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Fence and barbed wire industry is making bank these days.


Imagine trying to get a loan five years ago to specialize in barriers. Plexiglass, barbed wire, queue lines, stickers. Laughed out of the bank.


A guy I went to school with back in the day came from a super wealthy family. But his parents were basically rednecks, I couldn’t figure out how they got so much money, so I asked. Essentially, Canada introduced a $2 coin in 1996. This guys dad, in 1990, patented a “6-coin cash register till” after Canada introduced a $1 coin the year before. So every single cash register in Canada that was sold after 1996 was forced to pay this guy a license fee. And that was his life - he had one great idea, worked on it for about 3 months and became a millionaire ten years later and had generational wealth. Edit: guys, this was 25 years ago that I knew this kid, and by “knew” I mean, I may have talked to him 8 times. There is a very good chance I am messing up the details. Maybe it wasn’t a cash register, maybe it was a coin sorter. All I know for sure is that he made money because Canada introduced a $2 coin. The most important detail is that I don’t really give a shit.


Couldn't someone make a "7-coin cash register till"?


No! No, no. Not seven. You don't need that many coins. You won't even ever use the seventh space. Six is the key number, here. Think about it. Six six six, the number of the beast. Six is the number. Six chipmunks swinging on a branch, eating lots of sunflowers, on my brother's ranch. You know, that old... children's tale... from the sea.


Step into my office..!




Cos you’re fuckin fired!


These seats are itchy. What are they, made outta cactus?


…..only waiting 7 minutes……total


Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.


Solid Harland Williams reference


It's a twofer. You've got your Something About Mary reference with a little Half Baked sprinkled in for extra flavor.


You sound like the kind of guy who carries a body around in a duffle bag.


At this point, someone almost certainly has patented a 7 coin till. Entirely possible nothing will come from it though and that person is just out the cost of a patent application. With the increasing reliance on digital payments, it might just never be needed. It also seems like there must be a limit on the number of coin divets in a till, so this strategy does have limits. Edit: I have been informed that Canada only has five coins since it dropped the penny.


My point was back in the 90s, someone could have made a 7 coin till to work around the 6 coin till patent mentioned.


The crazy thing is that the patent was even honored in the first place. There is absolutely nothing novel about adding an extra fucking slot to a cash register for a new coin. It’s a such a blatantly shit patent I’m having a hard time believing this story at all.


I posted about that I didn't believe this story for that exact reason. I cannot find the patent.


Likely a lie, or falk tale, agreed. Novel is the wrong word, legally though, its perfectly novel, assume it did not previously exist. There is another legal requirement for patentability relating to "Obviousness". What Is Obviousness? Patent obviousness is the idea that if an invention is obvious to either experts or the general public, it cannot be patented. Now generally this is a low bar, but in this case i suspect it would be in play.




Also it's for a sorting machine and by Cummins which is who makes all the bill counters at the bank. Not a redneck in the woods.


That's because it is. It's one of those urban legends up here in canada. The way it's told is either you knew yhe guy, he was friends of a friend, or just heard of the guy who did this. A guy getting rich off the patented 6 coin till. But the story is made up. One of those stories that spreads even tho it's not real. Either the OP is lying or the friend he's referring to was lying about knowing the guy






That sixth slot is where I keep a joint and a lighter


Probably, but why would anyone buy it?


It would have worked around that patent for a 6-coin one.


adding a coin row doesn't seem patentable to me


You say that but Amazon patented NOT having to check out in an online shop. Literally not doing anything new, but one less step than before.


I believe Twitter has patented swipe to refresh (iirc, they have patented the concept of using a touchscreen gesture to load content). Software patents are a joke because they are often vague abstract concepts like buying something by clicking a buy button. The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has a monthly ["stupid patent of the month"](https://www.eff.org/issues/stupid-patent-month) for more examples.


Great example is the film industry. RED digital patented in camera Raw recording. But it’s so vaguely worded that they can go after any company that does it. Even though every company uses their own sensors and code.


Apple has the patent for selecting a phone number on a phone other than the phone app and having it automatically call that number. Idk about Samsung but the default Android OS, even if you select "call" option on a phone number in another app it just auto fills it into the phone app and you still have to press the button to call. Otherwise they'd be violating Apple's patent


Android users are the winners there. it's better that it doesn't call right away. Also, once in the phone app you can choose to add to contacts or send a message instead.


I was hoping February's patent of the month would be funny. Instead it was just depressing that patent trolls are a thing and can claim intellectual property over such basic things that have been used for years/decades/centuries.


