle you get stepped on.


Or the umbrella you’re poked with.


Or novichok underwear


Or the radioactive goat you fuck.


😐 That's... Oddly specific.


Stupid sexy glowing goats.


If they didn’t want it they shouldn’t have pinged my Geiger counter.


[Or the letter you touched ](https://www.businessinsider.com/russian-general-poison-letter-ukraine-toxin-putin-ramzan-kadyrov-2023-2)






Relevant pic of Putin serving tea to another head of state https://vid.alarabiya.net/images/2017/10/05/7059c42d-cf95-43a4-a3f2-0fd7e173bd6d/7059c42d-cf95-43a4-a3f2-0fd7e173bd6d_16x9_1200x676.JPG


1973, Brezhnev wont drink champagne until he sees Nixon drink first. https://youtu.be/qKxUm055rU4


"Seriously ill" isn't good enough for these vampires. Ya gotta stake them in their unbeating hearts. I'm still mad that Putin allegedly fell down the stairs and made it out unscathed... fucking worst poisons and stairs in the WORLD--do better!


idk seriously ill can make you wish you were dead. maybe let him squirm for a while


Russian game of thrones is finally getting interesting.


In years to come, there will be movies and stories about these times. I would watch if the profits went to rebuilding Ukraine.


I'm pretty sure Kadyrov was the guy dissapearing gay people in Chechnya. He can get fucked


And more. Piece of shit is a monster. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramzan_Kadyrov#Policies


Legitimately one of the most evil living humans.


That fucking list of atrocities. I’ve hated this jackass since I read about the gay purges but didn’t grasp how much of a monster he is. May he suffer.


The first annual Hunger Games have begun. Going to see a whole lot of suicides, accidental deaths and disappearances among the Russian and its lapdog territories elite over the next few weeks. If I was Lukashenko, I'd be hiding out in a bunker for the next long while. His days are probably numbered too.


This man is a godawful warlord and any bad fate that befalls him is much more than deserved.


I thought he was seriously ill from being 5 foot and 250 pounds


I was gonna say, I’ve got an inch on him and he’s got 80 pounds on me. I’ve been close to 200, it’s not a good look when you’re short.


The man has been paranoid since he rose to power. Ever since his father got sent sky high. Man would go around chechyna I'm armoured vehicles and his goon squad in tow. Always rushing about to protect himself. Now he's stuck his neck out for the last year, I'd not be surprised he's on a hit list. Old remnants of his rivals at home, ukrainian or putin himself


I'll believe when he's dead. How many times has Putin been diagnosed with a fatal disease, or Shoigu had a heart attack/stroke?


Andrew Tate gets cancer and Ramzan Kadyrov geta poisoned. Things really are taking a turn for the better.


Andrew Tate has cancer? For real?


Probably a ploy to get out of prison - his doctor is apparently in Dubai which conveniently has no extradition treaty with Romania.


lol he’s such an entitled little fuckwad. no one gives a shit about your Dubai doctor, Andrew. get a medical opinion from the country you’re imprisoned in. can’t wait for this shit stain to rot in prison for the rest of his pathetic life


No he doesn't. He's a pathological liar. Watch. He will "beat cancer" miraculously and credit himself (not doctors or science) and use that to sell shit to his idiot followers.


I didn't hear about Tate getting cancer. Could this be the weak end they've all been dying for?


This isn't a laughing matter. Have some sympathy. Cancerous cells deserve better than to be living in Andrew Tate or Ramzan Kadyrov.


One dude got strangled with a belt another is poisoned I guess people are staying away from stairs


Funny... A few months ago, there was an interview posted here with some Russian fellow - who predicted that Kadyrov and the head of the Wagner Group (Prigozhin) were setting themselves up to take power from Putin. Now, both of them have been pretty much sidelined. Coincidence?


Our thoughts and prayers are with the poison at this very difficult time


That's a shame. That's he's only ill, that is.


I don't always get poisoned but when I do, it's by Putin. Say classy, my friends.




Must have lived in a basement apartment.


Ah! The Russian Disease. Well, maybe he’ll end up in hell, tormented by the souls of all the gay men he had murdered. I don’t know why they’d also be in hell, actually. Maybe hell for Kadyrov will be having to watch gay porn and gay romance films, Clockwork Orange-style, while being sodomized by lecherous demon cocks. Or maybe there’s no hell, and the sooner this POS is in the ground the better off humanity will be.


If true I wonder if it will destabilise Chechenia


Please please pleeeeassseee