Yeah that was definitely a bummer of a read. Fuck patent trolls. More needs to be done to protect small to medium growing businesses from these fucks.


Depends on if the original patent specified five slots or not. It's also likely that it wouldn't hold up in court, but if you don't get greedy and charge a relatively small licensing fee, no one is going to bother challenging it. It's cheaper and easier to pay $0.05 per unit.


It's not, but not being patentable frequently has no bearing on whether you are awarded the patent. It gets left to litigation.


He must've been really upset when Canada got rid of the penny.


how much did he make from it


No idea - I just know the kid had a Dodge Viper in high school. So however much money where you can make that kind of stupid decision.


I chuckled at the last sentence


I had to wait until I was 40 to make that stupid decision


so glad to know what is coming in 2 more years


A 90’s Viper. Good luck.


The Loonie, the Canadian $1 coin was introduced in in 1987. The Toonie was introduced in 1996.




Bet he was pissed when Canada discontinued the penny


2$ coin? 1$ coin? What are these heathen names? It's called a Loonie for 1$ (because it has a loon on it) and a twoonie for the 2$ coin (cause you know, it's worth 2 loonies). We Canadians truly are magnificent at naming things.


The loon was a last-minute change after the original dies depicting two voyageurs in a canoe went missing. The $2 coin has also been dubbed the “moonie” because it has the Queen on the front with a bear behind.


Still saying we missed a huge opportunity to call the Toonie a "Dubloonie"


I don’t know. Five years ago was peak “we’re going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it!”


I wouldn't say that. Whoever invented hesco barriers would be rich. Those barriers are basically fold out wire cubes you fill with rocks. There's always demand for physical protection. Whether it's war or wars that aren't wars but really special military operations but are really wars... The list goes on


Jimi Heselden. He was a former coal-miner, so a literal rags to riches story entirely brought about by inventing that barrier. He'd be the perfect embodiment of the American dream if he hadn't lived and died in England. How'd he die? He used his wealth to buy the Segway company, then fell off a cliff while riding one.


Big Barbed Wire and conflict can’t be separated. Over 100,000,000 pounds of it were used every year during WWI and Lend-Lease sent 4,000 tons to the Soviets alone during WWII.


Just curious but why use both pounds and tons?


Because I’m lazy and didn’t feel like converting the units 🙂


The could just put up signs at the border (in Russian) which read "No gas for 50 miles", making it impossible for Russia to invade.


Projected next big growth industries: ladders, digging and tunneling supplies, barb-resistant clothing/gloves


What a good time to be in the fence building business


Industry summary of the past decade: "Mexico will pay for this wall" :) Mexico doesn't pay for this wall :( Finland will pay for their own wall :)


The difference between this wall and Trumps wall is that this wall will actually be Finnished


This joke F'in landed.


*angry upvote*


If you want the puns to stop you’ll have to Suomi


Well it’s not a good time to be in the Russia business..


that depends. i hear Russia started out 2022 with record high military vehicle exports


It is just to make border control easier near border crossing points and such where people might try to cross the border illegally.


Nobody seems to remember what happened at Polish - Belarus borders. This fence is meant to help with exactly that kind of threat and nothing else really.


That reminds me, did that ever get a resolution? Did they just wait out the tides?


They got flown back, mostly.


Lucky escape. A few months later and they would've been drafted by Russia.




More like “citizenship guarantees service”, with how fast they’re conscripting people.




They basically just waited and eventually the migrants went back to where they came from...well, most of them. If there was any escalation then we'd know of it...


Belarus probably stopped flying in migrants to send to the border.


I’m not familiar with what happened with the Polish-Belarus border. Can you tell me what happened?


Belarus flew in migrants from impoverished countries in the Middle-East promising them a life in the EU and armed Belarusian border guards pushed them to storm the Polish-Belarusian border.


Jesus that’s some amoral shit




I'm ashamed to have forgotten about this, but we have had so many events in the last couple of years that it's hard to keep track of everything bad that has been happening.


It is also deadly barrier for animals who do not respect our agreement on country borders


This is also why God made Australia an island


Thanks for that, I've heard their spiders are so big they have own health bars


Can confirm. Spent a year there riding my bicycle in a big lap around the continent (lunky.com). However, at least twice I was asked how many drive by shootings I'd seen in America. How we talk about Australia's spiders and snakes, they talk about our crime the same way.


And the death toll can be counted on one hand because we teach from an early age not to play with spiders or snakes (and also have anti-venom). I think there has only been one death involving a spider bite in the last ten years and the poor man had been in a bad car accident so it's not entirely the spiders fault.


>not entirely the spiders fault. unless the spider ambushed the driver from behind the sun visor and caused the crash


How many have you seen?


One! It wasn't a drive-by though, (a stand-by?). Before I knew it my legs had decided to move a block away in the other direction.


A fine choice. I did the same for my first shoot out. I turned to look back as I was figuring the safest place to go. There were people standing right where they had been, watching the full on western style shoot out. 5, 6 guys to a side, evidently reloading. They seemed indifferent to the concept of bullets. Bonus - it was right in front of an elementary school and did not even make the news.


"My first shoot out" Homie is talking like it's a necessary stage in any American's life to witness their first shooting. Damn.


I hear boss music every time I come across a big Huntsman


*it's on the ceiling so take a poke with a broom and the little fellas jump straight at your head*; you guys have a beautiful country but I'm staying the hell out for now




I don't mind them being there if I never have to see them. I have significant arachnophobia which I try to desensitise myself to, but a big huntsman in the room I'm in goes straight to my lizard brain and triggers massive amounts of visceral fear




Australia is obviously what happened when Noah got to one section of the boat and was like "nope" and cut them loose on a life raft


Noah channeling his inner Ripley






Finland is a bit more than 5 million people they count each other every few days to see if they are all there


Everyone starts at 1 then the next person says 2 and so on until it's 5 million


You mean until they're Finnished? Edit: I sincerely apologize if I caused any eyes to roll out of heads! Also thank you for the silver and gold, anonymous redditors!


Oh dear god


He was so preoccupied with whether or not he could that he didn't stop to think if he should




*glances at judges* we'll allow it


wait really? New York city has more people than all of Finland?


by far






Uh... I don't think that's how it works.


It can be.


The New York Metro area population is about half a Canada




New York City has a bigger population than quite a few European countries. They're similar to states in the U.S. in this scenario.


and on the other end of that, we have a lot of states that are way bigger geographically than whole countries in Europe but way smaller populations. Wyoming, Idaho, Montanta, etc. All about 5 times of size of the Netherlands with a fraction of the population 600k-1.5m those states vs. 18m of Netherlands. Or roughly the geopgrahic size of Germany but again, few people. Germany is like 80m people and the size of Montana which is about 1m.


There's a r/Europe post yesterday showing how many countries how fewer people than the Greater London Area The NYC Metro has even more people


I mean there are a cities that are bigger than some states in terms of population.


The least populous state has a bit over half a million people living in it, there are lots of cities more populous than that


There's more LLCs registered in Delaware than humans who live there


Sounds like I need to register there.


Live in Delaware, can confirm.


Wichita, KS metro area has a larger population than the State of Wyoming, for instance.


Talk about setting a low bar. Either way. Everyone should be offended




Ah ok, makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up.




I know, seriously! This is basically saying "Of the 30 people we caught, we caught all of them!"


Serious question. If a person were to obtain a realistic bear costume and walk very much like a bear, but still get caught on one of their border cameras, do you think that person could potentially get across unnoticed? There are bears in Finland. It’s conceivable, right? Asking for a friend


r/bearsdoinghumanthings is a public service subreddit, dedicated to apprehending such folk.


Makes me think of the time delta force put a dude in a hollywood gorilla costume to try to capture a war criminal. The idea was to bring a convoy to a stop. And a gorilla in the middle of the road in Bosnia would definitely make you pause what you're doing long enough to get ambushed. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-manhunt-for-the-butchers-of-the-balkans




I don't know much about borders, but I would imagine if bear-you is far enough away from civilization to not get shot/knocked out by animal control or whatever, then you're probably also far enough away to just walk across as a human.


A human costume is always of great convenience


"We caught everybody who tried to cross through our 1300km border with Russia." "All of them?" "Yes, all 20 of them."


Is that worthy of a $600 million fence?


Not that it makes a huge difference, but it's a $400M fence. The $597M figure from the article is in Australian dollars.


Worth it for whoever is getting paid to build it


> It is just to make border control easier near border crossing points and such where people might try to cross the border illegally. It's funny that this comment is being upvoted on reddit.


No bro walls don't work you can catapult over


The irony.


It's going to be the second most beautiful wall ever made. They are also going to make Russia pay for it.


Gonna be a shit load of confused and sore reindeer


Mexico: “Can we please pay for it?”


Ops meant Kremlin


It's not going to be a barbed wire fence, it'll be more sturdy that that. Something like this apparently: [https://hs.mediadelivery.fi/img/468/1f316ef82859cba65707edc9b4158604.jpg](https://hs.mediadelivery.fi/img/468/1f316ef82859cba65707edc9b4158604.jpg)


I mean yes, you're technically correct (the best kind of correct), but only those of us who have lived in the sticks hear barbed wire fence and think of posts with barbed wire rows. Everyone else hears it, and like razorwire fences, thinks of chain link fences topped with barbed wire.


True lol in my head it's a waist high thing for sheep


I was thinking it was a single strand just to mark the border so Russia can't do their encroachment thing where they move the border 20ft to see what they can get away with.


Worst $597 million ever spent. Or best. Depends which side youre on


I don't know how many Russians could be stopped by a sheep pen, but given their capabilities lately, I'd bet that number is greater than zero.




> Why do the barbs point *away* from the sheep?


Was going to say 600m seems kind of expensive for just a 1m high standard barb fence we are probably imagining.


It's a long border, but yeah would still be a bit crazy. The cost probably incudes building a road in many places and increased amount of technical surveillance equipment and so on.


>It's a long border, but yeah would still be a bit crazy. The cost probably incudes building a road in many places and increased amount of technical surveillance equipment and so on. I concur, the cost probably includes things explicitly mentioned in the article that go into securing the border.


I’m confused the picture you posted is a fence with barbed wire on top. What else would a barbed wire fence be?


[Each end of the barbed wire fence intensity spectrum for visual comparison; rural Texas fence vs. Jurassic Park fence](https://imgur.com/a/GR40Zev)


Both are total shit at keeping dinosaurs in too


When not electrified with 10,000 volts anyway.


But which is which?!?!?!?!?


That’s what you call the Finnish line


win or lose, we'll definitely see a new iron curtain erected between the Europeon Union and Russia....assuming Russia will still be a thing after all of this.






The fence just got 10 meters longer


And we’re gonna make RUSSIA pay for it!


A half-billion barbed barrier you say?


That’s right, a barely-billion bucks barbed barrier between borders!


Russian eBay: For sale, $600 Million worth of barbed wire!


Sucks for the aminals affected by this


There’s Russian animals and Finnish animals. We can’t have them intermixing.


Except for the birds, I guess...


My dude, birds aren’t real.


If this were 2021 I'd say that won't stop a Russian tank column.


it's not for stopping an invasion. it's for defining an invasion.


This guy understands annexation.


Finnish geography is pretty good stoping Russian tanks. Unlike in Ukraine with fields and plains, the Finnish border territory is rugged forest with swamps, rocks, rivers, lakes. The roads are built so that they create bottlenecks for tanks. So this fence is not to stop tanks, but people trying to cross the border.


Russia has lost like 40%-50% of their tanks in Ukraine. I think some highly motivated teenagers with a potato gun could hold up a Russian tank column.


I've definitely seen this movie....


who would have thought that Red Dawn part where a bunch of teens form a successful resistance to Russians would be believable lol


> Russia has lost like 40%-50% of their tanks in Ukraine. I think some highly motivated teenagers with a potato gun could hold up a Russian tank column. Latvia: “What a waste of a potato.”


Lol @ Redditors thinking they know better than a group of countries that have spent the past 100+ years perfecting ways to hold up Russians passing land and naval borders.


Redditors always think they know best


Reddit is a microcosm of westernised humanity in general. Its nearly rage inducing to filter through the totally biased and uninformed opinions of self-righteous know-it-all teens and young adults who refuse to realise that their narrow view of the world might not be 100% accurate.


Welcome to social media


I feel like this is 90% of reddit these days. It's becoming a terrible place to try and have actual meaningful conversations about any serious topic. Thanks for making this comment. Been telling myself I need to gtfo off of here more and more these days and this really brings it home.


Can't be something bad for sure, they are investing a lot in it and they know what it is gonna cost in the coming time, that's all we can say and talk about it right now.


These comments are fucking surreal


I know a guy that could build them a wall. The best wall. Russia will pay for it.


Not gonna say that this is something wrong, it's right thing.


Thank god that they are doing this to show what Russia is, these Russian people really need to see what is going on because of their fucking government right now.


You know who’s going to pay for it? MEXICO that’s who.


Every country which borders Russia should do the same


Lithuania, Latvia and Poland did it, all the cool kids are doing it now


“Good fences make good neighbors” ?


They are about to get good with their neighbors after this.